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So like I said, I started working on my comic again, since I found a decent map to work with-

The competition is a obstacle race as you can see in the pictures, a lot of random stuff to run from point A to point B. 

The first picture is the beginning point, from where Bessi is going to present the girls and the show starts.

2 3 and 4, is the first part of the race, you have a broken bridge, a spinning tree with spikes, a wall full of springpoles and a challeging a bit of everything part.

5 6 and 7, is the second part, we have a loop in the middle, some floating plataforms on the side and on the other side springs, slides, ropes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

and the last one is the finish line, it has some bounce springs to get extra points

The girl with the most amount of point by the end would be the winner. They get points in this way : 

1 Who gets to finish line first! (Getting to the finish line first will get you some points)

2 Skills! (Going through the hardest obstacles of the race will reward more points)

3 Viewer Enjoyment! (This is just a vote pool, so people can choose their fav girl)

4 Get the extra points! (There are some power ups that will add points to the girls)

5 Secret "Something" (Somewhere in this race there is something hidden, a big amount of points)

So yeah, I have been working on the map and the rules of the competition, since last year



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