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It was the textbook definition of a perfect day at the beach; the sky was blue and the ocean water was so clear that you could drop a quarter and easily find it. It wasn’t crowded either, since it was the middle of monsoon season when only the dumb would decide to take a beach vacation. But monsoon season only meant it rained often, not that it rained constantly, and even on the days when it was raining, you were still on a tropical island; what better place to run around in the rain than on a tropical beach? No smog, acid rain, or anything that came with city storms. To Alex, any island trip was worth it, and an island trip full of rain with some perfect weather sprinkled in sporadically was worth having the island almost to herself and her friends.

The sound of waves crashing on the shoreline and seagulls cawing as they circled the sky were the only sounds Alex could hear as she sat on her beach chair in her red bikini. Rose tinted sunglasses on her nose and a fresh coconut with its top chopped off in her hand, she was in paradise. No work, no crucial responsibilities, just a fresh coconut to sip and snack on while she enjoyed the warmth, sound, and sights of the sandy shores she had found herself on. The tigress sipped on her coconut through the bamboo straw it was served with, silently at first, but her sipping got louder as she ran out of coconut water. 


She let out a happy sigh, set the coconut down in the sand, and leaned her head back against her seat to take in more of the perfect tropical weather. Salt in the air, sand in her fur, and she couldn’t be happier. A few moments after she decided to lean back fully in her beach chair, a shadow came in between her and the beautiful warm tropical rays that were giving her fur a sun-kissed glow. She furrowed her brow and pulled her glasses down her muzzle to get a better look at who it was that dared block the sun and her view. As she lowered her sunglasses, she squinted her eyes to allow them more time to readjust to not having any tinted lenses. Standing just a couple of feet from her sand-covered paws, was her mouse friend Charlie, who was stood in front of her with a big cooler full of ice, drinks, and snacks. He plopped the cooler down by Alex’s feet and smiled at her. “Hey, the guys are about to play some volleyball, if you want to join!” the mouse said with a smile as he gestured to their group of friends setting up the net and boundaries in the sand. The tigress looked over her shoulder at her friends who were setting everything up, smiled, and turned back to look at Charlie who was waiting for her answer. 

Charlie was in a very brave swimsuit this time around; he usually wore swim trunks when it came time to do any water activities. But with Alex’s convincing, he wore a one-piece that had him looking extra girly, save for the sizeable bulge he proudly sported. He wasn’t trying to hide anything and it did attract a few eyes to him, which he had to admit that he really did enjoy. When Alex turned back to him, she nodded and pulled her sunglasses off. “Hell yeah,” the tigress cooed and pushed herself up onto her feet. With her toes in the sand, she wrapped her arm over the mouse's shoulder and walked with him to the beach volleyball court her friends had made. As they approached the group, one of the guys who had been setting up the net, a deer, looked over toward Alex and Charlie and smiled. “Oh, Alex is joining us! We’ve got the numbers for even teams!” Alex pulled her arm from Charlie’s shoulder and placed them at her hips as she watched her deer friend stand up from his kneeling position in the sand. She walked up as close as she could to him but stopped just shy of the tall volleyball net that stood between them. 

“So, how are we splitting teams?” asked Alex. Charlie put his hands on his hips and tilted his head. The deer boy turned to look at the other guys on his side of the court and shouted. “Yo, guys, how are we doing teams again?” There was a couple of seconds of silence before one of the guys shouted back, “Boys versus girls, my dude!” The antlered one thought for a moment and glanced at Charlie before he asked again. “And what about Charlie? Who gets the pro player?” 

The hyena who had responded to his previous inquiry, replied again, this time with a huge aura of overconfidence that leaked everywhere. “He can be on the girls’ team, make it a fair game.” The deer boy turned around and shook his head, chuckling as he did so. “Ooookay.” He smiled at Alex and dusted his hands free of the sand that was on them. He then turned around and shouted to the rest of the guys on his side of the net. “Alright, everyone! It’s boys versus girls today, let’s get this game rolling people!!!” 

With six players on each team, they were ready to play. The boys got together in a circle and discussed their strategy, going over who they thought would be the weakest link on the other team. The girls did the same, but Charlie was the leader, telling the girls where they needed to be. The boys determined that Alex would be the weakest link, making the assumption based on the fact that she was a tennis player and not a volleyball player, the rest of the team they knew had some experience. They weren’t wrong, Alex was nowhere near a pro volleyball player, only having played a few times with Charlie, but she was ready to play, it was just for fun, after all, it didn’t matter if they lost. 

The circle of testosterone broke away and they got into their positions. Once the girls were done strategizing, they got into their positions, too. With the ball in Charlie’s hands, he was ready to make the serve. But before he did that, a grin came across his face and he shouted across the sandy improvised court. “Hey! What are we playing for?” 

The boys on the other team looked at each other with confused expressions on their faces. Some shrugged their shoulders, and others looked to the hyena who was their equivalent of Charlie; a massively gifted volleyball player. The hyena looked confused as the eyes of his teammates all landed on him, but after three seconds of silence, he shouted back. “The losing team buys popsicles for the cooler!” 

Upon hearing that the losers would have to buy popsicles for the group, Alex felt a motivation to kick ass. Orange popsicles were great to have on the beach, who wouldn’t want to get them for free? 

With a satisfied smile spread across his cute mousey face, Charlie nodded to Alex and gave the rest of his team nods to signal that he was about to serve. He tossed the ball up into the air, jumped, and slammed his hand against the ball for a near-perfect jump serve. 

‘Fwompf!’ the white volleyball zipped through the air, over the net, and headed toward the other side where the boys were. They ran around in a near panic at first, but the hyena, with the help of the deer boy was able to return the ball over to the other side with relative ease. Now it was time for the girls to get the ball out of their side, and preferably doing so in a way where the boys wouldn’t be able to pass it back to them, thus winning a point. 

The hyena, sticking to the strategy that he and the boys came up with, did his best to push the ball toward Alex. Luckily, Alex knew how to backset the ball to set up for an attacker to spike the ball over to the other side. A tip that she learned from none other than the volleyball master, Charlie, after hours of being shouted at by him (lovingly) for being subpar at the sport. She deserved the scolding though, after how much she did it to him when she was teaching him to play tennis. As the ball came in Alex’s direction, she glanced over her shoulder very quickly to make sure that the skilled mouse was behind her, and when she saw him, she gave him a small nod as quickly as she could before she jumped with her arms up to push the ball up and back toward the mouse who was ready to strike. As Alex’s paws landed on the sand, Charlie leaped up from behind her and swung his arm back to spike the ball as hard as he could. His face was that of someone screaming out a war cry, and scream out a war cry he did. 

“Hyaaaaaaaaaaaah!” he shouted. His hand flew to the ball and smacked it at a downward angle as hard as he physically could. His teammates watched in awe as the ball flew through the air and left a trail of sand in its wake. The boys did their best to try and block the attack, but their attempts proved futile as they were too slow for the mouse. He was known as ‘Speedy Gonzalez’ on his volleyball team for a reason. The spiked ball cut through the air so hard that it was audible, headed straight to the ground, and made a sizeable crater in the sand when it landed. 


“YEEEEEEEAHHHHHH!” Charlie cheered himself as he landed feet first into the sand. The girls on his team surrounded him and cheered with him as well. Alex even planted a firm kiss on his cheek which several of the girls imitated. Most of the guys on the boys’ team rolled their eyes and scoffed at the cheering, while the deer boy grabbed the ball and tossed it over to the other side for Charlie to serve again. 

Alex caught the ball and walked over to Charlie to hand it to him. He took it into his hands and let out a soft exhale as his teammates got into position and he prepared. He eyed the opposing team, which mostly consisted of his friends and a few new faces, and imagined them as his worst enemy. It was a mental tactic that worked well when he needed to get competitive and win. It was a little bit hard to do this time around due to one person on the opposing team in particular; his boyfriend. 

Charlie’s boyfriend was a bunny boy. He was tall, skinny, a little bit nerdy, but every bit handsome. And him being on the other team was a weapon that could be used against him. Luckily, to his knowledge, no one on that team knew that they were an item. Still, to prevent himself from being too soft on the other team, he had to put a mental image in his head that that cute bunny boy he loved so much was also one of his enemies. As he tried to think of his boyfriend as an enemy, he threw the ball up into the air and served as hard as he could once more. 

‘Thwack!’ his hand hit the ball hard and sent it flying over the net to the other side. Alex and the other girls ran around in anticipation of where the ball would come back to if it was successfully returned. Alex went to the left side and stayed as close to Charlie as she possibly could again, but this time Charlie ran toward the front to try and block if the boys were to pull an attack like he did just the round before. He ran as the ball sliced through the air and watched as the deer boy bounced the ball up for the attacker, who was none other than Charlie’s boyfriend. Expecting it would be the hyena, this caught Charlie off-guard significantly and he was left staring at his boyfriend as he hopped up, struck, and sent the ball flying. He couldn’t keep his eyes off his usually nerdy boyfriend being so athletic and did not have his eye on the ball at all. When he realized this, it was too late; he jumped up to block, but the ball slipped by his fingers just by an inch. Alex ran toward the ball, clasped her hands together, and jumped down into the sand to catch the ball right before it landed. The tigress slid through the sand and the ball was in the air again, but with no one to catch it, and Charlie’s eyes back on his surprisingly athletically capable boyfriend again, it landed in the sand. 


This time it was the boys that cheered. 


The other girls on the team helped pull Alex up onto her feet. She dusted the sand off her as much as she could and walked over to Charlie who was still looking at his boyfriend in a sort of daydreaming state. With her two hands, she grabbed the mouse by his cheeks and shook him lightly. “Hey, hey! What was that? What happened?” 

Charlie, confused, looked at Alex rather calmly. “Huh? What? Did we lose the point?” 

Alex pulled Charlie’s face close to hers and looked him straight in the eye. “Yes, we did lose the point. Were you staring at him? Oh my god, he is going to get you to lose the game!!!” the tigress spoke in an aggressive whisper that was a combination of shouting and whispering. Charlie, slowly coming to the realization that his boyfriend had bamboozled him, looked at Alex and shook his head. “He did this really high jump; I could see his stomach… And the V-shape leading down to his crotch…” He did his best to rationalize his mistake, but Alex still wouldn’t let go of his cheeks. 

“Yeah, I know, he’s a RABBIT, he is supposed to be able to jump high. And he is absolutely doing that on purpose to get you off your GAME. You cannot be thinking about your boyfriend’s cock right now!” 

“I’m sorry, it’s so thick and long…” Charlie continued. 


 “SNAP OUT OF IT!!!” Alex forcefully turned his face in the direction of his boyfriend, who winked at Charlie as soon as they made eye contact. She then let go of his squishy cheeks and left Charlie to come to the realization that even though that bunny was his boyfriend who gave him good pipe every night, he was on the enemy team, and was currently an enemy that was thirst trapping him. Charlie’s confused expression slowly morphed into one of anger and spite. Gamer rage if you will, but for volleyball. With a huff, he squinted at his boyfriend and walked back into position to prepare for the boys' team’s serve. “Game on, bunny bitch boy…” he muttered under his breath. 

The game went on for an hour as the two teams traded points. Charlie’s war cry, the hyena’s war cry, Charlie’s bunny boyfriend’s war cry, and even the deer boy’s war cry echoed throughout the mostly empty beach as they played as aggressively as they did in local municipality leagues. While they were going to play to 25 points, they weren’t going to hold the two-point gap rule. It was a more casual session of beach volleyball after all. With both teams sitting happily at 24 points each, each member of each team was spent. Sweat rolled off foreheads, cheeks, and muzzles. Everyone was ready to enjoy their popsicles, the only thing they needed now was to decide who would be paying for them. Alex grabbed the ball from the deer boy who was handing it to her under the net and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him before she walked her way over to Charlie and gave it to him. “Your rotation to serve.” The tigress smiled, tired, and drenched in sweat. She stepped back into position and waited for the mouse boy to serve. 

Charlie took in a deep breath through his nose and pushed his exhale out through his mouth. He stared at the other side of the court, not at anyone specifically, but he just needed to look and approximate where he wanted his serve to land. After three deep breaths, he tossed the ball up into the air and jumped as high as he could before smacking the volleyball with as much force as his tired body could muster. He floated a good three or four feet into the air and slammed his hand against the ball to get it across the net. Once it went across, the deer boy bounced the ball up to make it easier for someone else to hit the ball back over. With everyone’s energy level depleted, it was hit over very lightly. The girls were able to hit it back with relative ease, too. But once it was the boys’ turn to return the ball, they decided to throw in a spike. Again, Charlie’s boyfriend was the one to jump up and smack the ball like it had groped Charlie inappropriately in front of him. Alex turned to Charlie and shouted at him, “CHARLIE! HE’S DOING IT AGAIN!” but it was no use. Charlie was enthralled and staring already. 


 “CHARLIE! FUCK!”  The ball was headed to the sand at a speed that even if Charlie was snapped out of it, he wouldn’t have been able to block it. With no other option, Alex sprinted toward the ball and leaped through the air. She flung her entire body over and clasped her hands together. She landed in the sand and scattered it all over the place as she skidded a good foot in distance. She swung her arms up as much as she could and bounced the ball back into the air. 

With the ball in the air again, it was only a matter of time before it came back down. But since they had two more touches of the ball, one of the girls on their team pushed the ball up to set Charlie up for a spike. 

Alex got up onto her feet without even considering dusting herself free of the sand she had gotten in her fur. As she stood up, the eyes of the boys on the other team very quickly shifted to her. She could see their shoulders dropping as if something bigger and more important had caught their attention. Thinking nothing of it, she shouted to Charlie. “CHARLIE SPIKE THE BALL!” Luckily, the tigress’s scream did not fall on deaf ears and the mouse swiftly moved his eyes to the ball, jumped up to match its height, and slammed his hand down on it with a loud war cry. 


‘Fwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp, PYONK!’ 


“Oh my god…”


Gasps came from both sides of the court and the sound of two things dropping to the sand cut through the silence that followed like a hot blade through butter. 

‘Pffwpt. Ppft.’

The sound of a volleyball slamming into someone’s face was one every volleyball player recognized. As Charlie landed on his feet, he quickly looked up in a panic. Across the net, he saw his bunny boyfriend down in the sand, right next to the ball. He ran as fast as he could toward the net, slid under it, knelt down beside him, and pulled his head up into his lap. His bunny boyfriend’s nose was bleeding, but he was conscious. “No, no, no, no I am so, so, so SORRY, babe. Are you okay? You’re bleeding oh my god, oh my god.” Charlie started to panic, but his boyfriend remained calm throughout and wiped the blood as it ran down his upper lip. 

“Oh shit, haha, my nose is bleeding…” he said in a slow and relaxed voice. “Did we lose?”

Charlie brought his hands to the sides of his boyfriend’s head and rubbed gently. “Shhh. Shhh. Yeah, you guys lost, but you need to not talk and just stay still.” The mouse boy was still panicking, but once he looked into his boyfriend’s eyes, he calmed down a little. 

“I owe you a popsicle, then…” he murmured and reached his hands up to cup Charlie’s cheeks, smearing blood onto the mouse’s cheek in the process. The rodent started to tear up as he felt bad for hurting his boyfriend, but he couldn’t help but laugh at what he said and nodded. “And I owe you an ice pack and a thousand blowjobs.” 

Alex made her way over to the other side of the net to check in on Charlie and his boyfriend. She put her hands on her hips and smiled. “Good catch with your face there, man. You two stay here, I’ll get an ice pack. The rest of you boys better go get us some popsicles, you losers!” Alex cackled. The tigress still had eyes on her and it was starting to bother her a little bit, but she attributed it to Charlie and his boyfriend being right next to her and to what she had just announced; her team’s victory. There were a few groans and eye rolls, but the hyena along with the deer and a few others started walking away toward the shop where they could buy the popsicles. 

The tigress let out a sigh and turned to look at the mouse and bunny on the ground. She saw the bunny’s eyes staring at her, too. “Why is everyone looking at you guys weird?” 

“They’re looking at you… Alex… Your pants are gone, hehe…” the bunny let out a giggle. Alex furrowed her brow for a few seconds and looked at Charlie as if to ask him what his boyfriend was going on about. But when she looked at Charlie, she saw him staring, as well. She then looked down to see that her bikini bottoms were not on her and that her pussy was indeed out. Mound out in the open, taking in the salty breeze. 


The boys came back with popsicles for everyone 15 minutes later moments later. This gave Alex enough time to find an ice pack and tissues for Charlie’s boyfriend’s nose, but not enough time to find her missing bikini bottoms. With an orange popsicle in her mouth and the volleyball in her hand, she patrolled the area where they played to try and find it. She had her sunglasses back on as the sun was high up in the sky with no clouds to be seen. 

“There you are…” Alex said to herself as she spotted the dark red fabric in the sand. She approached it and as she did, she bumped into the deer boy from the boys’ team that she had been playing against. The deer was on his knees in the sand and had his hand reached out toward the tigress’s sandy piece of swimwear. 

“Oh! Shit, sorry, I just saw your bikini bottoms here, I was going to grab them and bring them to you, but it looks like you’ve found them, too!” the deer boy smiled. He tried his best to keep his eyes above board, but it was hard to look at her face when her pussy was right in his sightline. Occasionally, and not very subtly, his eyes darted from her face down to the brown landing strip she had above her mound, her clit, and glistening pussy lips. 

The tigress pulled her popsicle from her mouth and left a long string of saliva connecting it to her tongue that was stuck out in between her two big fangs. The deer boy gulped audibly and rubbed the back of his head shyly. “Well, uh, yeah, here you go haha.” He was just about to stand back up when the tigress responded to him, which stopped him in his tracks. 

“You don’t want a popsicle?” the tigress asked. The string of saliva that connected the orange popsicle to her tongue snapped free when her tongue moved to go back into her mouth. She continued to lick and suck on the popsicle as she raised her brows at him. “You know losers can have them, too, right? We just wanted you to pay for them.” 

The deer chuckled and raised a singular brow at the tigress. “I would hardly call myself a loser when you cheated. Quite the distraction you caused. Especially with an entire team of dudes.” He shook his head in mock disappointment. 

The tiger shrugged her shoulders and pulled the popsicle from her lips again, leaving another string of her saliva connecting her lips and the cold treat. “Welllllllllll. It’s not like I did it on purpose, y’know…” She slowly knelt down to be at eye-level with the deer. “You still lost to this ass, Task.” She winked, stood back up, and turned on her heels to walk back toward her beach chair, umbrella, and the cooler with all the popsicles in it. 

Task looked at Alex with confusion and a tingling feeling that sent a shiver down his spine. He watched as she walked away and gestured to the bikini bottoms that the tigress didn’t pick up. “Uhh, Alex? Your bottoms are still here.” 

The striped feline turned over her shoulder to glance back at the deer, “My hands are full, bring them over here and get your popsicle, too, loser.” She turned her head away and continued walking. 

Task very quickly snatched the bikini bottoms from the sand, stood up, and fast-walked after her with the biggest tentpole of his life poking upward from his swim trunks.


Art by The-Minuscule-Task




Liking the trend of Task's character being featured in your stories. Looking forward to more collabs!