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You may or may not have noticed that art has been more or less a bit inconsistent these past 3-4 weeks, and I’ve been debating on whether or not to make some sort of announcement to clue you guys in on what’s happening. But I’ve decided that the situation calls for some transparency, so, here’s what’s happening:

I have decided to art full-time. Today was my last day at my irl job. And soon (likely this weekend), I will be moving places.

Theres been a lot stress and planning on my end, hence why my uploads have been a bit spotty, and will likely continue to be so for the next week or so, but what does this mean for you guys and patreon as a whole?

Well, once the dust has settled, I expect things to be much more consistent, and I plan on doing a lot more. I plan on really taking a look at everything and really fine tuning the tiers and their rewards, so that everything is much neater and nicer for you guys to consume. I plan on doing more regular comics (cause my track-record has sucked in that regard) and even might get around to making an upload schedule, so y’all know what to expect. Nothing is set in stone right now, but those are some of the plans going forward.

I also plan on doing MUCH more commissions and YCHs. And, if things go well, I may even start offering commission discounts for some of the higher tiers here, but I don’t want to over-promise or jump the gun. This whole transition is kind of scary and I don’t even know if it’s sustainable yet.

All that being said, what I really must say is; Thank You. If it weren’t for you guys supporting me and my stupid, kinky, horny doodles, none of this would even be a possibility, and I hope I can keep providing that sort of entertainment. And I hope you’ll stick with me as we move forward and figure things out.

But that’s all I had to say! You can expect your regularly scheduled smut back very soon! Thanks for listening! Thanks for being here! And thanks for the support!



Congrats! That's a big step, I'm excited for the stuff to come~


We’re here for you as always and like yeah 🥰🥰🥰