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“Wait don’t close it yet!” the cheetah boy shouted to his tigress girlfriend as he hauled the last of their bags out from the house and toward the trunk of the car. Alex was just about to shut the trunk after she put their food and drink in there, but when she heard Ashton’s panicky voice as he fast-walked his way over to her, she pulled the hatchback back up and helped him out with the bags he was hauling. “Sorry, I thought we were done,” the tigress chuckled and settled the bag that was clearly one of hers into the back of the car. Ashton let out a soft sigh and wiped the sweat off of his forehead once the final bag was put into the car. He then grabbed the hatchback, firmly closed it shut, and walked over to give his tiger girlfriend a soft kiss on her forehead.

‘Mwah.’ After his audible smooch, he pulled her in for a tight hug with his hands planted firmly on her plush behind. Alex let out a soft and slightly confused murmur to both the smooch and the hug that came after. When she felt his hands on her ass though, she let out a chuckle and leaned into the hug. Her arms wrapped around his back before they slid down to his ass, too. After a few seconds of just hugging, they both pulled away just enough to be able to look at each other, and Ashton smiled down at Alex in a way she wasn’t used to seeing. The tigress raised a brow at him and tilted her head to the side. “What’s got you smiling like that?” she asked him. The way he was smiling at her made her smile, too; he just looked too cute and happy for her not to. 

It took Ashton a few moments to reply to his girlfriend; his blue eyes locked to hers and his lips formed an even wider smile the more he looked down at her face. He tightened the hug, pulled her closer to him, and gave her butt a firm squeeze before he chuckled. “Nothing, I’m just happy we can take this trip together. We’ve both been stressed to the dick with work, I’ve really been looking forward to this.” He averted his eyes away from Alex’s for a short moment and cleared his throat after his voice cracked during the last few words of his sentence. When he brought his eyes back to the tiger’s, his cheeks had a nice layer of blush on them. 

“Aw,” was all Alex had to say at first, which almost left Ashton miffed that she would reply with just a sound to him pouring his pretty-boy heart out to her. “I’ve been looking forward to this, too. A couple of days in the forest with my boyfriend? No Sea of Thieves, no Destiny 2 to take him away from me?” Alex leaned her face in to nuzzle at the cheetah boy’s chest, gently brushing her nose over his shirt and taking in his natural scent that she loved oh so much while she was at it.

“I don’t play Sea of Thieves excessively, c’mon. It’s just a few times a week with the boys,” Ashton protested, but the smile on his face still remained. He wasn’t really angry or upset, but he wasn’t going to let her get away with implying he played video games too much. Especially when he could pull up her playtime for a specific game that was off the charts. “I could say the same thing about you and Siege, Alex… How many hours do you have in that? 1,000?” 

“1,500. But I never deny it!” Alex replied with a wink, she quickly changed the subject once it became clear she might be the one with the gaming problem. “This will be good for you! No thinking about deadlines or anything work-related, just you, me, and the wild…” she nuzzled into his chest again and started chuffing happily. As she nuzzled into him, her hands slowly started to let go of his ass and she relaxed in his embrace.

Ashton let go of Alex’s ass, too and brought one hand to hold her shoulder and another to hold her head endearingly. He leaned down to smooch her in between her ears and let out a soft chuckle. “Yeah… I promise, I even left my work laptop in the house, work phone, too…” They both stood there in each other’s embrace quietly before Alex spoke up and broke the silence. 

“I’m going to suck that dick so hard that not even wildlife will want to come close to our camp…” She suddenly gave Ashton’s ass a firm squeeze with her hands and dug her claws into his denim lightly. She bit her lip and waggled her eyebrows at him suggestively just to add another notch to the tease factor. Her grip on his ass was so tight that it caused the two lovers to mash their fronts together even more than they already were; and of course, Ashton popped a boner, how could he not? It certainly didn’t help that Alex’s tail was brushing up against his leg and that she was smiling in a certain way that made her sharp teeth look even more alluring than they already did. When the tigress felt the cheetah’s boner rubbing against her leg, she grinned, gave him a teasing wink, and let go of the grip she had on his pretty-boy butt. “Shall we then?” she chirped and skipped along over to the door to the front passenger’s seat. Ashton still had his arms out the same way that he was hugging her and froze like that for a few seconds as he watched the tigress in that red sweater, cute skirt, and cute white socks skip away. When he heard her close the car door he blinked, looked down at the very obvious tentpole in his pants, and sighed. “Why do you let her get away with that,” he whispered at his dick. He shook his head a few times before he followed her to the car and got in the driver’s seat. 

He got into the car as Alex slid her seatbelt buckle into its slot. He reached for the ignition, started the car, and reached his hand for the shifter when he felt Alex swat his hand away from it. ‘Bap!’ she was gentle, but it was enough to get the cheetah to look at her with a slightly angry furrow of his brows. “What was that for?”  

“Put your seatbelt on!” the tigress tugged at the seatbelt she had over her front a few times before she let go of it. “My car doesn’t stop beeping, remember? And it’s the LAW.” She added the second part after a few seconds of delay, showing that the sound of the seatbelt warning was more annoying to her than the law requiring the seatbelt. “I didn’t forget! I was going to put it on after! My foot is still on the brake.” Ashton rolled his eyes a tad and reached for his seatbelt to buckle himself in. Once he was clicked in and secured, he brought his hand back to the shifter, put the car into drive, and rolled out of their driveway. 

It didn’t take them long to leave the suburban area they started in and get onto the highway that would take them even further away from the hustle and bustle of the city; Alex inputted their destination into the navigation system, connected her phone to the car’s Bluetooth, and kicked her feet up onto the dash as she played the entirety of Lady Gaga’s discography and sung along to it. Ashton sang along to some of her more popular songs, while Alex belted her more obscure ones alone, and when she ran out of Gaga songs to play, she just let the algorithm pick and play songs for them as she looked out the window and occasionally brought up things to talk about. As they approached the fifth hour of driving, they were far away from any tall concrete buildings and were surrounded by green fields and mountains as far as the eye could see. The eight-lane highway they started on turned into a six-lane one, a four-lane one, and into the two-lane country road they were cutting through the mountains on. Ashton kept his eyes mostly glued to the winding roads, but he would occasionally turn to look at the tigress just to smile at her, even if she was watching the hills out the window. He enjoyed looking at her, she was a really good sight for sore eyes. He’d snicker to himself every time he looked away from her and back at the road again; he really felt like the luckiest man alive whenever he was with her. 

“Hey, look, there’s the place right there…” Ashton said as he glanced at the only roadside sign that he’d seen for miles. The sign was made of wood and had the name of the place painted on it by hand. It gave off a tiny bit of slasher movie cabin-in-the-woods type of vibes, which made Ashton gulp without even realizing it. Luckily, they were camping in a tent in the woods and not a cabin, so they were safe from the killers, at least based on the movies he’s seen. 

“White Forest Ridge National Park…” Alex said as they drove passed the sign. She turned to look at her cheetah boyfriend and smiled. “Sure does sound like a good place to get murdered.” She uttered her words so casually and then looked back out the window. Her words caused a slight panic in the cheetah boy’s eyes as they turned off the paved road and onto a dirt road, just like a horror movie would. 

“Alright, Alex… If we are going to some slasher-themed campsite you better tell me now, please, so I can mentally prepare.”  Ashton looked genuinely concerned as he spoke to her, and when she just continued looking out the window in silence, he tried to get her attention again. “Aleeeeeex…” After a few seconds, the tigress did turn to look back at her cheetah boyfriend and smiled. “God, no, that does not sound like a way to not be stressed to the dick, I was just kidding! Don’t you worry, no murders on this camp trip.” For some reason, her words didn’t quite reassure him about that, but when he saw her smiling at him, he almost forgot all about it. 

“Take a left here.” The tigress pointed to an even rougher terrain off to the side of the dirt road they were on. Ashton complied and they rolled slowly along the bumpy road until they came across a green open area surrounded by trees that overlooked a large lake. There weren’t any tire tracks, footprints, or any signs of anyone having ever been there before. The car rolled to a stop just off the dirt trail and both the car’s driver and the passenger stared out the windshield across the vast lake and into the distance. They sat there in silence as the car’s AC slowly faded out and made the inside of the car a bit warm. After around a minute or two of staring, Ashton stretched his arms out over the steering wheel and let out a yawn. 

“HHHhhyyaaaahh… So, should we set up our tent?” he said, his words heavily distorted by his yawn. 

“Mhm! I’ll look for a spot!” Alex slipped into her shoes excitedly, unbuckled her seatbelt, and let herself out of the car. Ashton stayed in the car for a few seconds longer and watched the tigress as she skipped over to look for a flat and dry surface where they could pitch their tent. He smiled as he watched her, tapped his hands on the steering wheel a few times, and got out of the car to grab the tent and bring it over to wherever she chose as their spot. As he grabbed the tent and the other supplies, he heard his girlfriend excitedly call out to him; “Ashton! Over here! I found the perfect spot!” He slung one bag over his shoulder and held another in his hand as he walked over toward her still with a smile spread across his face. “Alright, alright, I’m coming.” 

Pitching the tent proved to be a little harder than the two lovebirds initially thought. The instructions the tent came with were more useless than the ones that came with IKEA furniture. Combine that with broken English that was clearly put through online translation software multiple times and Alex and Ashton were putting poles in the wrong holes, hooks on the wrong anchors, and protective weatherproofing on parts where it wasn’t needed. After a little over an hour, they finally got it right and had a spacious four-person tent pitched up with camping chairs, lamps, and their food coolers all set up. Ashton dusted his hands together, placed them at his hips, and looked at his handiwork with pride. “See? I told you that long pole went in the middle.” He chuckled. 

“The instructions on this thing are the worst I’ve ever seen…” the tigress grumbled and shook her head before she chuckled. She wiped her forehead free of the small amount of sweat that had built up there and turned around to walk her way back to their car. Ashton did the same with his forehead, although he had a lot more sweat and had to use his shirt to get it all off. He turned his head to follow Alex as she walked back to the car and raised a brow at her curiously. “Where are ya goin’?” Alex turned around to face Ashton but continued walking back toward the car, “We need bedding in the tent, duh… Unless you want to sleep on the plastic tarp.” Alex raised a brow right back at the spotted feline boy teasingly. 

“Right…” Ashton said to himself and turned back to look at the tent again. The smile on his face was still so full of pride. He was a real outdoorsman now. He circled the tent and tugged gently on the anchors just to be sure they were all secured properly. As he tugged on the fifth and last anchor, it came free from the dirt and he crouched down to hammer it into a different spot with a rock he found lying nearby. 

‘Clink, clink, clink, clink!’ 

After he hammered the anchor back into the dirt, he heard some fumbling noises coming from the car. He peered his head around to see if he could catch a glimpse of what she was doing. He only saw that she was grabbing something from the back passenger’s seat, which was odd because they hadn’t put anything in the backseat. He pushed himself up from his squat and made his way to the car. “You need help there, Alex?” he asked as he approached the car. When he got close enough to look at her through the window, he saw that she was digging around in one of the bags she pulled out from the back. He wasn’t quite sure what she was looking for, but a bunch of her little personal objects were spewed about on the seats. He knocked on the window to get the striped feline’s attention. 

‘Thump, thump.’ 

“Need help?” he repeated. Alex turned to look at him and pointed to the front passenger’s door. Ashton took a few steps over to it, pulled it open, and stuck his head inside. “What are you looking for?” he asked, his brow raised as he looked at his girlfriend. Alex stopped searching through her bag and let out an exhausted sigh, “I can’t find the wet wipes I brought. There’s some dust on the pillows in the back and I need them to wipe it off, can you look in front? Maybe I had it in my hand while I sat up there and it fell somewhere.” 

“Sure,” Ashton replied and climbed into the car to help her look. He checked the gaps between the seat first and saw nothing, then he reached his hand underneath the seat and moved it around blindly. He gritted his teeth as he stretched his arm under the seat as far as it could go; he felt loose coins, what he assumed was Chapstick, and some sand. He continued to sift his hand around under the seat until he felt something that vaguely resembled the plastic pouch that wet wipes usually came in. He pulled his arm out from the tight space under the seat and looked at what he had in his hand to make sure it was actually wet wipes before he brought them up to show the tigress in the back seat and turned to look at her with a goofy smile. “Found it!” he said excitedly. He looked like he was about to say something else, but his ability to speak words flew out the window when he saw her. 

His baby blue eyes widened to the point where they looked just ready to pop out from his head at the sight he saw; his girlfriend was naked. She had herself on display for him to ogle at, and ogle he did. Her red sweater was off to the side and so were her green panties. Cheetahs were supposed to be the fastest land animal, but with the speed at which she took her clothes off and got into that alluring pose, he was convinced that tigers were the faster ones. He didn’t know where to start looking, so his eyes just bounced around everywhere for the first few seconds before staring right down at her glistening pussy. He dropped the pack of wet wipes in his hand down and they vanished under the seat again. “Hahaha…” he let out a nervous laugh that was followed by an uncontrollable flush of red that washed over his cheeks; it was as if all the blood in his body decided to go to his cheeks, but anyone would know that wasn’t the case. “Why are you naked?” he asked her. 

The way Alex was smiling so smugly had the cheetah boy feeling a myriad of emotions. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest, as well as hear it. The tigress shrugged her shoulders and raised one brow at Ashton, “Well, it was getting a little bit hot in here, y’know? And you were taking so long to find those wet wipes.” There was a level of sultry in her voice that Ashton had heard multiple times before, and even though it wasn’t the first time he’d heard her speak in such a manner, it never failed to excite him and get the blood pumping to and from different bits on his body. The sight of her naked and sitting in the car seat so casually alone was enough to get him hard as a rock, but combined with the way she was smiling and talking to him? His dick twitched and throbbed as it grew from its flaccid state to a semi, and into a full-on erection while it was still under the restraint of his bottoms. He was resisting the urge to climb over the seats into the back as hard as he could. He couldn’t keep his eyes locked on Alex’s for too long as they wandered off to admire her breasts, after a few seconds there, his baby blue eyes wandered down even further to her chest, her stomach, her navel, and finally her mound. 

Alex’s chest rose and fell as she watched her boyfriend’s eyes wander all over her. He made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world every time he looked at her. She loved the attention of course; she was a cat after all. She eyed her boyfriend as much as she could, but he was hidden mostly by the car seat he was leaning against. “Take off your clothes and join me back here… I know you’ve always wanted to have car sex…” Alex smiled. Her tail swished left and right on the floor and she used a hand to gesture with her finger for him to come over. 

Ashton ended up staring for a little while longer than he intended to; her glistening pussy lips and tiger tits were a little too distracting. Upon hearing her invite him to take off his clothes and join her, he quickly peeled his shirt off to reveal his sporty physique, he undid the buttons on his pants and shimmied his way out of them as quickly and as least awkwardly as he could. He kicked them off and tossed them into the backseat before he peeled the last bit of his clothing off; his slightly sweaty boxers. His scent filled the air before he even took them off, and when he did, it was like a new car air freshener was installed right in front of the car’s AC, it was that strong. His dick popped out from the waistband of his boxers as soon as they cleared his crotch. It stood out straight in front of him as he climbed his way from the front seat into the backseat where Alex was. 

This was where the spacious interior of Alex’s car came in quite handy. Ashton was able to climb into the back without bumping into any part of the car that would have made him uncomfortable or hurt him. One foot at a time and he was standing in front of the seated tigress in a matter of seconds. He had to bend his knees slightly to not bump his head into the car’s sunroof, and with one knee to each side of Alex’s legs, his throbbing cheetah boy cock line right up with her exposed cunt. Alex glanced down at her boyfriend’s cock and brought a hand up to toy with it. She tugged his foreskin up and down revealing and hiding the tip of his dick as she did so. After a few seconds of playing with his dick, she looked up at his face to see the lust in his eyes and how he was holding back bucking his hips into her hand. She grinned wide, peeled the foreskin on his dick all the way down, and gently slapped the exposed tip of his dick against her mound. 

‘Smack. Smack. Smack.’

Ashton let out a growly moan and his hips bucked forward involuntarily. 


“What’s wrong?” Alex asked him, chuckling as she felt him thrusting into her hand. “You wanna put it in?” She cooed her words to him in a very loving way, which only made him moan and thrust into her hand even more. The more he moaned and whined, the more Alex rubbed his tip and smacked it against her pussy. When the cheetah boy nodded his head to her question, she used the hand she had on his dick to press it down so that his tip wedged its way in between her labia. His tip spread her pussy lips apart and when she pushed his dick further down her labia and closer to her entrance, he felt the strong urge to thrust again but he was stopped by a firm hand against his stomach that pushed him back against the two front seats. Ashie looked at her with a mix of eagerness and confusion.

“Not without protection,” Alex said with a smile, to which Ashton replied with a whine of protest. But he wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it, if Alex wanted him to use protection, he would do so. He glanced to Alex’s side and spotted a whole strip of rubbers and was just about to reach for them when he heard the sound of a seatbelt buckle latching into place. 


Ashton stopped in his tracks and looked back at where the sound of the seatbelt buckle came from. That’s when he saw something that made his eyes widen, mouth water, and dick throb; Alex had the seatbelt over her front, draped across her left shoulder, and tucked a little under her right boob, lifting the latter up just a smidge. Buckled in and safe, Alex lifted her legs up, held them with her hands, and kept them spread apart. She wiggled her toes and extended her claws out as she smiled and looked at her boyfriend. With her legs spread apart far enough that her pussy lips were also spread apart, Alex took the opportunity to let herself go in a way she knew Ashton secretly liked. Her pussy moved slightly and then a yellow stream of piss shot out from her pee hole and onto her tail. The heat that radiated from her hot pee radiated to Ashton who was standing quite a bit away from her. The piss sept through the fur on her tail, and onto the seat she was sitting on. 

“Safety first!” the tigress purred her words.

The musky, salty, and rather primal smell of piss filled the car. Ashton watched in awe, his hand still hovered over the purple strip of unopened condom wrappers as he was hesitant to leave them behind. “Yes, Alex, I am about to grab the condoms….” 

Her stream of piss slowed to a stop and left her tail and part of the seat under her soaked. After the last drops of her pee fell to the effects of gravity, Alex’s smile turned into a blank look of confusion, and when she realized Ashton didn’t get the joke, she rolled her eyes and leaned forward to grab him by the dick again. This time, she pulled his dick right up to her pussy, wedged his tip in between her wet pussy lips, and lined him up right at the entrance to her love canal. Ashton let out a soft yelp that was followed by a moan when his sensitive tip brushed against her lips. His dick throbbed over and over again and he felt his knees go wobbly. 

“The seatbelt, that’s the protection, that’s the joke…” the tigress stared at him. Ashton stared right back at her in silence before he made an o-face once the joke finally did a u-turn and went into his head instead of directly over it. 

“Oh my god… Hahahaha! I thought you wanted me to put on a condom. Maybe it isn’t a safe day or something.” The cheetah shook his head and continued to chuckle for a few more seconds before he looked down in between his legs at his dick that was lined up to her cunt and ready to go. He let out a soft huff and brought his gaze back to Alex’s as if to ask for permission to push himself in. He looked like a kitten begging to be pet and scratched behind the ears. Alex rested her legs gently over Ashton’s shoulders and brought her hands to hold onto his arms and pulled him forward. Ashton stumbled a little, but he caught himself by putting one of his hands against the backrest of the seat and the other against the bottom part. His dick spread Alex’s pussy apart further and he slipped inside. The tigress’ wet pussy allowed for smooth entry to her love tunnel. She was tight, so as Ashton pushed himself in, he squinted his eyes shut and grit his teeth. Her textured walls that gripped around his dick while also allowing him inside caused the fur on his shoulders to stand up a little. It took a few seconds for him to push himself in all the way, and once he did, he opened his eyes back up and let out a heavy huff. 

Alex looked down at her pussy as her cheetah boyfriend slipped himself inside her. She watched his dick disappear inside her and cooed as she felt it go in deeper and deeper. Once he couldn’t push himself in any more, Alex looked up at his face and let go of his arms. “Hhhhaaahhh… There we go, nice and snug… How does… That… Feel?” she said as she clenched her pussy around his dick, relaxed her vaginal muscles, and then clenched again. This got a major reaction out of Ashton, with the cheetah boy shivering and quivering in a way similar to when he orgasmed. “Whhh—hhooaa… That feels… Good…” he squinted his eyes shut as Alex’s tight pussy milked his dick without him even having to thrust himself in and out of her. “You’re not making it easy for me not to cum…” he admitted and curled fingers against the soft cushioning of the seat. 

“Hold it in as long as you can, Ashie,” Alex cooed. “I want us to finish together…” Ashton opened his eyes and looked at her. His pretty boy eyes were easy to get lost in, which was exactly what happened to Alex for a few seconds. When she pulled herself out of those ocean eyes, she asked him to start plowing her good. 

“Y-You can start fucking me now,” 

“Won’t people notice the car wiggling?” Ashton raised a concern. Alex chuckled and shook her head. “We’re in the middle of nowhere, no one is going to see. Go ahead.” She encouraged him. 

It wasn’t clear if Ashton had a praise kink or not, but Alex’s words of encouragement were nice to hear. He let out a soft huff through his nose, slowly pulled his hips back, and reeled his schlong out of her. As he pulled his meat out, clear and slightly sticky juices coated it and made it equally as shiny as those glistening pussy lips that it spread apart. Pulling out until only his tip was left in had rolled the foreskin of his dick back over the tip, and when he pushed himself back inside her, it was peeled back again to allow his sensitive cock head to feel every inch of Alex’s insides. 

“Aaaah…” Alex moaned, keeping her eyes on Ashton as he pulled out, but looking down at the action as he pushed back in. The cheetah’s impressive size and girth made her feel a bit full when he pushed himself in all the way, but it was the good kind of full, not like you’d just binged eaten something. It was more like a missing piece of a puzzle was found and slotted into place. It felt right. She felt his tip as it led the charge in spreading her cunt open, the ridge between his head and the shaft had her purring each time it glided by any part of her, and when he reached his hilt and his warm and fuzzy balls pressed against her ass, she couldn’t help but let out a moan. She clenched her pussy when he pulled his hips back to create a bit of suction and resistance and relaxed when he pushed back in for more. It didn’t take too long for Ashton to start picking up the pace once he got the hang of his stance. His knees were comfortably placed on the seats, his hands too, and his hips had Alex’s slightly raised ass to rest against whenever he had his dick balls deep inside her. Surprisingly, all the things he had heard about car sex related to cramped spaces didn’t quite apply to Alex’s car. It was clear Alex did her research. 

‘Slllllckkk… Plap! Schlllllk. Plap!’ His thrusts got faster and faster, and his balls went from lightly resting against her ass to tapping her ass with very audible sounds. His hips moved fast, and he slammed himself into Alex with less and less regard for her comfort, but it didn’t look like Alex wasn’t enjoying it; she was having a great time. Half-lidded eyes, mouth slightly agape, and tongue out, Alex let out soft and cute moans each time Ashton’s hips collided with her and caused her to bounce up. 

“Ah! Aaaah! Hhaaaa! Hhnnngaaa!” 

‘Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!’ his balls started to slap against her ass the way she liked them to, which made her moan even louder. Her walls tightened around him as much as they could, but the clenches were getting a little harder to control the harder the fast cat slammed his meat into her, they were still there for sure, but it was more her body doing its own thing than Alex deliberately controlling them just to make the cheetah cum faster. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth more as her breasts bounced up and down to the jackhammering of Ashie’s hips. 

“Hhhooooh fuck… Ashie… Keep going… Keep going… Hhhhhh…” 

Ashton was in heaven now, the feeling of Alex’s warm, wet, and velvety walls gliding over his meat was better than any of his masturbators could ever do. There was nothing like the real thing. The wet noises that came from the mashing of their sexual organs together, the smell of sex that filled the air, and the cute noises that she made would never be able to be replicated by some silicone tube. His expression shifted between extreme pleasure and extreme smugness whenever he saw how much he was pleasing the tigress beneath him. He wasn’t good at dirty talking while having sex, but he learned a thing or two from Alex and thought he’d try his hand at doing some of that. “You like that? Yeah… Yeah. Take my dick… Fuck… You’re so fucking tight…” he grinned at her as he continued to thrust in and out of her. He had a good rhythm going and kept it up, slapping his balls against Alex’s ass over and over again and even leaning in to give her licks and kisses along her neck and growl in her ear. 

‘Slllllckkk… Plap! Schlllllk. Plap!’

“Hhhhaaah! Hhhhh… Ashie… Fuck… Keep going… Just a little more… I’m close…” Alex said in a surprise turn of events. Ash’s ears flickered and the smug expression on his face faded away for a moment as he processed what had just been said to him. He moaned, huffed, and panted in between, before the smug grin on his face returned tenfold. It was the first time Alex was getting close to finishing before he did, and he wanted to savor it a little. He continued to thrust his hips in and out of her at the same pace just to get her to moan at the top of her lungs before he switched to a painfully slow pace just to tease her. 

“Hhhhaaaah… Now that’s a first…” he teased her more. 

“Ashie, please…” Alex pleaded. 

Ashton didn’t listen to her and instead continued to fuck her slowly. He dragged out each thrust more and more, all while grinning down at the tigress and watching her squirm and moan helplessly. The cheetah boy must have struck a special little spot inside Alex as he slow-fucked her because suddenly, he felt a warm gush of water against his groin. 

‘Pssssssssssssssh….’ She pissed herself, her slightly yellow fluids soaked into her boyfriend’s fur and marked him with her scent. Ash looked down at the mess that she was making and grinned even wider. “Well, well, looks like I found a weak spot…” He chuckled. His hips continued going back and forth, his dick pushing in and out of her, even as she pissed all over him and the floor of the car. The sounds his thrusts made became a little wetter. 

‘Plshh, slpsh, plssh…’

He did his best to push to empty his bladder into her too, but with his boner, it was a little harder and took a little bit longer for any of his pee to come out. When it finally did though, it came as a big stream and filled the tigress up quite quickly. 

Alex let out a moan as she felt her boyfriend’s dick spewing warm piss inside her. It didn’t take long for her to be at capacity and the piss to start overflowing out of her and all over the place. 


‘Splat, splush, splash,’

After Alex emptied the remainder of her bladder onto Ashton and him into her, he sped up the pace and resumed his fast-cat fuckery.

‘Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!’

He felt himself getting close, too. The rapid-fire fucking had his dick rubbing against her love tunnel and fighting against her clenches at a speed that his dick was starting to not be able to handle, at least not for an extended period. His dick rubbed against every part of Alex’s cunt, repeatedly going over her g-spot as his thick and juicy dickhead pushed into it over and over again. Alex’s breath started to become shaky, and so did Ashton’s; their tails tangled together as they fucked and inched closer and closer to their orgasm together. 

“I’m close… Haaah… Fuck… I’m trying to hold it in as best I can… I don’t think I can anymore.” Ashton said through his moans. Alex looked up at him with her half-lidded eyes and said in a breathy voice; “I’m gonna cum… L-let's cum together… J-Just keep going….” Hearing that he was close to getting Alex to her orgasm, he kept going, slapping his balls against her ass as he drilled her hole with his dick. He felt a tingling sensation building up in his balls and at the tip of his dick. A couple more thrusts was all he was going to be able to handle. 

‘Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!’

Alex’s pussy started to clench and relax at an increased frequency and she felt her hips bucking forward involuntarily. She let out a loud moan as Ashton pushed the tip of his dick and the ridge that followed right over her g-spot. Her clench was tight, and this time it didn’t let go. “Hhhhhaaaaah!!! Fuccck… I’m c-cumming….” Ashton pushed his cock in all the way, pulled it out again, and the plaps continued. He then felt a warm wetness splash against the lip-shaped pattern on his pubic area. When he glanced down, he saw that Alex was squirting on him, which was the last spark needed to set the fuse of that was his orgasm off. 

“Jesus fuck…. Hhhhuhhhhhaaahhh… Aahhhh… Fucccccccccck….”  The first rope of his cum shot out of his dick and into Alex’s pussy, then came the second rope, the third, the fourth, and more. His seed was white, warm, and thick, it slushed around as it filled up the tigress, and once she was full of his cum, it splashed out of her and onto everywhere else. Ashton continued to thrust through to his fifth rope of cum, making a mess with the mixture of his and her juices on his cock, thighs, and Alex. He then sunk himself all the way inside her one last time as he emptied the remainder of his ball’s contents into his girlfriend. 

Alex’s toes spread apart and her paws twitched as she squirted her femcum all over her boyfriend and various parts of the car. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth like a dog’s and she was panting for air like one, too. The feeling of her lover’s warm cum filling her up had her unable to speak, all she did was purr and chuff as she looked at her boyfriend with heart-shaped pupils. 


“Huff… Huff… Huff…” 

The two happy campers huffed heavily as sweat beads ran off their foreheads and they slowly came down from their post-orgasm highs. Ashie’s dick was still spitting out cum but less so like a fire hydrant and more so like a hose that had just been turned off. Alex’s squirts were the same, just a few drips here and there as her pussy clenched and relaxed around her boyfriend. After a few seconds of just breathing heavily in each other’s faces, Ashton leaned down to kiss Alex on the lips. He intended on it being a small smooch, but once their lips touched, Alex brought her hands up to cup his cheeks and keep his face pressed to hers. Their tongues glided over one another and the tigress’ teeth grazed gently over his lips. By the time they were done Frenching and pulled away from the kiss, a thick mixture of both their saliva formed a nice thick string that kept their lips connected even while apart. 

“That was amazing…” Ashton said with a smirk. “I can’t believe I made you finish first…” 

Alex chuckled and continued to catch her breath a bit before she replied. “It was the dirty talk… You’re turning into a fuckboy… Soon you’re going to break my heart…” she chuckled and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. 

Ashton looked insulted at Alex’s suggestion that he was turning into a fuckboy, but he chuckled at her and shook his head. “Whatever you mean by ‘fuckboy’, if it means I’m going to be able to make you cum like that every time, I am fine with that… But I’m never going to break your heart. Just our bed… And maybe your car’s suspension.” He winked at her. Alex let out a laugh that was so intense she snorted, which also caused Ashton to laugh. 

“Hah! What was that? I’ve never heard you do that before. Are you snort-laugher?” the cheetah raised his brow at her. With his dick still hard and inside her, he could feel her laughing from the inside which was a tiny bit funny feeling. 

“Shut up! Don’t make fun of me.” Alex protested but smiled as she looked up at him. Ashton leaned forward to plant a kiss on her forehead and shook his head. “Never, I think it’s cute.” He nuzzled in between Alex’s ears and they stayed there connected to each other on the deepest possible level for a few minutes before Ashton pulled his dick out of her. 

‘Plop!’ his dick made the sound of a champagne cork when it popped out of her pussy. A few strings of his cum came with him and splashed onto the floor below where he stood. With his dick out of her pussy, the cum inside her started to slowly leak out of her slightly gaping pussy. A big glob of it slowly started to ooze out and run down her taint, to her backdoor pucker, and then onto her tail. Ashton leaned back against the two front seats behind him and let out a satisfied sigh as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead. When he finished wiping his sweat off, he opened his eyes to see Alex lifting her legs up the same way she did before they started fucking. The only difference this time was her pussy looked a little less tidy and proper with his hot cheetah cum running out of her like a stream. He raised his brow at her. 

“How does Safety Seconds sound?” Alex said with a purr. 

Ashton chuckled at the pun and looked down at his dick which was still erect and throbbing. His dick throbbed so hard that it looked like it was nodding. “He says yes,” he snickered and got in between her legs again.


Art by Totesfleisch8

Ashton by SpaceCamper



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