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So I bought a cheap resin printer on christmas sale! If the fumes don't kill me, expect the occasional lewd print. Maybe I'll paint them. This was the first successful test print after a few failures. Its a learning curve ;)

The model is just under 10cm / 4 inches tall. I should be able to go to almost 6" though




Looks great!

Adux Relen

Wow! That’s awesome!


WOW!!! Amazing detail for that size of print even down to the vein detail and urethra, imagine just the detail you will get up to 6", you may even be able to add more vein and finer details. Also staggering the amount of lattice printing that has to go with the final printing process. He is almost perfect as is, I think when you do the 1st 6" one, it will be almost better to leave them unpainted, however, that one will see with the print result. I would love to get hold of one when you done a 6" and let us have a look. Otherwise, lovely to see this beautiful character of yours turning out to life so to speak.


yeah he has a lot of support nubs right now because I had to print him upside down. I am confident I could now do one in the correct orientation with less supports.


Should be interesting to see the outcome, I did notice the orientation of the print but realized there has to be a reason for that. It must have been a HUGE task to get rid of all those supports and smooth them down so one will not see where they have been.


Nice. It’s a great job


That's amazing. If you can get him bigger i would offer to buy a print off you! Would make a great decor for my desk.


Pity the 6" failed "a bit", but as they say, just keep on trying, he is to beautiful to give up on! What I forgot to ask, at what resolution does this resin printer print layers? I know that the REALLY expensive filament printers goes down to 50mikron or even thinner.


everything I have made so far is 50 microns, but 25 is also possible, just takes about twice as long then


Well you achieved excellent detail at that resolution, what I do notice is that the resin printer seems to have less "visible" print layers (looks more flowing/fluid from one to next) than the same resolution filament printer where one tends to notice the layers even at that fine resolution.