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The movie theater was packed full of people spilling their popcorn and drinks, screams, and the sound of creaking chairs as buttholes clenched throughout the entire showing of the movie Hereditary. Alex had gone to the movies with a friend who told her how good it was, and while it didn’t take too much convincing for her to agree to go, she had a rather complicated relationship with horror movies. On one hand, she loved the thrill it gave her; the kind that made your heart race, your teeth clench, and your claws dig into the plush armrests of the seat you are in. On the other hand, she was a scaredy cat that often had nightmares after seeing scary movies in the dark, which is what movie theaters are known for being; dark.

“That was the scariest shit I have ever seen, Lauré.” The tigress shivered as she and her red panda pal walked out of the cinema with their empty popcorn buckets in hand. Lauré’s bucket was empty because she ate all of it, but Alex’s was empty because she spilled most of it when she jumped at the various scares the movie had. It wasn’t even one of those movies that relied on cheap jumpscares, yet it had the tigress and a bunch of others in the screening spilling their snacks everywhere. The red panda didn’t look the slightest bit scared by anything that happened throughout the movie, the only reaction Alex noticed from her was when she giggle-snorted at the scene where the mom started crawling all over the ceiling and walls. “Come on, Alex, it wasn’t THAT scary.” Lauré shrugged her shoulders. “You’re just a bit of a scaredy cat, that’s why I like watching these movies with you, your reactions are absolute GOLD.” She started laughing. The pair walked away from the cinema and toward the exit that led to the above-ground metro. Without anywhere to toss their popcorn and drink containers, they held onto them as they tapped their cards to enter the metro system. While they rode the escalator up to the platform, Alex quizzed Lauré on what movies she found scary.

The Babadook?”


The Conjuring?”


The Conjuring 2?”

“Worse than the first.”


“Please. The scariest thing about that movie is how they killed Drew Barrymore in the opening scene. She should have been in the entire movie.” The red panda chuckled and took a sip from her empty soda cup, the straw only sucking up what few drops of soda mixed with melted ice that was left. As they came to the top of the escalator, they stood in front of the glass safety doors and waited for the train that would take them home to arrive.

As the train pulled up to the platform and the doors opened, Lauré and Alex had to wait for the passengers disembarking to walk off first before they got on. As they shuffled into the metal tube that was illuminated by a combination of digital screens displaying advertisements and route information and warm diffused LED lighting, Alex continued to drill the red panda for an answer.

“What about Lights Out?” the tigress asked as she and her red panda friend grabbed hold of the handgrips located above their heads on a long metal bar that stretched throughout the train. Right after the tigress asked her question, the lights in the train car flickered a few times. Alex looked up at the lights with a horrified expression on her face for a few seconds before calming down as the lights went back to normal. The red panda let out a chuckle and shook her head. “I think about that one every now and then when I have to get up to turn off the lights before I go to bed, but after I switch off the lights, I don’t run and jump into the bed as quickly as possible, can you believe it?” Lauré chuckled. She was having a lot of fun poking fun at the tigress, but she could see the frustration on her face, which made her decide to stop. “Look, there’s nothing wrong with being scared of horror movies, it’s what they are supposed to do. I’m just, really, really hard to scare.” The lesser panda shrugged her shoulders and leaned back against the plexiglass divider that she stood in front of and stared out of the window closest to her at the vibrant neon lights of the city as they zoomed away on the electric city railway. Disappointed that she wasn’t able to find a scary movie that her leather jacket-wearing cool kid red panda friend was afraid of, Alex pouted as she looked out the window at the traffic that they were avoiding underneath them and let out a sigh. At least they weren’t down there waiting for a red light that lasted four minutes, only for it to turn green for 20 seconds. She wasn’t going to give up though, there had to be at least one scary movie that was scary enough to knock the socks off of her, there just had to be.

The Siemens train zipped through the city skyline, contributing very minimally to the noise pollution other than the beeps warning the passengers that the train doors were either opening or closing. After eight stops, the next one was where Lauré had to hop off. As the train doors closed and they pulled out of the station, Alex turned from the window to look at her friend with raised brows as she remembered a pretty decent horror movie she was pretty spooked out by.

“What about Evil Dead?” the tigress asked.

Lauré turned from the window to look at Alex with her brows furrowed which completed her confused expression. “What? Which one? The 1981 or……” the red panda paused before she swallowed her saliva and gulped audibly. “2013?” The color from the red panda’s face seemed to fade away like she had been thrown into a photo editing program and someone dragged the saturation down to zero. She looked like she had just seen a ghost. Alex looked confused at her red panda friend and craned her neck forward slightly to try and get into her field of vision. After staring at her near-colorless face for a few seconds, it clicked; Lauré was scared of Evil Dead. A grin slowly spread across Alex’s face and she let out a chunky laugh. “Aha! I knew you had to be scared of something! That movie is so much tamer than what we just watched!! What the hell?” the tigress’s laughter stopped when she noticed that Lauré’s expression still hadn’t changed yet, she was still staring blankly at her, lost in thought and genuinely petrified.

“Rey? You alright?” Alex reached her arm over to gently pat her on the shoulder to get her attention. The first pat on her shoulder did nothing, so Alex gave her another one. This time, she shook her just a little bit.

“Huh? Oh, sorry, I uh…” the red panda blinked rapidly and glanced over her shoulder wearily. Once she looked back at the tigress the fur around her shoulders stood up and her fluffy tail fluffed up more than usual. Their train pulled into Lauré’s stop and the doors opened. The red panda quickly went in to hug the tigress and smooch her on her cheek. “It’s my stop! I’ll see you later, yeah?” There wasn’t a lot of time for one to say their goodbyes once the metro doors opened, and after the brief hug, Lauré fast-walked her way off of the train. The doors slid closed behind her, the train’s hydraulics released, and it pulled out of the station. “Bye. See you soon.” Alex said under her breath, having not been able to say it with the unusual rush that her friend was in all of a sudden.

The mostly empty train let out a soft electronic whirr as it pulled rolled further and further away from the station and continued along its intercity route. With her friend gone, the tigress reached into her pocket for her AirPods. She popped open the lid, plucked them out one by one, and put them into her ears. She pressed play on the earbud to let it play whatever song she had left it playing the last time she put them in her ears; California Gurls by Katy Perry.

Curious about how many more stops it would be until she had to get off, Alex glanced up at the screen above her. She was following the route map when suddenly the lights and screens went black. This time, it wasn’t just a flicker. Alex turned her attention away from the black screen and looked around the train car she was in. As she turned around to look curiously as one would, she noticed that the train was still moving as if nothing had happened. The other passengers that were spread throughout the train car also started to look concerned; Alex and countless others had taken this route hundreds maybe even thousands of times before and this wasn’t one of the areas where the train was known to lose power. The bubblegum pop song playing into Alex’s ears went on for ten seconds before the lights in the train flickered back on. Alex smiled happily, leaned her back against the divider behind her, and stared out of the window again. She began mouthing the words of the song and bobbing her head to the beat. She was only seven stops away from home, with music playing in her ears, it was going to fly by like it was nothing. It took Alex a few songs to realize that the lights in the train car weren’t the usual warm yellow and were instead cold and blue. With a furrowed eyebrow, Alex turned to look at the lights in the ceiling and pondered.

‘Bzzzzz… Flck… Flck… Flck… Bzzzzzwwww….’

The lights in the train went off again, but this time, Alex could feel the train losing its velocity and coming to a stop with a soft metallic whine. She furrowed her brows further and turned to look out the window for answers. The buildings outside of the train were pitch black, too, and so were the street lights that ran on solar energy. But that wasn’t even the most peculiar thing; the music from Alex’s AirPods had stopped, and no matter how many times she squeezed the controls, they didn’t resume playing. Frustrated, the tigress set down the empty popcorn bucket and drink cup and pulled out her phone. She double-tapped the screen to wake it; nothing. She pressed the power button to manually activate the screen; nothing. “Piece of shit,” she grumbled and held the power button down to try and force it on. Again, nothing.

“Uh, is anyone else getting any phone signal?” The striped feline pushed herself from the plexiglass she was leaning against and lowered her phone. “My phone’s…” she trailed off as she looked around the pitch black and stationary train car. The look of concern on her face grew with every passing second. Every single one of the bright yellow seats around her was empty, and the people she remembered seeing standing and holding onto the handgrips were all gone. The tigress tightened the grip she had around her phone as her mind immediately recalled a horror movie that she watched where something similar happened on a metro, but she couldn’t remember its name. “Hello?” she called out, hoping she’d hear another passenger reply. Maybe they all went to the back of the train. Maybe they were only able to pull open one of the doors using the emergency release handle. In a slight panic, the tigress fast-walked her way to the back of the train.

Every train car was the same; not a single person in sight and nothing left behind that would have indicated anyone left in a hurry. It was as if no one had been on the train in the first place. It was eerie, if there was a thick fog Alex would have been convinced that she had arrived in Silent Hill.

Alex made her way through a total of five train cars before she reached the back of the train where she again, found no one. She peeked out the windows on both sides of the train and even tried her luck with pulling on the bright red emergency door release handles. “C’mon… What the fuck is going on…” the tigress pulled the handle over and over, making loud clanking noises as she did. After five pulls, she gave up and slammed her hand against the wall out of frustration.


“What the FUCK!!!” she screamed. She decided to give her phone one more try before she threw it across the floor. The black iPhone bounced and skid a good ten feet away before it stopped at the rubber tube that connected the train cars. Defeated, the tigress backed into the train’s doors and slid down to sit on the floor with her legs stretched out. The worst of the worst thoughts crossed her mind when she was finally able to remember the name of that horror movie that took place in the New York City subway; The Midnight Meat Train.

As the tigress sat defeated with her back against the train doors, her phone’s screen turned on in the distance. The small screen lit up the whole section of the train car that it was in but since Alex was staring at her feet, she didn’t see it. With her AirPods still in her ears and the phone now on again, her music resumed playing, but it was playing backwards. The sweet and savory sounds of Katy Perry’s voice turned into jibberish, and the upbeat instrumentals turned into something out of a malfunctioning circus sound system. Alex turned her head to look in the direction where she tossed her phone and saw that its screen had lit up. She stood up and approached it slowly as the creepy music played. As she got closer to the phone and was just within grabbing distance, she crouched down and picked it up. The first thing she saw was the time; 12:00 am.

“Great, now I am actually on the midnight meat train.” She scoffed, paused the music, and chuckled. She unlocked her phone as she stood up and opened up the phone app to dial 911. The moment her thumb pressed on the number 9 there was a very sudden and very loud noise that shook the entire train car.

‘Crrsssshhhh!’ the sound of busted metal and broken glass wasn’t hard to recognize. Alex jumped and turned to look toward the back of the train where the noise came from. She saw broken glass on the floor and pieces of metal; someone or something had crashed right into the side of the train car. Doing something she swore she would never do when put in the shoes of a horror movie protagonist, Alex froze and observed as much as she could from where she was standing to figure out what it was. The voice in her head was telling her to run, but the voice that came out of her mouth said; “What the hell was that?”

It didn’t take long for whatever it was to crash into the side of the train again. This time, it was a lot harder and a lot louder. A bang, glass shattering, and then a loud metallic screech.


The doors that Alex sat leaned against just a few moments ago pried open, and for a moment, Alex was hopeful. Finally, someone had come to rescue her. She took one half of a step toward the door before she saw a large rope shoot in through the door’s opening and curl around the metal pole in the middle of the train. She couldn’t see its color very well, but it was unusually thick and fleshy to be rope. She stopped and watched cautiously to see if anyone would pop into the train.

“Hello?” she said softly.

Then, the thick rope that had intertwined itself with the handrails, tightened and crushed the pole like a twig. The sound it made was horrifyingly loud and Alex very quickly backtracked in a panic as she saw more of those fleshy vines shoot into the train car and wrap themselves around hand grips, rails, and the train seats. After a brief moment of fumbling and battling with gravity, the tigress kicked her feet and ran as fast as she could through the train. The vines very quickly ripped the train car apart and spread into the next one after the tigress. “What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck!” Alex screamed as she zoomed through the train at a speed that she never saw herself being able to run at. She couldn’t bring her phone up to continue dialing emergency services, so she quickly called out to her phone’s voice assistant for help. “HEY SIRI CALL 911!!! HEY SIRI CALL 911!!!” Her feet slammed against the hard floor of the train as she went from one train car to the next, only looking over her shoulder once just in time to see those vines speeding after her and ripping up every bit of the train car in its wake.

Her earbuds made a ding, indicating that it recognized her command, but as usual, there was a bit of a delay as it processed her request. As she ran through the train cars and neared the front of the train, she tripped over the empty popcorn bucket and drink cup she had placed on the floor earlier and was sent flying face first into the floor. “AAAAH!”


“Playing 911 by Lady Gaga on Apple Music.” Responded Siri and the song started to play.

Landing with a loud thud, the tigress felt the wind get knocked out of her but did her best to get back up onto her feet. As she pushed herself up onto her feet, she felt something warm coil around one of her ankles. She looked back at her leg and before she knew it, she was yanked off the ground, slammed against the train car’s ceiling, and was out like a light. Her earbuds fell from her ears and onto the train car’s floor.

‘Clack, clack…’


Alex had no idea where she was or how long she had been out, all she knew was that her head was killing her. The bass-heavy Lady Gaga song was still ringing in her ears as her eyes opened back up. Did she just wake up from a bad dream? Why did her head hurt so much? The last thing she remembered seeing was an ugly fleshy vine coiled around her ankle. She opened her eyes up slowly, expecting to either be in her bed or back in the metro with the train with just a few more stops to go. But when her eyelids peeled back all she could see was white, a very bright white; almost sanitized. For a moment she thought she had woken up in a hospital. Was there a crash? Was that why her head hurt?


The tigress tried to bring her hands to rub at her groggy eyes, and that’s when she noticed her arms were restricted. They weren’t bound together, but she could barely move them at all. When she tried to, she felt herself swing as if she was being suspended mid-air. In a mild panic restricted by her headache and the fact that she had just regained consciousness, Alex wiggled her arms around and looked up to see that they were wrapped in the same type of vine that she saw curl around her ankle before she was knocked out cold. The more she struggled, the more she swung around. It took her about ten seconds too long to realize that she was dangling in the air in what looked to her like a white void.

“AAAAAAAAAAH! What the fuck!” the tigress let out a scream as she looked down to see her paws dangling. She instinctively kicked her feet around over and over. She couldn’t feel her phone anywhere in her pockets but she still had her Apple Watch on. She took a moment to calm herself and looked up at her wrist where her blue smartwatch was. The screen was still on, there was still hope. Even though she was suspended in the air by her arms, she felt weightless, like she was floating in low gravity. This was confirmed when the vines wrapped around her arm slithered further down the length of her arm and knocked her watch free. “No, no, no, no!” Alex shouted as her watch fell from her wrist. Her eyes followed it as it slowly descended the endless white void. There was a bottom, though, as the watch landed around 20 seconds later. Once her watch was gone, the vines on her arms stopped moving and Alex started her efforts to wiggle free from them again.

“C’mon… Let me go!” Where the HELL am I?” the tigress complained as her struggle brought no results. The vines weren’t budging one bit. The more she struggled, the more she was tiring herself out for nothing. But she wasn’t going to give up.

“STOP.” Said a deep voice from somewhere in the white void. To Alex’s ears, it sounded like it was in her head. It sounded like when she was reading in her head, or when she was thinking, except it wasn’t her voice, it was someone else’s. Her aching head throbbed and she squinted her eyes out of discomfort and she did as the voice commanded.

“Who are you? And where am I?” Alex snarled at the voice. “Let me go!” She kicked her feet forward, down, and sideways just in case whoever it was she was talking to was nearby and invisible.

“Your weak attempts of retaliation will not work, creature.” The voice spoke again, this time it was calmer, almost mellow, even. It reminded Alex of an emotionless AI trying to mimic speech patterns. Had she been abducted by aliens? Was she going to end up labeled as crazy when she was returned and no one believed her? Good lord, was she going to get her own show on the History Channel? Anything but that. “I’m dreaming! That’s what this is.” Alex laughed nervously. Her eyes shut for a few seconds before she opened them up suddenly and repeated this over and over. But each time she opened her eyes back up, she wasn’t ending up in her bed, or back on her train home., she was still in the white void with her arms tied up by some tentacles and a hearing voice in her head that was not her own.

“Who we are is not of importance…” the voice continued. “You are not dreaming, Alexandra. This is real and you are here with us. You are safe.” As the voice spoke, Alex felt the tentacles around her arms move again. But this time, instead of slithering further down her arm, they spun like little drills. The spinning motion combined with their fleshy and sticky exterior slowly pulled Alex’s red sweater up. The voice knowing her name freaked her out more than any horror movie could and she wanted to fight back and get herself out of the situation she somehow found herself in, but the voice just kept going. “Do not resist, striped one. If you resist, it will only end up being… unpleasant.”

The way the voice paused before saying “unpleasant” was terrifying. Alex still tried to tug her arms free from the vines that held her, but it was no use. They pulled Alex’s sweater up to reveal her bra and stopped. “You’ve been determined to be the perfect specimen to help us accomplish our goal.” As the voice continued, its cadence slowly became more and more human. Its tone became more sympathetic and understanding, yet something about it was still off-putting and unnatural.

“Oh no, no, no. I am not being selected as ANY SPECIMEN, let me go!” Alex shouted, snarled her teeth, and growled.

“Resistance will be unpleasant.” The voice repeated; the last thing it said before the vines around Alex’s arms tightened so much that it forced her hands into fists and she let out a painful yelp. Before she knew it, two more vines slithered down from above, reached for her waist, and slipped their fleshly little ends through the unoccupied belt loops on Alex’s jeans. The tentacles came from both sides, going through three belt loops each before meeting in the middle at the button and zipper of her jeans. The two tapered tendrils pushed the button through the hole, popped it free, and then unzipped her pants.

‘Zzzzziiiiip.’ Once the zipper was undone, the tentacles pulled her pants down using the belt loops and tossed them away. Alex wasn’t exactly naked, yet. She still had her bra and panties on, but it didn’t take the tentacles long to get rid of those, too. Alex watched helplessly as the gross greenish-pink limbs unhooked her bra and curled its tip underneath the waistband of her panties to pull them off of her. As the last bits of fabric hiding her most delicate bits slid away. Her breasts bounced free of her bra and her slightly glistening pussy left a string of clear and sticky juice connecting her to her black panties as they pulled down her legs. They too were discarded.

Dangling naked with vines wrapped around her arms, and two thinner ones having gotten rid of all her clothing except for her sweater, Alex was done trying to escape. She was terrified, but she was also slightly aroused. It was hard not to get a little bit wet when the tentacles undressed her. She had seen many pornos with this exact scenario and they never failed to get her engine running and a little bit of her motor oil leaking. The tentacles that got rid of her clothing came back to fondle her, one slithered up the side of her torso and curled around her right breast. It squeezed tight while its tip gently flickered against her exposed nipple over and over again. Each time it flicked at her pink and sensitive bud, a tiny little sound escaped Alex’s lips and her whole body trembled. The tentacle tightened its grip around Alex’s tit further and continued to toy with her nipple once it realized it was eliciting a positive response.

“Aaaah... Hhnnng… What… Hhh... Are you going to do to me?” Alex managed to say in between her small moans and gasps for air. “Hhhn… Stop. Please.” She pleaded with the voice, but it wasn’t replying to her anymore. Instead, the free tentacle that was responsible for removing her panties slithered its way and nestled itself against her labia. To her surprise, it was warm and reminded her of a real dick with the way she was able to feel a sort of pulse travel through it as it slowly slid itself up and down along her pink pussy lips. Its tip nudged against her clit and pressed it like a curious-minded person pressing a big red button; gently at first, but when the reaction wasn’t as spectacular as they’d hoped, the presses got harder.

“Hhhhnnnggg… Aaaah…” Alex let out a resistive moan. It was clear that she did not want to be in this situation, that she would rather go home than be whatever it was the voice and these tentacles wanted to use her for. But it was difficult not to also want to be there, it was a fantasy plucked straight from the tigress’s rubbing repository. It was becoming a dilemma; did she continue trying to escape? Or did she just surrender to the desire and lust that the tentacles were trying to coax her toward? Her mind screamed at her that nothing good could come from something that had to tie her up to get her to comply, but her pussy was so dripping wet that she couldn’t hear her inner voice anymore.

The tentacle wedged itself in between her pussy lips like a hotdog between a hotdog bun. It continued to slide up and down the front of Alex’s pussy until the tigress’s pussy juice started running down the tentacle and dripping down into the void. The constant nudging against her clit and the warmth that rubbed on her pussy made it hard for her to do anything but watch and moan. Her moans got louder and louder until the tentacle pulled away from her cunt and left a messy string of her juices in its wake.

“Hhhhhaaahh……” She moaned as she watched the tentacle slip away from her pussy and out of her sightline. The tentacle wrapped around her tit still played with her nipple, but it was a dull tingling compared to what her pussy had just felt. She let out sigh after sigh as she wondered whether it was over. Was this all it wanted? Just to make her aroused and leave? She couldn’t believe she was thinking it, but she was a little bit disappointed that an alien creature was going to leave her with blue lips. But it wasn’t over, not even close.

As Alex caught her breath, she felt tentacles curl around her ankles. These weren’t the same ones that pulled her panties off; they were thicker and stronger, even more so than the ones holding her arms. They slipped around her bare ankles with ease. Their grip was tight, almost to the point of being uncomfortable, but not quite. Once they had a hold on her ankles, they pulled the tigress up so that she was suspended in a more comfortable position. The tentacle on her right leg slithered further toward her knee, ruffling her fur along the way. Then the tentacles pulled her legs apart.

Alex watched as her legs were pulled further and further away from each other. Her eyes widened, her mouth fell agape, and her pussy lips spread slightly with her legs. As she stared at her mound, she noticed something moving in the distance. It was blurry at first, but when she moved her eyes away from her pussy and focused on it, she could see what it was.

More tentacles. Bigger, thicker, and penis-shaped. Some with extra bumps on the head and shaft, some without, and some with thick pulsating veins. Smaller and more nimble tentacles shot up from below, curled around Alex’s tail to pull it away from her holes, and curled around her back and midriff to offer her additional support for what was to come. More vines came down from above to secure her arms; whatever was coming next was going to be rough, Alex knew that much at least.

The bundle of tentacles that were shaped like dicks came closer and closer to the spread-eagled tiger. There were a total of four, all eager, twitchy, and throbbing the way a dick attached to a person would. Their exposed dick heads glistened in an unknown shiny substance. All four cocktacles came toward Alex’s dripping snatch like Singaporean sniffer dogs coming for a suitcase full of marijuana. They were girthy, there was no way all of them were going to fit in one hole. As they got close enough to press against Alex’s softer white fur in her nether regions, they disbanded, two of the dick tentacles reeled away, while the other two stayed behind. They were stacked on top of each other, twitching and throbbing in a way that seemed natural but also not. Was the creature also mimicking the movements of a penis? The tentacle pressed against Alex’s wet lips and slid across her mound to kiss her clit, making her lean her head back slightly and moan. The cock tentacle on top did the rubbing against her pussy, while the one on the bottom gently prodded against her taint and slid a few clicks south to her tight pucker. Unlike the one rubbing against her pussy, however, the one pressed against her ass stayed firmly in place.

“Hhhannnnnggg…” Alex pulled her head back up to look at the tentacle dick that was rubbing up and down her pussy. Every time its thick head pressed against her clit it was like a jolt of electricity traveled through her; it felt so damn good. And the scent, oh the aroma that the dicks brought with them had Alex’s nose dancing as if she had just gained the ability to smell. It was musky, and it was just the caliber of musk that she liked; a heavy musk after a big sweaty day in the sun. Dick smell, not that soaped up fresh out of the shower dick smell, either; real dick smell. The more she inhaled, the more she wanted it; and she already wanted it bad.

The tentacles that held her didn’t stay still; they were always moving. Whether it was small twitches or more curling and coiling around different parts of her body. They were messing with the direction of her fur comb, but she didn’t care. She stared at the dick tentacle rubbing on her pussy with wide eyes and dilated pupils, ready for it to go inside her.

“I’m ready…” She said softly.

“Good girl,” replied the voice that had infiltrated her head, which further soothed Alex into accepting her fate.

The dick tentacle rubbed up and down along Alex’s pussy lips more before it pulled down toward the bottom of Alex’s pussy and pushed its head in. It struggled at first, but after three seconds, it pushed in and slowly sunk inside. The tigress was tight, so it took close to a minute of leaving the tip in for her walls to stretch out to accommodate the tentacle’s large size. Once the tip settled in, it was easier for the rest of it to slide in after.

Alex let out a loud moan as the tentacle spread her pussy lips apart and sunk into her love canal. She could feel its pulse through her pussy walls as it sunk deeper and deeper inside her. The blunt tip, the sudden dip with the corona, and then the bumps and veins on the shaft had the tigress howling. Her pussy clenched tight around its guest, so tight that it squeezed excess pussy juice out. The tentacle continued sinking into her until there was a slight visible bump on her abdomen and it couldn’t physically push in any further. It pulled back out, pushed back in, and repeated.

‘Schlllk, schllllk, schllllllllk.’


The tentacle fucked the tigress deep. Without any limits in terms of tentacle length, or balls to act as a slap-stopper, the tentacle reached a depth inside Alex’s pussy only possible by the most hung of people. Every thrust in that the tentacle did, Alex felt like she was stuffed to the brim. The way the little bumps, ridges, and veins rubbed against her sensitive vaginal walls had her losing her mind. She wasn’t even sure she could use her mouth to make words anymore. She continued to moan, closed her eyes, and leaned her head back as the tentacle pumped itself in and out of her at an ever-increasing pace. Her belly bulged up slightly each time the tentacle came to the end of her vaginal canal and flattened down as the tentacle pulled out.

The tentacle that was firmly pressed against her asshole waited for a trickle of Alex’s pussy juice to flow from her pussy down to it before it pushed itself against her tight pucker any harder. Once a sufficient amount of the tiger’s natural lube pooled at the tip and her hole, it pushed in. Alex pulled her head back up to look down at the tentacles attempting to fuck both her holes at once. Wide-eyed, she panicked, flailed her arms around, and kicked. But no matter how much she did that, the tentacles continued. A tentacle descended from above to curl around Alex’s hair as she struggled, wrapping around the majority of her locks and keeping them together in a nice ponytail. As the tentacle in her ass sunk in deeper and deeper, Alex’s kicking and flailing came to a stop. The tentacle in her pussy continued thrusting in and out of her, but the one in her ass remained still. When she looked down, she saw a sizeable bulge traveling through it and went wide-eyed. Her eyes got wider when the bulge traveled down to the tip and into her. That’s when she felt something being pumped into her, it was warm, almost overwhelmingly so.

‘Splurrrrtt… Splorrtt… Splooot...’

The tentacle in her ass shot out ropes of warm and thick fluid. It felt familiar to Alex, but there was so much of it that it started to bulge out Alex’s belly. The tiger’s butt quickly reached capacity and the strange liquid being pumped into her ass shot out; it was white, sticky, steamy, and smelled a little bit like chlorine, just like semen did. With her ass now full of the strange cum, it was lubed up and ready for the tentacle to start thrusting in and out of it like the one in her pussy was. The two tentacles pumped in and out of Alex in harmony, one spreading her pussy, the other stretching her backdoor.

‘Schhllk, Schlk, Schlap, Schlllop.’

Alex watched her pussy stretch and relax over and over as the tentacle dick pumped in and out of her. The way the dickhead glided and pressed against her g-spot had her moaning uncontrollably. “Hhhhhhhahaaaaaannngaaaaaah!” She arched her back and spread her toes. The feeling of cock stuffing her pussy and ass at the same time had her nervous system flaring up like fireworks at midnight on New Year’s Day. The tentacles all over her body rubbed and caressed her to make her as calm as possible. Her face flushed red as she felt herself getting closer and closer to her orgasm. It looked like the tentacles knew that she was getting closer, too. The tigress tensed up visibly, a dead giveaway that she was about to cum. But before she could, the tentacles plowing her holes stopped and remained buried as far as they could inside of her. Then a noise came from them that sounded like gulping.

‘Glk, glk, glk, glk…’ Bulge after bulge appeared along the tentacles and they traveled along the length of them into Alex’s pussy and ass. The tentacles are putting cum inside her again, but this time in both holes, and very large quantities. The warmth of the cum as it shot out from the tentacles pushed the tigress over the edge and she bucked her hips, curled her toes, and moaned.

“Hhhhnnn fuckkkkkkk…” the tigress’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she came. She squirted her pussy juice out onto the tentacles as they continued to pump her with the unknown semen-like substance.

Her pussy and asshole clenched tight around the tentacle to squeeze it of all it had, but this wasn’t like a regular dick, the cum just kept coming. Her belly started to bulge and the tentacle that was caressing her midriff curled around it as if it were rubbing a slightly pregnant belly.

‘Splurt, splort, splaaat.’ The excess cum that Alex’s slender figure couldn’t hold in, shot out through the small gaps between her pussy and the tentacle inside it. The low gravity made the cum shoot out in slow motion, which was interesting to look at; big globs of white cum shot out at a slow speed, but at high velocity. Ropes landed on the tentacles and some fell slowly to the floor of the white room they were in. As Alex came down from her orgasm, she took in deep breaths and watched as the tentacles continued to pump her full of cum, even though the new cum being pumped in only pushed the old stuff out of her.

“Hhhhahhh… Hhhhhh… HHHHfuck….”

The voice in her head that wasn’t hers decided to make a comeback, “That’s a very good girl... You’re doing great… Now for the final step in the process.” The way it worded things still seemed very robotic and sinister, even if its tone and inflection had improved over time.

“What?” Alex replied, confused and still coming down from her orgasm high. The cum that kept being pumped into her was making her feel full, stuffed, she hadn’t been fucked this good before. It felt amazing, but she still didn’t want to be a part of whatever it was the creature talking to her was doing, at least not before knowing what it was, first. “What’s the next step?” she asked as the sound of cum being pumped into echoed throughout the room.

‘Squelch, squeesh, squirck,’

The creature didn’t respond verbally, instead, another tentacle descended from above. It was the same girthier ones as the penis-shaped ones, but this one had a very bulbous head, it looked like a lotus flower that hadn’t bloomed yet. It had four large veins that pulsated every few seconds and when it came down close enough to Alex’s face, she could hear its pulse. ‘Badump, badump, badump.’ Its head turned left and right as if it could see and Alex tried her best to move her head back away from it. She did not want that thing to force its way down her throat, it would have gotten stuck between her two big sabers and ended up being uncomfortable for all involved. As hot as oral knotting was, a knot could deflate, Alex wasn’t even sure what this was.

Pure survival instinct led to the tigress closing her mouth shut and clenching her teeth together as hard as possible. But the creature wasn’t dumb, one of the smaller tentacles that was holding her quickly shot into her mouth from the side and kept her from closing it. “Mmmm!”

“Resistance will be unpleasant,” the voice repeated.

Scared, Alex kicked again and tried to break herself free from the sex canopy that the tentacles had her in. As good as this was so far, she was not going to just let this thing stuff its way down her throat and suffocate her. The tentacles around her arms and legs tightened to the point that they became taut and she wasn’t able to kick anymore.

The bulbous flower-looking tentacle stared her down like a cobra ready to attack. But just as she thought it was going to shoot its way down her throat, the bulb split into four petals and opened up. It made a disgusting wet squelch as it opened up to reveal even more tentacles and tendrils on the inside, along with a few very sharp teeth that would put Alex’s big two to shame. The tigress stared at it and watched as it blossomed out like some murderous space flower. Strings of clear and sticky fluid stretched out as the petals opened up and a long tongue-like tendril stretched out toward Alex’s forced-open mouth. The tigress was scared, but she was mesmerized, too. It looked disgusting, but it smelled so good; like a pair of musky balls. Her cheeks flushed red, her nose wiggled, and her mouth instinctively opened up just a little more as the tongue slid closer and closer until it was inside her mouth. The petals came in contact with her muzzle and sucked onto it with its octopus-like suction cups. “MMrrrrf!” Alex struggled just a little bit. The petals folded over her muzzle and locked in place. The tongue slid down her throat and forced her to breathe through her nose. Once the tongue was far enough down Alex’s throat that it bulged out slightly, the tentacle started to pump a liquid down her throat. She wasn’t able to taste it at all as it went straight down her throat and into her system. She wiggled, kicked, and squirmed as much as she could, but she felt herself slowly slipping away. Her eyelids became unbearably heavy, and then everything went dark again.


Sleeping on a cold floor was one of those little pleasures in life; when you were so tired that you couldn’t make it to your bed and just passed out on the tile floor of the bathroom or the kitchen. And even though it was a hard surface and not a memory foam mattress, when you woke up, it felt like you had just had the best sleep of your life. That’s how Alex felt as she slept with her head against the plexiglass divider on the train ride home. She was lucky to live near one of the terminal stations, that way she didn’t have to ever worry about missing her stop since it was the last one. Even if she were to fall asleep, the train conductor would come to wake her up.

“Miss?” Alex heard a voice, it sounded muffled, but it was also very close.

“Miss? Wake up, Miss.” The voice said again, this time it was accompanied by a light shake of her shoulders.

“Huh? Wha- I’m awake!” Alex went on the defensive immediately, as she always did whenever she was woken up. “I was just resting my eyes… Are we here already?” the tigress’s eyes were barely open as she looked at the train conductor in front of her; a very friendly-looking fox who reminded her of the actor that played in that one movie about Robin Hood.

He smiled at her and gave her shoulders two firm pats before he pulled his hands away. “Yes, ma’am, we are here, the last stop. If it isn’t your stop, you can wait for the next train heading in the other direction, but right now you have to get off the train.”

Alex’s eyes readjusted to the train’s lights and she peered her head to the side to look at the information screen that was behind the conductor. It was her stop. She turned her gaze back to the fox and smiled shyly. “Oh yes, yes, this is my stop. Thank you. I must have fallen asleep.” The conductor smiled back at her and handed her an empty box of popcorn and a movie cup, “I believe these are yours, too.” Once Alex took them in her hands, the conductor took a step back and tipped his hat. “You have a good night, thank you for riding with us.” And just like that, he walked back to the front of the train to the control room. Alex’s gaze followed him until he disappeared before she blinked and shook her head rapidly.

She quickly felt her ears for her AirPods; they were there. She looked at her wrist for her watch; that was there, too. Then she felt in her pocket for her phone; it was there as well. “Hah... Horror movie brain…” she rolled her eyes. “No more watching scary movies for me.” She pushed herself up off the seat and walked off of the train. She pressed on the stem of her earbuds to resume the music she was listening to before she fell asleep. California Gurls plays from the middle of Snoop Dogg’s verse.

‘Beep! Beep! Beep!’ the train doors beeped as they closed behind Alex. Who then walked over to the stairs that would take her down to street level. As she skipped down the steps, she could feel something wet running down her leg under her jeans. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and rolled up one of her pants legs to see a thick, goopy white fluid running down her calf.

Snoop Dogg began to rap backwards.

“What the-?”


Art by Pannekoeke 




this one really hit alot of my kinks with tentacles, loved the descriptiveness of the climaxing