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(A few other alts of this image are in the attachments at the bottom of the post! No pubes, nude, socks, etc.)

The smell of sweat, solder, and fried circuit boards was an interesting mixture; it was salty, sour, and a bit similar to the smell of chili being stir-fried in a wok on high heat with the way it burned your nostrils whenever you breathed it in. “The smell of innovation,” as Alex’s boss coined it. That arrogant fox thought he was the next Steve Jobs, like everyone in Silicon Valley. Sure, he had the turtleneck sweaters (which Alex approved of), the charisma to get people to pay attention to hour-long keynote presentations, and the charm of Leonardo DiCaprio during his Catch Me If You Can era; but he lacked vision, something the OG leader of the fruit cult had. But that’s why he created the job title “Visionary Officer”, to hire people to make him look as if he had any. 

The “Visionaries” as they were called were a mix of engineers, designers, marketers, and even artists, tasked with coming up with the next big thing for the tech company. While the company was founded as a vanity project of an arrogant and rich idiot, the people who made up its workforce were passionate and wanted to have a hand in changing the world. And they were very close to doing so, Alex just had to solder a few more things and fix a few more traces and it would be ready. 

The company was a consumer electronics company called Ballistec Industries, it produced and sold phones, tablets, computers, headphones, and more. You name it and Ballistec had it. Alex was one of the many talented engineers tasked with creating something so revolutionary that it would defy the laws of physics, space, and time. She and the rest of the visionaries present in the meeting held by the CEO that fateful day were left dumbfounded when they heard his demands. 

“What is up, what is up my VISIONARIES!” the fox clapped his hands together as the visionaries sat themselves down at the long meeting room table. He stood in front of a giant holographic display with the first slide of a prepared presentation ready to go. The meeting had been scheduled so last minute, that some of the visionaries were still chewing their lunches that they had to abandon to attend the meeting that was insisted as being mandatory. As the nearly two dozen eyes stared at the fox, he quickly did a headcount just to make sure everyone was present. 

“Ah, good, I don’t have to fire anyone.” He said softly under his breath. With an enthusiastic clap that startled everyone, he started his presentation. The presentation went on for hours, with the charismatic CEO treating it as if he were at his annual keynotes announcing a revolutionary new product to the masses. The majority of the presentation was filler and fluff, like something that he had prepared for investors to hype them up. Whenever there was investor hype in a presentation, it was a big indicator for some bullshit to come. 

“Basically, I need you guys to figure out how to make the portal gun from the Portal games a reality.” The fox said with a smile that spread from ear to ear as he arrived at the last slide of his presentation that had the deadline for the product plastered on it in big Impact font. 

“And I may have promised our investors that we would deliver it in by the end of Q1 2024.” The fox’s face morphed into that of cringe, with gritted teeth that he tried to force into a smile and all. 

The meeting room was silent for almost two minutes as the visionaries all stared at the CEO with a spectrum of emotions ranging from confusion to anger. But while all of the visionaries kept quiet and boiled in their disbelief over such a short deadline, Alex raised a single brow and scoffed.  

“That’s in less than six months.” The tigress furrowed her brows at her boss as if she were challenging his authority. She was known to do that to him a lot and he hated it. However, it was also one of the reasons why he kept her on; none of the other visionaries had the balls to question him and he respected her greatly for her big pair.

“Yes, Alex,” the fox was notorious for not knowing the names of his staff, but Alex, Alex was a name he remembered for a myriad of reasons. In addition to being one of the rare people who told him straight-up whenever he had an idiotic idea, she was also his hardest-working visionary and had been solely responsible for a few of the company’s bangers in recent years. The fox was fully expecting her to say what he knew the other visionaries were thinking; that what he was suggesting was ridiculous and impossible to do with such a short timeframe. He was ready to argue with her, as he often did. 

“Well, we better get to work then.” The tigress said with a smile as she turned in her chair to look at her fellow visionaries. After turning in her spinning office chair a few times and getting a good look at everyone in the room, she returned her gaze back to the CEO and winked. “Is that all, Nicholas?”

The other visionaries looked at Alex with confusion as she carelessly implied that what they were being asked to do was easy. But they stayed quiet and watched the interaction between the tigress and the fox play out. No one ever called the CEO by his full name, so when the tigress did so with such a condescending tone, people were wide-eyed and were left with their mouths open. 

Nick looked at Alex with an annoyed expression but since she wasn’t actually arguing with him, he smiled at her and clapped his hands together. “Great! Let’s get to work then, shall we?” With a dismissive wave to the table full of nerds, they all stood up and left the meeting room to return to their workstations. As Alex stood up from her chair, Nick approached her and grabbed her by the arm to stop her in her tracks. 

Alex raised her brows at her boss when he grabbed her arm and waited for him to tell her off. After the last of the other visionaries had left the room and the sliding doors closed behind them, Nick let go of the tigress’s arm. He pressed a button on his smartwatch that made the transparent glass walls of the meeting rooms opaque in an instant.

“You know only my mother calls me Nicholas, Alexandra,” Nick said with a chuckle. 

Alex smiled at her boss and nodded. “Oh, I know, and she’s quite the lovely lady, give her my regards, will you?” The tiger turned away from the fox and reached for the button on the glass sliding doors to let herself out. But Nick grabbed her by her arm again and stopped her. 

“You tell her yourself, at dinner tomorrow.” He ran his thumb over one of the stripes on Alex’s arm as he looked at her with a hopeful smile. Alex turned over her shoulder to look back at him and glanced down at his hand on her arm as he rubbed his thumb and raised a brow. She paused and stared at the sly fox’s thumb as it moved back and forth over her stripe for a few seconds before she returned her gaze to his and shook her head. 

“Can’t. My boss is a bit of a dickhead and tasked me with making something impossible, possible.” She chuckled. “And by gods, we can’t have lied to our investors, right? That’s like, a crime. Unless… You change the deadline and give me a raise?” the tigress waggled her eyebrows at him teasingly. 

Nick made his cringe face again, just like when he was doing his presentation earlier. He knew that promising his investors a timeline was a dumb thing to do, but if he hadn’t given them a timeline, they wouldn’t have wanted him to move forward with what essentially was a pipedream. But he had done worse and his team of visionaries were always able to deliver, even if it was at the expense of the company’s payroll being about 5x what it usually was with all the overtime billed. 

“Ah, right, shit…” Nick took his hand off of Alex’s arm and rubbed his brow with it. 

“And only my parents call me Alexandra,” Alex said in an almost spot-on impression of his voice as she reached for the button on the door that would un-fog the glass and let her out. With her fingertips just an inch away from the button, Alex stopped and turned to look at her boss again. 

“You know when you fog up the glass in here, it makes people more suspicious, and not less, right?” 

The tigress shook her head, chuckled, and pressed the button on the door to let herself out. The glass walls of the meeting room became transparent again


The tigress coughed as she inhaled the fumes from her soldering station. She probably should have been wearing a mask while she worked, as was company safety policy, but they were so uncomfortable and hard to breathe in. She was almost done, anyway, so a few minutes of solder fumes, smoke, and sweat most likely wasn’t going to hurt her. Alex wasn’t sure what time it was, but she was the only one still in the research and development lab that was located deep underground underneath the headquarters of the company. 

Ballistec Industries’ underground R&D lab, colloquially known as the “Ballsack” was built like a maximum-security prison; something you’d see in science fiction, with state-of-the-art security features that were designed to keep whatever was being worked on in there a secret. A bit overkill for a consumer electronics company most would say, but Ballistec also operated its weapons division from the same headquarters. While electronics that you can get at BestBuy were a profitable business, the real money was in weapons. 

The portal gun that the tigress and the other visionaries were tasked with creating was cool and it was practical in a bunch of different avenues, including as a weapon. There was nothing more profitable than war. 

‘Szzzzzzzzzz…’ the flux sizzled as the tigress worked her magic to replace the faulty capacitors that had blown when she last tried to power the portal gun on. Luckily, it was only a few capacitors that had overloaded and needed to be replaced. When the tigress first powered the thing on, she was half-expecting to fly backward through a wall like Marty McFly in the first Back to the Future. So, when all it did was smoke up and power off, she was weirdly a little bit disappointed.

Once the final capacitor had been soldered on, the tigress brushed her hands through her ponytail, leaned back in her chair, and sighed. The hard part was done, now all she had to do was put it all back together and test it again. She crossed her fingers and hoped that she got her power calculations right, but as an engineer with math as a weakness, she kept her hopes fairly grounded. 

After another sigh, as she glanced at the LED clock tucked away amongst the electronic scrap and junk on her workstation, the tigress pushed herself up and out of her chair, grabbed the circuit boards she had just finished working on, and walked over to the empty shell that was the disassembled portal gun. One of the hardest parts about building the portal gun to Nick’s specs wasn’t the fact that it would defy the known laws of physics, but that it all had to fit into the design from the Portal video games. The dimensions were a bitch to work with, but after four and a half months of sleep deprivation compensated by cans of Mango Loco Monster Energy and a million instant coffee pods that would make Swedish Climate Activist Greta Thunberg shit bricks, they figured out how to fit all the tech into the small usable space that it had. 

Alex carried the freshly soldered boards over to the opposite side of the room where the mostly empty shell of the portal gun sat on a sterile white workbench that she liked calling the “show bench”. It was the bench where prototypes crossed the lines from being non-functional into functional, the bench where she showed her work to her colleagues, the CEO, and the top investors who had enough security clearance to come down for a look at where their money was going; hence the nickname. 

The tiger very gently laid the boards down on the table. Since she was the only one in the lab, she ditched the pretentious lab coat for more cat-friendly loungewear; a loosely-fitting black tank top, no bra, and a pair of white thigh-high socks that did a great job keeping her legs nice and toasty in the temperature-controlled environment way too far below sea level. She was still technically dressed according to the company’s policy since the clothing she was wearing was standard-issue straight from the company. Although the decision for her to forgo bottoms was definitely in violation of a few HR rules. But no one was around, the few security cameras they had in the underground facility were only for the entrances and exits (to prevent leaks caused by unauthorized access to the networked camera system), and the cameras in the lab used for development video logs were voice activated and could only be controlled by those in the room. Plus, the company’s non-discrimination policy protected her from any actions taken against her for being from the bottomless district, (including practicing her culture) so she was safe. 

“Just have to do everything I did to take it apart, in reverse.” The tigress reached for the shell and put it in front of her. And after looking at all the parts, she reached for a tray with about a hundred screws neatly organized on it and her trusty screwdriver that looked older than she was. It was covered in scuffs and scratches but it worked just as good as the first day she got it. She then grabbed the first circuit board and wiggled it into the tight space that was the frame of the portal gun. It took her about a minute to get it in due to how tight it was, but once it was in, she smiled, grabbed the tiny screws that would secure it into place, and started screwing it in. 

It took the tigress around two hours to put the billion-dollar Humpty-Dumpty back together again as it was a very complex process that required a steady hand and a lot of patience. Alex had steady hands, plenty of it to go around, but patience was not something that she was particularly known for, especially since she felt that she was so close to getting it right, but felt so far from the finish line at the same time. With a final wipe of the sweat that had built up on her forehead with the back of her hand and her arm, the tigress let out a very satisfied sigh, placed her hands on her hips, and flicked her wrist to shake the sweat she had absorbed onto the floor. She then placed both of her hands on the worksurface and leaned over the assembled portal gun.

It was perfect, down to how flush the screws were in their respective holes. She smiled, proud of her work. But the smile only lasted until she realized that her hands were covered in grease and grime and that she had left black handprints on the otherwise perfectly pristine table. She pulled her hands back and grumbled. 

“God damn it.” She grumbled even louder to herself once she realized that she had some on her face from when she wiped her sweat, too. 


It was the moment of truth; it was time for the tigress to test out the portal gun to see if it worked. With her hands and face free from grease and grime, she walked back up to the table where the portal gun prototype sat all by itself and put her hands on the table again. She glanced to the side at the clock from earlier to see that it was just shy of 3 AM; she had about six hours before people would start showing up, and if they showed up and she was without any significant progress, she’d be met with condescending looks and remarks for days, if not weeks on end. The more Alex thought about it, the more she realized that everything was riding on this prototype working. If it didn’t work, she and the other visionaries would have less than a month to get it to, and while she had been under an immense amount of stress already, having less than a month was that President of the United States level of stress, grey hair sort of thing, and Alex did not want that. 

With a confident puff of her chest, the tigress looked up toward the ceiling and smiled. “Hey, Atlas?”

“Yes, Miss Marx?” replied a voice that sounded both robotic and not at the same time. Atlas was the AI assistant that Ballistec developed just to make the small tasks easier, especially when the visionaries usually had their hands full. 

“Record Prototype Test Log Six.” 

“Certainly, Miss Marx. Starting recording now.” 

“Visionary prototype testing log six, Alex Marx, employee code BL2883, testing the portal gun prototype. In the last log, the prototype malfunctioned on power-up. The issue was caused by insufficient capacitors, and has been solved.” The tigress reached over the table to flick the switch that was hidden behind a panel underneath the glass tube in the middle of the gun and hovered her finger over the touch-sensitive blue power button that sat on top of it. Alex touched the button and it immediately started glowing blue. What followed was a soft electronic whirr as the gun pulled juices from its battery and through some engineering and science magic, turned that electricity into teleportation technology. 

To say that Alex was nervous would have been an understatement; she felt like she was about to piss herself. She backed away from the gun slightly as the blue glow spread from the power button through the rest of the gun, filled up the glass tube in the middle, and traveled all the way to the front where the “barrel” was. She gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes as she watched the portal gun get to the point where it malfunctioned the last time that she tested it. Bracing for it to repeat itself and smoke up, the tigress was mighty surprised when the portal gun continued to glow blue and the claw machine-esque grabbers at the front wiggled as they too became powered. The electronic whirr slowly died down as the portal gun stabilized and was replaced by a light hum similar to the sound that lightsabers made in the Star Wars films. It was hard for the tigress to keep her excitement under wraps, this was the furthest progress she had made so far. But before she said anything to the log that was being recorded, she gave the portal gun a few more seconds of idle time just to be sure. 

“It appears the portal gun is stable upon power up. Moving on to test if the theoretical stuff works. Atlas, add a marker here. Call it “Successful Power-up”.” The tigress smiled wide and her tail swished around behind her as she approached the table again. This time, she reached for the portal gun, stuck her right arm into the hole in the back, and curled her fingers around the handle that was on the inside. She took a couple of deep breaths before she lifted it off the table. 


She already knew what they were going to have to do for the next prototype; shave off some of the weight. It was a heavy boy. But since Alex was a tiger, she had relatively no issue lifting and supporting it, but if they were going to mass market the product or sell it to nations at war, it would have to be much, much lighter. With the portal gun on her arm, the tigress turned to look at the full-length mirror that was conveniently placed against a cart full of tools and loose electrical wiring on the left side of the room. She stood in what she called her “action stance”, with her knees slightly bent, her arm with the portal gun up, and her other arm supporting it from underneath. She pointed the gun at the mirror, winked at herself, and giggled.

“This does look kind of cool.” The tigress smiled as she continued to pose in the mirror. “The design of the gun is almost identical to the inspiration from the video game Portal. Highly inefficient design, but with further optimizations closer to commercial availability, we should be able to make the assembly process a lot less tedious.” The tiger continued to provide commentary for the log recording as she pointed the portal gun in different directions and mimicked the movements that she remembered from the video game. As she was pretend-walking in place with the gun, she accidentally pulled on the trigger of the portal gun that was integrated into the grip that she was holding onto and a loud sound ripped through the lab. 


A large orb of light shot out of the gun at the speed of a tennis ball being shot out of a tennis ball machine and almost sent the tigress falling backward with its kick. A gush of wind blew in almost every direction and sent papers that were scattered around on tables flying all over the place. The tigress went wide-eyed and stumbled as she lost her footing. 

“Whoa!” Alex squeaked. Once she regained her footing, she froze, stared at the portal gun in her hands, and then turned to look at the mirror across from her again. 

The mirror was replaced with a large oval-shaped source of bright blue light, the same color as the blue that glowed from the gun. It was so bright, that it overpowered the fluorescent lighting of the lab quite a bit and made it look like the lights in the lab had gone off. 

The oval shape wasn’t motionless, either, as the blue glow swirled and sloshed around like the slush inside the clear window on a Slurpee machine. It was mesmerizing, almost hypnotic, and it would take the tigress a good minute before she was able to shake herself out of staring at it and realize what had just happened. 

“Holy guacamole.” 

The tigress slowly approached the glowing oval that had adhered itself to the mirror and lowered the portal gun down to free up her hand to reach for it. The sound of paper crumpling under her feet made her ears flicker as she got closer and closer to the “portal”. Once she got close enough to touch it, the tigress, with balls of steel, put her hand against it like it wasn’t potentially the most dangerous thing in the world. The fur on her hand stood up and reacted to the mysterious portal as she reached forward to touch it, the closer she got, the fluffier her hand became. There was a lot of static electricity coming from it, but when the tigress pressed her palm against it, it stopped against the glass of the mirror behind it, and her fur went back to normal. 

“Huh… So, there’s no void in-between space and time… Interesting.” the tigress chuckled. 

After a few more minutes of admiring the blue glow, the tigress turned around to look for another surface where she could shoot the exit portal onto and test once and for all if it worked or if it was just a pretty light gun. 

She lifted her arm up and aimed the now orange glowing portal gun at the glass sliding doors of the lab that was approximately 100 meters from where she stood. After aiming as best she could without any sort of sightline attachment, she tightened her grip around the handle and pulled the trigger. A giant orb of orange light shot out of the gun, flinging more paper and stationary across the lab before it landed on the sliding glass door and spread out into an oval again. This time, though, only the edges of the portal glowed orange and the inside of the portal showed the lab from the point of view of the other portal. The blue portal changed, too, and showed what the lab looked like from where the sliding glass doors were. The tigress looked into the blue portal, then into the orange one, and her jaw dropped. She waved at herself through the portals like a child waving at their reflection in a house of mirrors. The visibility and clarity of the portals were incredible, it was trippy, to look at herself from different angles. Like watching yourself on a security camera. 

“This is trippy… Atlas, add a marker here.” 

“Marker added; would you like to name it, Miss Marx?” 

Alex approached the blue portal on the mirror slowly as she thought of a name for the log marker. The closer she got to the portal, the more the blue light reflected and shined on her. Once she was just an inch away from walking through the portal, she turned around to look at one of the many cameras installed in the ceiling of the lab and smirked. 

“Name it “Look at this, Nick”.” 

The tigress then walked through the blue portal and came out of the orange portal on the opposite end of the lab. As she walked out, she looked left and right at her surroundings for a few seconds before she chuckled in disbelief. “Oh my god. I did it… I fucking did it… I FUCKING DID IT!!!!!!!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, which no one was able to hear since she was way deep underground.

Her mind started racing through the different ways she could test it and she got excited. As the smile on her face grew wider, she raised the portal gun up, draped it over her shoulder, and purred. She felt a shiver rush down her spine as an idea that was too good to pass up popped into her head. But before she could do it, she had to stop the visionary log recording. 

“Hey, Atlas. Stop log recording.” 

“Certainly, Miss Marx. I have stopped the recording; the video file will be stored locally on your work laptop.” 

“Thanks, Atlas. Now go into standby mode.” 

“But, Miss Marx, I am not supposed to go into standby mode with a visionary present in the lab.” 

“I said, go into standby mode, please.” 

“Very well, Miss Marx. You may wake me from standby mode using the control panel by the door.” 

With a sad beep, the AI assistant shut itself off and Alex grinned so wide that her cheeks pushed up to hide the dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep. “I’m going to have fun with you before you go to Nick.” The tigress cooed. 


Alex moved from the main floor of the lab to a smaller testing room. She played around with the portal on her way over to the room, too, by shooting the portals in strategic spots to make her walk over to the testing room just a little faster. She was having a lot of fun. She left a trail of flying paper wherever she went though, so that was another thing she had to work out on the next prototype. Less wind force.

The tigress pressed her hand into the handprint scanner next to the sliding door and let herself into one of the testing rooms. Inside, there was a sleeper chair that was surrounded by a wall of screens and computers. With an excited chirp as the door closed behind her, Alex turned on the computers, pulled up the diagnostics program that they used to log and record spikes in energy usage and wireless interference, pulled out a link cable from the computer, and plugged it into the diagnostics port at the back of the portal gun. Once it was connected and the computer recognized the prototype, a big green “Start Monitoring” button appeared on the main screen in front of Alex. She tapped the button on the screen and watched as lines of code ran over the screen like every Hollywood interpretation of a hacker, ever, except all the screens were blue and not green.

With the computer logging the portal gun’s data, the tigress then backed up a few steps until her butt bumped into the futuristic dentist’s chair behind her and climbed onto it. She swung her legs over the chair, let her tail slither under her legs and drape down the length of it, and leaned back into the curve of the chair to get herself nice and comfortable. Once she was comfortable, she fiddled with the portal gun to switch to one of the experimental modes that she had half-baked into it to make it better than its video game counterpart; the ability to shoot out free-standing portals. 

The switch to the new mode came with more electrical whirrs that lasted a few seconds before they subsided. Once it was ready, the tigress aimed the portal gun in front of her toward the end of the chair and fired the first portal. 


The oval shape appeared barely a foot from the gun and ended up being a little closer than Alex had intended it to be. And since it was solid without the second portal, Alex had to spread her legs and drape them off the side of her chair as she tilted the portal gun upward to shoot out the second one and link them together. She aimed the gun upward at around a 70-degree angle and fired.


The orange orb spread into an oval just two feet away and the tigress set the portal gun down on the small rollable table beside her. When she turned back to look at the portals she had created, she could see between her legs through them, and that’s when she realized that throughout the log recordings, she hadn’t been wearing pants. Her pussy was out, and due to how long she had been crunching on this project, sleeping in the lab, and going home only every handful of days, she hadn’t had time to do her intimate grooming. She had a full bush, unkempt and as messy as could be. After seeing her messy pubes, Alex quickly brought a hand down to her crotch and brushed downward to smooth out the unkempt hair, embarrassed by it, even though there was no one there to look at it. With a view of her own spread legs, a whole bunch of other ways that she could use the portals came to mind. She could probably shave her own pubes, cut her own hair, or hell, maybe even fuck herself if she put the portals at just the right angles. The different porn scenarios that fit into the “Thinking with Portals” theme came to mind, and while eating her own booty or her own pussy sounded nice, the original idea that popped into her head earlier was what she had set her mind to do, and she was going to do it. 

The tigress looked away from the portal that was angled in front of her face and at her sock-covered legs that she had spread and draped over to the side. She wiggled her toes in her socks for a few seconds before she reached for her toes and pulled on the warm cotton thigh-high bean protectors. She peeled her socks off of her feet, and the slightly elastic fabric slid from her with a slightly wet sound. 

‘Sllllllllllp.’ As her socks rolled off of her soft pink beans, a few drops of sweat were flung from her toes and onto the floor. Her thigh highs may have been a little bit too warm for her peets to build up that much sweat. She tossed her slightly damp socks to the ground and pulled her legs back up onto the chair. With her knees bent, her toes were just an inch away from being in the portal. 

Alex leaned her head back and looked up at the portal above her to see her toes just about to poke through. She wiggled them a few more times and smiled as she braced herself for what she was about to do. She was maybe a wee bit excited to put her own feet in her face. The tigress had seen many men and women enjoy her feet directly in their faces before and every single one of them became somewhat entranced and addicted to them. She was curious as to what they smelled and tasted like, especially after coming out of a pair of toasty socks that she had been in all day and night long. She bit her lip and watched her toes as she slowly pushed them closer and closer to the blue portal. 

As her toes dipped into the blue portal, a blue ripple formed around them, and they appeared out of the orange one, with matching orange ripples around them that got bigger the more the tigress pushed her feet in through. With her head leaned back the way that it was, her face was in the direct trajectory of her paws as they came out further and further through the portal. Alex sniffed in the direction of her feet as they came closer and closer to her face; she picked up sweat, musk, and even a hint of sweetness that reminded her of strawberries, along with the usual corn chip smell that those infatuated with beans were very familiar with. Her paws were a little smelly, but that was alright. Her nose wiggled and danced as she took in her own foot musk and she licked her lips as her pink beans and fluffy white toes inched closer and closer to her face. As her ankles went through the portal, suddenly, she felt an unexpected pull that caused her to slip.

Alex’s legs slid a whole two feet into the portal and caused the tigress to go wide-eyed for just a split second before she closed her eyes in a panic. As her bottom half slid further into the portal, both her feet slammed into her face and the tigress kicked herself in the head with a loud wet splat of her beans. 



The tigress flailed around after her feet landed square on her face, her struggle ending with her feet rubbing all over her face, nose, lips, and even her forehead. Once she realized what had happened was because she had completely forgotten to consider the effects of gravity, she pushed herself up on the chair just enough for her feet to pull away from her face and for her to regain her composure.

She was slightly dazed and confused even after her feet were removed from her face. With her foot musk spread all over her muzzle, her nose couldn’t stop wiggling, and her heart started to race faster and faster as she looked at her feet that hovered just out of reach. She started to understand now, why people liked her feet so much. After a deep breath, as she stared down her feet, the tigress lowered them slowly and steadily back toward her face again. This time, she staggered them, with her left paw taking the lead. As her left paw inched came closer to her, she tilted her muzzle upward and let her beans press right into it with her nose nestling comfortably in between her toes.

“Mhnnnrrff…” the tigress let out a soft moan as she dug her nose into the gap in between her toes and took a whiff. Her toes smelled so good to her that she opened her mouth up out of instinct and let her tongue slide out and lather all over her soft and squishy paw pads. Her taste muscle lapped up her sweat, her nose took in her scent, and she spread her toes out as the feeling of her tongue against them tickled her fancy just the way she liked it. The feeling was quite the unusual one, it felt like she was having her feet worshipped whilst she worshipped someone’s feet at the same time; just with fewer people involved.

Alex was a bit of a foot freak; paws, hooves, talons, you name it, and Alex has probably had it in her mouth. If you had asked her about it maybe a couple of years ago, she would have denied it profusely out of embarrassment and the stigma that came attached to it, but now? Here she was, using a world-changing technological advancement that she created, as a tool for her to enjoy her own paws the way that many others did. Not an investor-approved use of the billion-dollar prototype, but the investors were never going to find out were they?

Alex felt a little bit ashamed, indulging in herself like that, but the more she sniffed, licked, and suckled, the more aroused she became. She enjoyed her own smell, taste, and texture in an almost narcissistic way. It also didn’t help that she was rubbing her thighs together as she licked her paws, just to get a little friction going in between her legs and help move the pleasure train along. 


‘Slrrrrp, slrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp, slllllooooorrrp.’ 

The tigress moaned softly in between her licks and suckles; her tongue slid in and out of her mouth and wrapped around her toes over and over again as the claws on her other paw pushed out. She felt a shiver run down her spine as the pleasure from her self-paw worship overtook her and caused her eyelids to become heavy. She spread the toes of the paw on her own face and strings of sticky saliva stretched between her toes like latex glue leaking through popsicle sticks on a rushed grade school art project. Her spit was so thick and viscous that it probably could work as glue if a little bit of starch was added. 

With one of her paws thoroughly worshipped, the tigress reluctantly pulled her saliva-drenched paw away from her face. As she pulled it away, her thick strings of saliva stretched between her muzzle and her foot, reaching an impressive foot (haha) of distance before they fell to the effects of gravity and snapped free. She slowly reopened her eyes and looked at her paws like they were two guys at a party who she was making out with. With a purr and a grin, the tigress stuck her right foot further into the portal to bring the “clean” paw to her face and made out with it in much of the same way that she did the other. 

To say that the tigress got carried away would have been an understatement; she was lost in the taste, the scent, and the feel of her own feet. She suckled, licked, and worshipped herself so diligently that she forgot to keep track of the time. As she continued to lather her paws with her spit and sniff to her heart’s content, she was rudely interrupted by the sound of Atlas being woken up from standby mode. 


Alex went wide-eyed when the futuristic jingle reached her ears and immediately jumped in her seat. Her feet pushed forward into her face again, this time even harder than before, and in her panic, she fell into the portal completely, emerged through the orange portal above the chair, fell onto the chair, and then onto the floor with a loud thud. 


“Ow… Owie…” 

“Good morning, Miss Marx. I’m here to alert you that you have exceeded your overtime allowance. And, Mister Nicholas DaCosta our glorious founder and CEO is here.” Atlas said in his usual too robotic to be human, yet too human to be a robot voice. Alex could even hear him smirking as he announced that to her. Bastard.

Alex pushed herself up from the floor in even more of a panic once she heard that Nick was in the lab. She attempted to get up onto her feet, but with her paws covered in her own saliva, she slipped a few times. “You could have led with that, Atlas.” The striped feline grumbled and snarled at the AI voice assistant. She grabbed onto the chair that she had fallen from, pulled herself up, and quickly flicked the off switch on the portal gun. The portals that were in the air disappeared like pictures on a CRT television being turned off. After turning off the portal gun, Alex brushed her hands on her tank top and quickly grabbed her socks from the floor to put them back on. After clumsily hopping back into those thigh highs, she frantically searched for anything that she could use to cover her bushy pussy. She rummaged through the drawers that were in the room, but when she found nothing, she pleaded with Atlas for help. 

“Atlas! Stall Nick! Keep him busy while I find some pants.” 

“Certainly, Miss Marx.” 


As CEO of Ballistec Industries, Nicholas had to live that #CEOLife and participate in that #CEOGrindset on the daily. He woke up at 4 AM every day, worked out, ate weird cult-like health foods, had a skincare routine that was more complex than any of the Kardashians, and had a work ethic that had him in the office bright and early to make sure his company wasn’t being sued by its customers or running itself into the ground. While the work day at his company didn’t officially start until around 8-9 AM, Nick was at the office at 6 AM sharp, often before that. And today, as the clock ticked just past 5:59 AM, he rolled into the parking garage of his company’s headquarters in his fancy schmancy driverless car. 

The fox strolled into the building, through security, and jetted down the elevator with his low-fat non-dairy flat white in hand. He sipped his coffee slowly as he watched the number counter on the elevator go to the double-digit negatives. And once the elevator came to a stop at a floor labeled “SACK”, he let out a chuckle as he walked out of the elevator. He laughed every time he saw that; he was a bit of a child sometimes. 

Once he was in the Ballsack, he furrowed his brow when he noticed that his favorite AI voice assistant wasn’t there to greet him. With a confused look on his face, he walked over to the control panel and saw that Atlas had been manually set to standby mode. With a scan of his handprint, then his pupil, then a 6-digit passcode, he turned Atlas back on. As the AI assistant turned back on, Nick furrowed his brow as he looked around at the massive mess of papers that made it look like a windstorm had passed through the lab.

“What the hell?” he grumbled under his breath.


“Welcome to the Ballistec Research and Development Lab, Mister DaCosta, apologies for the delay in greeting you, sir. I was set to standby mode by Miss Marx.” Atlas said to Nick with a slight hint of shame in his tone. 

Nick furrowed his brow as he sipped his coffee and looked around. “Miss Marx?” the fox nodded his head as he looked at the papers scattered around the lab floor. The mess all started to make a little more sense now, “Is she still here?” he asked. 

“Yes, sir, she has gone over her overtime quota for this week, should I send her home?”

The fox in his turtleneck sweater and jeans shook his head. “No need, please do inform her though, I can tell her that she needs to get home and rest myself. Where is she in the lab, Atlas?” 

“In the testing rooms, sir,” Atlas responded. 

“Thanks, Atlas.” Nick nodded as if he were talking to a real person in front of him, sipped more of his coffee, and then continued walking through the floor of the R&D lab toward the testing rooms where the tigress was said to be. Once he was about a quarter of the way there, though, Atlas interrupted him. 

“Excuse me, Mister DaCosta. Do you have a moment to answer some questions that Times Magazine sent over for their profile on you? They missed a few questions and wanted to follow up and ask them through email, but they sent it to the company email instead of your personal inbox.” 

Nick stopped in his tracks and furrowed his brow. He thought about it for a moment but then shrugged his shoulders. It was Times Magazine, he was not going to say no. After a nod, he gestured his hands toward himself and said; “Hit me.” 


Alex had pants stashed around in several locations throughout the R&D lab just in case of emergencies like this one, but until now, she never really had to use them. And since her stash list was on her phone, which was not allowed down in the lab, she had to guess where she hid them. After rummaging through drawers, cabinets, refrigerators, and even potted plants, she finally found a pair of dolphin shorts that she hid behind the microwave in the mini-breakroom that no one ever used. With pants on, the tigress quickly ran to the testing room to grab the portal gun prototype and then ran back to the main area of the lab where her workstation was. As she zoomed off to her workstation, she saw Nick standing by himself in the hallway talking to Atlas. 

“My favorite sandwich place, hands down, and people are going to hate me for this, is Subway. I know, I know, controversial, but that fake tuna, allegedly, whatever it is, hits the spot every time, let me tell ya.” Nick smiled and sipped his coffee again. As he sipped his coffee, he spotted the tigress fast-walking with what looked like a portal gun from the Portal games in her arms. When he saw it, he got excited and chased after her. 

But man, was she fast. 

When Nick finally caught up to her, she was standing at the show bench, wiping the portal gun with a microfiber cloth. He walked in through the glass sliding doors and approached the tigress and the show bench with the look of a child walking into the LEGO store in New York City for the first time. His eyes were wide, his jaw agape, and his mouth frozen into an ‘O’ shape. He pointed at it as he approached and Alex met his gaze with a smile. 

“Is that…?” was all Nick was able to say as he arrived at the show bench and laid his eyes on the portal gun from his childhood up close. 

“The prototype, yeah.” Alex nodded as she wiped off the last bits of saliva that she had somehow gotten onto the gun during her panicked mishap. Once it was clean and shiny, she pulled away from it, put her hands on her hips, and looked at it proudly. “I was going to surprise you with it tomorrow, but I guess, it is technically tomorrow, now.” 

“Wait.” Nick furrowed his brows as he looked at the gun. He then turned to look at Alex with even wider eyes than before. “It WORKS?” 

Alex bit her lip and nodded. “Mhhmm, fully functional prototype.” The look of pride on Alex’s face spread all over, but the smile on her face was mostly due to seeing how Nick was reacting to the news. 

“You’re fucking incredible,” Nick said in a whispery voice as if he had just lost his voice. He turned his gaze back to the gun as his tail wagged behind him like a propeller on a seaplane. 

“Wait until you see what it can do that the one from the games can’t.” the tigress raised a brow at the fox and waggled it.

“Give me a demo?”

Alex nodded, grabbed the portal gun, put it on her arm, and powered it on. The blue glow spread through the gun as an electronic whirr echoed through the lab. 


The fox’s eyes went even wider once he saw it powered on. His jaw, nearly to the floor at this point, stayed that way as Alex leaned the gun against her shoulder like an action movie star posing for the poster. Alex watched as her boss remained in awe of her creation and couldn’t help but smirk all smug. “Ready?” she asked. 

Nicholas nodded. 

Alex pulled the gun off of her shoulder, held it with both hands and aimed it at the door on the other side of the lab. She turned to look at Nick to make sure that he was watching, gestured her head in the direction that she was aiming at, and fired. 


The look on Nick’s face was priceless. He knew he had to give Alex a raise at this point. And he knew that he had to at least try to get her to come over to have dinner with his folks. He had to. 

“You’ve just changed the world, Alex,” Nick said as he watched Alex shoot another portal right in front of them. As the portal faded to show the view of the lab from the POV of the other portal, Alex turned to look at the fox and nodded. 

“I know.”


Art by TotesFleisch8



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