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I’ve been wanting to do a “son swap”-esque poll for ages now, but I dind’t have enough familial oc’s before. BUT NOW I DO! That’s partially why a lot of recent oc’s have been related. It’s also why it took longer to get this poll out this month than I normally would have liked. Redesigning Gordon, Connor, Ben and River into something more comfortable and familiar to me was a little harder than I had originally planned on, so, sorry for that…

With all that being said, lets skip the boring talk and get onto your choice of scenarios!

Scenario 1

The Parent Trap

Don/K.T. X Ben/River

Don’ts started to notice a trend with K.T. recently. He seem’s to be spending an awful lot of time with this silver-sable German Shepherd girl lately. River, Don thinks he remembers her name. Cute girl, nice too. K.T.’s had her over a lot, so Don’s gotten to meet and talk to her. Don just find’s the situation kinda odd. Though they never really talked about K.T.’s sexuality before, he could have swore that his son was gay… They could just be really good friends, but… the way they’ve been acting lately has Don really confused.

To make matters worse, she’s been spending the night every so often, and it seems to be getting more frequent. K.T. has also been going to stay the night at her place too. Not only that, but River must be getting rather comfortable around Don lately. He’s caught her walking around half-dressed, showering with the door open, talking to him more, and even has been sitting close enough for their legs to brush when the opportunity arises! If Don didn’t know any better, he’d say she was trying to make a move on him…

Pretty girls might not have an affect on K.T., but they certainly leave a lasting “impression” on Don…

Ben’s started to notice a trend with River recently. She seem’s to be spending an awful lot of time with this Scarlet Snake/Chinese Crocodile boy lately; Katy-er, K.T., he corrects himself. It’s not so strange for River to be hanging around some boy or another. She is cute, after all, so people are naturally drawn to her. But the strange part is how often she spends time with this K.T. kid. He’s nice and all, kinda quiet, respectful towards Ben, polite, but not really River’s type, historically. Ben thought she had more of a thing for the canine species, not reptilians…

To make things even more confusing, K.T..’s been spending the night a lot lately. Which is fine. River’s a big girl and can make her own choices… But K.T. seems to be making himself somewhat comfortable around the house. Or, more specifically, around Ben. He’ll offer to help Ben out with things River won‘t touch, like vehicle maintenance (apparently his dad is a mechanic), which is nice and all, but he’s certainly not shy about showing off some scales when the work gets too sweaty. That, in and of itself isn’t too strange, but it’s almost like K.T. is making a show out of it. Always making sure Ben is watching before he takes anything off. Almost like a strip-tease... and Ben is watching…

River might not have a thing for scales… but Ben just might…

Scenario 2

Fatherly Curiosity

Tim/Chris/Corban X Gordon/Connor

The Carvir’s and Wallice’s have been across-the-street neighbors for as long as either family can remember. Corban always saw Connor as the ‘cute boy across the street.’ Not necessarily crushing on him, he just always thought the marten looked nice and didn’t mind looking at him from time to time. They went to the same high school together, but didn’t actually really talk to each other until senior year. It wasn’t until they both graduated and found themselves in the same college that they actually became friends. Corban’s dad and pops seemed to like Connor a lot, but that was probably because Corban didn’t have a lot of friends to begin with to bring over and they were likely starting to get worried. Having a deaf son can make you worry like that. And on the flip side, Mr. and Mrs. Wallice seemed to like Corban just as much. He learned that Mr. Wallice was actually an English lit. professor at their university, and for some reason, this didn’t really surprise Corban. Gordon was a somewhat short, slightly pudgy around the midsection marten with slightly greying fur and glasses, and always dressed smartly. To Corban, he couldn’t imagine Mr. Wallice as anything but a college professor. On the surface, Mr. Wallice wasn’t particularly the most interesting specimen, but there was something specific about him that had Corban curious to know more...

It happened in passing, in fact, Corban wasn’t even sure he saw it right, but one day, while he was over at the Wallice house to play video games with Connor and talk superhero movies, he had left Connor’s room to run back to his house to pick up a game that he forgot to bring over. On his way back from grabbing the game, he passed Mr. Wallice’s slightly open room door and glanced inside without even thinking about it. For a brief second, before his brain could catch up to his eyes, it looked as though Mr. Wallice had three legs before things clicked into place and he realized what he just saw. Ever since then, Corban has been dying to get another look...

Connor, on the other hand, was in a similar state of curiosity for his friend‘s dads. Tim Carvir was a total hunk of a man, and his husband Chris Carvir was an absolute unit. Connor couldn’t help himself but fantasize about them regularly, especially when he catches Tim mowing the lawn across the street shirtless, or just so happens to see Chris in the buff through an open window. He’d like nothing more than to be between those two, smooshed between their glorious bodies, but how does one approach such a situation? He’s only really close with their son, Corban, and it’s not like Connor could ask him for help. “Hey, Corban, your dads are hot! Can you see if they wanna fuck me please?” No. That’s just too weird…

Although, he has noticed Corban’s increasing interest in Connor’s dad… Little looks here, a stare there… If he had to guess, Corban might have gotten a glimpse of his dads massive meat and is curious to see more. Connor can’t blame him; Gordon is hung. But it gives him an idea. If Connor is right about Corban’s newfound interest, then maybe they can work something out…

Scenario 3, (Not son-swap)

Date Night

Don/K.T. X Tim/Chris/Corban

Don’s not really big on dating anymore, despite how badly K.T. wants him to “put himself out there” to try and find someone. Truth is, he’s just not sure how to date anymore. Since he‘s a single father and had raised K.T. on his own, he’s sort of forgotten how to do that whole song and dance. But of course, that doesn’t stop K.T. from trying. His latest hare-brained scheme involves the poor Carvir family. Don’s familiar with the Carvir‘s since he and their son Corban are friends, but Don doesn’t really know how to talk to Tim and Chris. They don’t have much in common on the surface; Don’s a mechanic, Tim’s military, and Chris is a nurse. Don likes football, and Tim and Chris like hockey. The only thing Don can think of that they all have in common is that their sons are gay, and he thinks Tim might be bi, like himself. Not exactly the best conversation starter… “I can remember the first time K.T. brought a boy home-….” Don cringes at the thought of trying to navigate that conversation.

So K.T.’s plan is to have a double date with himself and Corban, and Don and the Carvir’s. Don says no, so of course that went in one ear-hole and out the other as K.T. informs him that they’re coming over for dinner tonight…

Forget being nervous about going out on a date, now he has to host one! Luckily, K.T. tells him not to worry, as he’s going to be making dinner and planning the night, so all Don as to do is just dress half-way decent and make an attempt at being social. “Just think of it as a barbecue!” K.T. had told him, and to his credit, that’s pretty much what it was. K.T. fired up the grill, cleaned out the pool, and even had a couple cases of beer ready (which confirmed Don’s suspicions about this whole situation being premeditated).

When the Carvir’s arrived, Don quickly found that he was worried about nothing. Turns out that Tim used to play football and still keeps track of the going-ons of the sport from time to time. Chris had apparently gone to the same high school as Don, and when he said that used to be a girl back then and went by the name Christine, Don remembered that name and got to catch up with him about the friends they kept, and the ones they grew apart from. Tim also went to the same high school, but it wasn’t until Don had already graduated as he was a couple years older.

Don finally relaxes after his 9th can on liquid-courage and actually starts to enjoy himself. After burgers (K.T. knew that they must be Corban’s favourite, given how excited the lil dog was about them) they retired to the deck around the pool. Tim and Corban were enjoying a roughhousing session, splashing around and getting everyone wet, while K.T. hung lazily on the edge of the pool to talk to Don and Chris, the only two who weren’t in the pool. Of course, that didn’t last long for Don. He’s a ‘gator and cant resist the call of the water for too long.

Perhaps it was the lightly chilly water, or maybe the beers were wearing off, but Don suddenly became very aware of how little everyone was wearing, particularly Tim, who was confident enough to wear a speedo instead of actual trunks. Chris was wearing trunks, but they were tight on his big thighs and left little to the imagination whenever he turned around and gave Don a nice view of his tail. And K.T. and Corban didn’t help with their cute butts.

Of course, Don couldn’t help but pitch a tent, which thankfully was covered by the deep water… though, not enough… Tim must have taken notice, because when he passed Don, his tail brushed the fabric tightened against his crotch. It was light enough that it could have been taken as an accidental touch, but the way Tim smirked told Don otherwise. Chris must of noticed the interaction, as he gave Don a knowing-wink.

Don, unsure of what to do with himself, looked over to K.T. for help, only to find that he and Corban had started grinding on each-other on the other side of the pool.

So… It wasn’t just Don who felt this way…



As always, pick the one you like most, and I hope you enjoy!

Poll will end on 4/23 @ 8p EST

And thank you so much for your support and participation!


Blais Bear

HOW DARE!! how dare you make us choose between those first two! 😭 Gonna have to give it to River tho. She's just too cute...


Gave a vote to River 🥰🥰🥰