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Egyptian cotton sheets really hit different; smooth, silky, with no real trace of where the threads were loomed together. It felt like you were sleeping on a cloud. The higher the thread count, the finer the grain; and the sheets that Kat had found herself in surely had to be in the thousands of threads. She didn’t want to leave the bed, but the sheets weren’t the only reason for that.

“Relax, Kat.” Said a voice so sultry and seductive from in front of her. “I won’t bite.” Kat was naked, vulnerable, and sprawled out on the bed of none other than Queen Alexandra herself. Her heart was racing in her chest and her breathing was far from calm, but when she looked at the tigress lying by her side with her face hovering just an inch away from her breasts, her breathing slowed and her heart rate came closer to idle.

Alex had her hand on Kat’s lower abdomen and could feel her pulse against her fingertips. She could also feel her breath blowing across her face as she stared into her seamstress’s beautiful baby-blue eyes. When she felt her pulse decrease, she smiled wide, and gently slid the hand on Kat’s lower abdomen even lower, toward her pussy. “There we go, just like that.”

The snow leopard didn’t know if it was the Egyptian cotton sheets that made her skin and fur extra sensitive, or if the tigress knew just exactly where on her body to touch to make the fur on her shoulders stand up. She looked down at her own body as the tiger’s hand slowly slid down her abdomen and crept closer and closer to the curve of her mound. She felt her soft fingertips brush gently against her clit and let out a cute little moan that caught the tigress’s attention.

“Heh. You like that, huh?” The tigress said as she turned to look at Kat. She brought her face closer to the snow leopard’s left breast, parted her lips, and let her tongue gently dangle out from her open maw. Her slicked muscle glided over Kat’s nipple and made her let out another cute moan. This time, though, her moan came with a sound that answered the tigress empress’s question. Purring.

After a few licks to Kat’s nipple, Alex pulled her tongue back into her mouth and smacked her lips.

“Tell me if you want me to stop.” She laid out the offer of backing out onto the table as she continued to slide her hand further and further down the purple cat’s nether regions. The tigress’s fingers slid over Kat’s pussy lips, with her index and middle fingers sliding in between them and scooping out what wetness she had already accumulated. When the tigress felt her fingers seep up her seamstress’s juices, she grinned.

Kat did her best to keep her moans as quiet as she possibly could but found it difficult to do so. Especially when the tigress slid her hand over her pussy and started rubbing her to get her wet.

“Hhhhnnnnf… N-No, Your Majesty… I don’t want you to stop.” Kat said through her moans as she curled her toes and involuntarily pushed the claws on her paws out.

“Just Alex is fine, for tonight.” The tiger smiled at Kat as she slowly sunk two fingers into her pussy and put her lips back around her tit. She curled her fingers after inserting them and made the snow leopard curl a bit, too.


Three Months Earlier

Working in the palace wasn’t something that Katyusha thought she would ever be doing; she had heard many a tale from those who worked under Her Majesty, the turnover rate was high, and there usually wasn’t a lot of pleasant things said about the Queen. Cruel, arrogant, inconsiderate, and mean were just a few words that were often tossed around by those formerly employed by the palace. And while Kat wasn’t one to judge people she had never met; she would be lying if she said she didn’t have a slightly negative perception of the woman who ruled with an iron fist.

Jobs within the palace walls paid well and came with a multitude of benefits such as room and board, uniforms, and best-in-class allowances for leaves of absence to name a few. When Kat got the letter offering her a position as Royal Seamstress, the snow leopard nervously stared at the soft yellow envelope and the royal seal pressed into molten wax. She was too afraid to open it, the fear of being rejected was high, but after two days of staring the letter down, she opened it up and read it. A smile slowly started to spread across her face as her eyes moved over every letter on the page. At the very bottom of the letter was a date, time, and place where Kat would have to show up if she were to accept the employment offer. The language in the letter was warm and inviting and just from reading it she felt valued and wanted. After reading the letter just once, her mind was made up, she was going to accept the job offer; the money was good, the benefits covered a lot of her needs, and she just so happened to be a pretty good seamstress, if she were to say so herself.

When the date and time on the letter came, Kat arrived at the back gates of the palace. With a small suitcase with her most important belongings, she stood at the gates and stared into the massive back gardens of the palace. When the time on her pocket watch read 8:00 AM, she approached the guard post in front of her and handed the letter that she received to the guard stationed inside it. After the lion gave it a thorough look and checked with his written schedule of expected events and routines that was in front of him, he handed the letter back to the snow leopard and pulled the lever that opened up the small door in the gate.

“Head in, go through the orchard, around the maze, and around the lake, you’ll find the back of the palace, there should be someone waiting for you there.” Said the lion.

Kat gave the guard a little nod and took the letter when it was handed back to her. She folded it, quickly stuffed it into her suitcase, and walked toward the open door in the gate as fast as she could in her corset and dress. As soon as she walked through the gate, it closed behind her. She stopped to look over her shoulder for a moment. She was nervous and admittedly a little scared. Maybe she shouldn’t have listened to the other townsfolk’s stories about Her Majesty. After about a minute, she took in a deep breath through her nose, turned her head to look ahead at the vast orchard, and continued walking.

So began her journey within the palace walls.


Her first few weeks were all about etiquette; how to behave, how to hold herself, how to speak to members of the royal family, when to speak, when not to speak, etcetera. It was a lot for the girl to take in, but by the end of it, her posture was perfect, her mannerisms on point, and she was by all accounts, ready to start working. She was stationed in the left wing of the palace, on the very same floor as Her Majesty’s quarters, in a room labeled “Fabrics”; a single room that was almost as large as her home outside of the palace walls, with walls of material organized by type and sorted by color in alphabetical order. The Royal Family pulled out all the stops when it came to equipment, too, with state-of-the-art sewing machines, looms, and needles that were always new and sharp enough to kill.

Katyusha’s job at the palace mostly involved repairing dresses, gowns, coats, and mantles. Occasionally she would be tasked with making a dress from scratch when the queen had to wear something new for some event. She never thought that she would ever get to interact directly with the queen, other than taking her measurements, but on the fifth day that she was stationed in her new workspace, the tigress walked in with torn undergarments in her hands for the snow leopard to repair.

After barging into the fabrics room with her mantle covering her like a cocoon, (which was quite unusual), the tigress approached the lone seamstress seated at the main sewing station with determination in her eyes and just a slight pep in her step. She stopped just shy of bumping her knees into the table. “Would you be so kind as to repair these for me?” the tigress asked with a smile and a slight tilt of her head as she handed her underwear over the large sewing station where the snow leopard was seated.

During Kat’s training, she was told not to speak until spoken to, and while she was being spoken to, she felt her tongue swell up from nervousness. All she could do was nod and bow silently after she took the cloth from the tiger.

“Thank you.” The tigress said with a smile as she watched the seamstress take her underwear. After thanking the snow leopard, Her Majesty stood there and stared at the purple lady for a few more seconds before she furrowed her brow. “You’re the new seamstress?” The tigress took a few steps closer to the snow leopard, placed her hands on the sewing station in front of her, and leaned in closer to her. As the royal tigress leaned closer, the red and velvety mantle that she had on her shoulders, swung around. Kat realized why she had it wrapped around her like that; she was naked under there.

Kat nodded again and tried her hardest to force her tongue to de-swell. And while it took a few seconds, she was eventually able to muster up more words than zero, by one, to be exact. “Yes,” she said. She went wide-eyed and panicked a little when she realized she had forgotten to use proper etiquette and quickly corrected herself, bringing her word count to three. “Your Majesty.” She added. Kat could feel her voice starting to shake as she said those two words. It didn’t help that the tigress’s green eyes were staring right into hers, either.

“So, it was you who made the gown I wore to King Dimitri’s ball, yes?” The Queen raised a singular inquisitive eyebrow. It may have been the snow leopard’s overthinking or fear of Her Majesty herself, but the way that the tigress said that to her made it appear like she was disgruntled. With an audible gulp, Kat nodded to Her Royal Highness and did her best to smile. “Yes, Your Majesty, I hope it was to your, and King Dimitri’s liking.” The purple cat bowed her head slightly, both as a gesture of respect for her and in fear.

She closed her eyes once her head was tilted down and she was staring at her work surface and awaited the scolding that she was sure would come. When it didn’t, all the royal tigress said was, “Who cares what that idiot thinks. He thinks he can try to win my hand in marriage and combine our lands together. Unfortunately for him, he’s not my type.” The tiger chuckled. “Marvelous job on the gown. The point was to make him drool like the dog he is, and he did.”

Kat opened her eyes and looked back up at her queen when she heard her praises. Her eyebrows raised slightly in surprise and she stared at Her Majesty like a puppy who had just been called a “good girl” for the very first time. All she could do was gawk as the tigress spoke, almost enthralled by her presence alone. The rumors that made her out to be a cold-hearted and mean queen had to have been false because all that Kat could see was her smiling at her and talking to her as an equal. But this was only her first time directly interacting with her, so maybe the mean-spiritedness would come later. First impressions were important, though. With a soft blush on her cheeks, Kat looked at the ripped garment in her hands before she looked at her boss again.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. I was hoping it would have that effect.” Kat couldn’t help but smile. She looked down at the cloth in her hands again and estimated how long it would take to repair it. After a few seconds of fabric math in her head, she looked to Her Majesty again, “I can have this garment repaired for you within the hour, Your Majesty.”

Queen Alex watched as the snow leopard seemed to enjoy her praise a little more than the other palace staff did. It made her smile even more. “Excellent.” The tigress said before she turned on her heels and started walking away from the seamstress. As she approached the arching doorway flanked by giant double swinging doors made from the highly impractical mixture of gold and marble, she stopped, tightened the wrap of her royal mantle around herself, and turned her head over her shoulder to look back at the snow leopard.

“Could you bring it up to my quarters once you’re finished?”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Kat said with another small bow of her head. She watched as the Queen smirked, turned her head, and walked out of her little fabric workshop. The snow leopard spent a few minutes smiling to herself once the queen had left the room. She had a weird feeling in her gut that spread all throughout her body, a sort of tingly feeling. Her Majesty was very nice to her so far. Those rumors were bullshit, she knew that for sure now.

All but one.


There had been many rumors that revolved around Queen Alex’s sexuality. After abolishing the Les Majeste law set in place by her grandfather (who was terrified of any criticism and dissidents), the rumors only spread further. But it was all word-of-mouth, a blessing of the period when photography hadn’t been invented yet. Kat had heard these rumors before, alongside those that painted a deep red portrait of the tigress ruler. She didn’t care much for the rumor, as the sexuality of her queen mattered a lot less than her ability to lead and protect her people, but her pants would be on fire if she said she didn’t listen whenever the occasional whisper about it floated her way. Gossip was mean, but sometimes being a little mean was fun.

Kat didn’t ever fully believe the rumors about the queen’s sexuality. They were just rumors, after all. That was until a full month into working at the palace, when she saw something that she wasn’t supposed to.

Kat wasn’t scheduled to work that day and had planned to go into town to see some friends. But as her luck would have it, she forgot a few gifts that she had sewn up for her friends in her fabric workshop. She made a quick pit stop to grab them, but just as she was about to take off, the large marble doors swung open so violently that the snow leopard instinctively ducked under her sewing station to hide.

Bursting through the door, was Her Majesty, Queen Alexandra, but she wasn’t alone. She was with someone else, and it seemed like they were in a panic with how fast they were moving into the fabric workshop. Kat thought that the palace might be under attack, but when she saw pieces of clothing fall to the floor around the two pairs of feet that she could see from under the sewing station, she went wide-eyed.

“Slow down, you’re going to rip my undergarments, again,” Alex said with a chuckle as she kicked her underwear off.

Heated breaths, kissing, and shuffling of clothing and armor echoed throughout the room as Queen Alex and one of her Royal Guards pulled pieces of clothing off of one another and pressed their lips together. It didn’t take long for them both to be rid of all their clothing, but by the time that happened, they were dangerously close to the sewing station in the middle of the room where Kat was hidden.

Kat heard and felt a loud thump above her as the tigress lifted her one and only female Royal guard off her feet and plopped her down on the table. After the thump, Kat let out a startled squeak and very quickly covered her mouth.



“Did you hear that?” the wolf guard whispered to the tigress who was just about to slide down onto her knees and dive between those loyal warrior thighs. The tigress raised her brows at her and looked around quickly before she brought her attention right back to her loyal guard in front of her. “No one is here, the seamstress has a few days off, and we have this naturally fabric-soundproofed room all to ourselves…” Alex said interspersed with kisses along the wolf’s abdomen.

The wolf let out a soft laugh but still looked nervous. She was sure that she heard something. But just as she was about to protest, the Queen pressed her nose right against her clit and dove her muzzle right into her muff. One hand held her leg, while the other traveled up her stomach to gently comb through her long, slightly unkempt fur.

The moans were loud, but as the tigress said, the room was practically soundproof. The sewing station wasn’t soundproof, though, and Kat heard everything. She kept as quiet as she could but cursed herself under her breath as she felt herself getting a little turned on.

“Hhhh.. Fuck.”


Art by NersaArt

Kat by IntentFeline



Armsmaster 19

I love this, can’t wait more of Kat and Alex! But… I wanna see the art of Queen Alex getting it on with her wolf guard :3