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Did you ever hear about that one girl that was almost murdered in her car one time on a road in some nondescript place. Turns out probably everyone did. We've spoken for a few weeks now about Urban Legends so it's time to settle in with a bev to talk about the stories we heard as kids that still reverberate around the world decades later for absolutely no reason.




I don't usually comment but this is too funny not to share. I'm one of your older patrons and every now and again I listen to Full of it with my 80 year old mother. She's super freaked out by the Corona bollocks and I often go round to her house and we sit together and listen together as it always makes her laugh. I can honestly say I've never heard her laugh as much as when you talked about the woman who shat on the sofa and blamed it on the dog. 😂😂😂😂😂 She was crying with laughter, it really tickled her. Once she calmed down and wiped away her tears, she turned to me and just said "stupid bitch" 😂 😂 😂 😂


I'd be interested to hear your take on the Challenger disaster. I won't forget the face of the mother of the teacher who was onboard at the time. The mix of horror and confusion the moment it happened as she processed what had just happend to her daughter. Shame Patreon didn't save my comment on the last Full of It post (mainly because of the time I spent thinking about what to type), I'll spare you most of it but as I know you've said before that you and Nova don't watch much, if any, telly, I asked if you had seen the drama that was on last week on ITV called Des. It was about the serial killer called Dennis Nilsen. Hadn't heard of him until recently only to find out he's one of the UK's most prolific killers.