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The Badlands were kind to no one, water was scarce, the heat of the day able to burn the skin of the toughest men, and the cold of the night enough to push hard liquor close to its freezing point. But people ventured into it all the time, despite the risks, for there was a lot to discover out in the Badlands. Tales of lost riches from mad emperors and empresses, mythical creatures capable of giving whoever found them anything they desired, even entire secret civilizations hidden away from the chaos caused by the selfishness and greed of the rest of the world. In fact, if you compiled the ramblings of every wise old merchant in every kingdom across the world, you’d come to the conclusion that the Badlands had it all, and it could all be yours if you were brave enough to take the risk. 

“So, what you’re saying is, you ‘found’ my motorcycle where I parked it and thought it was just ‘up for grabs’….” The tigress furrowed her brow and made air quotes with her fingers as she circled the small rat she had tied up to a chair in the middle of what appeared to be a dark and empty room. The room had just one tiny window that was quite high up, and looking out the window, one could see cobblestone and occasionally the feet of passersby. They were in a basement of an unknown location, to the rat at least; the last thing he remembered was he was riding the motorcycle he had swiped down the road, then something hit him and he woke up here at the mercy of the dagger-wielding tigress in her skin-tight suit. She had a mask on that was supposed to cover her facial features somewhat, but the rat knew exactly who she was. 

“Please, you have to believe me. I didn’t know it was yours! I would never have taken it if I knew it was yours…” the ratman, who had a rather tough-looking demeanor was reduced to tears, pleading with the tigress for mercy.

As tears rolled down his cheeks, the sheep shed its wolf clothing, “Please, Xela, I beg of you. It will never happen again…” 

The tigress’ ears flickered when she heard him call her by her name for the first time since he had woken up in the compromising situation that he was in. She grinned, stopped right in front of him, and put a foot up on the chair. Her paw landed right in between the rat’s legs as he spread them apart just in time to avoid being stomped on. Her claws extended from her toes and dug into the wood with a loud screech. 

The rodent let out a scream far exaggerated, closed his eyes, and turned his head away. “Aaaaahhhhhhh!” When he didn’t feel anything, he slowly opened his eyes back up and breathed a sigh of relief that he was still intact. He started to chuckle out of the pure joy that came from the realization that she hadn’t hurt him, “Haaahhaaa... Hoooo… Thank the gods…” but when his eyes saw her face and how close it was to his own, he realized she hadn’t hurt him, yet. When he made eye contact with her, the tigress snarled and showed off her sharp pearly whites. She tightened the grip of her dagger in her hand and brought it up to his neck. He could feel the sharp blade glide over his neck fur, even shaving some of it off. The rat’s cheerful celebration quickly turned into a gulp as the fear returned to his eyes. She brushed the blade up and down his neck for a few seconds before she pulled it away and sheathed it back at her hip. Upon seeing the rogue put the dagger away, the rat thanked her profusely. “Thank you, thank you… It won’t happen again… You have my word…” Xela looked amused and tilted her head to the side slightly. She raised her brow and just stared at him in silence for a few seconds. After a bit of staring, with her foot still up on the chair, she kicked it and caused the rodent to squirm as the chair tipped backward and onto the floor. “Aaah!”


Xela looked down at the rat with a smirk as he wiggled and struggled to try and set himself free from the chair. It seemed even harder to do once he was tipped over. “Ugh! Xela! Cut me free! You can’t leave me like this!” 

“You’re saying that like I’m leaving you in a burning building, relax, scream loud enough and maybe the kind old lady next door will hear you. Her name’s Miss Goggins, a real sweet lady.” Xela walked away from the rat and picked up his bag that was tossed to the side earlier when she dragged him into the room and tied him up. She went through the bag, tossing out papers, and other things she didn’t quite find useful. When she came across a small coin bag, she picked it up and shook it before grinning and putting it into her own larger coin pouch. The rat protested, but that was all he could do. 

“Oh c’mon!”

Xela then dumped the entirety of his bag’s contents onto the floor, with a few small trinkets, some sand, and a tiny switchblade falling out. When the switchblade bounced against the floor, both Xela’s and the rat’s eyes locked to it, then to each other’s. Xela placed her paw on it and kicked it a tiny bit closer to the rat before she turned on her heels and walked away. “Don’t steal from me again! I really think shouting for Miss Goggins would be your best bet, plus she’d probably also serve you something nice to eat after, too!” The tigress climbed up the stairs of the basement and vanished through a door, closing it behind her. She exited the building and walked up to her motorbike that was parked outside. She hopped onto it, stuck the keys into the ignition, started it, and drove away. She rode out of the city just enough to be sure she wasn’t followed, gone were the cobblestone pathways and roads, she was now encroaching on the desert that surrounded the city. She came to a stop at an abandoned petrol station, parked under some shade, and pulled out a map to study it on her motorcycle. The map showed the city she had just left down south, with the rest of the map being empty except for the word “Badlands” written with very bad handwriting as if whoever was drawing the map was in a massive rush. Despite the section of the map that covered the desert being mostly empty, there was a very faded mark on the map that Xela had noticed when she first stole the map. It was a small x, nothing else. She ran her finger over the map to line up the mark with the coordinates along the edges so she could figure out which direction to drive off to next. Once she had the coordinates, she jotted them down above the x, kick-started her bike, revved the engine just a few times for good measure, and zipped off and away, leaving a trail of dust and sand following her as she drove into the badlands. By the time the dust settled at the abandoned gas station, the tigress had gone over the horizon and ventured her way deep into the badlands. Her motorcycle zipped through the rugged terrain that was covered in sand and sediment that was illuminated a bright yellow-orange by the searing sun. 


The only sound Xela could hear was the rumbling of her vehicle and the occasional sound of vultures and crows that roamed the skies, signifying someone who had met their unfortunate demise in the badlands. She had been driving for a couple of hours now, and still, she saw nothing even as she got closer and closer to the coordinates on her map. With her gasoline dangerously low, the tigress came to a stop, kicked her bike’s stand out, and hopped off. She shook her hands to shake away the numbness from holding the handlebars and twisting the throttle before she walked over to the bags she had slung over the sides of her ride. Opening up one of the bags, Xela pulled out a big red gas canister and refueled her bike. It was at this point when Xela saw something in the distance. It was very hard to make out what it was, but it was nothing like anything she had seen throughout her entire drive through the badlands. She had seen corpses, abandoned buildings, the wreckage of cars, motorbikes, and even planes. What she saw in the distance there was something mammoth. Intrigued, she stood and stared, even after emptying her gas can into her bike, she stood there holding it up as if there was any more to pour. Eventually, she put the empty canister away and pulled out her map and compass. 

“That’s got to be something.” The tiger said to herself as she tapped her finger on the x on the map. It had to be it. There were no mountains or anything marked on the map, this was the only thing for miles, and it just so happened to line up in the general area where that mysterious x on the map was, too. “It must be.” She tucked her map and compass away, kicked the kickstand of her bike up, and started her bike. Once it roared to life and the gas gauge was far away from the E, she smirked and rode off toward the vague tall structure in the distance. 

In the cloud of sand and dust that she left behind, stood a tall figure who knelt down at the tire tracks her bike left behind before they stood back up on their strong hooves and followed her on foot.


 “I want you to find her and bring her back to me, alive, so I can tie her up and humiliate her as she did to me,” the disgruntled rat said with a scoff. “That wench thinks she can just push me around like that and leave without retaliation…” he took a sip of his ale from his wooden glass. Sat across from him at the same tavern table was a tall equine, a Clydesdale to be exact. He was big, bulky, and muscular. He raised his wooden mug of ale that was about the size of the rat’s head up to his snout and took a sip that seemed to last forever. Once he was done, he gently placed the mug down and wiped his thick lips free of foam before he looked at the rat. “So, you want me to try and kidnap Xela. The same Xela that set fire to the royal archives? The same Xela that survived being tied up in that temple with creatures that tried to eat her?” the equine let out a chuckle as if to suggest that the rat was out of his mind. “You’re lucky she spared you for stealing her bike.” 

The rat slammed his mug down against the table and stood up, causing a loud noise along with a splash of ale that went all over the place. It left him unphased but startled the surrounding tables in the tavern so much that the usual chatter and noise came to a complete stop. “She has to pay for what she did to me!” he raised his hand up with his pointer finger extended out toward the equine and stared him down for a few seconds before he fumbled around at his waist to reach for a bag of coins, which he dropped onto the table right in front of the horse. The loosely-tied bag opened up and an abundance of coins spilled out from it. 

“Will you take the job, or not? This is half, you get the other half when you bring her to me.” The rat sat back down and straightened his shirt up before he took another sip of his ale, this time downing the entire thing in one go. He let out a burp and was visibly more flushed than he was when he started drinking; the poor rodent wasn’t able to handle his alcohol. 

The Clydesdale took only a few seconds to consider the rat’s offer. He had been a tad hesitant at first even after he saw the bag of coins that was tossed at him. But when it was revealed that the first bag was only half the payment, he would be an idiot to refuse. Even if Xela was dangerous and hard to capture, or even if he didn’t capture her at all, he’d get half just for trying. He took one last sip of his ale, slammed the mug down, and grabbed the bag coins along with the loose coins that had fallen all over the table. Once the last of the coin had been picked up, he reached his hand over to the rat and grabbed his hand to shake it. “I guess I should start looking for her, then?” 

The rat shook the horse’s big hand and leaned in. “Remember, I want Xela alive, or you don’t get your second half, Tash.” 


With the firm handshake done, the horse pushed himself out of his seat and left the tavern. The rodent leaned back in his chair, raised his empty mug in the air, and shouted over at one of the barmaids for a refill. 


“As far as the eye can see” was actually pretty far. It took Xela an additional half-hour of non-stop driving on her bike until she was even able to get a better picture of the structure she was looking at. When she was far away, all she could see was a singular structure, but as she got closer, the singular structure turned into several, and ones of several shapes and heights. She was able to make out that they were made of brick. It was only when her motorcycle rolled in within a few miles of the structure did she realize what she was looking at. “By the gods, this can’t be…” she took her eyes off of the sands in front of her and craned her neck back slowly to look up at the structure. It was a castle, a very big one, out in the middle of the badlands, disconnected from everything. There was a large main structure in the middle that was flanked by multiple spires and towers. Xela couldn’t see a gate, but as her motorcycle ran over terrain that felt like wood, she realized that the castle’s walls had fallen long ago. She slowed down and eventually came to a complete stop in front of it. She turned off her bike, pulled out the keys, and stared at the structure in front of her eyes in awe. She even took off her mask, something she never did while outside, just to make sure her mask wasn’t covering up her vision and making her see things. But even with her mask off, the castle was still there; tall, majestic, but deserted. Other than the fallen walls, it looked as if it hadn’t been touched at all, not even looted. 

The tigress deployed the kickstand of her bike, hopped off, and wasted no time finding a way inside. She walked up to what looked like the main entrance of the castle, but as she approached, she found a broken window; too small for anyone to get into, anyone that wasn’t as flexible and agile as she was, that is. Finally, her skintight and oversexualized suit could come in handy. No way she was going to get stuck by her clothes on some stupid broken glass. She approached the window; gave it a few looks before she ran toward it and dove through the broken part of the glass. She landed on a large pile of sand that was built up by the broken window and rolled until she was on her feet. She had her dagger out when she landed and looked left and right to make sure it was clear before she stood up. She dusted herself off and proceeded to look around once more just to be sure she was alone. On the inside was not what one would expect to find in the middle of the badlands, marble flooring, red-carpeted hallways that stretched down endlessly, furniture, light fixtures, and artwork on the wall, all of which seemed to be untouched and frozen in time. It was eerie but the tigress was no scaredy-cat. She wasted very little time and ventured into the castle to look for what she came for. 

She began her search on the ground floor and slowly made her way up, making sure to go through every room and pulling everything apart just in case there were any hidden rooms or pathways that would go by unnoticed to the untrained eye. She ripped through pillows, books, and plush furniture in each and every room in the castle to no avail. When she got to what looked like the master bedroom on the upper floors of the castle, she tore through everything in there, too, only to find nada. She let out a heavy sigh as she flopped down onto the comically sized large bed that was probably used by the emperor or whoever owned this place and their multiple concubines. She had spent hours combing through the empty palace just to find nothing. 

Out of frustration, she threw her dagger across the room; the blade stabbing into a mirror and shattering it. Slightly concerned that her dagger may get lost, the tigress pushed herself up onto her elbows and looked over at the broken mirror. On the wall behind the shattered glass was a message very hastily written onto it. Xela quickly pushed herself off the bed and bounced toward it to get a closer look. She pulled the larger shards of glass that didn’t fall away from the wall to reveal the message in its entirety. 

“I’ve locked myself in the hidden cellar underneath the kitchen.” Xela read the message and started grinning. “You stupid son of a bitch…” she started cackling and wheezing, holding a hand against her stomach as her laughing got more and more out of control.

‘Crsssshhhhhhh! Thud!’ 

Xela’s laughing was cut short when she heard a loud crash followed by a loud thud. She recognized the loud crash as the sound of shattering glass, and the thud of someone falling onto the sand-covered floor. This pointed to the same window that she had used to access the castle. She had been followed. 

“Fuck, that rat bastard. I knew I should have chained him up.” Xela grumbled to herself, pulled her dagger out of the wall, and ran out of the room and down the hallway. She was quick and quiet, unlike whoever that rat sent after her. She ran to the west wing of the castle and climbed up the stairs into the tower as she put her mask back on.


Tashi, the horse warrior had spotted the same open window that Xela had. Fearing that bursting into the front door would trigger a trap, he launched himself at the window, crashed straight through it, and landed on the sand below. He coughed a few times before he pushed himself up and dusted himself off. He had seen her motorcycle outside and heard her cackling, confirming to him that she was there. He realized he had alerted her of his presence by crashing in loudly, so as he got up, he grabbed the sword from its sheath on his waist and drew it out. 


He gripped the sword in both hands as he began walking through the castle to try and find the tiger that would most certainly be waiting for him to attack him by surprise. He heard a lot about her, everyone had. He hoped that most of what he heard would turn out to be exaggerated, but he was not going to let his guard down, no matter what. 

He searched through the palace, room by room, making sure to check any small space that a feline would be able to slip into. Floor by floor, he exhausted every search option. That was when he saw some claw marks left on the carpeted floor that led into the spiral staircase of the west wing’s tower. He tightened his grip on his sword as he ascended up the tower. When he reached the door that would open up to the top of the tower, he kicked it open and walked out with his sword still up. His hooves clopped softly against the wooden panels that made up the floor, and the metal parts of his forearm guards, belt, and shin and knee guards clinked. He quickly turned around, looked up, looked left, and then right. Nothing; all he heard was the wind and sand blowing gently around him. He lowered his sword only slightly and let out a sigh. That was one of his many mistakes, one he probably didn’t even notice himself doing, and it allowed the tigress to attack. 

Xela hadn’t gone up to the tower at all. She left claw marks on the carpet to deliberately misdirect the horse into going up there, where she could then follow him up the dark spiral staircase in the shadows and wait for the perfect opportunity. With the horse’s guard slightly lowered, that was all Xela needed to initiate the attack that would give her the upper hand. Standing right in front of the door that led to the stairs, Xela quietly pulled out her dagger and dug her feet into the wood she stood on. Once she was ready to run at the horse, she called out to him to get him to turn around. 

“Hey there, handsome.” 

Tashi’s ears perked up and he quickly turned around. He wasn’t quick enough to do the same with his sword though, thus the tigress ran to him unopposed. The tigress dashed toward him at an incredible speed, she appeared to the horse as almost a blur. When she was merely a few feet away from him, she launched herself into the air and spread her legs apart. “Haaa-YYAHH!!” Her thighs locked around the horse’s neck and her body weight combined with her velocity knocked him to the ground with a very loud thud. 

As the horse landed on his back, the tigress landed on top of him. Her knees straddled to the side of his head and her crotch landed right against his snout. Xela brought her arms up, with one hand full of her claws and the other holding her dagger out ready to slash. 

Everything was happening so fast for Tashi. He had dropped his sword during the fall, and with the tigress’ skintight suit-covered pussy right up against his nose and mouth, he was treated to a nose-full of her scent as he took in his breaths in a panic. Her scent was salty, sweaty, and sweet all mixed in one. It was almost as if he could taste her pussy just from having it pressed up against his face. He brought his hands up to try and push the tigress off of him, but she pushed her weight onto him more, and by the time he took in his third huff of her pussymusk, it was all a bit too late; his dick had gotten hard. 

His equine dick pushed its way out of its sheath and against the loincloth that kept the warrior decent. His eyes widened in a panic at everything happening around him and he quickly tapped against the wooden floor with his hand rapidly. Xela, just about to interrogate him, was understandably confused by the horse’s rapid tapping. Was he tapping out? As she swung her dagger through the air, her hand bumped into something she didn’t expect to be there, and when she turned around to look at what it was, her eyes widened and she turned back to look at the horse she had pinned down rather awkwardly. 


She pushed herself back to move her pussy away from the horse’s mouth and let him breathe in the fresh air. He gasped for air and took in deep tired breaths for a few seconds before he said anything. “They were right about you… You are invisible…” he coughed and chuckled in an attempt to lighten up the mood. Xela wasn’t letting her guard down, so she was having none of it. She pressed her clawed hand down against the horse’s shoulder and brought the dagger to hold it against his neck. “Why did you follow me? Who sent you? Was it that rat fucker?” the tigress snarled at the horse. 

Tashi, whose dick hadn’t gone down yet at all, gulped. “Yes! It was the rat, he wanted me to come and get you and bring you back to him alive.” The horse was very quick to admit. Xela was scary, so no one could blame him at this point. 

The rogue began to laugh, “Hah, so he’s a rich little fucker out spending daddy’s money… And he stole my motorcycle just for fun… I shouldn’t have let him live…” she snarled. “How much did he pay you?” 

“Tashi quickly tried to reach for his coin pouch, but with the tigress on top of him, he couldn’t. “A lot. He paid me half upfront, it was over a hundred gold,”

“And the other half?” 

“He’ll pay me that if I bring you to him, alive,” Tashi continued, shaking just a tad. 

“Now tell me why I shouldn’t just kill you right here, take your gold, and go back to kill that rat motherfucker, too?” Xela raised her brows. 

Tashi had to think of something quickly to save his own life, luckily, he did know a thing or two about both Xela and the rat that hired him that he could use to his advantage. “Because, if you kill that rat, his father will not be happy.”

“Oh yeah?” Xela pressed the blade firmer against the horse’s neck and her claws firmer against his shoulder. “Why should I care, I’ll just kill his father, too.” 

“His father’s Cedric of Geruva…” Tashi answered, his dick throbbing under his loincloth as she dug her claws into his shoulder.  

When Xela heard the name of the rat’s father, a sense of fear washed over her and the hand holding the blade against the equine’s neck weakened for a second. “The Butcher…. Of course, fuck.” She then pressed her claws and dagger down tighter again and leaned down to bring her face closer to his. “And why shouldn’t I get rid of you? You’ll come after me again anyway…”

“Because I can help you, and we can split the pay!” the Clydesdale offered. 

Upon hearing about pay worth hundreds in gold, the tigress raised a brow but still kept her dagger and claws against the horse. “I’m listening.”

“You let me take you back to him, but with an escape plan…” 

“That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard.” Xela scoffed. Slightly annoyed that the horse was trying to trick her, Xela scooted herself back up, pulled her claws and dagger away from him, and pressed her crotch up against his face again. However, this time, the horse’s teeth caught onto a part of her suit and ripped it. 


The tear in her suit was right where her crotch was, this meant that as the tigress moved to press her crotch down on the horse’s snoot, she pressed her bare pussy down against him. As her pink labia landed up against the horse’s thick lips, Xela let out a soft moan, “Hhhaaahh…” and the grip around her dagger loosened and the squeeze her thighs had on the Clydesdale’s head tightened; she was caught by surprise. It didn’t take long for her pussy to get wet, from the warmth of the equine’s lips against the ones in between her legs and his panicked breath against her clit, she stood no chance. 

For Tashi, the feeling of her bare pussy right up against his mouth was a surprise, too. Her scent was stronger without the tight latex in the way, and to say that she smelled delicious would have been an understatement. There was the usual smell that came with pussy, a warmth that combined sweat, and musk, with a splash of natural body scent or whatever type of shampoo the tigress used. The taste, however, was much better, a lot more concentrated. Salty, sweet, and savory, like a gourmet meal. The horse had to fight the urge not to just stick his long tongue right up in her. 

“Hhhaaahhh… Holy fuck… You ripped my gear… You’ll pay for that…” Xela tried her best to sound disgruntled, to let the horse know she wasn’t joking around. Being custom-tailored for her, it was going to be expensive to fix. Out of anger, the tigress pissed on him. 

There was nothing at first, and the horse was getting used to having the tigress’ pussy on top of his face, but after a few seconds, the horse felt it; a hot stream of musky liquid spraying out from the tigress and onto his lips and face. Luckily, he kept his lips closed and her piss flowed off the side of his face, but after a few seconds, and as the tigress pissed harder, he wasn’t able to keep those lips closed for very long. As his lips parted to take in her golden stream, the horse’s eyes widened and he panicked. 


‘Glk… Glk… Glk…’ he swallowed. 

“Hhooooh yeah… Don’t worry horsey, almost done…” Xela let out a sigh as she relieved herself without a care in the world. As her strong stream of piss slowed to a drip and eventually came to a stop, the horse’s gulping also came to a stop. The tigress lowered both her hands to her sides, tilted her head up, and let out another sigh. She then looked down at the horse underneath her. His face was covered in her piss and he was dazed out of his mind. It took Xela a few moments before she realized she probably should slide her pussy off of his face. 

When she slid off his face, she left a trail of sticky and clear juices that dragged all the way down to his chin. The Clydesdale was left staring up into the sky for a few seconds before the tigress gave his face a few gentle slaps to bring him back to the real world. He blinked, then slowly elaborated his plan from earlier, “And… When… He pays me, you break…. Free… with the dagger that I’m not going to take off of you when I hand you over to him, and we split the gold…” 

Still not convinced, the tigress pressed her claws into him some more. “And if this is all a ruse and you betray me?” 

With his dick throbbing in the background, Tashi tried his best to focus and not get any harder than he already was. “Then I will have to live with being on the run from the Xela… And I’ve heard about what you’ve done. Only an absolute nonce would do that.”

The rogue thought about it for a moment before she smiled down at the horse. “Deal.”

“But I will kill you if you betray me,”


Art by Twinkle-Sez

Tashi by TashiGibson



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