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In Alex’s opinion, Halloween was the best night of the year to party, and that wasn’t just because it was her birthday. People went WILD on Halloween, they dressed up, overconsumed alcohol, and did things that they normally wouldn’t do; all the ingredients for a fun night out on the town. The tigress was looking forward to her night out to celebrate her birthday and the day of the dead, and since her sister had just turned 21 not too long ago, she was excited to bring her along and buy Yulia her first legal drink after buying illegal drinks for her for so long.

“Are you sure this will be a good costume?” the rabbit’s voice echoed from inside the bathroom as she slipped into the outfit that her tiger sister had prepared for her. The party that they were going to was obviously a costume party, and Alex had thought of the greatest costume that they could go together in. Yulia wasn’t too sure about it and it showed on her face as she adjusted it. She stared at her reflection for a minute once she was done before she hopped off of the stool that allowed her to reach the sink and mirror in Alex’s bathroom and walked out to show the look to her sister.

Alex sat on her bed facing the closed bathroom door. She leaned on her left arm while she scrolled through her social media feeds on her phone. She occasionally looked up from her phone to answer her sister as she asked her questions from the bathroom, but most of the time she barely looked up from the overpriced electronic glass sandwich in her palm at all. “Mhm! It’s going to be great! Everyone is going to love it.” The tigress replied in a murmur as most of her attention remained on the screen in her hand. Alex was in a maid’s outfit, black and white with a bunch of frilly bits at the ends. It looked like one of those “slutty” or “sexy” marketed Halloween outfits, but it wasn’t. The reason it looked that way was because it belonged to Yulia, and she was more than a few sizes smaller than the tigress. When Alex put it on, her breasts barely fit into the cups that were there for them, and the dress looked a lot more like a skirt that would have gotten her cited for a dress code violation back in high school for “distracting the male students”. Oh, she also had a cute bow on her back, just above her ass, and pitch-black thigh highs that matched the rest of her outfit.

She sat on the bed, her legs crossed over each other, and laughed as she watched a Titanic submersible meme that would have any deity shaking their head and putting her on the list of people to send to the bad place in the afterlife. She knew it was horrible, but she couldn’t help it; some of them were just comedic gold. Right as she was giggling and cackling, her sister stepped out of the bathroom in her getup and Alex’s already wide smile got even wider.


Yulia came out of the bathroom wearing Alex’s red sweater and what looked like nothing else underneath. Her cheeks flushed a soft pink as she tried her best to pull the tigress’s sweater lower to cover more of her legs but it wouldn’t budge much, especially not with her little raindrop tail in the way. “Are you sure? It’s not too revealing?” Yulia turned around to look at her butt, but the more she turned, the more her butt moved away from her, and she ended up chasing her tail a few laps around herself before she realized Alex had a full-length mirror that was right behind her. She stopped, turned her butt to the mirror, and frowned. “It doesn’t even cover my butt!”

Alex rolled her eyes, dropped her phone onto the bed, and pushed herself up onto her feet to walk up behind her increasingly anxious sister. She placed both her hands on the bunny’s small shoulders and bent over slightly so that she was more level with her sister’s height to appear less intimidating. She gave her sister’s shoulders a squeeze and smiled at her through the mirror. “Lucky for you, you have an ass just as nice as your sister’s. And if I were you, I would want to show it off… Plus, it’s the one night a year where it isn’t too frowned upon.” The tigress chuckled.

Yulia stared at her reflection with an intensity similar to the death stare that Taylor Swift gave Katy Perry back when they were beefing, with her eyes darting from her face to her inner thighs where the sweater came to an end over and over. Only when her sister gave her shoulders a gentle shake, did she stop and look at her.

“What if I get cold?”

“We’ll wear coats to the place, silly, then we hang them up and enjoy the party.” The tigress scoffed at her and chuckled.

“I mean at the party. What if it’s too cold in there?” Yulia looked genuinely concerned.

Alex didn’t even hesitate with her answer, it was such a rookie question. “The party is going to have heaters on, it’s FALL, it’s freezing out. And if you still get cold, I know just the juice to make it all go away.” Alex let go of her sister’s shoulders, stood up straight, and adjusted her breasts in the maid outfit that looked just about ready to burst from her bust size. With her outfit and her sister’s perfect, she turned on her heels, grabbed her phone from the bed, and walked out of the room. “I’m calling the Uber now, I’m going to wait downstairs, I’ll call you when it’s here.” She then vanished out in the hallway, but before she was too far away, she shouted, “Don’t forget your coat! You can take one of mine, if you want, just not the Versace, please!”

Yulia always wondered how her sister was able to afford luxury clothing and how she was able to get her own place that she was about to move out into, and whenever she asked her sister about it, she would be vague and hit her with “You’ll see!” which only made her want to know even more and even speculate things on her own. Was her sister a drug dealer? Or worse yet, was she a drug lord? She chuckled a little bit as she thought about it before she shook the thought away and walked up to her sister’s closet to pick out a coat.


After a 20-minute Uber ride, Alex and Yulia arrived at the bar where the party was happening. The bar was in the bustling central business district of the city and looked to be a rather upscale establishment. The door to go inside was gold-plated and there were two very large bouncers dressed like characters from Men in Black guarding it. Stepping out of the car, Yulia was intimidated and crossed her arms over her chest to tighten the oversized coat she had on around herself. She tilted her head back slightly to read the big and flashy cyberpunk-esque sign that was plastered onto the three shophouses that the bar occupied.

“We’re going into Omnia? Isn’t it like, super expensive?” Yulia turned to look at her sister with a furrowed brow. Alex, who fit perfectly into the coat she had on, looked down at her and raised her eyebrows. She then looked up at the sign and shrugged her shoulders. “You think I’m going to let you have your first LEGAL drink with me at some shady dive bar? C’mon.” the tigress grabbed her sister’s hand and walked up to the two very intimidating bouncers out front. Yulia clung close to her sister as they approached the tall burly polar bears guarding the door in their black suits and shades.

Expecting to be turned away, Yulia was hesitant to approach further. But to her surprise, the polar bears stepped aside once Alex got close and pulled the door open for them. “Welcome back, Miss Marx.” Said one of them. Alex smiled and slipped through the door with her sister. Once they were inside, they took their coats off, left them in the coat room, and walked further into the bar where the party was happening.

With their coats off, Yulia tugged on the hem of the red sweater she had on in a final desperate attempt to cover a little bit more as they walked into the warm glow of Omnia. She did end up putting on underwear underneath the red sweater, but she still felt incredibly naked. No matter how much she pulled on the sweater, it could only cover just over her panties. She kept her hand holding the hem of the sweater down as she walked with her sister toward the lively parts of the space.

The first place they arrived at was the bar, which was manned by a black panther boy. The wood-topped bar looked immaculate, waxed, shined, and lacquered. From the surface of the bar alone, Yulia could tell it was way out of their price range. But the confidence that her sister had in walking right in must have meant something, right? The bar was full of people drinking, dancing, and having a good time. And everyone, or at least almost everyone was in a costume. Some of the staff, like the bartender, weren’t for practical reasons. Alex stood at the bar and looked over at the feline drying some glasses with a smile. “Hey, Spades!”

The bartender looked up from his glass cleaning and smiled when he recognized the tigress. “Hey, hey, Alex, you’re fashionably late to your own party.” He chuckled.

Alex leaned on the bar and shook her head. “Coming early to parties is what losers do, and I’m no loser.” She purred. The panther rolled his eyes as he placed his cleaned and dried glass down and grabbed a martini glass to start making the tigress’s drink without her even having to order. After a minute or two, he served her a strawberry vodka martini with an olive on a toothpick dipped into the glass. The tigress brought the glass to her lips for a sip and smacked her lips before letting out an “mmmm” as the strawberry-infused alcoholic drink splashed over her tastebuds.

“You still make a killer martini after all these years.” Alex laughed and set the glass down on the bar after her first sip. Spades nodded his head as he watched the tigress taste her drink, he then shrugged his shoulders smugly and was just about to move on to washing more of the used glasses in his sink, but spotted the rabbit girl clinging to the tigress’s arm and raised a brow. Yulia had her back facing the bar and started to people-watch as her sister talked to her friend. The bunny found it odd that Alex seemed to know everyone, who were all these people? Where was she? What kind of party was this? She was a little bit worried.

“This here, is my little sister, Yulia! Just turned 21 this year, and I’m here to show her what a VERY good cocktail from the very best bartender tastes like.” Alex said and turned her head to look at her sister. Yulia still stared off at the groups of people in the bar and didn’t turn around, even after Alex nudged her gently with her arm.

“She’s a little shy, but maybe you can help with that, Spades. Can you make her one of your famous mango vodka ices, please?” Spades nodded and got to work, putting all the ingredients to the drink into his silver shaker and shaking it up, tossing it into the air and doing tricks, too.

“Tch. Showoff.” The tigress shook her head as she watched the panther work his magic with fresh mangoes, vodka, and ice. Just as she was about to tease the panther about his showmanship, Alex felt a tug on her arm and turned her head to the side to look at Yulia with a smile. Yulia looked up at her sister and continued to tug on her arm until she got her attention.


“Those people over there are waving at you.” Yulia had been looking at a group of people directly across from Alex and her, and they had been waving at her trying to get her attention and pointing to her sister once they got her to look at them. With a furrowed brow, Alex turned to look where Yulia was looking, and she saw the group of people waving at her. Once she made eye contact with one of them, a raccoon woman in a pantsuit holding a small espresso cup, the entire group tossed their hands up in the air and drunkenly shouted, “ALEX MARX THE SPOT!!!!!” Except for the raccoon, who just gave the tigress a friendly little wave with the hand that wasn’t holding her coffee and gestured her head toward the table to invite the tigress over.

Alex let out a dry laugh and smiled when her friends announced her arrival to the entire bar, to which a few other clusters of people shouted her name, too. With a red blush from secondhand embarrassment, she grabbed her martini glass, downed the entire thing, and leaned over to Yulia.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Okay…” Yulia said as she reluctantly let go of her sister’s arm. She watched as her sister approached the table with all those people and slowly hopped up onto one of the stools behind her.

“Alex Marx the Spot?” Yulia said to herself, confused. Just as she sat down on the red leather stool, the panther bartender placed a glass in front of the bunny and poured the mango vodka ice into it.

“She didn’t tell you, did she.”

Read Part II Here


Yulia by BakedBunny

Art by nowego



D.j. Arnold

I’m still sorta new but how are Yulia and Alex related?

D.j. Arnold

That’s cool!! I didn’t know if all of these stories were connected past the characters or if they’re were just one offs


Most of them are connected, some of the unusual settings like sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, cyberpunk, or this one are AUs. :D