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Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to provide a quick update so you're not left in the dark.

You may have noticed that the stories have been a bit delayed recently. I've been dealing with several challenges outside of this Patreon page, including issues related to my full-time job and family matters. These have affected my writing speed and effectiveness.

This week has been particularly tough, leading to a significant delay in this month's third-week story (four days so far, haha...) and the fourth-week story as well. I don't enjoy writing messages like this, but I believe it's better than keeping you all uninformed. I'd rather explain the delay than deliver stories that are late without any explanation, on time but with a significant drop in quality, or both late and subpar.

I need a bit more time to finish the third-week and fourth-week stories, so they might be posted on different days than usual, such as Friday or in the middle of the week like Wednesday or Thursday. Rest assured, I am committed to publishing both stories in February, even though they will be late.

I find writing messages like this challenging, as they can come across as a bunch of excuses for a performance decline that I didn't used to have a problem with. However, I hope you understand and can be patient with me during this time.

In the meantime, I will be posting a couple of sketches of Alex that I think you guys might enjoy having a look at, so keep an eye out for that!

Thank you for your understanding. 





Honestly with how much you already post, a couple late stories is no big deal. Better late and up to your standards, than rushed and... notsogood. As they say, quality over quantity. Also insert the overused quote about a rushed game being forever bad, or something~


Stuff happens Alex. Theirs nothing you need to apologize for or feel bad about. Your stories & art are top quality. However long they take, their worth it (: Hope things get sorted out soon!