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Formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, this is a discussion surrounding the fascinating behaviours of a very small group of individuals; people who react to childhood trauma by taking imaginary friends to a whole other level.




Social media and tech is great - but it comes with a dark side too IMO. I actually fucking hate it, but my job means I have to use it >_>


Taking on accents without noticing it is a thing! I totally do it! When I visit my mates up north, I start talking in a Yorkshire accent, or if I meet an Aussie, I'll get a twang lol. I can't help it - I don't do it on purpose it just happens!


I’m with Nova I think it’s a load of shit. I DO however believe people who claim to have D.I.D do have something psychologically wrong with them though. It’s not normal behaviour to make something up like that and then try and maintain it in day to day life. So yeh it’s a grey area 🤷🏻‍♂️

Mark Hall

If its medically recognised the entire thing can’t be total shit, you could argue on an individual basis but a blanket statement like that is a dangerous mindset to have, I’m honestly surprised Nova thought so. A lot of people use this thinking to negate things like transgenderism despite it also being medically recognised for decades. My go to is just believe science. If they say it’s real it’s real, I’m no scientist so why should I know better, and I’m not needlessly hating on a community of people 🤷🏻‍♂️