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Alex never thought that she’d ever get excited about a new appliance. It seemed like the most mundane thing to her; an inanimate object that at most could improve your quality of life by shaving a few minutes or hours off of a task. She’d seen her mother get excited about a new washing machine, and she’d seen her father get excited about a new automatic air pump for car tires, but she never thought that she’d ever see herself getting excited about a new washer and dryer being installed. There are a lot of moments that make you realize you’ve become an adult; getting your driver’s license and having your first alcoholic drink were merely tiny stepping stones compared to getting excited about a new household appliance, which was the real sign of being a mature and independent person.

When the washer and dryer were delivered and installed, Alex couldn’t wait to take them for a spin. She only did laundry once a week on Saturdays, but she couldn’t wait that long. So, in went a load of laundry that was barely worth the use of a Tide pod, and once it was done, she tossed the damp clothes into the dryer along with a single Snuggles dryer sheet. She turned the dial to the appropriate setting and excitedly smashed her finger against the start button. So excitedly, in fact, that it took her a couple of presses to actually hit it.

‘Beep!’ Once she hit the button, the tumble drying began. She couldn’t wait to feel the warm towels against her face and to smell the fresh fragrance of the dryer sheet she used. But that was still an hour and a half away. She waited patiently, mesmerized by the mix of polyester and cotton that tumbled over and over again.

Reaching the point where you become excited about an appliance also meant reaching the point where you get frustrated and annoyed at the customer service hotline when that appliance eventually broke down. “They don’t make 'em’ like they used to!” Alex’s father would say, “Our washer and dryer from when you were little still work like the day we first bought 'em’.” Alex was jealous of her parent’s appliances. Sure, they were ugly and beige like everything in the 90s was, but they still worked even though the company that made them went belly up long ago. Alex wasn’t sure if she would be able to love anything beige in her apartment, but an ugly beige dryer that worked beat a pretty minimalistic one that didn’t.

“Hello there Ms. Marx, thank you for holding, I’ve scheduled your repair appointment with our technician and they should be over tomorrow at any time between noon to 2 PM. Does that work for you?” the voice of the kind lady on the Electrolux customer service line spoke. It was a great thing to hear after almost an hour of distorted piano music that sounded like someone had made a piano out of old beer bottles.

Alex, who had her head against the dinner table, was half-asleep, but when there was a voice, she jolted awake and very quickly responded. “Oh, no problem!” She lied; being on hold for an hour was definitely a problem. “Yes, yes! That works for me.” She said with a smile, pushing her head up from the table to look at her phone. The battery indicator was red, but that didn’t matter, the call was almost over now anyway.

“Perfect, our technician will call you on the day of service a couple of hours before they arrive. I am glad I was able to help you with this issue, is there anything else I can help you with while I have you on the line?” the lady asked.

Alex shook her head as if she were sitting face-to-face with the customer service agent, “No, no, that will be all, thank you so much.” The tigress cooed.

Alex could hear the agent on the phone smiling, finally glad that the call with her was over. “Thank you for trusting Electrolux for your home appliance needs. Have a great day.”


The tigress let out an exhaustive sigh, picked her phone up off the table, and walked away to take a leak. While she sat on the toilet, draining her phone’s battery with Candy Crush, she wondered why the fuck they didn’t just have an app for dealing with warranties and repairs. Now that was a billion-dollar idea. She occasionally glanced up from her phone to look at the overflowing laundry hamper, thank goodness the technician was coming the next day.

“Soda Crush!”

Thank goodness.

The next day came and Alex sat around waiting for the technician to call. She went from the couch to the dining table, to the bed, and then back to the couch again. With her phone in hand and its ringer on maximum volume, she was ready. But the call never came.

The clock ticked a few minutes passed midnight and Alex was asleep on the couch as the TV played the episode of Modern Family where the family takes a lake vacation to watch a solar eclipse. She woke up to the sound of one of the gay characters, Cam, screaming as he fell off the boat and into the lake. It took a few seconds for her eyes to readjust to the light or lack thereof in the living room. When she realized it was dark, she panicked, pushed herself upright, and slammed her hands around for her phone. “No, no, no, no. Please don’t tell me I missed the call; I was only asleep for a few hours…” she said to herself. When she found her phone, she quickly pulled it up to see if there were any missed calls. Na-da. She let out a sigh that mixed in relief and disappointment as she sunk back into the couch and stared at the overflowing laundry hamper that she could see through the slightly ajar door to the laundry room. Her favorite red sweater was in there, almost all of her underwear and socks, and her boyfriend’s clothes, too. She grumbled and growled as she felt the basket of clothes staring back at her, almost as if it was taunting her. She had half the mind to write up a strongly worded email to the office of Electrolux’s CEO to complain about how she was stood up by one of their technicians, but the way the folds in her red sweater made a disappointed frown told her that she had much more pressing matters to attend to. Exhaling through her nose, the tigress pushed herself onto her feet and walked over to the laundry room. She kicked open the door, picked up the laundry basket, and grumbled. “Laundromat it is.”

The basket was heavy, but the laundromat was just a couple of blocks away, driving would have been a waste of gas. Alex came to regret her decision not to drive just as she reached the one-block mark. As she waddled her way down the street in her loosely fitting t-shirt and boy shorts, she felt drops of water fall onto her head. She stopped in her tracks to look up and make sure she hadn’t just been defecated on by a bird; then it started pouring. Raindrops the size of ping-pong balls began to fall and pitter-patter against the pavement. Alex ran as fast as she could through the blinding rain, soaking herself and the topmost layer of the clothes in the hamper in the process. “Fuck you Electrolux, fuck you Electrolux, I’m buying another brand next time.” She grumbled as she zipped through the falling water. She remembered watching an episode of MythBusters where they explained that running through the rain made you get wetter, but she didn’t have time to think about that, she just wanted to get to the laundromat and get her laundry done. Her paws splashed in puddles as she took long strides to get there faster. Once the bright LED sign for the Penguin 24-7 Laundromat was in sight, she let out a happy giggle before slowing down and stopping under the small roof area in the front to catch a break and a breath from the rain. She plopped the basket down on the ground and looked into the self-service laundry establishment that was mostly made of windows on the front. It was very dimly lit, but it was lined with rows of shiny washing machines and dryers. It looked empty, but that was to be expected when it was a little after midnight and raining out, it wasn’t the ideal weather to do laundry outside of your home. Alex looked at the wet clothes on her body, picked up the basket, and let out a sigh as she pushed through the glass doors with her back.

The bell that hung above the door jingled as Alex pushed it open and jingled again but softer when the door closed. She found it odd that there was a bell on the door when it was an unmanned laundromat, but the thought didn’t stay on her mind for long. Once she was inside, she ran over to the row of washing machines against the wall at the back. She left wet pawprints on the slightly grubby tile floor from the door all the way to the washing machine she chose to use.

“Here we go.” Alex plopped her basket on the top of the washing machine and took the plastic container of laundry detergent pods along with a thin box of dryer sheets and plopped them off to the side. She popped open the washing machine door, tossed in a single Tide pod, and started to throw the dirty clothes in piece by piece. The rainwater that had soaked her clothes and fur dripped onto the floor as the tigress unloaded her laundry from her hamper. She threw in shirts, t-shirts, trousers, shorts, jeans, sweaters, underwear, and socks. She was down to a few plushies and a few pieces of her boyfriend’s underwear and the large washing machine was already almost at capacity. She didn’t want to spend all night waiting for two loads of laundry, but then again if she put in too much, the clothes wouldn’t smell as good with just one detergent pod. She blindly reached into the plastic pod container for another one and tossed it in on top of the pile of laundry already in the machine. She then grabbed the last two pieces of clothing, which were two pairs of her boyfriend’s boxers; the kind Alex had bought for him because they were so smooth and soft to the touch. Not only that, but they wrapped his package well, and absorbed sweat and scents, keeping him looking fresh and dry throughout the day. It definitely hadn’t been recommended to her by a friend that knew she had a little bit of an obsession with how her boyfriend smelled. Just holding the two pairs in her hand she was able to catch a hint of her boyfriend’s scent on them; a small hint of musk and sweat was all it took for Alex to stop herself from tossing them into the washing machine alongside the other dirty clothes. She looked down at the boxers that were scrunched up in her hand as her nose wiggled and danced.

Her boyfriend’s scent never got old; Alex could sniff him and enjoy him all day. It didn’t matter if he had been out in the sun or at the gym sweating like a whore in church, she was always happy to nose her way under his arm or his balls. He protested almost every time Alex put her nose against him, saying that he was “stinky” or “gross”, but to the tigress, he was neither of those things. To her, he smelled like safety, someone she could rely on, a shoulder she could cry on without any judgment, and a boy who could fuck her so good that she squirted every single time. It was a shame that he was away on a work trip, otherwise, she wouldn’t be soaking wet from rain at a laundromat, but soaking wet in the bedroom. Her boyfriend was handy, too, he would have been able to fix their washer and dryer with ease. Alex drifted off into a daydream about her boyfriend playing handyman; he had his tools in hand and sweat rolling off almost every part of him. Her daydream was incredibly vivid, down to what her boyfriend would smell like. She saw herself interrupting him to hug him and press her nose into the nape of his neck. He was warm, and while he protested her throwing a wrench into him fixing the dryer, he welcomed her affection.

“You’re not going to let me finish fixing this, are you?” her boyfriend shook his head and chuckled. He glanced over his shoulder at the tigress hugging him from behind and sniffing him over and over as if he was top-shelf catnip. To Alex, that was exactly what he was; he was her aphrodisiac, something she couldn’t get enough of. His scent had such a powerful influence on her, that she would do some very depraved things to get it, things that if confessed to a pastor, the pastor would probably go to hell with her just for listening to the confession.

Alex’s nose moved from her boyfriend’s neck down to his shoulder and nestled at the fold of his armpit. “No,” she said with a cute muffled sniff. Her boyfriend’s concentrated musk and sweat hit her nose harder than Tonya Harding to Nancy Kerrigan’s kneecaps, and before she knew it, her pussy was dripping wet. She let out a soft giggle and continued her sniffing, her pink nose wiggling and covering a massive amount of boyfriend surface area. As much as she wanted him to smear his smell all over her and put a litter in her right then and there, she was fine with just hugging him and sniffing him like this, too. Her boyfriend did his best to continue working on the dryer’s faulty motor, but with the tigress on him, it was a lot harder than it looked. Eventually, he dropped his tools, let out a sigh, and let out an almost villainous chuckle.

“C’mere, you.” Her boyfriend pounced and turned the tables on the tigress. He pushed her down onto her back and grabbed her wrists to keep her pinned underneath him. Alex’s eyes widened and she let out a joyful squeak as she was overpowered and brought to the ground. She looked up into her boyfriend’s eyes, her nose still sniffing at his scent that lingered over and over. She could see her boyfriend grinning as sweat beads rolled off of him. He then leaned in to press his lips into hers.


The kiss was both gentle and fueled by hunger. There was just enough tongue to make a mess of their mouths that when they pulled away from each other a string of their mixed saliva would connect their lips. Alex could taste Dr. Pepper on her boyfriend’s tongue, which only made her want to kiss him for longer. When the kiss broke and the saliva string connecting their lips together snapped, Alex tried to break her wrists free from her boyfriend’s grasp, but to no avail. She wanted to pull his face back down to kiss him for longer, but she was completely at his mercy. As a tiger, she could physically overpower him, but it was hot letting her boyfriend be the strong one here and there. Her boyfriend let go of her right wrist for a moment to use his hand to clear the tigress’s hair out of her face but put it right back when he was done.

“There’s my pretty girl,” he murmured. The look on his face was that of pure love. His eyes were soft, his lips pursed into one of those smiles you did without realizing it, and most importantly, there was a little bit of a tent in his loosely fitting stay-at-home handyman shorts. It was very noticeable, too, since he was directly above her, his pole pointed down straight as an arrow. It was very difficult to ignore, which was why Alex didn’t. Her eyes weren’t able to linger for too long, however, as her boyfriend leaned back down to kiss her some more. The kisses were shorter, more akin to pecks, but they were applied all over her face, and even on her big protruding sabers.

“What say we move this to the bedroom, huh? Or do you want me to do you right here and scatter all my well-organized tools around?” her boyfriend asked in between his kiss assault on her face. He then leaned in and whispered in her ear, “I’ll even let you huff my armpits like the dirty kitty cat you are…”

Hearing her boyfriend dirty talk to her was a very easy way to get her squirming. A shiver was sent down her spine and she bit her lip. But before she could reply to him and ask him to call her a dirty kitty again, there was a loud bang.


It was thunder. The sky’s rumbling was so loud that it pulled Alex out of her daydream and back into the laundromat. Her boyfriend was gone, the washing machine and dryer back home were still broken, and she sat there dripping wet from rainwater. She opened her eyes back up to see that the boxers she had in her hand were up against her nose, contributing to the vividness and accuracy of her boyfriend’s smell in the daydream. She pulled the boxers away from her nose and let out a disappointed sigh. Not only was she wet from the rain, but the daydream she was suddenly yanked out of made her wet in another way, too. She stared at the washing machine in front of her as its lights blinked at her, begging for quarters. She reached for the basket on top of the washing machine again and grabbed her little coin bag. She unzipped it, grabbed a bunch of coins, and started loading them into the coin slot on the machine.

‘Clink, clink, clink, clink,’

Alex loaded the washing machine with coins until the blinking lights stopped. She tossed the coin bag back into the basket and stared at the pair of boxers in her hand again. She considered tossing them into the washing machine to wash them with the rest of the laundry but decided against it. She stood up, placed the boxers on the top of the machine, and started to peel her wet clothes off. She started with her t-shirt before she shimmied out of her boy shorts, then she tossed them both into the washing machine. The tigress was just about to close the door on the front-loading washing machine when she had a thought and stopped herself. The bra and panties that she had on were wet, too, from a mixture of rain and pussy juice. Tossing them into the wash with the rest probably wasn’t a bad idea; she didn’t want to walk back home with wet underwear on. She was already here and was paying for her washing and drying anyway, so she might as well do it all.

Taking a look around the laundromat and outside onto the street, it didn’t look like anyone else would be joining Alex in using its services. The rain was still going strong, the sound of water tapping against the glass made that very evident. Alex also hadn’t noticed any cars going by for a good while, too. Satisfied that there wasn’t anyone in sight, the tigress unhooked her bra and pulled her panties off. She lifted up her feet one by one to pull her most intimate fabric away, leaving herself completely nude and exposed. The tiger tossed her intimates into the washing machine, slammed the door shut, and pressed the big button to start it. It played a cute little beep then started to tumble the clothing inside to weigh it for the appropriate amount of water. With the machine started, the sound of rain tapping on the glass windows and doors now had the soft whirr to go with it.

“Phew…” Alex sighed and wiped the back of her hand on her forehead. She wasn’t sweaty, but the dampness of her fur from the rain sure did make her feel like it. She watched the machine as it started to fill its tub with water. She felt like a lame adult again when the sound of the water filling up the machine made her smile; it was as if she was seeing an old friend after a long time apart. Alex placed her hands on the washing machine and leaned against it. Her thumb smeared into an old laundry detergent stain that had congealed into jelly and she made a disgusted look at it before wiping it off on the edge. “Yuck…”

After the washing machine’s tub filled up with enough water, it started rolling the clothes in it around to scrub away all the dirt and grime. The movement of the tub made the machine vibrate and shake ever so slightly. With her hands firmly placed against the machine, Alex felt its every move, no matter how slight. She let out a soft giggle at first as the vibrations tickled her palms. It didn’t take too long for the part of her brain that was responsible for her more carnal desires to jump in. Horny-Alex brain wasn’t happy that her boyfriend was away and was still salty about thunder cucking her out of a wet daydream.

‘What if I sit on it…’ she thought to herself. Alex had seen a washing machine used in porn before but hadn’t really considered it to be a viable option for self-pleasure until this very moment. It was perfect; the strength of the vibration would only increase as the appliance moved onto the next cycle. Imagine what it would feel like when it was the dry spin cycle? The thought of it alone made the tigress’s fur stand up on her shoulders. Under any normal circumstances, she would have taken longer to consider, but the daydream she had while huffing her boyfriend’s used boxers had gotten her so wet that farmers battling yearly drought could have come to her to water their crops. She glanced down at the two pairs of boxers on the washing machine that she had decided to leave out of the load for selfish reasons and smirked.

The naked tigress slid her laundry basket and jar of detergent pods to the next washing machine and clumsily climbed up onto the one in front of her. She struggled for a few seconds to get a firm grip on the machine with her damp fur, but once she was able to, she pushed herself off the floor and used the concaved window on the machine as a step to get her safely to the top. Her plush rear slowly came into contact with the cold plastic surface that was the top of the machine and she let out a very soft moan as her bare pussy lips squished down against the vibrating surface.

“Hhhhaaah…” Alex almost pushed herself right off the machine but managed to settle down just enough not to do so. With her eyes squinted shut she placed both her hands at her sides against the washing machine and let the vibrations do their thing. The very gentle vibration was already enough to send small shivers up and down Alex’s spine. It felt like she was sitting on a giant Hitachi magic wand, except the washing machine she was on definitely wasn’t a Hitachi. She actually had no idea what the make and model was.

Bubbles started to form in the wash as the Tide Pod’s dissolvable plastic layer broke and the washing machine started to tumble the water and laundry inside it harder. This came with stronger vibrations that transferred through direct contact to the tigress who was sitting naked on top. With her pussy lips kissed against the machine, that was the first place where she noticed the increase in strength and frequency. The soft buzz became a louder one that vibrated against her already slick pussy lips. The tigress opened her eyes to look down at her pussy just to make sure her mini-me was doing okay. She bit her lower lip, chewed on it, and blindly reached her left hand around for those boyfriend-stink boxers she had placed there earlier. It took her a few blind pats to find one of them and when she did, she grabbed it tightly in her hand, brought it to her face, and buried her nose into it without hesitation. Her nose wiggled and danced as she shamelessly and very audibly sniffed the center of the fabric where the dick and balls of her boyfriend had previously been marinating against.

The smell of her boyfriend’s musk wasn’t as fresh as it would have been straight from the source, but this was the closest thing she would get to that for a while. And knowing her boyfriend and his people-pleaser mentality, he would have worn them for a little longer than what was probably hygienic just as a little treat for his olfactophiliac cat. It was a combination of his post-workout sweat, which was strong and salty, and the smell of his junk, which was just the smell of dick. But the smell of dick was different from person to person, it shared a lot of identifiable characteristics, the hint of firewood and coconut was part of what made it truly his.

‘Snf. Sneef… Sneeeeeef.’ She moved her nose around the pair of boxers as she rode the washing machine’s vibrations. “Fuuuuuck…. Hhhnnnf…” She moaned. The vibrations against her pussy had her tingling in all the good ways, the initial feeling of the cold plastic against her snatch was gone, and the part of the washing machine that was against her cunt was just as warm as she was. Her pussy started to leak its juices out in copious amounts the more she huffed on the boxers in her face. It felt like she was rubbing herself against the washing machine at a fast pace, but she didn’t have to move at all, the machine did everything for her, and also washed her clothes.

As she sniffed her boyfriend’s scent, she imagined that he had fixed their washer and dryer and was fucking her on top of them. Confident that his repair job was impeccable, a little bit of mound pounding wasn’t going to do anything to it. Her boyfriend’s dick inside her felt completely different from the sensation she was feeling right now, but she made it work in her mind.

‘Vrrrrrrrrrrrr… Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…’


The vibrations continued to increase in strength and frequency as the washing machine moved on to the rinse cycle. To get rid of all that detergent, it had to toss the clothes around in a new run of water. As it shot water out into the tub and spun the clothes around, the machine shook more, moving underneath the tiger pussy pressed up against it faster. The strength of the vibration was nowhere near close enough to bring Alex to orgasm, but it was enough to keep her constantly wet and leaking her juices all over the top of the machine. A tiny puddle of her clear and sticky juice pooled underneath her, making the vibrations under her feel even better. Her tail flickered up and down and she curled her toes over and over again.

Her boyfriend’s scent clouded her mind, the only thing she wanted was to be sat underneath his sweaty nut sack huffing at them like her life depended on it. It helped make her even wetter as she rode through the rinse cycle to its completion.

The washing machine beeped a few times, announcing that it was moving on to the next cycle; the Direct Drive Spin Cycle. A patented technology guaranteed to spin the most amount of water out of your clothes for easy drying. Without relying on a belt to spin a bearing, a direct drive connects to the motor directly for a more powerful drive. That meant that the vibrations would get even stronger, strong enough to push the tigress to orgasm? Time would only tell, and that time was fast approaching.

The washing machine came to a stop first to drain the excess water that wasn’t absorbed into the laundry. When it did this, Alex’s eyes opened up and she pulled the boxers she had her face buried in for the better part of 20 minutes away. She looked down at the mess that was her crotch and let out a heavy pant of hot air. She always liked seeing the messes she made, for some reason. Maybe it was a feeling of accomplishment like she had made a nice painting that needed to be admired. She dipped the fingers on her free hand into the puddle and played around with the viscous liquid for a few seconds; stretching it in between her fingers, drawing in it, and then bringing her pussy juice-soaked fingers into her mouth.

She sucked on them, but before she had any time to react to how she tasted, the spin cycle began, and to say it started off strong would have been an understatement. Immediately, the washing machine started shaking, thumping, and vibrating much more violently than before. The fingers Alex had in her mouth popped out faster than a cork in a bottle of red wine around a group of moms at a book club. The hand returned to its position pressed down against the top of the washing machine to prop her up and keep her balanced. Vibrating under her pussy at an even faster speed, the washing machine mashed her pussy lips, spread them apart and even bounced her ever so slightly. The tigress went cross-eyed for a split second before she squinted her eyes shut and buried her nose back into her boyfriend’s stink again.

She couldn’t sniff without also letting out a moan that was muffled by the fabric that she buried her face into.

‘Snfff, snnnnnf, snfffff.’

“Hhhhhaaaahhhhnnnnhhggg…. Fuuuu-uckk…”

The washing machine spun the wet laundry inside it as if its little 10-year motor warranty life depended on it. The vibrations were consistently strong, which sent Alex into a frenzy of noises. Her toes curled, her teeth clenched, and her claws dug into the top of the washing machine, leaving distinct claw marks that the owner would definitely notice the next time they came in to empty the coin collectors. Her entire body shook as her pussy was blasted with pleasure. She’d never felt anything quite like it, and it turned laundry from a chore she didn’t enjoy doing into one she would definitely do again if she could feel this way every time.

Her breathing became short and frantic as her body tensed up and relaxed rapidly; she was close.

‘Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…’

“Hhhhaaaahhh… Aaaaahhhnn! Hhhhsh… Sh-shit…”

Unlike a sex toy, the washing machine’s vibrations and movements underneath Alex’s pussy were completely out of her control. She wasn’t able to keep herself on edge and at her own pace, and when the washing machine wanted to get rid of water, it strived to do so to perfection; which meant there were no breaks in between whatsoever. Alex wasn’t only knocked over the edge, she was driven off it by a car that hit her head-on at 100 miles per hour. Once she was driven off, her muscles made many involuntary spasms that sent her legs kicking, her back arching, and her head flicking back so hard that she dropped the pair of musky boxers. Her midriff and lower pelvic area’s muscles contracted over and over as her pussy clenched tightly around nothing.

“Hhhhhhhhhhhhhaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she howled out a moan as she squirted. Since her pussy was planted firmly against the washing machine, the squirt came out extra messy, akin to a sprinkler system. Her squirt shot out of her in all directions; increasing the size of the pussy juice puddle underneath her, and creating a splatter of mess all around. She was in too much bliss to notice how much she was squirting though. The second squirt was even bigger than the first. Her entire body trembled, fur stood up in places it normally wouldn’t, and her tongue rolled out of her mouth.

The third squirt was smaller, and by the fifth, she was down to just dribble. The entire top surface of the washing machine she was sitting on was covered in her pussy juice and it rippled as the washing machine continued the last few minutes of its spin cycle. Alex let out a heavy sigh once she was collected enough to do so and slowly climbed off the machine. Her juices continued to drip from her pussy and the surrounding fur on her ass and thighs that it had sept into. Legs wobbly, she propped her elbows onto the washing machine and leaned on it. Her tail waved around behind her slowly as she stood there breathing heavily and waiting for her laundry to finish washing.


The washing machine chimed and the lock put on its door disengaged with a click. Alex moved out of the way, opened the door, and pulled the pile of laundry out. She then transferred it to a dryer that was on the other end of the room. She popped it in with two dryer sheets and started the cycle on automatic. The machine beeped with an error asking for quarters which made the tiger roll her eyes and walk back to get them from her coin bag.

‘Clink, clink, clink, clink,’


Alex pressed her back up against the dryer and slowly slid down it to sit on the floor. She pulled her legs up and spread them apart just slightly to let all the juices still in her fur run to the floor. She looked over at the washing machine she had just “used” and the mess she made and started to chuckle when she saw the trail of pussy juice that went from the washing machine to where she was now. It looked like she had such a powerful orgasm that it knocked her across the laundromat.

She ran a free hand down to her pussy, played with the sticky mess, and brought her hand back up to inspect the strings it made as she spread her fingers. Her pussy juice looked like liquid gold with how the light from the sodium-vapor streetlamps reflected off of them. Fascinated, she was left staring at her pussy juice-laced fingers for a full two minutes. She stopped when she was interrupted by a chime from the washing machine as it turned off from being idle for too long.

“Doo-Dee-Doo-Doo. Life’s Good!”

Alex’s eyes shot over to look at the washing machine after it made its noise and chuckled.

“Life is alright… But You are good, LG…” she murmured as she played with the liquid gold on her fingers some more. It was a lock on what brand of washer and dryer she was going to get to replace the one at home. She got excited over the prospect of new appliances again, and when she realized it, she chuckled and shook her head, only slightly ashamed.


Art by The-Minuscule-Task 




Hot damn! This one really ticked all my boxes!