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Finding the perfect balance in a friends-with-benefits relationship was hard, often times one side would either get too attached and want more out of the relationship, or treat the relationship more like a no-strings attached one, completely disregarding the “friends” part of the equation. So, when Alex found such a friend in Kin, a fox that she met running alongside him on the treadmills at the gym, it was a relief that he wasn’t that type.

The way they met was almost like a bad porno plot; Alex was minding her business on the treadmill, keeping up with the gradually increasing speed that she had set, and listening to her sweat playlist to get the most out of her workout. Then, Kin started his workout on the treadmill next to her and started striking up a conversation. Normally, Alex wouldn’t be able to hear anyone hitting on her at the gym with how loud her music was usually blaring into her ears, but the fox got lucky and caught her in between songs. With the fox so close to her, it was hard for her to ignore the musk and sweat that he had accumulated from his workout. It started with “Hey I’m Kin” and “Hey, Kin, I’m Alex,” to the two similarly colored gym buddies sneaking off to the men’s locker rooms to do unspeakable things that could get their memberships revoked. 

When they were done doing the yoinky spoinky, Kin asked if Alex would spot him while he did some weights, which was the point when Alex realized that this friends-with-benefits relationship was going to work; other guys would have just left to do their own thing, Kin was genuinely interested in being friends, too, not just how well Alex was able to suck the cum right out of his balls like an industrial shop vac. The tigress wiped her chin clean of the fox’s cum, pulled her shorts back up, and followed him out to the weight-lifting area where she could spot him with a little smile filled with hope spread on her face. Finally, a friend with benefits that wouldn’t make her feel bad or guilty for indulging in her desires, but only time would tell whether or not the relationship would last.

It did and was currently the longest-lasting friends-with-benefits relationship the tigress ever had. Kin was available any time Alex called him and vice versa. They were always there for each other, even when it wasn’t related to sex. They provided support and comfort, and while they were openly affectionate towards one another, they never crossed the line into any romantic feelings that would complicate the perfect balance of having sex with each other whenever they wanted and going to hang out and chill right after. Another factor that helped make their arrangement work was their interests and kinks in the bedroom; they shared many of them, even the ones the normies would consider as niche. To Alex, what they had was perfect, but she was never sure what Kin thought of it.

“Reese’s Pieces or Cups?” the fox asked Alex as he opened up the snack cupboard in his kitchen. Today was another one of those days; Kin was incredibly horny and had invited Alex over to hang out. While most of the time they would start fucking immediately after they arrived, Kin wanted to talk to the tigress about something important first, something that she had to sit down at his kitchen counter for. 

“Cups!” Alex exclaimed excitedly as she leaned on her elbows and tapped her fingers against the hardwood countertop. The red-sweater-clad tigress watched as her friend fished through the snack cabinets for a couple of those orange packets and when he slid them over to her, she popped one open and started munching on the chocolate-covered cup of smooth peanut butter. Kin sat down opposite Alex and watched as she chewed the candy, once he saw her swallow her first bite, he brought up the topic that he wanted to talk about. Or at least he was about to, he was interrupted by the tigress speaking up first. 

“We usually get down to business right away. Why is it you are wining and dining me with my favorite candy first? Did you get a girlfriend or something?” The tiger let out a chuckle as she pulled the second peanut butter cup out from the packet in her hand and started eating it. Her green eyes locked to his yellow ones as she chewed the sticky chocolate with her mouth closed. She stuffed the remaining cup into her mouth and chewed on it with slightly bulged-out cheeks. 

“No, no, no. Nothing like that.” Kin let out a nervous chuckle. He twiddled with his thumbs as he sat down. He felt nervous for some reason, and it was obvious to Alex that he was going to ask her something that he figured she might not appreciate. But they were the type of friends who could talk about anything, so Alex’s ears were up and ready to listen. She smacked her lips, swallowed the last bit of her Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, and tilted her head to the side. “What’s up?” 

Kin stopped twiddling his thumbs and smiled at the tiger. “I was thinking we could try something different today, something a little kinkier?” He resumed twiddling and toying with his fingers after he asked the question he had been mulling over and over again in his head while he waited for Alex to come over. For some reason, despite how close they were, and knowing some of their shared interests, he was very nervous to ask her to participate in what he had in mind. 

Alex kept her head tilted to the side and slowly raised her brows more and more as Kin spoke. To say she was intrigued would have been an understatement. Her tail swished and swayed behind her and she tapped her fingers against the wooden countertop again, making loud clicks as her sharp claws came into contact with the light oak wood. 

‘Clack, clack, clack.’

“Oh?” the tigress smirked. “You know I am up for anything with you. It’s gotta be super depraved and dirty for you to bribe me first.” Her tail continued to sway behind her and she stood up from her stool to lean over the kitchen island. She brought her face mere inches away from his own and wiggled her nose as she sniffed him. “It’s okay, you can tell me.” She reassured him. Kin still had the look of worry and nervousness spread all over his mug, but when the tigress leaned toward him and sniffed at him with her cute button nose, he let out a somewhat relieved sigh and shrugged his shoulders. 

“Okay, I wanted to ask if you’d be into some paw play?” The fox asked. He tried to maintain eye contact with his friend but it was hard, considering what he was suggesting to her. The look that appeared on Alex’s face was confusion mixed in with a little bit of disappointment. She wasn’t disappointed by the suggestion, but rather by the fact that Kin had to ask if she would be up for some paw play. She was the one to go to for anything paw-related and Kin should have known since they had done a bunch of paw stuff in the bedroom before. She furrowed her brows and tilted her head to the side again. “What are you talking about? We’ve done paw stuff before. You were literally sucking on my toes the last time.” Alex chuckled, the tigress took her eyes off her friend for a moment as she flicked the empty Reese’s wrapper, but her gaze returned to him just in time for his reply. 

“Well…” Kin twiddled his thumbs again. “That’s true, but I’m always the one worshipping your feet, I was wondering if you’d… Uhm.” He paused and let out a soft chuckle. Kin then leaned further over the counter and brought his muzzle closer to Alex and whispered the rest of what he had to say straight into her fuzzy ear. He even put a hand over the side of his muzzle, as if anyone was there to read his lips from a distance. 

Whatever it was he said, it made Alex stop playing with her empty candy wrapper, made her eyes widen, and had her looking at him with an expression that said “Really?” without her having to say it. When Kin pulled away from her and saw her expression, he nodded. There was a sparkle in his eyes that Alex had seen somewhere else before but she couldn’t quite put a finger on it. Alex was left shellshocked for a moment and it took her a few seconds to recover from it, after which a grin stretched across her face and she shrugged her shoulders. “Sure, why not, that sounds like fun.” 

Kin let out a giddy yip and clapped his hands together. “Awesome!” he said excitedly and scurried away from the kitchen counter in the direction of his bedroom. Alex turned around and let her eyes follow the fox as he ran off like a middle-schooler excited for recess and chuckled. She raised both her brows when she finally remembered where she recognized that look in Kin’s eyes from; Puss in Boots in Shrek 2. 

After the fox’s bushy tail zipped through the bedroom doorway and Alex couldn’t see him anymore, she followed him. 


There was just something about the smell of sweaty paws that Alex was enamored with. Especially a guy’s sweaty paws; the intensity of the scent had Alex’s engine going. It was one of those kinks that immediately had Alex horny whenever they came into play. She found it hard to resist whenever her male friends came back unshowered from the gym and took off their shoes. It was a kink that she was sometimes ashamed of, with the whole stigma that came with it all, but when the shoes came off, the tigress was often on her knees sucking on them toes like there was no tomorrow. 

Kin laid back on the bed, stripped down to nothing but the collar that he never took off, and was holding a single black leash in his hand. His tail dangled off the edge of the bed, his brown flaccid dick flopped against his stomach, and his matching balls hung from them and nestled comfortably in between his thighs. A smirk grew on his face as he looked down at the tigress who was knelt in front of him, her head perfectly dick level, right where he wanted her. Green collar around her neck and all the clothing she previously had on gone, she surely was a sight for sore eyes. He leaned back on the bed, pulled the leash in his hand, and tilted his head to the side ever so slightly as he did so. The tug on the leash pulled Alex’s face closer and closer to the fox’s crotch. 

“Relax, remember the safe word, and if you feel like any of this is too much, we can stop,” Kin said with a smile. 

Alex looked up at him with a smile and her nose wiggled and danced as she got closer and closer to the most concentrated source of his musk. She could smell something slightly salty, a little bit sour; a bit of unwashed musk that had Alex weak in the knees. Her nose continued to wiggle and dance faster and faster the closer she got to that fat flaccid sausage that she desperately wanted to sick her nose up against. Kin continued to reel her in like a fish on a line, but as soon as her nose was just a few inches away from his fat balls, he lifted his right leg and placed his paw right on her face to stop her. His soft pedicured paws rested right against her muzzle, his brown pads squished against her nose and she was able to get a good whiff of his sweaty beans, directly from the source. Her eyes shot wide open for a moment before her eyelids became heavy and her facial expression changed to one of pure bliss as she inhaled the musky scent of his soles.

Kin used the foot on the tigress’s face to keep the tigress a safe distance away from his dick. He pushed lightly and curled his toes over her nose, causing her to open her eyes and look at him. Her green eyes seemed to have an extra sparkle to them as her chest rose and fell rapidly with her breathing. He could see that she was enjoying herself, and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight. He watched as she sniffed and huffed his foot for a good minute before he said anything. “You like those stinky soles, huh? You’re such a dirty tigress. Huffing my sweaty paws.” He snickered. 

“Mmmmrrff…” Alex let out a noise in between her incredibly loud sniffs and huffs. Her tail waved around behind her and slowly started to lift upward; a thing it did on its own a lot whenever she was turned on. With her hands placed firmly against the floor, the tigress dug her claws into the carpet, leaned her face further into the fox’s padded peets, and let her nose and lips drag all over it. She went from toe to toe, to his sole, then back to his toes again to get her cute pink nose in between each of them. With a long huff that was followed by a hungry sigh after each sniff and huff, the tigress’s pussy began leaking its juices that ran down her leg and into the carpet fuzz beneath her. 

‘Snfff… Snffffff… Snfffffffff…’


The whole paw worship thing wasn’t a one-sided enjoyment thing, either, the fox who was watching his tigress friend feast on the scent and smell of his feet couldn’t help but feel aroused as the tigress’s soft lips and sniffing nose made their way over every square inch of his right foot. He could feel his heart racing and his blood being pumped through his circulatory system at an alarmingly high rate. He could feel his blood flow being redirected to his chocolate-colored cock that was still flopped over his stomach and watched it as it slowly twitched and throbbed to his BPM and rose to life. It only took about a dozen or so twitches for his cock to rise at full attention and stick upward like a flag pole. He couldn’t stay flaccid if he tried; having a woman at his feet huffing and sniffing so eagerly as Alex did would bend the will of even the strongest of men. Kin didn’t have a particularly strong will, plus he was incredibly into having his feet worshipped, so why would he even bother trying to resist? He let out soft moans but did his best to silence them and kept a smug and confident smirk plastered on his face as he watched. Satisfied for now with how Alex was huffing his paw, he pulled it just enough away from her to then tilt it forward so that his toes pointed straight at her. Alex’s nose continued to wiggle and dance as she eagerly sniffed harder and harder as his foot pulled away from her, she had a depraved look of desperation in her eyes, and the look she gave him was pleading for him to give her just a little more time to enjoy herself. 

With a stern look and tone toward his tigress friend, Kin gave his first command. “Suck on them.” 

Alex stared at Kin for as long as it took her to scooch herself close enough for her lips to press right against the end of his toes. She planted a kiss against them and let her warm and wet lips smear all over the tips of his toes, all while maintaining eye contact with him throughout. Her green eyes were full of lust, desire, and that tiger aggression that was just a natural part of her. There was something about having such a strong species underneath your feet the way Kin had her, he couldn’t quite put a paw on it though.

“Hm.” A somewhat dissatisfied noise escaped the fox’s lips as he watched the tigress plant small kisses against his toes. His smirk briefly shifted to a more neutral expression before it morphed into a grin that stretched from ear to ear. With a swift move that caught Alex off-guard, Kin shoved his foot forward and forced his toes into Alex's slightly agape mouth. 

“Mmmmrff!” Alex let out a slightly panicked sound that was very quickly muffled by the two toes that were stuffed into her mouth. Kin pulled on the leash connected to Alex’s collar to keep her from pulling away and let out a devilish chuckle. “There we go… That’s much better.” The warmth that engulfed his two middle toes was enough to make his cock throb three consecutive times, and when Alex started to suck on them and roll her tongue over them to cover them in her kitty cat slobber, the fox let out a happy sigh and let the tigress do her thing. 

Having toes in her mouth wasn’t a new thing for Alex, but having them aggressively shoved in, was. She didn’t object to it, but a little warning would have been nice. Nevertheless, the tigress sucked on the fox’s toes hard, getting the scent and flavor of his paws into her system as much as she could. She even started to bob her head back and forth as if she were giving him head, which had Kin’s nervous system flaring like wildfire. Her lips wrapped around his toes tight and she slid her tongue up, down, around, and in between them as hungrily as she could. She did her best to maintain the eye contact she had with her friend-with-benefits as long as she could, but after a minute, she closed those emerald eyes of hers and let herself go hard on those toes.


“Oh my god,” Kin said under his breath as he pulled on the leash to keep Alex on his toes as she pushed down to take them down past the joint. Alex suckled and suckled on them until there was no sweat and flavor left, at which point the fox’s grip on the leash loosened slightly. Kin’s dick throbbed over and over again as he felt the tigress’s rough tongue glide over his toes, in between them, and over the pads underneath. 

The tigress opened her eyes when she felt the tension on the leash lessen as her lips created a suction around the vulpine’s toes that sent him moaning and knocked him out of his dominant focus for a bit. She kept her eyes on him, listened to his moans, and monitored the leash in his hand to see if he would tighten his grip and pull her down again. Once she was sure he wouldn’t pull her so suddenly again, she pulled herself off of his toes, with both of them leaving her lips with a loud and wet pop. 


Multiple strings of saliva splattered from the tigress’s mouth as she popped the fox’s wet toes out, and a thick string remained connecting her mouth to his toes until she licked her lips and snapped it free. Kin opened his eyes and bit his lip when he felt the suction Alex’s mouth had on his toes increase as she pulled them out of her mouth. The loud pop and the fireworks of saliva made him bite his lip and his dick throbbed harder than it had ever done before in his life. He didn’t even care that he had mistakenly loosened his grip on the leash and that Alex had pulled away from the duty of sucking on his toes earlier than he wanted her to. He looked down at his dick as it begged for the same attention his paws were receiving. Each time his cock throbbed, his foreskin slid down the tip of his dick and rolled right back up, it looked like it was winking at him, which he thought was just a little bit funny. Not being able to handle it anymore, Kin lifted both of his legs to give Alex more access to his dick and balls. His asshole was up for grabs, too, but he was sure it wasn’t what the tigress was going to be focusing on. 

The fox’s fat and musky dick stood at attention right underneath Kin’s sweaty soles, and with it being within reach of the tigress, it did not take long for her to grab it. With a firm hand around his cock, she slowly started jerking him off as she moved even closer to him to get her face right into those paws that hovered freely like fresh fruits dangling from a tree. She rolled his foreskin down all the way to expose his darker-colored dick tip and leaned in to take in his scent, after that she rolled his foreskin back up and repeated it all over again. 

‘Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap.’ 

Kin leaned his head back and relaxed on the bed, he started moaning louder and louder as the tiger jerked him off. “Hhhnnnnnhhhgggghhaaa…” Alex grabbed his balls and rolled the sensitive orbs in her hand. She felt their warmth, tugged on them a little, and brought her face close to the two paws that were right in front of her. Her nose wiggled and danced again as she huffed his sweaty feet once more. One hand jerked him off, one hand massaged his balls, and her face stayed as close as possible to his feet without touching them. She stuck her tongue out of her mouth after a while as she began sniffing his feet through her nose and huffing out through her mouth. With her tongue so close to his paws, she could almost taste him again. Just as she was about to lean in and lather his paws with her tongue and get a proper taste of his sweaty feet, Kin spread his legs apart slightly and peeked at the tigress huffing his feet from the bed. He had the same look on his face from earlier when he asked if Alex wanted to join him in doing something kinkier.

Alex stopped in her tracks to look at Kin, nose still sniffing, mouth still open, and tongue still out. 

It was a few seconds before Kin said something. “Holy fuck, Alex. I can’t take it anymore, please suck my dick…” 

The tigress stared at her fox friend and raised a single brow. “I was wondering how long it would take you to ask me that.” She grinned, let go of his balls, and quickly gave his paws that hovered in front of her a lick before she spread the fox’s legs wide open to make some room for herself to dive right into that fox dick buffet. And dive right in she did. She tightened her grip around Kin’s dick and brought her lips to kiss him right on the slit at his tip. Her eyes locked with his and she gave him a smirk with his dick still pressed up against her lips. She took the time to sniff and enjoy the scent of his cock, her breath blew over his shaft and his bush of pubes at his pelvis. Being so close to the source of his manly scent drove her even wilder than his feet did. The musk, the saltiness, and the slight hint of precum had her planting more and more kisses against his tip. She even slipped her tongue out from her mouth to make the kiss a little more French. She started purring when she tasted his cock with her tongue and once again Kin was left moaning and struggling to keep up the dom act. 

“Hhhh…” He did his best to keep his moans under wraps and maintain as much eye contact with the tigress as possible, but when she slid her tongue under his foreskin and swirled it around underneath. He tensed up suddenly, leaned his head back, and let out a shuddery and shaky moan. His legs also went wobbly as Alex’s pink muscle scooped his flavor out like she was licking a tub of soft gelato. His cock throbbed hard and his breathing became erratic, he was very quickly becoming the one under the control of the tigress, even though he was still the one holding the leash. With a loud grunt, Kin’s hips thrusted forward involuntarily and he shot two ropes of precum that splashed against the roof of Alex’s mouth. Alex continued to have her fun with Kin’s foreskin and swallowed his precum while she let out happy cat noises. 

The fox was in heaven; the way the tigress’s tongue swirled around under his foreskin was enough to make him do anything. He was addicted. When he felt that Alex was about to pull away, he lifted his feet above her and shook his head. “Oh no you don’t. Not yet.” With his feet raised, he placed one at each side of the tigress’s head and held her in place. Unable to move, Alex looked at the fox in a panic. 

“Thought I was done being in control, huh?” he said teasingly and he started slowly using his feet to move the tigress’s head up and down on his cock. Pushing her down until her nose was buried deep in his stinky pubic hair before pulling her back up to where only his tip was in her mouth. The tigress didn’t have a problem with taking his dick down her throat, having done so many times, but this was a new and interesting way to go about it. He repeated the motion over and over again, slowly increasing speed. 

‘Gllllk, slooorp, gllllk, slooorp.’ 

Alex’s throat felt nice around his cock and Kin once again started to moan and lean his head back. His feet continued to guide Alex’s head up and down on his cock as he used her throat like a fleshlight. The way her throat tightened around his sensitive dick head made him squirm and as a result, he made her deep throat him over and over again. The tigress’s eyes were open and still as wide as they were when he first started using his feet to hold her in place. She looked slightly terrified as she stared up at the fox whose finger she was wrapped around. It took Kin a few minutes before he noticed her looking at him like that, and when he did, he did not stop his feet but he did tilt his head to the side ever so slightly. 

“You can use the safeword.” He reminded the tigress with a warm smile. The sound of Alex’s throat slurping and schlorping on his cock pretty much made it necessary for him to speak a little louder than usual. He waited for a response from the tigress, but she only looked at him. Her head bobbed up and down as his cock slid in and out of her throat. Thick saliva from deep in her throat coated his cock and made it shine. She was purring, too.

The pussy juice dripping from her pussy turned into a small puddle that soaked and stained the carpet underneath her. She let him use her throat like the good little tigress fleshlight that she was. 

The truth was that she forgot the safeword. But since she didn’t need to use it, it didn’t matter. She enjoyed the fox’s stink dick.


Guest Starring Kintuse 

Art by twinkle-sez 




I just noticed this now. I'm always excited to see paw stories from you, though honestly I prefer a guy worshipping a girls' feet. Guess you wanted to change things around for once?


I have a lot of guy worshipping girl feet, so I thought I would serve an underserved niche that I also enjoy. 🥰


Love this!