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Welcome to all of our gorgeous new cultists, hope everyone's getting piSsEd. 

This is just a cute moment to tell everyone that we've been inundated with worried pharaohs who want their Secret Santa recipients to know that they may not receive their packages until January. Last year we had quite a few unboxing videos roll in in January so don't fret, just keep an eye on the mail. 

Also the first set of Archdruid and Cult Elders will be receiving their happy holiday artwork shitters from us over the coming week. Because there are quite a few of you now, these will also continue over into January but we're going to get to all of you eventually so hold tight.

From all of us at Novympia Heights, have an argument and judgement free Christmas and new year and just remember to tell them all to bugger off.

With love,

yer girls :)-- xxo



Love you both! Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to you both xxx


I know you don’t like it but Merry Christmas, have a good one! 😘


Merry Christmas to you both ❤️


Merriest of Christmases🎄to you xxx


Merry Christmas my lovelies, and a very happy new year xxxxx


Have a very merry Christmas you two. 🥂💞 may your Christmas be full of wine and all that cheer xx


Merry Christmas to both of you! 💕 even if you don’t enjoy it too much, I hope you both have a lovely day 😊xx




Merry Christmas, to you both! Hope you enjoy Christmas at the heights this year, and drink lots of wine 🍷🎅🎄🎁❤❤❤


Hope both of you get shitfaced, merry Christmas ❤️❤️

Ryan Walker

Merry Christmas!!! 🥳


Merry Christmas to the two Queens that make everything okay and sprinkle a little glitter to the dark corners of my world. I am so lucky I found you two, and I am more than happy to piss my money away:) Maybe next year I will summon the courage to join the Discord Chat - as long as people dont mind my geriatric ass. Merry Christmas to all of you and a big thankyou from Australia xx


Merry Christmas to the pair of you, thanks for filling my 2019 with laughter and joy 💘💘💘


Age is only a number. Were a mixed bunch here in the discord


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you both! The pair of you have made my year with your shenanigans and hilarity! <3