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Alex and Jackie were pretty good friends; they watched movies together, went on hikes together, and even talked about their mutual friend Charlie over cups of coffee together. Having met because the sheep stuck his dick in their mutual mouse friend, their friendship blossomed over their shared enjoyment of knocking boots with the rodent. There were a few things that the tigress didn’t like about the sheep, though. For one, he was adamant that cucumbers were a good vegetable. But other than that, he was a solid dude, 10/10.

The tigress and the sheep shared the same gym, too, so they hung out a lot even when their mutual friend wasn’t present. They ran side-by-side on the treadmills while watching trashy reality TV shows, boxed each other in the ring, and even spotted each other when it was bench press day. Today was bench press day for Jackie, but it was boxing day for Alex, so after putting a few punches to the cucumber-enjoyer’s jaw, the tigress stood next to the sheep as he pushed his arms to the limit of what they could lift. 

“Hhhhnnnnrrrruruuuooooghhhmmrrpp…” the sheep let out a grunt as he pushed the bar holding the weights up and down above his chest. He may have bitten off a little more than he could chew by adding a few more extra weights to the bar than what the recommended increments were. His arms were as tense as they could be, with veins bulging through his skin and fur. Sweat beads formed on his forehead as his mouth and face morphed into a bunch of different expressions that ranged from panic to frustration, to determination, then back around again in a loop. 

He held the bar up and counted to ten in his head. By the time he got to six, he started counting a little faster as his arms started to wobble. Once that started, he pushed the bar up, quickly put it back on the hooks, and let out a massive grunt. 

“Hhhhoooowahhhh… Fuck.” Jackie sighed as he let go of the metal bar that he had his fingers wrapped around and wiped the sweat that had built up on his forehead. He turned to the tigress who was standing to the side of him watching him with a cocky smile spread across her face. When the sheep‘s brown eyes met with the tiger’s green ones, she started chuckling. 

“I told you that you weren’t going to be able the lift that,” Alex chuckled a little more and offered her friend a hand to pull him upright. Jackie gave her the stink eye but took her hand, gripped around it nice and tight, and pulled himself up. He let out another grunt as he got up which was followed by another big sigh, bigger than any that Alex had ever heard from him throughout the many months since they started working out together on the regular. 

“The hell are you talking about? I clearly had that up for ten seconds. That literally was me lifting it.” The sheep defended his workout as he took in deep breaths to replenish the oxygen and energy that he exerted holding up all that weight. It was a good thing that he decided to go shirtless for his bench pressing, otherwise, he would have overheated, being a sheep, he already had thick fluff covering most of his body, and a shirt would have trapped even more of his body heat and caused him to pass out. At least that was the excuse that he told himself, it totally wasn’t because he had just gotten himself sheered and wanted to show off the fruits of his very hard labor at the gym.

What could he say? He liked having all the eyes of the other gym-goers on him. He noticed that a particular green set of eyes lingered for a little whenever he peeled fabric off of himself, too, and that gave him a bunch of ideas. 

“Yeah, yeah, I was counting. Those ten seconds sure went by pretty quickly.” Alex stuck her tongue out at Jackie and put her hands on her hips. The sheep reached around to grab his water bottle from the floor and squeezed a healthy amount of hydration into his mouth. He swallowed, smacked his lips, and let out a satisfied sigh. He set the bottle back down after his drink and turned his attention back to the tigress to respond to her remark.

“Like you can do better, tiny tiger,” the sheep shrugged his shoulders and leaned back on his arms as he continued to catch his breath. He kept an eye on the tigress and noticed her looking at his chest again, he let her enjoy the eye candy for about 30 seconds before he raised his left eyebrow in preparation to tease her about it. 

Alex couldn’t help herself; her friend was showing off his sweaty pecs and abs, it was unreasonable to expect her not to stare. And stare she did. She watched as beads of sweat rolled through the sheep’s freshly sheered fur and even sniffed in his direction in hopes she would catch a whiff of his sweaty scent while she stared so disrespectfully at him. 

“I’ve seen that look before,” Jackie said with a smile and waggled his eyebrows at the tiger giving him a good eye-fuck. Alex, realizing she had been staring, brushed It off and quickly redirected her gaze back to the sheep’s face. With a raised eyebrow of her own, she crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head to the side. “Oh yeah? What look?” the striped feline played it coy, as if she wasn’t already thinking the same thing that the horned herbivore was thinking. 

“That one.” Jackie pointed at the tigress’s face and chuckled. “Those, ‘fuck me’ eyes.” Jackie leaned further back on the bench and draped his arms over the very bars he kind of struggled and kind of successfully lifted earlier. With his arms rested over them, the sheep kicked back like a dude in a porno about to get his dick sucked. He had the bulge for it, for sure, under his Hawaiian print workout shorts that the tigress oh so thoroughly despised. They were the ugliest pair of shorts the tigress had ever seen and ever since she told him they were ugly, he wore them every damn time they worked out, just to be the bratty piece of sheep that he was.

“Oh yeah? These are ‘fuck me’ eyes?” the tigress took a couple of steps closer to the sheep, still keeping her eyes on him and sniffing the air as she got closer. She was able to get a whiff of his sweaty scent and it got stronger and stronger the closer she got to him. She was playing a dangerous game.

His scent was a mix of the typical male sweat, musk, and pheromones, but with a little bit of that sheep smell that made his scent unique to him. Slightly salty, like the air by the sea, and a little bit musty like the smell of a college boy’s room. The more the tigress sniffed, the more she wondered what his balls smelled like. She knew it was a horrible thing to think about a friend, but curiosity made the cat want to sniff balls, or however that saying went. 

“Mhm, those are the exact eyes Charlie gave me when he was sheering me the first time, then the time after that, and then the time after that…” Jackie shrugged his shoulders and seemed to stare off into the distance as his mind wandered to that strawberry cream cheese-colored mouse’s perfect peach of an ass. While Jackie was distracted, Alex moved even closer to him and got on her knees by the weight bench to bring her face a mere inch or two away from the beads of sweat that raced down his abs. Her nose wiggled and danced faster and faster the closer she got to him, and by the time the sheep was out of his daydream, the tiger had her nose pressed firmly against the growing bulge in those ugly pants. The tigress sniffed and took in the sheep’s dick scent through the two layers of clothing he wore. Even when run through cotton, polyester, and spandex, his dick stink was potent, so potent that it had the tiger sniffing so hard and loud that it sounded like she was snorting the white powder that the guys at the gym obviously on steroids say is “just totally protein powder, man”.

Jackie watched as his tiger friend made things a little less platonic with a smile. Feeling the tiger’s snout on his bulge and her breath as it gently grazed over his dick through the layers of his pants and boxers made his dick grow harder and harder. Alex spent about a minute huffing his dick through his ugly shorts before she pulled away and peeled her sports bra off. Slick in her own sweat, her sports bra peeled from her like the wrapper on a slightly molten ice pop on a hot summer day. She flung it aside and went straight back to huffing the sheep’s musk, leaving the sheep with only a glimpse of her titties. The short flash of breasts was enough to make him go wide-eyed though. Tiger ta-tas. When he saw them, he felt a strong urge to ask her if he could suck on them, but with the tiger giving his dick so much attention, he wasn’t going to be rude and interrupt her. Not a chance.

Alex had a musk fetish, that much was obvious; and with the negative stigma that often came with having a fetish like that, she found herself a little embarrassed about it. She was never ashamed of it, though, and that showed whenever she spent minutes, sometimes even hours sniffing and huffing a good stink dick. But like her mother once told her during a talk about the birds and the bees, it was better to huff dick than to huff glue. Both are addictive, but only one was tiger-mom-approved.

Jackie felt his heart pounding in his chest, akin to a prisoner banging on their cell door wanting to get out of solitary confinement as he watched Alex huff his bulge some more. He let her have her fun for a few more minutes, letting out chuckles and snickers every now and again as his dick twitched, throbbed, and made his shorts bounce like the elastic surface of a trampoline. When he saw how eagerly the tigress sniffed him and practically worshipped his dick even while he had his pants on, he gave her a little suggestion.

“You know It smells even better if you take my pants off, right?” Jackie said as he waggled his eyebrows and put on the most fuck-boy face that he could muster. The tautness created by his hard dick in his pants was starting to get a little uncomfortable and he wanted out of them. After looking left and right to see if there was anyone around that would report them for public indecency, Jackie wiggled his hips and thrusted them forward to smoosh his bulge into Alex’s face to encourage her just a smidge more. 

As if the tigress needed any more convincing. After hearing the sheep tell her that his dick smelled better without his pants on, she dug her fingers underneath his waistband and pulled them down. She pulled them all the way down to his ankles, and then did the same with his boxer briefs, except with the boxers, she took her time and pulled them down slow; gently, but eagerly releasing the Kraken from the confines of its elastic prison.

The sheep’s massive schlonger whipped free of his boxers and the tigress licked her lips at what she saw. Long, thick, and hard as a rock, the tigress couldn’t even cover up the entire thing with her hands.

“Wow. Charlie wasn’t kidding.” The tigress scoffed and took a second to admire the cock before her eyes.

Alex pressed down on his boxers with her finger to keep it from slapping back up and making him decent again. With the sheep’s chocolate-colored cock and balls out, the tigress stared at it as sweat rolled down her forehead and into her eyebrows. Her emerald eyes followed a couple of sweat droplets that rolled down the length of Jackie’s cock like mildew on long blades of wild grass in the morning. Alex leaned over the sheep’s legs a little more, brought her snoot right up against his wet knob, and took in a big whiff. His scent was stronger without his pants in the way, so much so that after just one whiff, the tigress let out a very loud and unladylike moan.

“Hhhhhhhhhhooooooohhhhaaaaaaaah. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.” Alex felt her legs shake and a tingle in her lower abdomen as the sheep’s dick stink entered her system. Her pussy slowly started to get wet with each huff, and she really wanted to ride her gym bro’s dick. She wanted to see what all the fuss was about, having heard rave reviews from her mouse best friend, but she also wanted to savor the position that she was currently in; with her face pressed against the bratty bastard sheep’s stupid big dick. 




Jackie continued to watch the tigress as she now sniffed his dick scent directly from the source, unfiltered, raw, better, just like those expensive bottled water brands claimed to be. He chuckled to himself and turned to look at his right arm as he felt something fuzzy wrap around it. He watched as her tail coiled around his arm like a snake for a bit, only to look back down at his dick when he felt the tigress put her hand on it and use it to press her face even more firmly up against it. Alex sniffed, rubbed her cheek against it, and even planted a couple of kisses along the length of the sheep’s shaft. She even started chuffing and purring, and when Jackie heard them, another idea popped into his head that made his grin even wider than before. “You want to see what the fuss is all about? Why Charlie keeps asking me to come over to the salon to get sheered?” he teased. 

Alex turned to look at him but kept her nose on the side of his dick so that she could keep sniffing. She squinted her eyes at him but listened to what he had to say. The cocky look on his face combined with the tone he had when he said it made the tiger want to punch him, but he was right; Alex did want to know what all the fuss was about. 

After a couple more sniffs, Alex let her tongue slip out from her mouth and dragged it from the base of the sheep’s dick all the way up to his tip. She took in his sweat and flavor on her tongue with a loud purr, and once she reached the tip of his dick, she flicked her tongue and smacked her lips. 

Salty, sweet, and a little bit cucumbery, but Alex didn’t mind too much. It was a good-tasting dick.

Jackie let out a moan and a huff as the tiger dragged her tongue over his dick. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes for a few seconds to enjoy and savor the feeling of the feline’s slightly rough tongue on his Johnson. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes back up and looked back down at the tiger on his tentpole.

Alex wrapped her tongue around Jackie’s dick, lathered him in her saliva, and even tickled his nutsack with her tongue a little. He was surprised to see that the tiger had such a long tongue that was able to wrap around the circumference of his dick with a few inches to spare to go down and scoop up his balls, too. Not that he was complaining though, he didn’t mind having a gym friend who wasn’t platonic; one who was willing, no, eager to be a sweat rag for him. 

He liked it. 

He watched her do her thing with a smirk and moaned every time her tongue tugged on his balls, and she did that a lot.

“Mnnnnrrf. There we go… Tastes good, huh?” the brown ball of wool snickered. 

Alex redirected her gaze to the sheep, annoyed at first, but once the taste of sheep dick slathered her tongue so much that not even an entire tube of Aqua Fresh could get rid of it, she shrugged her shoulders and half-nodded.

“Yeah, yeah, cucumber cock.” The tigress rolled her eyes. 

But she kept on huffing.


Guest Starring Jackie by Hype-Man 

Art by ShinyStarShard 



Reptiles of Lustria

Fantastic story once again! Sounds quite fun indeed, sex is a great cardio workout and full muscle tone if you do it right 😘


Thank you! I really appreciate the comment. I love it when people give me feedback, even if they rarely do. And hell yeah! Sex can be a great cardio workout! 😍