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Alex didn’t need an OLED Nintendo Switch; she already had a standard Switch that went underutilized even before she got herself a PS5. But when Nintendo offered her the Splatoon 3 version of the console as a gift delivered to her door, it wasn’t like she was going to send it back. It was a gorgeous console, and the note that came with it had a little hand-drawn Raymond from Animal Crossing on it; the dapper cat boy with thick-rimmed glasses and two differently colored eyes. The note was hand-written by Shigeru Miyamoto, someone who Alex had listed as her hero once or twice in public interviews. 

The note read; 

Dear Alex, 

I heard in your interview on Hot Ones that you only had one game for your Nintendo Switch. And while Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a great game; I feel like you might be missing out on the many fun games releasing on the Switch every day. 

In this care package, you’ll find the new OLED Nintendo Switch Splatoon 3 Edition, a copy of Splatoon 3, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Nintendo Switch Sports (we’ve heard how much you loved Wii Sports!) Hopefully, this will get you to use the Nintendo Switch more! 

Thank you for always supporting us here at Nintendo. 

P.S. Raymond says hi!



The way the note was signed made Alex laugh; she had said that once jokingly on Hot Ones while she was dying from a burning tongue and runny nose, and wasn’t thinking too hard about what she was saying during the interview. After reading the note, Alex opened up the box. It felt like Christmas morning and her face glowed with every goody that she pulled out. It didn’t take long for the tigress to start playing the games she was sent. Much to her manager’s dismay, she brought it with her on tour, too, which made her get a little less than the recommended amount of sleep and go on stage late more than a few times. 

“Alright, that’s it, you get this back AFTER this leg of the tour,” Logan snatched the Switch from the tigress’s hands after she started playing it when she got into the makeup chair. It was less than five minutes until showtime and if she started another Splatoon match now, she would have just two minutes to get from the dressing room to the stage. A run would get her there, but starting off a show out of breath because she had to run from one end of the area to the other was a no-no.

“LOGAN GIVE IT BACK!” Alex said in an almost angry tone. The tigress, all dolled up and in her full-body fishnets, neon-colored sports bra, and extra sporty custom Adidas sandals, tried her best to get the Switch back from the raccoon.

“Nope, not happening, missy,” Logan said as she shook her head. She held the console over her head and moved it around to dodge the feline’s attempts to hop up to snatch it back from her. Alex eventually gave up and went on stage to perform, but spent the rest of the tour trying to find where that raccoon had hidden her Switch; she never did. Once the end of the European leg of her tour came, Logan came walking into Alex’s hotel room with the coveted Switch in her hand. When she opened the door, she saw Alex brushing her hair in the mirror, wearing nothing but a pink bra and matching panties. The tiger turned around to look at the doorway of her hotel room where her manager stood and rolled her eyes. 

“You could have given it to me last night when I had absolutely nothing to do after the show,” Alex said with a grumble before she turned back to the mirror and continued brushing out the tangles in her post-sleep head of hair. The raccoon closed the door behind her and walked up to the tiger. “Oh come on… You can’t tell me that you didn’t need that rest. How was that sleep by the way?”

Alex set her hairbrush down and spent a couple of seconds looking at her reflection to make sure her hair was looking good. Once she was sure that it was, she turned to face Logan and snatched the Switch away from her. “I did need it, but I would have preferred knocking myself out with something, instead of watching the BORING hotel TV channels.” The tigress rolled her eyes before she pressed the power button on the Switch. She was ready to jump right back into gaming, but after she pressed the button, the screen turned on just to tell her that the battery was dead. She furrowed her brow and gave the raccoon an accusatory glare.

“What? I’ve seen you perform this tour a billion times, what else am I supposed to do for hours at a time?” Logan chuckled and gave Alex a coy smile. The look on Alex’s face shifted from being accusatory and suspicious of the raccoon to a pouty frown directed at her instead. “I hate you.” The tiger grumbled. 

Logan couldn’t help but chuckle and nodded, “Yeah, just for now, but you’ll love me again when I book you the Super Bowl.” Her smirk widened and her big bushy tail waved around behind her almost as if she had already booked the gig for the tiger. 

“Yeah, you’re right. You sure are good at your job.” Alex laughed. She shook her head and turned around on her heels to go find the charger for her game console. Logan shrugged her shoulders and adjusted the jacket of her pantsuit to make sure it was perfect before she turned around and walked toward the door. She played with her ponytail as she approached it but stopped as her hand wrapped around the door handle. It looked like she had just thought of something, like something she had forgotten just popped right back into her mind. Twirling the end of her black bundle of hair, she turned around to look in the tigress’s direction again. “Oh, by the way, your flight isn’t until Monday, so you have a few extra days here to chill, and your friend… Uh… Charles? Anyway, he got on that flight, and should probably be here right about now-ish…” She pulled her wrist up to check her watch and nodded. It was 11 AM, so the mouse’s flight landed about an hour ago, which meant he was either already at the hotel and making his way up to the room, or he was in the car on the way from the airport. The raccoon was good with managing time, she had to be, it was part of her job after all. 

“Charlie, not Charles.” Alex corrected her, plugged her dead Switch into the charger, and left it on the floor to refuel. She stretched her arms over her head once she stood up and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth. “See you back at home,” the tigress shouted from the echoey bathroom. 

“Enjoy your weekend!” Logan shouted back to her, turned back to the door, and pushed down on the door handle to let herself out. She would have stayed to finally meet this Charlie person, but she had some work to do if she was going to get Alex booked for the most coveted gig of the year. And since this year’s Super Bowl already happened, the clock was ticking and the biggest war for agents and managers had already begun. Her heels clacked as she made her way through the hallway to the elevators and she pulled out her phone to get started.


Charlie had been flown out to meet Alex more than once before, but he still wasn’t used to it. The first time that it happened he expected to be put in coach, but when he checked in and was informed that he would be flying first class, his jaw dropped so far that it took the flight attendant asking him “First time?” to get him to close his mouth. This time was no different, but he was still surprised by how much she must have been spending to get him out to visit her. But he wasn’t going to say no to a luxurious flying experience, especially with all those delicious cheeses they served up in the rich part of the plane. He didn’t understand the caviar hype, but the fancy schmancy cheeses were going to be how Charlie made sure whatever the price Alex paid for his flights, that the airline made as little profit from it as possible. The tigress would probably want him to enjoy his flight, so the cheese was going to keep on coming. He hated that he liked cheese so much, he felt like he played into the stereotype of mice, but he couldn’t help it; it smelled good and tasted good, and that really was all the criteria needed. He often denied that he was your typical cheese-loving rodent, but he could only deny it so much.

After eating as much cheese as he could, Charlie spent most of the flight time asleep to try and get his internal clock synched with the new time zone for when he landed. It was a twelve-hour flight, but in first class, it just felt like a short and comfortable sleep. He was woken up by the flight attendant serving him his pre-landing meal, along with an extra cheese plate just as a treat. He was convinced that the flight attendant was flirting with him; he caught her standing suspiciously close to the lavatory every time he was using it. The first few times he could write off as her just doing her job being in the galley, sure, but he caught her eyes dropping below his waistline a few times right after he exited the lavatory and returned to his seat. She was a red setter and red setters had great noses. She was probably able to sniff out that he had a big dick with that nose. He was tempted to let her have at it, but since he was in first class, he thought it might be best to behave himself rather than risk getting banned from the airline. Once he disembarked from the plane and went through customs and immigration, he was driven to Alex’s hotel; a fancy Sicilian beachfront resort, the main reason why Alex’s last stop on the European leg of her tour was in Italy. 

Once he arrived at the hotel, Charlie made his way up to the top floor of the main hotel building where he was told Alex was waiting for him. He walked up to the room after repeating the room number to himself. And after triple checking whether or not he had the right room, he gave the door three loud knocks. 


‘Knock, knock, knock.’ The three knocks came on Alex’s door barely ten minutes after Logan left. Alex's Switch was charged up just enough for her to check on her game saves and make sure that the raccoon hadn’t messed any of them up. When she heard the knocks, she jumped out of the chair she was sitting in, tossed the Switch onto her bed, and ran to the door. She peeked through the little peephole in the door and when she saw it was her mouse friend, she opened it and pulled the strawberry cream-colored mouse in for a hug. 

“Charlie!!!! You made it!” The tigress said excitedly as she wrapped her arms around him. Charlie was a little caught off guard by the hug but welcomed it nonetheless. He wrapped his arms around her, too, and rested his chin on her shoulder as a smile spread across his face. “Hey, Alex, it’s nice to see you.” Although he did get enough sleep on the flight over, he started feeling a little bit of jetlag kicking in. His eyelids drooped and he leaned against the tiger. “Thank you for the first class flight, again, you could have just put me in coach.” 

“But did you enjoy the cheese?” Alex gave him a firm squeeze before she slowly pulled him and his luggage into her hotel room. She kicked the door closed behind them once she pulled away from the hug. Charlie chuckled as he stumbled into the room and nodded. “Yeah, it was great, thank you for that too, I think I might have eaten all of the cheese on the plane.” It took the mouse a little longer than usual to realize that Alex was only in her underwear, the pink set that he had seen her in a few times before. He went wide-eyed and stared as she closed the door, only to avert his eyes once she turned back around. 

Charlie was wearing a white t-shirt and denim jeans that went quite well together, he felt a little bit dirty after such a long transatlantic flight and felt like he could really use a shower. But just as he was about to ask the tiger if he could use the shower, the tiger moved passed him to grab her Switch and slammed it into the dock next to the wall-mounted TV. The TV switched on, and the Mario Kart theme started playing through the speakers. The tigress pulled the Joy-Cons from the side of the console and tossed one of them to her slightly jetlagged mouse friend.  “Catch!” the tigress announced as the green Nintendo controller made its way through the air toward Charlie. Even with jetlag, the mouse was able to catch it, although it did bounce around like hot potato between his hands a few times. 

“I’ve been dying to play this with you, PLEASE.” Alex hopped onto the bed and patted the empty space beside her. Charlie stared at the controller in his hand for a few seconds before he lazily moved onto the bed, too. He sat with his legs crossed and watched as the tiger chose the map for them; Rainbow Road. 

“Is it okay if I just play one round? I really think I need a shower, I feel filthy, like plane filthy.” Charlie turned to sniff his own armpit and his face morphed into a slight look of disgust. He used the joystick on his controller to pick his character of choice; Princess Peach. And Alex picked hers; Isabelle from Animal Crossing. When the tigress saw her rodent friend sniffing himself and how he looked disgusted at his own scent, she let out a chuckle and leaned closer to him to sniff in his general direction. She didn’t think he smelled bad at all, just a little sweaty and slightly musky. But since she was into that type of scent, she probably wasn’t the best judge. 

Playing just one round of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was an impossible task. Charlie had planned to play only one and then hit the showers, but that was if he won. And when he didn’t win, his ultra-competitive side came out to play. And if Alex had learned anything playing tennis with the mouse, he wasn’t going to get in the shower until he was at the top of the leaderboard.  

“Oh C’MON! ALEX STOP USING THOSE SHELLS!!! That’s so fucking annoying!” the mouse shouted and grumbled after his character spun out to the side of the track for the fifth time in a row. He initially held the lead this round, but after five consecutive shells, he dropped down to tenth place. 

“I’m not the one doing it!” the tigress chuckled. “It’s the bots, they can sometimes be broken and get all the good items every time.” 

“But they are only hitting me!!!” Charlie grumbled. With it being the final lap of the race, there was no way that Charlie could catch up with Alex now. A few seconds later, the yellow doggy girl riding her quad crossed the finish line and Alex won the game, again. Frustrated, Charlie threw his controller into his lap, flopped back onto the bed, and let out the most pathetic salty gamer whine. His body wrinkled the green bed sheets under him and he grabbed one of the pillows to cover his face as he continued to make unhappy noises to his 0:10 win-loss ratio. Alex couldn’t help but giggle at Charlie’s reaction to losing and dropped down on her back next to him. “Well,” she sighed. “You might just need a little more practice, then, just like your tennis serve.” The tiger stuck her tongue out at her friend before she scooched just a smidge closer to him to press her nose against his shoulder and sniff. After sniffing him, she let out a little purr that she tried to keep under wraps. He stank, but he stank kind of good. Not that she was going to tell him that though, he really did look like he needed a shower.

“You should shower, then we can head downstairs for some breakfast. There’s a buffet and the omelets they make are heavenly.” The tigress pulled her nose away from the mouse’s shoulder and smiled. 

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever…” Charlie pulled the pillow from his face and tossed it aside as he continued to grumpily grumble. He then pushed himself off the bed and made his way to his luggage to grab a fresh set of clothes before he headed into the bathroom for a shower. Alex watched him as he grabbed his clothes and her eyes followed him all the way until he closed the bathroom door behind him. Once Charlie turned the faucet on and started showering, Alex pushed herself off the bed to grab her Switch from the dock, hopped back onto the bed to lie on her stomach with her elbows propping her up, and slid the controllers back onto the console to use it in handheld mode. It didn’t take long for the Animal Crossing theme song to play and echo throughout the hotel room and Alex hummed along as she played the game, too.


The warm water coming from the shower felt nice and so did the feeling of finally being able to wash away that post-long-haul flight stickiness out of his fur. As the water ran through his hair and down to the rest of his body, Charlie let out a soft sigh and reached for the hotel-branded soap and shampoo. Usually, he’d steer away from any in-house hotel soaps and shampoos, but the hotel Alex was having them in was ultra-fancy, so fancy that the toiletries were in glass bottles. And if Alex had been staying there and washing her hair with them, bending this little rule he had would be alright. Her hair didn’t look that bad. The mouse squeezed a big glob of shampoo into his hand and rubbed it into his hair. As his hair foamed up, he used his fingers to gently scrub into his scalp to make sure he got all the plane seat gunk out. He leaned his head back and let the shower water splash against his chest. The warm water felt nice against his fur and skin; especially on his dick and balls. After he spent about a minute scrubbing his shampoo into his head, he leaned forward and rinsed it off. His hands lowered to his sides and he let the water do the work. As the shampoo foam left his head and circled the drain, he moved to grab some soap to start taking care of the rest of his body. 

He started with his legs and slowly moved up over his stomach, chest, and his shoulders. He left his junk for last as that usually was the spot where he had to scrub just a little extra. He rubbed his soapy hands over his dick, getting the entire shaft and tip, even a bit under the foreskin. He lifted his dick up to get the front of his balls and then curled his hands all around them to get his backsack and his taint, too. As he scrubbed and tugged himself, he couldn’t help but think about that flight attendant who most definitely sniffed out his big mousey dick and was flirting with him. There was just something about her that made the (mostly) gay mouse’s dick hard. Was it the way her flight attendant’s uniform pushed her tits up to the point that they looked like they would burst the buttons on her blouse? Or was it her long canine snout and how it looked like it would wrap around his big fat mousey dick just perfectly? Before he knew it, he wasn’t scrubbing his dick anymore, instead, he was sliding his hand up and down the length of his throbbing dick as it grew from flaccid to erect in record time.

Charlie pressed one hand against the shower wall as his other hand slid up and down his length, peeling back his foreskin and rolling it up over and over again. His dick throbbed in his hand and he could feel the pleasure building up inside him as he thought about blowing his load down that red setter’s throat and pulling out halfway through his orgasm to spill the rest of his nuts over her tits. He closed his eyes and balled the hand he had against the wall into a fist. He felt his balls tucking upward as he neared his orgasm. His hand slid down his dick and peeled his foreskin back all the way one last time. His thick rodent tail curled around his own leg and he clenched his teeth. 

Then came a sudden knock on the door. 


“Charlie? You okay in there?” Alex pressed her ear against the door to listen for any unusual noises in the bathroom. The mouse had been in there for almost half an hour now, which was a long time for a shower. She still had her Switch in her hand, tending to her island of villagers with one hand while the other knocked on the door again. 

‘Knock, knock, knock,’ 

Charlie jumped at the knock and let go of his dick in a flash as if he had been walked in on. His dick continued to throb even after he let go and he stared at it as it begged him to keep going. But now that his eyes were open, he had been knocked out from his little mile-high club fantasy. He gasped for air, panted heavily, and tried his best not to sound like he had been jerking off in the shower when he responded to the tigress to let her know that he was okay. 

“Yeah! I’m, fine! Just… Washing my hair. I’ll be out in a minute!” he shouted through the sound of water that made it hard for him to hear anything other than his thoughts. He let the water run through his fur for a few more seconds before he turned the water off, stepped out of the shower, and grabbed one of the fluffy hotel towels to dry himself.

“Okay! Just thought you passed out of something. Come out and we can go get some breakfast.” Alex pulled away from the door and went back to lie on the bed with her elbows propping her up and her legs swinging back and forth behind her. The mumbling voices of the various Animal Crossing characters echoed through the room and Alex even mimicked some of them and giggled to herself. 

Charlie got himself dressed in his dark blue PlayStation-branded shirt and light blue trunks. After hanging the towel up on the drying rack in the bathroom, he tossed his dirty clothes into the laundry basket and joined Alex back in the room. He walked over to the bed to see Alex still in her underwear, playing her game and waving her feet around. He put his hands on his hips and squinted his eyes at her. “Are you going to breakfast in that?” He asked, annoyed at the fact that the tigress rushed him and interrupted his rub and tug time, the fact that she herself wasn’t even ready yet, and the fact that she beat him so bad in Mario Kart earlier. 

“No, silly, just let me finish collecting materials for this new villager house.” The tigress replied. She kicked her left foot down to pat the bed and gestured with her head to tell the mouse to get on the bed and wait. “It’ll only take a few minutes.” She reassured him. 

The mouse rolled his eyes and climbed onto the bed, he sat down next to Alex’s wiggling feet and let out a hefty sigh as he glanced down at his pants. His dick was still sporting a semi under that fabric and he was still plenty pent up. He started at his crotch for a full minute before he let out a frustrated sigh through his nose and turned to look at Alex as she rolled her joysticks and smashed the buttons on her controller. His eyes started to wander; the tigress left very little to the imagination in terms of what she was wearing. About 95% of her stripes were visible, and the parts that were covered, Charlie had seen plenty of times before. He let his amber-colored eyes float down from her back to her butt, all the way down her thick thighs before he ended up staring at her paws as they waved back and forth to the tempo of the Animal Crossing theme song. It didn’t take him long to become a little mesmerized by them.

Fluffy, soft, and squishy. Those were the three words he would use to describe the tigress’s feet. He often wondered how she got the fur on her soles and in between her toes to be so soft. Did she use a special type of soap and shampoo just for her feet? The longer he stared at her paws, the slower they moved back and forth. With every swing of her foot, a whiff of her scent was sent his way. Musky, sweaty, just like kitty cat paw pads usually were. His nose wiggled and danced as he took in the scent of Alex’s paws. His mind wandered just like it did while he was in the shower. But this time, his mind didn’t have to wander very far. He was looking right at where his mind wanted to go to and it didn’t take long at all for his dick to throb to life enough to tent out his shorts. He turned around to sit facing the head of the bed, slowly brought his hands to grab the tiger’s ankles to stop her feet from swinging, and moved his face closer to her feet as his nose continued to wiggle and scrunch as the scent of her beans filled his mind and made his dick ache as it pushed the elasticity of his pants to the limit. 

Alex felt Charlie grabbing her ankles but she was too preoccupied with her building to give it any more mind than just glancing over her shoulder to see what he was up to. She saw him moving his face closer to her peets and sniffing them and chuckled. She knew her feet could be irresistible to some, and Charlie had been converted to the bean enjoyer club long ago, so it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. She continued making her deals with the Nooks as the mouse at her foot got hooked on her scent. 

“Mimimimimi.” Alex mimicked the voice of one of the Nooks again.

“Oh, come on, you can’t be serious, all those turnips for just THAT many bells? You’re a scammer Nooky.” The tiger grumbled angrily. She curled her toes as she grumbled, and when Charlie saw her beans squish together he let out a soft huff as a very horny and inappropriate idea popped into his head.

The mouse pushed his hips forward ever so slightly to bring the bulge in his pants into contact with the tigress’s toes. Once her feet touched against his stretched fabric, he let out a soft squeaky little moan. The feeling of the tiger’s warm feet against him, even with a layer of clothing in between was enough to make him moan, let go of her ankles, and slowly start grinding his hips into her feet hands-free. Even after Charlie let go of her feet, the tiger didn’t resume idly swinging them, she kept them in place. 

“Hhhnnnnf…” the rodent let out a huff. His dick was fully hard again, just like it was in the shower, and he was really in need of release. The edging that he unintentionally ended up doing in the shower had only made him want to cum even more. He quickly slipped his hands under the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down to his knees. His dick, having built-up so much tension in his pants, popped out from his pants like a jack-in-a-box. It bounced up and down and slapped against the bottom of the tiger’s feet, making a meaty and squishy slap sound as it did. With his bare dick against the tigress’s naked paw pads and soles, his knees went weak and let out another pent-up and frustrated huff. 

“Hooooh… Fuck…” the mouse shivered. 

“I know right? I should at least be getting double that.” The tiger grumbled and shook her head. She thought that the mouse was talking to her about the game she was playing; he wasn’t. Did she not notice? Or was she ignoring what he was doing so she could focus better on her game? Her response confused the mouse, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. He had gone too far now. His dick was already resting in between the tigress’s two paws like a long hotdog in between two soft, fluffy, and musky buns. He looked down at the tiger’s feet again and watched as his dick pulsed and throbbed in between them. It felt so good that he wanted to let his dick stay there while the tiger curled her toes and worked her magic to make him cum, but he knew that since she was preoccupied with her game, he would have to be the one doing the work. He brought his hands back to the tigress’s feet, gripped them tight, and slowly started to move his hips back and forth to push and pull his dick in and out between them. Her warm fuzzy soles pulled his foreskin back to expose his tip and pulled it back over to turtleneck it again as he pushed his hips back and forth slowly. The feeling of her soft fur and even softer, warmer, and squishier beans against his sensitive cock was incredible. He gradually increased the speed of his hips and let out increasingly louder huffs and moans. His dick leaked a substantial amount of precum, which he used as lube to make it easier for his dick to slip’n slide between Alex’s big pink beans.

‘Fwwwwp, fwwwp, fwwwp!’

“Hhhnnaaaahhhgggggaaaahh…” the mouse let out a loud moan as he continued to fuck Alex’s feet. Her toes curled around his cock and squeezed as she continued to complain about the unfair business practices performed by Nook Inc. and its associates. While Charlie was going ham on her feet, Alex went ham spamming selling her turnips, even if it was at the reduced price that made her a little miffed. 

As Charlie bucked his hips back and forth and slid his dick in and out of in between Alex’s warm feet, his mouth fell agape and his grip on her soles only tightened. He pushed his hips all the way until his balls slapped against her ankles. 

‘Plap, plap, plap, plap.’ 

The more he fucked the tiger’s feet, the more he felt his dick throb and jolt upward against his movements. It was hard for him to keep his eyes open, but the view he had right in front of him was nothing short of incredible. He wanted to keep his eyes open, but the closer he came to emptying his balls the heavier his eyelids became. The friction, the sensation, and the tickling of her fur against his dick tip had him going absolutely feral. Mouth open, tail waving around behind him, and his own toes curling from the pleasure, Charlie could feel it coming, he could feel his balls tucking upward and twitching for release. But he needed a little something extra to push him over the edge, and since he was going as fast and hard as he could and Alex was already curling her toes to create a little bit of a different sensation every time he thrusted into her soles, there wasn’t much more he could do physically to get himself to cum faster. He slowly closed his eyes to start imagining the tigress’s warm pussy, or was he thinking about that flight attendant? Whatever it was he was thinking about, it was working, and his dick throbbed over and over and over again like a mechanical bull trying to shake off a drunk hillbilly at a red, white, and blue carnival. 

He felt his orgasm creeping closer and closer, his grip around Alex’s feet tightened and his tail whipped the bed behind him with a loud smack. 



Charlie continued to thrust his hips back and forth while he used the imagery in his head to push him closer and closer to the edge. His balls slapped against Alex harder and harder, to the point that they would surely to become sore later.

“Heeeeeeeeeey, Charlie… Look at me.” 

The mouse furrowed his brow again and slowly opened his eyes. He had a slightly annoyed expression on his face, the same one from when he was pulled out of his little shower fantasy earlier. When he looked down at the tigress who called his name, he saw her with her head turned over her shoulder and looking at him. With a smile spread across her face, the tigress reached a hand behind herself and grabbed the portion of her pink panties that was keeping her modest, pinched the edge of the fabric, and pulled it aside. Her panties peeled away from her moist pussy and butthole. And just like that, Charlie had an even better view than whatever it was he could think up in his head. 

Once she exposed herself to her friend, Alex turned back to continue gaming. Her pussy glistened with her pussy juice and so did her pucker. Charlie stared at both of her holes as if he had just walked into the world’s largest cheese factory. His eyes were wide, pupils dilated, and his nose wiggled in that cute mousey way over and over. Alex’s pussy winked at him and his big satellite dish ears picked up the soft and subtle wet sound of her pussy walls clenching and contracting at him, a visual invitation if he ever saw one. The sight of Alex’s mound enticing him like that, and the grin on her face drove him just that little bit further. He squeezed Alex’s feet around his dick tight and pushed his hips forward one last time. His balls pressed firmly against the tiger’s ankles and tucked upward, pulsing over and over as his cum shot from his balls, through his dick, out the tip, and all over the place. His tongue fell out of his mouth and his eyes went half-lid.

‘Splort, splurt, splort.’

The first rope of Charlie’s cum shot extremely far out from his tip; its curve was impressive. It shot over Alex’s head and landed right on her Switch. 


The tigress went wide-eyed as thick, white, and viscous cum landed on part of her left Joy-Con and the left side of her fancy OLED screen. She barely had any time to react further as just a second after the first rope of Charlie’s cum touched down on her Switch, the rest of his load followed. Rope after rope of his sticky cum shot out from his dick, coating her head, her tail, her butt, and even spilling off to the side and onto her feet. His cum was warm, almost hot even, and he couldn’t control his dick anymore as it spat out his genetic material all over his friend’s back and ass.

After five ropes, the strength and curve of the ones that followed gradually weakened. They landed on her panties-covered ass cheeks, then her thighs,  and the last of his ropes were only able to spurt far enough to land on her pussy, right on her labia. When his cum starting painting her cunt, it winked at him again, which made him let out a moan as chills traveled down his spine. He panted, tongue still out of his mouth, and tried to catch his breath. The last bits of his load oozed out of his dick like the last bit of toothpaste being squeezed out of an already flat tube. Two drops landed on the bed while the last remaining glob clung to his tip, just under the slit where it came out from. 

Once Charlie finally caught his breath again, he let his hands slide free from their grip on Alex’s paws, reeled his tongue back into his mouth, and let out one final heavy sigh as he looked at the mess he made. His cum was all over Alex’s hair, her back, her butt, and her pussy. It was thick and globby like glue and he was incredibly tempted to give it a touch and smear it all over her. 

“Jesus Christ, how long has it been since you last came?” Alex chuckled and turned her head to look back at the mouse who still had his dick in between her feet. As Charlie’s dick softened into a semi, the tigress wiggled her toes and moved her feet so that his dick slithered its way in between them all the way from her toe beans to her heels. She pressed her right paw into his dick and curled her toes just enough to start massaging his dick from a semi, back to being fully erect again. She really did know how to work her paws, so it wasn’t much of a surprise that she was able to get Charlie back to tock hard so quickly. Plus, that view; her pussy and asshole winking at him, inviting him to stick it in and keep going. How could he resist? But if he kept going, they weren’t going to make it to breakfast.

“Do you think we should uh…” Charlie scratched the back of his head, “Get room service?” he said as his dick throbbed in the soft embrace of Alex’s feet.

Alex chuckled and turned back to look at her Switch before she replied. “You do what you want, I still have another house to build. Then when you’re done, we can go out to eat. I know a really good place we could go for brunch,” she purred her words and went back to arguing with the Nooks. Her pussy visibly clenched and asshole winked as she spoke, just thinking about having Charlie’s dick inside her again made her incredibly horny. She chewed on her bottom lip and wondered which hole of hers he would choose. 

Charlie stared at her holes and gulped; he didn’t know which one he was going to choose either.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.


Art by TotesFleisch8




Great read as always! I especially loved the paw play in this one 😊


Oh yus. Very good yes yes.