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Coming home from a vacation was never easy. Leaving behind the tropical paradise of the Caribbean for gloomy and rainy weather back home was like waking up from the best dream back to a dull reality. Not to mention that work, the good old 9-5, was waiting for the tigress the second that she passed through immigration under the big “Welcome Home” sign that tried to cheer up arriving passengers suffering from post-vacation depression. 

Alex did not want to leave the island paradise that she was on with her horse boyfriend. A part of her really wished for bad weather to come upon the sandy shores, at least bad enough weather that her flight would be delayed by at least a day or two. But since the island was in hurricane territory, thoughts like that were probably against the law or something.

Alex woke up mopey, was a little less mopey at the breakfast buffet, and then went back to being full-on mopey again when she was back in the bungalow packing up. She dragged her feet on the granite tile flooring of the bungalow as she moved from the wardrobe with her clothes in her arms to the mess of open suitcases that were sprawled on the giant double king-sized bed. Her mouth scrunched into a frown as she threw her bathing suits, pajamas, colorful summer t-shirts, and matching dolphin shorts into her suitcase. 

“All my bags are packed… I'm ready to go…” the tigress started singing as she threw more and more things into her luggage. She packed a few of Tashi’s things, too, while he scrubbed the sand out of his short fur in the shower. Swim trunks, button-up shirts, and a couple of jockstraps that Alex had hoped he would wear to the adult’s only beach during their stay. He got a little too shy about showing his butt and backed out of it in the end, and Alex wasn’t going to pressure him into it. She threw a blue one in, followed by a red one, and then a black one. She grabbed the last one from the pile, a green pair, her favorite of the horse’s junk wrappers, and held them in her hands. She gave them a good look and put her hand behind the part that wrapped around the package to simulate what it would look like with a bulge behind it. 

“Nice bulge you got there, Mister Gibson…” the tigress mimicked their hotel concierge’s voice as she tried her best to make her fist look as big as possible in the jockstrap. After about a minute of playing around with it, she tossed it into her horse boyfriend’s suitcase with the rest and went back to packing the remainder of their things. As she walked back to the closet, she wiped her hand under her nose out of habit as she felt a little itch above her lip. As she scratched under her nose, she caught a whiff of what was unmistakably her equine boyfriend’s dick. She went a little wide-eyed and stopped in her tracks as she was caught a little off-guard by it. After a couple of seconds of standing still, the tigress resumed her walk to the closet, but not before sniffing her hand one more time and grinning wider than the mouth of the Amazon River that led into the Atlantic. She grabbed more things to pack into her and her boyfriend’s bags, and once she was done, she scoured the room for things that she might have forgotten. Once she was sure that nothing would be left behind, she zipped up their bags and sat down on the bed next to them with her legs dangled off the side of the bed, kicking as she continued singing that John Denver song that she totally knew from the original and not a more popular cover version. 

“'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane. Don't know when I'll be back again. Oh, babe, I hate to go…”


Sand was a bitch to wash out of fur; no matter how many times the horse ran water through his fuzz, he could still feel a few grains that seemed to just appear out of nowhere. After what was around a 45-minute shower, the horse finally felt sand-free enough to turn off the water, step out of the shower, and dry himself off with what was the thickest and softest towel in existence, with incredible absorption ability, too. He was so tempted to walk out of the bathroom with all five towels in his arms and stuff them into their luggage. But fancy schmancy hotels like these always checked the rooms before you checked out, just to make sure you didn’t go on a fender bender and trash the room like dumb and spoiled rich folk often did.

After doing his best to dry the fur on his torso, his mane, and his fluffy hooves, Tashi stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and a smile on his face, happy that he had finally gotten rid of most if not all of the sand that would have bothered him so much that he probably would have tried to wash himself in the plane lavatory on the flight back home. He was still a little damp since all he did was towel-dry, and he looked super fluffed up like a fuzzy Clydesdale cotton ball. He clopped over to one of the many chairs in their hotel room that had his outfit for the flight home on it, but before he could make it to the chair, he stopped and gave his girlfriend a cute little smile. 

The tigress hopped off of the bed full of luggage as soon as she saw the equine emerge from the bathroom. She pitter-pattered her way over to him and went straight in for a hug, catching the horse a little bit by surprise. He tried to step away since he didn’t want her to get wet from his damp fur, but there was nothing he could do once the tiger had her stripey little arms wrapped around him and her face nuzzled into his chest. He looked down at her, smiled some more, and pressed his snoot up against her head for a mini smooch right in between her ears. The horse kept his nose pressed against his girlfriend’s head for a little longer than the smooch, breathing in her natural scent and the smell of her shampoo. After about a minute, he pulled away, looked at the bed, and raised his eyebrows in surprise at what he saw. 

“You packed for me too?” the equine furrowed his brow before he tilted his chin down to look at the tiger that clung to him again. 

“Mhmm,” Alex murmured a sound that was slightly muffled from her face being buried in the horse’s damp chest. He smelled like Irish Spring, and while the tigress was a much bigger fan of his natural body scent, Irish Spring was a pretty good second. She let out a refreshed sigh, pulled her face out of her boyfriend’s chest, and looked up at him with a mischievous smile. “We’re on a tight schedule, it’s recommended that you arrive at the airport at least three hours before the departure of an international flight.” She added. With her arms wrapped around the horse and her hands against his lower back, the tiger slowly moved them lower and lower until she had one of the horse’s muscularly thick ass cheeks in each hand. She gave his ass a firm squeeze through the towel that he had wrapped around his waist and waggled her eyebrows at him. The tigress didn’t just pack her boyfriend’s bags for him out of the kindness of her heart, after all. And with the firm squeeze to his ass, he figured out her motive pretty swiftly. 

The horse smiled back at the tigress with a coy one of his own and looped his big and strong arms around her. His hands went to her ass, too, and he recreated the squeezes that she gave him, although with how big his hands were, he inadvertently gave her hips a squeeze, too. 

One squeeze, two squeezes, three squeezes, and four; the tigress let out a giggle and stared into her boyfriend’s hypnotic green eyes. She slipped her hands around the horse’s waist toward his front and slid her fingers underneath his towel just enough to knock the fold that kept it around his waist loose. 

‘Thwp.’ Bingo.

The horse’s towel fell from his waist like the curtains hiding the main sets of a Broadway production and the tigress grabbed his balls and sheath and slowly rolled them in her hand to massage them.

Tashi let Alex do her thing, he wasn’t going to complain about her touching his dick; what, was he mad? When he felt her nimble fingers on his leathery sheath and sack, his hips bucked slightly and he let out a huff that he disguised as a regular horse snort. He looked down at his junk and the stripey hand that caressed and fondled it as he tried to remember the details of their flight. 

“Departure time is 3 PM… It’s 10 AM now…” the horse said in between snorts as his equine member slowly started to slither out from his sheath. The tigress’s talented hand coaxed it out like a snake handler luring a cobra out from a boot. “Thirty minutes to get from here to the airport… Hffff…”

Alex got as close to her horse boyfriend as she possibly could, pressed her body up against him, and continued to squeeze, roll, rub, and tug on his junk to get him hard. “That leaves us with… An hour and a half… That’s a lot of time for just packing and checking out…”

The horse seemed a little bit out of it, almost like he was trapped in a spell that clouded his judgment. He nodded to the tigress’s words and gave her ass a few more squeezes before he dug his fingers underneath the waistband of the tigress’s airport-fashion sweatpants and rubbed on her actual peach in search of her coochie. It wasn’t hard to find, since there was a little happy trail of pussy juice that led him right to it. He dipped his finger into the tigress’s honeypot and let out a soft moan as the warmth of her pussy juice surrounded his finger. “Mhhmm… And we’re already packed.” 

Alex let out a soft moan when the horse sunk one of his big fingers one-knuckle deep into her pussy. Her pussy had been wet ever since she accidentally sniffed her hand after packing her boyfriend’s dirty jocks into his luggage, and the wait for him to come out of the shower only made it worse. And now that he was touching her, the waterworks flowed even more. With a little shudder as the fur on her shoulder and arms stood up, the tigress looked up at her boyfriend and bit her lip.  The look on her face was that of need, a need that the horse understood too, now that his dick was almost fully erect in the tigress’s hand.

There was a moment of silence that lasted about 15 seconds as the tigress stared at the horse and the horse stared back at the tigress. After a quarter of a minute passed, the tigress grabbed the horse’s cheeks and hopped up to press her face into his. She kissed him aggressively and the horse caught the tigress as she hopped up and held her up by her ass and moved as quickly as he could toward the bed. 

Their luggage flew from the bed onto the floor one by one, and the horse set the tiger down on the bed and crawled onto it after her. He pulled her pants off, she pulled her shirt off, and the horse got to work eating her out like he was bobbing for apples at the town fair. 


The airport check-in line was incredibly long, for economy class passengers at least. As Alex and Tashi stood in line, they watched as the attendant behind the business and first-class check-in counter looked like they had the easiest job in the world. It took them about 20 minutes to get to their turn, and when the slightly annoyed-looking airline ground staff yelled out a disgruntled “Next!”, Alex and Tashi made their way to the counter with smiles on their faces. They put their checked luggage on the belt and watched as the lady put tags on the bags with their flight information on them, and usually it was only put one tag, so when Alex saw a second, golden tag on their luggage, she went wide-eyed. 

The grumpy zebra lady behind the counter saw the look on the tigress’s face after she put the tags on their bags and cracked a smile. Even the coldest of airline ground employees couldn’t help but smile whenever they surprise upgraded a passenger. 

“Looks like tis be yer lucky dei, you two.” The lady snickered as she continued clickity clacking on her computer to print the tigress and horse their boarding passes. The printer beeped and made the usual printing sounds, and once they were printed, she stood up from her seat, handed their tickets over the counter along with their passports, and circled the gate number on their tickets along with their seat numbers with a sharpie. 

“First Class for yer flight back home, dis here is da gate numbah, and here are ya seats, ya? You can also access da lounge right across from da gate while ya wait for departure. Priority bags, security, be sure to try da lemon mint drink once ya board too, ya? Enjoy your flight, sir, madame.”

The tigress and the Clydesdale turned to look at each other with a combination of confusion and excitement. They both had a bit of trouble understanding what the lady was saying but neither of them wanted to be the one to ask her to repeat herself, so they both just nodded to her, took their boarding passes with a smile, and tried their best to hold their excitement in until they were far enough away from the check-in lines so that any potential Karens waiting wouldn’t make a fuss about not being upgraded, too. 

Once they were out of eye and earshot of the pixie-cut people of entitlement, they squealed and jumped around like two kids who just scored coupons for free popsicles on the popsicle sticks of the ones they had just finished slurping on. 



It didn’t matter whether you flew first class or coach, jetlag was still a thing. However, the jetlag that the tigress and horse were experiencing may or may not have been influenced by the fact that they spent very little of the flight time sleeping since there was so much to eat, drink, and experience flying like they had money to burn. Once they were filled up with caviar, champagne, and fancy cheeses, the announcement of their descent to their destination airport played.

Once they landed, they very reluctantly left their comfortable seats, went through immigration, and waited at the baggage carousel for their luggage. The lady at the airport who got them upgraded wasn’t lying when she said their bags would have priority, either, as they were among the first pieces to appear through the tunnel and spill onto the belt.

The jetlag was hitting the both of them hard, and after they got their bags and hailed a taxi to take them home, the tigress and the horse fell asleep in the back of the car. Luckily, the taxi driver didn’t have anything nefarious in mind and just drove them to their destination.

“Hey, sir, ma’am,” the taxi driver said as he turned over his shoulder to look at his two passengers in the back, “We’re here.” He raised his voice a little to make sure that they would hear him through their jetlagged sleep. With a few blinks, yawns, and lazy stretches, they paid the fare, got out of the taxi, took their bags out of the boot, and very slowly walked into the apartment building. 

Tashi fumbled around in his wallet for his keycard to open up the door for a couple of seconds while Alex stood with her back up against the wall and her eyes closed. Once he found it, he unlocked the door to their apartment, tapped the tigress on her shoulder to wake her up, and then escorted her inside along with their bags. He shut the door behind him once they were inside, left the bags at the door, and let out a relieved sigh. “Home sweet home.” He said with a chuckle. 

Alex chuckled, too, “Yayyyy… I’m so sleepy…” she yawned and stretched her arms over her head lazily. As much as she wanted to sleep, she also wanted to get rid of the jetlag and readjust to their home timezone as quickly as possible. It was still daytime, and being so sleepy midday was going to be a big problem for her when she had to go back to work in a couple of days. After seeing the tiger yawn, the horse did too, but he didn’t stretch his arms over his head, instead, he tried covering his mouth with his hand.

“Me… Too…” he said, smacking his lips after his big yawn. As the two moved deeper into their apartment, they arrived in the living room where there was a very comfy and alluring couch waiting for them, the perfect spot for just a little nap. The perfect spot to let the jetlag take over for just a little bit longer. Alex could feel the muscles in her body aching for sleep, and boy did she really feel it. The closer she got to the couch, the more she wanted to just give in and flop down onto it. And with Tashi behind her, she was pretty sure that he would probably do the same, even if it was his idea that they should tough it out and stay awake for the remainder of the day to resync their internal clocks. With just a few feet left between her and the couch, the tigress decided that it was time for her to take a shower.

The tigress stopped in her tracks on the way to the couch, causing the horse to bump into her. She turned around and looked up at her horse boyfriend with a smile, “I’m going to shower… Then we can watch some TV together if you want? To make sure we don’t fall asleep until at least 7 PM.”

Tashi looked a little confused when he bumped into her, but when the tigress turned around to explain to him why she stopped and what her plan was, he nodded. He put his hands on her shoulders, leaned down to give her a kiss on her forehead, and snorted. “Okay, I’ll wait out here on the couch. If I am asleep when you get back please wake me up.” He chuckled. “But I will try not to sleep.” 

“Okay, great. I’ll be quick, I promise.” Alex said with a purr. She tip-toed up to plant a smooch on the horse’s chin before she ran off to the shower, or at least she thought she ran, in reality, it was more like a half-asleep half-awake semi-fast walk to the shower. 

Tashi watched as his girlfriend took off, and once she was out of his line of sight, he continued clopping toward the couch. Once he got himself comfortable, he turned on the TV and tried his HARDEST not to fall asleep. But one could only fight the sleepiness for so long. 



Tashi didn’t know how long he had been asleep. Hell, he didn’t even know when he fell asleep. The last thing that he remembered was turning the TV on to some YouTube video about the John F. Kennedy assassination and the rest was a blur. When he woke up, the video was paused at about a quarter of the way through, but he still had the TV remote in his hand so he could have accidentally paused it after he dozed off. 

“Hey there, sleepyhead,” Alex said with a chuckle as her boyfriend slowly opened his eyes up to meet hers. She stood in front of him slightly bent down with her hands on her knees as she looked at him. She was dressed in one of her nightgowns, a red one, along with a matching set of red bra and panties underneath. 

Tashi opened his eyes up slowly to see his girlfriend dressed in sexy attire in front of him. His eyes wandered as his brain slowly woke up from slumber, eyeing her legs, her chest, and that freshly shampooed and dried hair of hers. He could smell the green apple shampoo from where he was sitting and that alone made him drool. Who could blame him though? Apples were an equine’s best friend. 

“Hey, hey, how long was I asleep? And why are you wearing that?” The horse rubbed the back of his head a little as he tried to get his eyes to look anywhere but the tigress’s pushed-up bosom. It was difficult, and even though he knew the tigress didn’t mind, he wanted to be polite and maintain eye contact with her while they spoke.  

Alex knew exactly what she was doing by wearing that; she had the horse’s eyes exactly where she wanted them to be, polite or not. “A little over an hour.” The striped feline murmured and bit her lip. “Well, I was thinking… Maybe we could have a little bit of fun to celebrate being home? Plus, we have to stay awake for a few more hours to beat the jetlag.” 

The tigress took a few steps closer to the horse on the couch, put her finger on his chin to lift it up, and pressed her lips into his. She closed her eyes as she kissed her boyfriend. When she pulled away from the kiss, she saw that her horse boyfriend had his eyes closed, too, although they stayed closed a little bit longer even after the kiss broke. The tigress cupped the equine’s cheek and gave him a couple of light baps to get him to open his eyes up again. “Hey, hey, hey, don’t fall asleep on me now.” 

Tashi murmured as he felt the light baps on his cheeks and opened his eyes back up to look at Alex again. “Sorry, smeepy smeepy horsey….” He chuckled. Alex ran a hand through her boyfriend’s mane, planted a kiss on his giant horse nose, and grinned. She cupped her boyfriend’s cheek again and rubbed her nose into his as a scarily menacing grin spread across her face.

Tashi looked at her with a raised brow at first, but then that raised brow turned into a furrowed one the longer he looked at her evil kitty cat grin. 


Alex let out a relaxed sigh as she leaned back against the soft cushions of the couch in their living room. It was no fancy schmancy couch with an oceanfront view like the one on the patio of their luxury Caribbean bungalow, but it was the couch where the tigress had spent countless hours lazing about and watching TV, so it had a very special place in her heart. But she was the only one on the couch now. With her legs crossed and her eyes looking directly forward toward the TV, the tigress tilted her head to the side and watched as her horse boyfriend peeled his shirt off and clopped his way toward her. Whatever it was that was playing on the TV behind him very quickly faded into the background as her hunky hottie horse approached her and knelt down in front of her like a loyal little steed ready to be mounted and ridden into battle. 

Tashi smiled at his girlfriend as he knelt down in front of her, his eyes stayed on her eyes for a few seconds before they started to wander. His eyes fell on her breasts, then to her stomach, and finally her incredibly sexy stripey legs. As his eyes went lower and lower, almost down to her feet, the horse was stopped by a perfectly placed paw on his snout. His eyes stopped traveling downward, he looked up at his girlfriend and took a big sniff of the paw on his face. It smelled soapy and fresh, and even though the tigress just showered, there was somehow still sand in between her beans from the beach vacation that ended more than a day ago now. His nostrils flared over and over as he sniffed her foot, and after a minute of sneefs, he noticed the grin on the tigress’s face and raised a curious eyebrow. 

“What’s that look for?” Tashi asked with a smile as he raised the tigress’s leg up and placed one hand underneath her calf and another on her paw to hold it in place against his face.

The tigress shrugged her shoulders and looked off to the side toward the kitchen for a few seconds before she turned her gaze back to her boyfriend and wiggled her toes in his face. Her soft pink beans squished against Tashi’s face as she wiggled them. “Nothing, just enjoying the view of a cute horse with a paw in his face.” The tigress raised a brow at him before she bit her lip as another idea floated into her head. 

“Could you help me get the sand out of my toes?” the tigress asked. 

After taking another sniff of the tigress’s foot, Tashi locked his green gaze with hers and grinned. He watched her as he slowly let his thick horse tongue out from his mouth and dragged it all over the big bean on Alex’s footpaw. He flicked and dragged his tongue over the tigress’s warm beans, cleaned her foot of Caribbean sand, and covered it in his thick and shiny spit, all while getting a taste of the tigress’s succulent paw in the process. He dragged his tongue all the way from the bottom of her sole to the tip of her toes where her claws were, flicked it at the end, and then went back in for some more. His tail waved around him and brushed over the floor and he happily licked over and over and over again until the tigress’s paw was completely free from sand. He didn’t stop though, and continued to worship her paw more and more. 

Alex purred as she watched her boyfriend worship her. There were very few things that compared to being worshipped like that. Whether it was having her pussy, paws, or ass worshipped, the tigress almost always had a good time. The way her boyfriend’s tongue so thoroughly lapped her toes and in between each individual bean made her pussy wet. And after seeing the horse work his tongue magic on her feet, she wanted that dirty muscle elsewhere, stat. With a little huff of an exhale, the tigress leaned forward and pulled her paws away from her boyfriend. With her paws hovering in the air, she placed her hands on the horse’s head, and without any words, pushed him down toward her pussy and draped her legs over his shoulders to lock him in place. 

Tashi went wide-eyed at first, but once he realized what the tigress was shoving him into, he happily obliged and went along with it. With his face shoved into her muff, he skillfully used his teeth to push her panties off to the side and got to work with his magical tongue. Alex’s legs tightened around Tashi’s shoulders and the back of his head and she let out a very loud moan as she sunk deeper into the cushions and Tashi sunk deeper into her. 

“Hhhooooh fuck…” 

Pussy was good for jetlag, Alex heard.

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Tashi by TashiGibson 

Art by Nelly63 



Reptiles of Lustria

Delicious. Love Alex's paws! Mmmm mm! I know which story is getting my vote this month!