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No, not the theme park (although that's a lovely idea) - the REAL animal kingdom is the focus of this week's meetcute! In continuation of our natural history series, let's take a pew with a lovely, frosty bev and talk all things spots, stripes and shetting on the rug. And it's also a big apology for my disgraceful, snorty voice which is not unlike a rhino.




Bit late due a hectic moving (and birthday!) week, so hopefully I managed to squeak this in before you recorded this week's auditory extravaganza! Tamanduas are objectively the best animal and I will hear no dissenting opinions! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Monotremes, like the Platypus are the most "primitive" mammal group alive today, having diverged from all other extant mammals in the Early Cretaceous, ~125 MYA. This was, as you would expect, before the development of placental "live birth". While they produce milk like all extant mammals, they do not have nipples, and simply secrete the milk from their pores. Only male platypi are venomous, as the females do not fully develop the sharp spurs or the venom gland. Interestingly, fossil evidence suggests these spurs were once common in early mammals, having been lost in most after they diverged from the Platypus family (Ornithorhynchoidea). The venom is extremely painful but not lethal to humans. - Axolotls do not live in the sea, they inhabit the limestone cave systems (cenote), which are part of the Chicxulub crater, the crater caused by the asteroid that caused the K-Pg Extinction and wiped out the dinosaurs. - If you're interested in documentaries on human evolution, I can strongly recommend two by Dr Alice Roberts (my idol): "The Great Human Journey", and "The Origins of Us". They're my all-time favourite documentaries, and while they're a bit old and outdated these days, they provide the perfect foundation for learning about human evolution! Both should be available on YouTube, BBC iPlayer and/or Dailymotion! - We evolved in a tropical savannah environment. Of course we have an in-built fear of arthropods, it was advantageous to be terrified of venomous spiders, scorpions, mosquitos, and the like. - Used to volunteer at a Wildlife Trust Reservoir and regularly got a face full of dragonflies driving around in a Gator. There were so many of them. - If you tried to hug a giraffe it will almost certainly kick you to death. Their kicks make those of horses look like a light slap. Lions will not normally hunt them because they're so dangerous. - In hunter-gatherer human societies it's fairly ubiquitous that (most) women gather while (most) men hunt. The women bring in the vast majority of the daily calories, while the men bring in the rare, but critical protein supply.


My favourite animal as a child was a dolphin and I do still find them cute but I’d say my favourite now is a red panda. I’ve been really enjoying this mini series of dinosaurs, extinction and the animal kingdom. It’s just so fascinating to me how many animals there are. Like you I dislike spiders. They literally make me feel physically unwell. Unfortunately for me my cats have a habit of bringing them in the flat. They don’t eat them, the little shits, they just play with them. Looking forward to the mythical creatures pod later tonight. I like the unicorn, but of a basic one but a classic I think.