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During our 2nd week of self-isolation, I inadvertently stumbled across the idea of actual isolated peoples in the form of uncontacted tribal groups. We sit down to discuss the isolated island of North Sentinel in the Bay of Bengal and the Sentinelese people who immediately kill outsiders that set foot on the beach.




Also a full of topic you could do incase you run out of things is all of the under water cities that have been found and all the weird creepy shite divers discover xxx


I have actually heard of this isolated group that you mentioned since I study anthropology, and I also saw that article about the prick that trespassed on the island. As far as fire use goes, it seems unlikely they wouldn’t know how to use or control fire given Homo erectus was able to do so at least 1 million years ago. Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthals) also utilized fire to make glue (birch tar), which they sometimes used to attach points to their weapons. Also because sea levels have not been static over time (bc there were ice ages in which the sea levels dropped), depending on when the group traveled to the island via boats or rafts over long periods of time by traveling along coastlines that might not exist today. So that might answer Nova’s question of where they came from.