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“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine!” the tigress counted as she moved her moneybag token across the square board of her classic edition of Monopoly. Her excitement soon faded away when she realized her nine spaces took her from her lucky landing on chance, directly to jail. “Aw, damn, I’m going to jail again.” The tigress said with a frown and reached over the board to put her token into the jail spot on the opposite corner of the board. 

Sitting on the floor in front of the couch with the tigress was her friend Chelsey, a red-haired cheetah gal who she had met at the spotted feline’s pizza place of work; Chee’s Pizza. Alex was a little bit hungry in the middle of the night and she felt like some pizza. Alex had never been to that particular pizza place before, so when she made her way there and saw the name, she couldn’t stop giggling even as she was ordering her pie. Their friendship blossomed from there as Alex frequented the pizza place for the occasional pie for dinner, a single slice when she was in a rush in the morning, or when she was on a short lunch break. The cute spotted feline was a treat to talk to and an even sweeter treat to look at, which might have influenced the tigress’s decision to frequent Chee’s Pizza even when she wasn’t quite craving it.

Chelsey loved tabletop games, but the only game Alex had at her place was Monopoly, she feared the tameness of the game would disappoint her cheetah friend. However, it was the complete opposite; Chelsey was just as excited to play Monopoly as she would be with any other more complicated board game. She made cute noises when she rolled doubles, even cuter noises when she narrowly escaped some strategically placed houses and hotels that belonged to the tigress. 

As Alex landed herself in jail, Chelsey picked up the dice and shook them in her hands. “Oh no, poor Alex is in horny jail. Being punished for all the lewd she’s done.” The cheetah giggled as she tossed the dice down onto the board. The two cubes bounced on the board a few times before they came to a stop at 4 and 4. “Doubles again!” she chirped and clapped her hands together excitedly. Alex rolled her eyes at the amount of luck that the cheetah had and chuckled. “Maybe I should have you roll for me to get out of jail.” The tiger laughed as she watched Chelsey move her token across the board. Her laughter came to a stop when the little car landed on the only dark blue property that Alex was missing; Park Place. 

“Oooh Park Place! Is that a good one?” Chelsey asked the tigress with a happy smile, her tail swished around behind her excitedly. It had been a while since any of them landed on any unowned properties, and it just so happened that Park Place was up for grabs. It also just so happened that the other blue property, Boardwalk, was under the ownership of the tigress. She was tempted to fib and tell the spotted feline that it was worthless, but the more she looked at her cute face, that alluring smile, and the way her tail swished around so excitedly at just the smallest of things happening throughout their session, she could not bring herself to do such an immoral thing. With only the slightest bit of hesitation, the tigress opened up her mouth. “It is very good, the second-best property on the board!” the striped feline explained. “But, it’s only the best when you have both of them.” She paused for a little bit of dramatic effect. “I have the other one.” She stuck her tongue out at Chelsey and wiggled it around teasingly. 

Chelsey’s ears drooped down and flattened against her head ever so slightly and her enthusiastic smile slowly faded away. She let out a defeated “Awh” and slouched her back. However, being the rather happy-go-lucky kitty cat that she was meant that the frown and the slouch didn’t last for very long and she was back to smiling so wide that her eyes squinted shut in no time. “It’s okay! I can pass on it and then you can buy it!” she purred and reached for the dice on the board and slid them over toward the tigress. 

Alex, clearly confused, quickly raised her brow and shook her head at her. “No, no, no, Chelsey, if I get those, I basically win! You can buy it, and use it to trade for something that I have that you want!”  

“Oh! Right! Haha! Yes! I’ll buy it then.” The cheetah gal chirped and got her money out to pay for the property. She put her money into the stacks that were in the bank and plucked the deed to Park Place out from the carousel and put it with her other deeds. Once she finished her purchase of the deed, she looked at her tiger friend and smiled. “Your turn!” 

Alex smiled, picked up the dice, shook them around in her hand, and tossed them out onto the board. Both she and Chelsey watched as the cubes bounced around in the center of the board over and over until they came to a stop at doubles of one. The tigress threw her arms up into the air and cheered, and Chelsey rapidly golf-clapped her hands together. “Yay!” Alex cooed as she moved her money bag two spaces out of jail and onto the Electric Company, which was tigress-owned. She let out a sigh of relief and slid the dice over to Chelsey, who took the dice in her hands but looked straight at the bottomless tigress with her head tilted just slightly to the side. In one hand, prepared to roll the dice, while the other picked up the deed for Park Place in between two fingers. She fluttered her eyelids at the tigress and held the deed card up to her cheek. “I would like to enter a trade… With you, Miss Alex.” 

Alex turned her attention to Chelsey and raised her eyebrows at her when she heard her name. She tugged on the hem of her red sweater to keep her bottomless self somewhat decent as she leaned forward with a very keen interest in what the Cheeto was about to offer. “A trade, you say?” she asked. “I may be willing to do a trade, yes, what are the terms of this trade, what are you looking to barter.” The tigress did her best to put on an old-timey voice that would match the overall theme of the Monopoly game. Her attempt was mediocre at best, but it still got Chelsey to let out a cute giggle and play along. 

The cheetah cleared her throat and did her best to imitate what Alex did. “I would like to trade this here Park Place deed, for that there Marvin Gardens that you have in your possession.” She pointed to the deed with the bright yellow heading in the tigress’s spread-out collection of properties. Alex looked at the deeds she had, then at the ones Chelsey had. The cheetah had the other two yellow ones, thus the one that Alex had would complete the set and allow her to build houses and hotels on them. Giving it to her would make those three spaces a danger zone for her, but in return, Alex would have the permits to build houses and hotels on two of the most expensive spots on the map and potentially give her the upper hand to win the game. The tiger tapped her chin as she considered all the possible ways that this deal may cause her to lose the game. She tapped, tapped, and tapped until a brilliant idea popped into her head. It was like a lightbulb had been turned on in the striped feline’s head; her eyes were wide and bright and a grin spread wide across her face as she gave Chelsey a look that the cheetah could only describe as just a tiny bit intimidating, especially with those teeth of hers. 

The tigress stared at her friend in silence for an almost uncomfortable amount of time until the cheetah raised her brows at her and waved the deed to Park Place in front of the her face. “Helloooooo, Alexxxxxx? Do you still want to trade? You told me I could buy this and trade it with you! This way you can have all the dark blue ones and I can have all the yellow ones!” Chelsey smiled.

“Well,” Alex broke her silence, “I have a counter-offer to propose to you.” She reached for the yellow deed that the cheetah had her eyes on, picked it up in between two fingers, and brought it to her mouth to drag it very gently against her big saber teeth. “I give you this, for Park Place.” 

When the tigress didn’t add anything new to the offer, Chelsey gave her a confused look and tilted her head to the side. She watched as the tigress slowly moved her way closer to her until she was sitting right in front of her. She blinked over and over, confused by what the tigress was doing. She could have easily handed the deed over to her and they could continue with the game. “What are you doing Alex, you could just hand me the deed if you want to do the trade!” she chirped. 

Once Alex was close enough to the cheetah, she looked right into those cute blue eyes and reached a hand over to gently run her fingers through her red locks of hair. Chelsey continued to look at Alex with her confused expression and even blushed a little bit as she felt the tiger’s fingers in her hair. “Is everything alright, Alex?” she asked once more. Her friend’s behavior was a little bit strange, so there was a little bit of concern. The way Alex was looking at her was a little weird, too. 

Alex was staring into those pretty blue eyes Chelsey had, and she found it extremely hard to stop. After a few seconds of playing with the Cheeto’s flaming hot red hair, she spoke. 

“I’ll give you the deed to Marvin Gardens if you give me Park Place…” she paused for a few seconds before she continued, “And if you let me kiss you…” the tigress stopped playing with her hair and let her hand fall to the effects of gravity down to her cheetah spot-covered thigh. She let her hand stay there for a few seconds to gauge the cheetah’s reaction before she moved it any further. Alex’s other hand reached down to gently hold onto one of Chelsey’s as she waited for her to answer her trade offer. 

A lot of things ran through Chelsey’s mind when she heard the tigress’s counter-offer. “K-Kiss me? Why would you want to do that?” she asked, still smiling at the tiger but with a slight red blush spread across her cheeks. 

“You just look like you are a good kisser…” Alex said with a smile. “But if you don’t want to, that’s fine, too, I could do the trade without the kiss as well.” she purred. “I just think you might give really good kisses. It’s silly, I know, I’m sorry I asked.” 

“Oh no, no, no! It’s okay! You can give me a kiss! It’s just a kiss after all.” Chelsey smiled wide and her tail resumed its waving and wagging behind her again. Alex watched as the cheetah’s tail waved and wagged around her and slowly moved her face closer to the cheetah’s after she said that the kiss part of their trade was no problem. Her nose wiggled and danced as she inched closer and closer to her friend’s face. Once she was within kissing distance, she wasted no time pressing her face right up against Chel’s. 

Their lips locked together and Chelsey felt Alex’s big and sharp fangs graze over her lower lips and chin. Her eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed a deep red as Alex kissed her. She was hesitant to lean into it and kiss her back, but she didn’t pull away either. Alex didn’t push the kiss into any sort of tongue-filled extravaganza, just two pairs of kitty lips touching. As the kiss went on, Alex’s hand slowly hiked up the cheetah’s thigh. 

After about 20 seconds, Alex pulled away from the cheetah’s lips and took in a deep breath through her nose to catch up with the breaths she missed. She was hot and bothered and blushing. She looked into the cheetah’s eyes again and smiled. “Sorry, hahaha, we can forget that this happened.” The tigress laughed nervously. 

Chelsey looked at her tiger friend as she pulled away from the kiss and sat there looking to see what she would do next. Her tail still waved behind her, and her cheeks still flushed almost as red as her hair. When the tiger started to apologize for kissing her, Chelsey quickly pulled the tigress back in for another kiss, this time, placing her hand on the tigress’s bare thigh, too. She parted her lips and put a little bit of her tongue in the tiger’s mouth as a little treat. 


Alex was caught by surprise but welcomed the kiss, leaned into it, and added her own tongue into the mix. Their tongues glided over one another and they tasted each other’s mouths for a full two minutes before their lips pulled apart. A saliva string connected their lips as they pulled away and they both started giggling. 




“That was nice…” said Chelsey, her hands still on Alex’s thighs. 

“Yes, that was. I was right, you are a good kisser…” Alex cooed.

Alex’s hand continued to hike further and further up Chelsey’s thigh until she reached the zipper on her jean shorts. For a moment, it seemed like they were about to lean in and kiss each other again, but just as their lips were about to meet, heads tilted and all, Alex pulled up the deed for Marvin Gardens and put it right in between them and grinned. “Here’s your deed, as per our agreement…”


Chelsey by Jero 

Art by Sogolina 



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