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Hu Xinyu was a Chinese high school student who disappeared in October of 2022 from the most menacingly large boarding school you've ever seen in your life. Of the 119 CCTV cameras spread over the campus, none were able to capture his leaving the premises which would spark an absolute social media conspiracy frenzy in China. His disappearance would inspire an army of armchair detectives to look into the bizarre circumstances that shadowed the story - in a vein reminiscent of the case of Elisa Lam.

This pod contains a heavy discussion about suicide.

Nick Crowley video: https://youtu.be/51MkSH-P3MU?si=ZRa2sHb4cqjCOGdf&t=1164

Weibo page: https://www.whatsonweibo.com/what-happened-to-hu-xinyu-disappearance-and-death-of-15-year-old-student-attracts-widespread-attention-in-china/




Hi, first time commenter here! I'm a biomedical scientist and have studied haematology. The whole thing about the P blood type sounds like a conspiracy theorist not quite understanding it. The P blood group exists in all of us. It's 1 of the 36 recognised groups used for blood transfusions (ABO being the first one). Up until the study done we only knew about P1, P2, P1k, P2K and P. They've since found 9 people in China with a 6th type. Although it can cause transfusion reactions, especially in pregnancy, It wouldn't be important enough to kill someone over. Hope this makes sense, I'm on a night shift!

Liam Fearon

Hi Lymp, very rarely comment but have been listening for many years. Not related to this pod at all but am down my once yearly Arrival rabbit hole and just wanted to comment that what makes me so emotional about that movie is the idea that you live your life knowing that there will be amazing, beautiful moments but also extremely low moments and the idea that we still live through them, knowing that something beautiful may still come. I just think it’s so beautiful that while knowing how your life turns out and the upset it can cause that you still choose to live it. Sorry a ramble but I just wanted to say that