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The satisfying popping sounds of green tennis balls bouncing between two sides of the tennis court echoed throughout the relatively quiet neighborhood as Alex and Charlie smacked them around between each other, with a slight hint of aggression coming from the cream-colored mouse boy. Each time he hit the ball back to the tigress he let out a loud grunt and furrowed his brows as he watched the ball, hoping that he had hit it hard and fast enough for the tigress not to be able to hit it back so that he would score a point. 



The mouse felt himself almost fall over after that swing, but he managed to catch himself and only stumbled a few steps forward. He quickly turned his head to look at the bright green ball as it zipped over the net and bounced once on Alex’s side of the court. But the tigress was fast, only leaving Charlie with a couple moments of hopefulness that filled his eyes when it looked like the ball might make a second bounce and earn him the points. Charlie was sweating his ass off running around to catch up to the ball whenever Alex returned it to him, but Alex made it look so effortless. To her it must have felt like playing Wii Sports whenever she played with him, meanwhile, he felt like he was competing with an Olympian. It was far from a fair fight. 


And just like that, the green ball was flying toward Charlie again. He gripped the handle of his racket tight, ran over to where he calculated the ball would land and swung a backhand against the ball with just mere seconds to spare before it touched the green and gave the tigress points. Once the ball was in Alex’s court again, the mouse took a moment to very quickly catch his breath. When Alex saw that her friend was out of breath, she threw the round, letting the green ball bounce for a second time on her side and giving the mouse boy the points. 

“Haaah!” Charlie threw his arms up in celebration, his tongue rolled out from his mouth as he had just been panting and gasping for air. After he glanced at his opponent and the ball and saw how close they were together, he realized that the tigress let him have it. “Why didn’t you return that?” he asked as he gestured his arm out toward the ball that rolled to the back of Alex’s side of the court. 

Alex lifted her racket up, rested it against her shoulder, and put one hand on her hip. She flicked her hair off of her shoulder with her racket before she raised her brows and looked at the mouse who seemed a little agitated. The way his nose scrunched up as he shouted over at her made the tigress snicker. “I can see you’re out of breath, I’m just giving you a breather, I’d rather lose points to you than have to drag you off the court if you pass out.”  

The tigress turned on her heels and skipped her way over to the green ball as it continued rolling away. “You need to take in deep breaths, slow ones, try exhaling as you hit the ball back. I can tell you’re holding your breath when you smack the ball.”  She picked up the pace to catch up to the ball, bent over to pick it up, and blew on it to kick the sediment and dust from it before she turned around to face her mouse friend again. She found his huffy-puffy expression amusing and tossed the ball in her hand as she gave him some time to catch his breath. 

Charlie rolled his eyes; as much as what the tigress was spewing made sense, it didn’t sit right with him how good she was and that any points he was able to score were those she let him get. It filled him with frustration he recognized from that one time he played Flappy Bird. He clenched his grip around the racket in his hand so tight that he could hear the rubber grip squeak, but then relaxed as he took in a deep breath through his nose and exhaled out his mouth. Beads of sweat rolled off his forehead and arms as he repeated his breaths and did his best to calm the fire that was building up inside of him. “She’s trying to help you get better, just do as she says, you’ll beat her in a game eventually…” he muttered under his breath. After a few minutes of catching his breath, the mouse wiped the sweat off his forehead, tried to mimic the racket twirling he had seen Alex do earlier, and jumped up and down a few times. He fumbled just a tiny bit but was able to mostly look pretty cool in his white and yellow tennis outfit. His racket whooshed through the air as he twirled it and eyed the tigress. “Alright, I’m ready,” he said with a soft smile. 

While Charlie was catching his breath during the mandatory break that she had given him, Alex stood and watched him for the first few minutes before she started to do a little maintenance on her outfit. She readjusted her top, dusted off her skirt, and pulled the socks she had on further up her leg. When she heard the mouse say that he was ready to continue, the tigress raised her brow, adjusted the red sweatband on her head, and bounced the ball against the court a few times as she looked at him. “Are you sure? We can take a longer break if you want, I was serious about the over-exhaustion, you will pass out if you aren’t careful.” 

“I’m good, c’mon, I want to beat you,” Charlie said with a huge aura of confidence that leaked all over the place. 

“Hah…” Alex scoffed, tossed the ball up into the air, and then caught it without even breaking eye contact with her mouse pal. Oh how Charlie hated how cocky she was, while also striving to be her. “What?” Charlie furrowed his brow. “It’s going to happen eventually. Haven’t you ever seen any movie about the master and their student? The student always ends up being better than even the master by the end.” The mouse said as his aura of confidence spread across a wider and wider radius. Confidence must have played a part in being good at tennis, right? Maybe he could try to psyche Alex out a bit with his bright smile and strictly positive attitude, however long he would be able to keep that up. Alex was a cat, cats thrived off of negative angry energy, he needed to cut off her supply, and see who was laughing when he scored enough points to win a set. 

“This isn’t even close to the end of the movie; we haven’t even done the training montage where you break down and cry yet.” Alex teased him further, which caused the aura of confidence and smugness that built up around him to fade visibly with his anger from earlier just shining through his amber eyes. He took in a deep breath through his nose and exhaled through his mouth once more before he looked at Alex with a calm and comfy expression. “Well, we should start that, shouldn’t we?” he smiled. 

The tigress liked the newfound confidence that her rodent friend was displaying, but she found it peculiar that he was able to switch from being upset to being confident so quickly. She knew it was a facade he was putting up to try and mess with her, but she decided to play along. She nodded at him and got into her serving stance. “If you say so! Try not to let the ball get away from you, yeah?” the tigress bounced the ball against the court again, but this time once she caught it back in her hand, she tossed it into the air and swung her racket at it as it fell back down. 

‘Thwack!’ and just like that, the green ball became a green blur again. It flew toward Charlie, who was more than ready for it. He gripped his racket tight, pulled it back as the ball approached, and swung forward the second the ball was within range. “Hyah!” he let out his tennis war cry and closed his eyes.


He opened his eyes back up to see the ball flying over the net and bouncing once on Alex’s side of the court. Alex returned the ball effortlessly, only running for a brief instance before she was able to swing her racket and hit the ball right in the center. Alex’s pleated skirt swished and swirled as she ran and her paws pitter-pattered against the relatively soft surface of the court. She blew her hair out of her face once she corrected her stance and waited for the mouse to return the ball. 




‘Thwack!’ the green ball bounced in between the two tennis players for a significantly longer time this time around. Charlie was determined to get points on his own and Alex was determined to make that as hard on the mouse as possible, if not impossible. After two minutes of back and forth, the tigress was starting to show some sweat on her forehead that her sweatband missed. She let out louder and louder huffs each time she hit the ball back to the mouse. However, she noticed he wasn’t faring too well either, so she pushed on. She hit the ball back to the mouse harder, faster, and further in hopes that the squeaky cheese lover boy would fumble. While she wanted to help her friend get better at the sport, she also didn’t want to lose to him, ever, not even if it was just out of dumb beginner’s luck. As Charlie let out another one of those sexual tennis sounds escape his lips, Alex kept her eyes on the tennis ball as it came flying in her direction, whistled to get his attention, and took her eyes off the ball to look at him straight in the eye. “Hey, Charlie!” 

Charlie’s attention turned to Alex immediately when he heard her whistle and his name. His big ears flickered, but his ready-to-go stance remained unchanged. “What!” he shouted back at her. He was sure this was another one of her distraction tactics she was going to use to throw him off his game. 

Alex grinned, she had him right where she wanted him. “Catch this…” After the ball made its first bounce, Alex dashed toward it and spun around a full 360 degrees, the top of her racket catching the ball and slamming it back where it came from at an incredible speed. The ball shot across the court over the net, bounced on Charlie’s side of the court once, and then for a second time just as Charlie was running toward it to scoop it up last second. 

“15-love,” Alex said with a smile while Charlie swung his racket against the air in front of him out of frustration. 

Alex served again, and again, and again, with Charlie unable to even return Alex’s serve a few times in a row. “30-love.” The tigress said again. Despite not looking at her, the mouse could hear her smiling as she tallied their points. 

 “40-love…” Alex cooed. She was just one more point away from winning, again. “And remind me what ‘love’ means again?” 

“IT MEANS I HAVE ZERO!” Charlie angrily shouted toward Alex. His tail stood straight up behind him, his hands were balled up into fists, and his teeth gritted out in a snarl. 

“Good job! You’re learning, see?” Alex chuckled as she got into position to serve again. Once the ball was in play, Charlie ran toward it and swung. 


“There we go! That’s it… Don’t lose focus, keep your eye on the ball and your feet ready to move.” The tigress coached her friend as she ran to where she projected the ball would land. They had another back and forth that drew sweat out of both of them. Each time it looked like Charlie was going to miss the ball, he was able to hit it with the metal frame of his racket and get it across to the other side. His beginner’s luck was starting to show, and Alex was not going to have any of that. As the ball flew over toward her, she kept her eyes on it for long enough to calculate where it would land in her head, before she whistled and called out for the mouse boy’s attention again. “Hey, Charlie!” 

Exhausted and struggling to catch his breath, Charlie snarkily responded to Alex, “What now?” He turned to face Alex, spread his arms out in a gesture of frustration, and let out a sigh. That was his fatal mistake, one that Alex was betting that he would make. He played right into her tiger claws. And while she probably would have been able to win the game just by returning the ball, she wanted to be extra sure. 

“The underwear I have on now matches your fur perfectly…”


The ball zipped through the air, flew right by the mouse, and blew the hair in front of his face to the left. It bounced behind him twice, and just like that, he lost. 

“Game!” Alex raised her arms up in a victory pose and started to cackle. “Told you this wasn’t the end of our movie, yet, you still have a long way to go, little one.” 

Charlie stood there in the same stance he had when Alex called out his name and distracted him. He was silent and his eyes devoid of any emotion as he stared at the opposite side of the court. Water was starting to pool in his eyes and he dropped the tennis racket in his hand. The thought of Alex’s Charlie-colored underwear clouded his mind and it took him a moment to shake out of it. Once he did shake out of it, he watched Alex as she skipped her way over to the picnic table behind the court. His relaxed hands balled up into fists and his blank eyes filled with a fiery rage. He gritted his teeth and marched his way over to the net, hopped over it, and continued stomping his way over to the tigress as she reached for her water bottle on the table. 

Alex twirled her tennis racket around like a lightsaber as she hopped her way over to her insulated water bottle. She had filled it with coconut water and was looking forward to feeling its cold and refreshing qualities. She set her racket down gently on the racket bag she had on the ground and stepped forward to put her knee up on the picnic table’s bench. She reached for the bottle and licked her lips, “Hey Charlie? Come here and drink some coconut water, it’ll help soften the blow of losing.” The tigress chuckled. Her chuckling wouldn’t last long though, as just as her fingers were about to curl around the bottle, Alex felt a set of fingers curling against her thighs. It was Charlie, who stood right behind her with his hands hiking up her skirt and curling those mousey fingers under the elastic of her alleged mouse-matching underwear. “Charlie? What are you doing?” Alex turned over her shoulder to look at him. 

“Checking to see if you’re a liar,” he growled at her and dug his claws into her thighs. He fumbled around a bit before he flipped the tigress’s skirt up onto her back and exposed her ass along with the undergarment in question. They were, in fact, the same color as Charlie’s fur. He stared at the tigress’s ass and panties for a few seconds before she shouted at him angrily, which caused him to look at her instead. 

“Charlie, what the fuck? You could have just asked; you didn’t have to grab me like that.” Alex rolled her eyes.  The tigress’s heart-patterned butt was hard for Charlie to ignore, but what was even harder to ignore was the small damp spot that darkened the color of Alex’s underwear right over her crotch. Alex attempted to reach her bottle of coconut water again, assuming that Charlie just wanted to see if she was lying about the underwear. But he was far from done, when he saw the damp spot in her underwear, he grinned devilishly from ear to ear, and with zero hesitation, Charlie curled his fingers crudely around Alex’s panties and pulled them down just enough for them to peel away from her ass and pussy. As the thin cotton fabric peeled away from the tigress’s pussy, it left a string of sticky pussy juice connecting them together that lasted a few seconds before falling to the effects of gravity and snapping away. Then it hit him like a train into a car stuck on the tracks; her scent. His nose wiggled and danced as he took it in, it was a smell no reasonable man could resist, the smell of dripping wet pussy. The mixture of the tigress’s post-match sweat and her arousal created the perfect pussy-musk that the mouse inhaled over and over like a teenager huffing glue. Instead of making him dizzy, though, it made his dick hard. The mouse’s meat throbbed in his pants as he squeezed the tigress’s behind and admired how wet she was. It didn’t take very long for a tent to appear in his white sporty shorts and wedge itself up against the tigress’s rear like it was meant to fit there. 

Everything happened so quickly that Alex barely had any time to react. Her hand jolted away from the bottle she was reaching for when she felt her underwear peel from her. “Charlie! Stop that! What are you doing?” Alex peeked over her shoulder as much as she could, but the most she could see was Charlie’s upper half. She tried to push herself from the picnic table and push the mouse off of her, but the hands he had on her behind created something of an unstoppable force and immovable object scenario. “C’mon, this isn’t funny!” 

The mouse continued to sniff the tiger’s scent as it floated and spread throughout the summer afternoon air. The fiery anger in his eyes grew stronger the more Alex shouted at him. He raised his right hand up and slammed it down against the striped cat’s left ass cheek. 


“Ow! What the fuck Charlie?” 

“That’s for being so mean to me.” He growled and quickly shimmied his way out of his shorts. It took a bit of maneuvering now that his monster mouse cock was erect, but once his pants were down to his knees, his cock flopped free and smacked right square and center in between Alex’s buns.  

‘Plap…’ Alex felt a warmth press gently against her with something prodding against the base of her tail. The tigress continued to shout at the mouse but made no additional effort to get herself out of the situation. The smack to her ass left a soft red handprint mark on her ass cheek and caused a slight increase in the flow of juices from her pussy, something that she hoped Charlie hadn’t noticed. 

Charlie rubbed his dick in between Alex’s buttocks, his uncut dick tip kissing the soft fuzz under her tail and his balls gently pressing against the top of Alex’s mound. When her pussy got wetter, it was noticed by Charlie immediately and he continued to rub his dick up and down against her pussy, taint, and tight pink pucker. His tip came dangerously close to pressing up against her asshole, but he had his eyes on another hole of hers. Alex did her best to resist moaning out loud as Charlie’s dick rubbed up against her labia; his warmth felt good against her, and when his fat balls pressed gently up against her? Oh, boy was that something she was really into. Charlie huffed and puffed, and pulled his dick from her cheeks. As he pulled away, he saw how wet Alex had gotten and grinned devilishly once more. His dick stood tall, straight as a ruler, with his tip aimed right at her dripping love cave. It throbbed and throbbed as Charlie stared at Alex’s pussy in silence. He could almost forget that he was angry at her for that dirty trick she pulled on him, but he was reminded of it when he saw the outfit she was wearing. He grumbled and gritted his teeth, tightened the grip his hands had on the tigress and pulled himself closer to her. 

The tip of Charlie’s dick kissed Alex’s wet labia as he moved himself closer to her. He stopped once he felt her warmth against him and let out a soft squeak that he hid behind his clenched teeth and angry expression. His tip collected Alex’s pussy juice for a few more seconds and he wiggled his dick around as if it were a paintbrush in a palette.  


The well-endowed mouse wasted no time pushing himself deeper inside the tigress, she was wet and ready for him, plus, she stopped shouting at him and telling him to stop a bit ago. His big dick spread Alex’s pussy lips apart wide and he sunk inside her slowly.  He squinted his eyes shut as he felt the warmth, wetness, and tightness of Alex’s inner walls cling to his dick, but he pressed on, pushing his hips forward more and more until his pelvis was pressed firmly against the tigress’s ass in front of him. 

Alex didn’t want to tell him to stop anymore, she liked this angry side of her mouse friend. She had no idea he would snap in this way, but she wasn’t going to complain. Feeling him spread her cunt apart and let himself inside made her dig her claws into the wood of the picnic table. Maybe she did have one thing to complain about, he could have eased himself in, he was far from average-sized, and she knew he was well aware of that. The tigress squinted her eyes shut, scratched the shit out of the picnic table’s surface, and let out soft moans as her friend buried his cock inside her. 

“Hnnnng…. Hhhhaaa…”  her moans continued even once Charlie’s dick was balls deep inside of her. The grip Charlie had on Alex’s waist loosened for a few seconds, and Alex thought Charlie had tired himself out, but then his grip tightened again and he pulled his dick out of her completely. His dick popped free from her tight cunt with a sting of her pussy juice splashing out with him alongside a very loud pop. 


“Ghaaahh…” Alex let out a moan as a shiver traveled up her spine, the feeling of having Charlie’s massive schlong pull out of her almost as quickly as it came in had her legs like jelly. Charlie wasn’t playing around, and he very quickly pushed his hips forward and slammed his dick inside Alex’s wet cunt again. The force of his hips slamming against Alex’s rear caused her to bounce forward against the picnic table and lose her footing. 

‘Sccchlllp. Plap!’ Charlie’s foreskin peeled back to allow his sensitive dick head to rub against Alex’s textured walls and his balls slapped against her as he pushed himself in. He pulled out again, this time leaving the tip in, pushed back in again, and repeated, building a rhythm. His fingers dug into her fur as he thrusted in and out over and over again. “This is for letting me win that one time!” Charlie shouted angrily.

Alex couldn’t say anything back to him. Her pussy clenched tightly around his dick as it pulled out and relaxed as he pushed in, creating a suction-sensation that was reeling the mouse in and barely letting him pull out. She felt everything on Charlie’s dick; from his big tip, to the ridge between his shaft and the tip, the pulled-back foreskin, and the handful of bulging veins that decorated his dick like pleasuring tinsel on a Christmas tree. The tigress’s toes spread apart slightly as she was fucked by the angry mouse. She hated to admit it, but she was enjoying this, and the thoughts in her head went as far as to consider what else she could do to cause him to snap into a rage she’d only ever seen from someone who played a competitive online multiplayer shooter. Alex’s tail draped over Charlie’s waist and their tails intertwined together as he fucked her silly.

“Haaaaah… Aah… Aahh…”

‘Sccchlllp. Plap!’

“Hhhhhaaaahhh fuckk….”

‘Scchllp. Plap!’

‘Schllp. Plap!’

‘Schlp. Plap!’


Charlie’s fingers dug even deeper into Alex and he slammed his hips harder, too. So much so, that Alex turned around to glance over her shoulder at him as he piledrove his dick inside her. She continued to bounce to the force of his hips slamming into her but managed to furrow her brows at him and opened her mouth to speak. 

“Stop being so rough!” the tigress shouted, pausing for a moment as the mouse slammed his dick inside her again. “Hhhhaaahh…” She moaned. “You’re fucking BIG, Dummy!” She snarled at him, big teeth on display. 

Charlie gritted his teeth and grunted with each hilting thrust. Alex’s clenches were getting to him, the way her walls squeezed his dick and pulled on it like a vacuum was practically forcing him to fuck her as hard as he could to fight against it. “Hhhnngg…. Hhhaaah… Gnnnhg…”

“Stop clenching your fucking tight pussy.” He said in a relatively calm and soothing voice, despite grunting and groaning. 

‘Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!’

“Haaahnnnhh… Haahh… Nhhnng! HHnnn!”

The rodent’s fingers continued to dig harder into Alex and their tails became even more entangled. The more he thrusted, the more Alex’s pussy juice splattered and dripped, and the more times he went balls-deep inside her coochie, the more warmth and wetness engulfed his dipstick dick. His balls continued to smack against her mound and clit and he arched his back as he increased his pace even more. 


 “I’m… Gonna make… You squirt…” Charlie said in between the sound of his balls slapping loudly against Alex. He jackhammered his dick in and out of her faster and faster, making Alex moan louder and louder. When he heard her claws screeching against the table top that she held onto, he knew he was going in the right direction. 

“I’d… Aaaah… Like to… Ahhhh…. See you… Aaaaaaaah... Try!” Alex started to moan louder than she had done before. The sounds she made were highly encouraging for Charlie, and he continued to push himself in and out of her, leaving his cock inside her for a few seconds once he was balls deep, and gyrating his hips in a way that dragged the tip of his cock against Alex’s inner walls just enough to make her toes spread apart and curl.

Alex felt a sensation flow over her as Charlie fucked her brains out. She would never admit it, but she knew very well that Charlie could make her squirt. From his size, to his performance, and the smell of his fat balls, he was made to get the tiger to spray like a Super Soaker. And with him being a boy of the more effeminate type, he had all the cheat codes to exploit Alex’s tight little pussy. When he started to gyrate his hips and drag his tip against her inner walls, Alex let it happen, there was no point in holding back now. Her pussy clenched around his dick tight before it spasmed and rapidly clenched and let go as a clear stream of warm pussy juice squirted out of her. 

‘Sqshhhhh… Squsshhhh… Squsshhh…’ Alex didn’t moan and it was clear she was biting her tongue. Charlie continued to fuck her even as she squirted, all he did was glance down at the splashing that happened on his legs and the floor. He gave Alex’s ass another firm smack and teased her. “Hah! Told you I could make you squirt!” 

Through her bit tongue, Alex still managed to snarl back at her mouse friend angrily. “SO? You still suck ASS at tennis.” 

Hearing Alex's backhanded comment only made the mouse boy’s fire of rage burn brighter. He slapped her ass hard and dug his hands into her as harder. Grabbing her like a piece of meat before he thrusted in and out of her even harder and faster. His heavy balls swung like pendulums “Why won’t you stop being mean to me!” he squeaked and growled as he slapped her ass with his balls so hard that he was sure that he would feel the effects of that later. But right now, he didn’t care. 

His foreskin rolled back and forth over his cock head as he pushed and pulled it in and out of her. Her squirt worked well as extra lube that made every noise that came from their genitals touching sound even wetter. 

‘Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!’

“Hhhnnnhhh…” Charlie did his best to hold back on the noises he was making as he neared his climax. His dick throbbed over and over even as it was in the tight clutches of Alex’s cunt. He felt a soft tingling sensation that started in the tip of his dick, then it traveled south through his shaft, and to his babymakers. He gritted his teeth again and slammed himself as deep as he possibly could inside Alex. When he started to cum, he didn’t stop either; his hips continued thrusting back and forth as the first rope of his thick, white, creamy, and virile cum shot into her vaginal canal. 

‘Schlop, shlap, shlop, shlorp.’ 

When the first rope of his hot seed shot up into her love tunnel, Alex’s eyes widened and she looked back over her shoulder. She felt his warmth spread inside her, which was a sensation she enjoyed, and as more and more ropes flooded her to the point of leakage, she couldn’t help but wrap her tail around Charlie’s tighter, although she protested just a little bit. 


Each time Charlie pulled out, his cum came out with him. And when he pushed back in, he spread it around her labia and mound. A few strings even drooped down into her panties that were still around her upper thighs. His cum even started to bubble a bit from the air being pushed in as he continued to pound her ass harder than the cake of the same name. “Shut up! I know you LOVE it!” he replied. 

When his eighth and final rope of DNA left the tip of his dick, his thrusting slowed down and slowly came to a stop, his breathing slowed down, too, but each breath was still long and heavy. His grip on the tigress’s hips and thighs loosened and his knees started to wobble as he backed away from her. 

‘Plop!’ his dick popped free from the tight grip of Alex’s pussy and flopped in between his legs in a still fully erect state. With his cock now free of Alex’s pussy, there was no cork in to keep the mouse’s productiveness from flowing out of her. Their tails unraveled from one another and they both fell silent, save for a few heavy pants and breaths from the both of them as cum oozed out of Alex’s cunt like a faulty faucet.

“At least… pull out next time… Jeez…” Alex said with shaky and airy breath. 

Charlie turned on his heels to sit next to Alex on the picnic bench, propped his elbows up on the table, and leaned back. His dick started to curve downward as it softened, still dripping cum. “When you stop being mean to me when we play tennis, I’ll start pulling out… Yeah…”


Art by Totesfleisch8 



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