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The other day I watched a documentary that follows a couple of young women as they prepare for life as nuns. While I found it to be a fascinating watch, I also found myself frustrated, puzzled and highly amused since I'm not sure it's even entirely real. For this pod, I'm trying something that's proved popular in the past - I'll be watching the entire thing during the episode, providing audio commentary which offers more questions than answers.

You can watch the documentary here:





“WHAT IS IT YOU CUNT FACE??” This show is unique for me to listen to because (in English speaking countries) I associate devout Christianity to be very much an American thing. Though these nuns sound like much more kind and decent humans than many of the fundamentalists over here in the US. It was interesting to hear UK folks talking so “Jesus-y.” The accents did sound VERY American at several points. Hopefully that’s not too touchy of a comment!!

sam rooney

I was thinking of nuns on the run the entire time such a good movie