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“What are you watching, Alex?” asked Tashi as he strolled by the tigress, who was sprawled out on the couch with nothing but a loose t-shirt and stockings on. The horse stopped and leaned on the back of the couch to peek at whatever movie or TV series she had been glued to for most of the morning. The horse was shirtless, having just come off the treadmill in their home gym, and was just about to hit the shower to freshen up, but seeing his tigress sprawled out all lazily on the couch caught his attention. 

The movie playing on the TV was the 1998 Disney animated film Mulan, one of the tigress’ favorites. She had started watching the movie not too long ago; the scene that was currently playing out on the TV was the training montage as the soldiers prepared themselves to defeat the Huns. 

“I’ll! Make a man! Out of youuuuuuu!” Alex could be heard singing along to the tunes, which put a smile on Tashi’s face. He couldn’t resist joining her after hearing her cute sing-along; but since she was sprawled out on the couch, the horse sat down in front of it and leaned his back against it to watch the movie with her. 

“Have you watched this before?” the tigress raised her brows and glanced at the horse after he got himself settled on the floor. 

“No, I haven’t seen this before…” Tashi said as he shook his head, his eyes now glued to the screen. Alex shifted excitedly on the couch and grabbed the remote to rewind the movie to the beginning. “No way!!! Here, let’s watch it from the beginning together. It’s a very nice movie!” 

The Clydesdale was just about to protest, but by the time he turned to look over his shoulder at the cute tigress lying on her back on the couch, the movie was already back at the Disney logo. Instead, he just placed his hand on the tigress’ stocking-clad thigh and gave it a firm squeeze. “Do you want me to make some popcorn quickly?” he asked. Alex nodded quite excitedly when the horse mentioned making popcorn and she made grabby hands in his direction. “Yes, please! You make the best popcorn. When are you going to tell me what you add in there?” 

Tashi shook his head as he pushed himself up and headed toward the kitchen. “If I tell you, you won’t need me to make it for you anymore. So, it’s staying a secret!” he let out a soft snort before disappearing into the kitchen. He came back around three minutes later with a big bowl of his special popcorn and plopped down with his back against the couch again and they started watching the movie. 

The tigress sang along with the songs while the horse watched the film for the first time. When the movie came to an end, the horse stretched his arms up over his head and let out a little yawn. Alex did the same and stretched her arms and legs; she even wiggled and curled her toes as she caught the yawning bug from her horse friend. The tigress sat up, put her hands on his shoulders, and gave him a firm squeeze. She sat with her legs crossed together and leaned her head down to smooch the top of his head. She let her nose rest in his hair for a few seconds as she took in his scent. “Did you like it?” 

Tashi looked up at the tigress when she smooched his head and snorted again. He continued to stretch his arms and legs out and even let out a little yawn. He was still more than a little tired from exercising earlier, and sitting down on the floor, watching a long movie, and munching on popcorn pushed him to the brink of sleepiness. He let out another yawn before he turned to look at the tigress behind him and smile. “I did! It’s a very wholesome movie,” he reached his hand up to pet the top of the striped cat’s head. Alex rubbed her head into the hand that came up to pet her and let out soft purrs. After a few seconds of enjoying the hand on her head, she pulled away and leaned back against the cushions just a little and let go of the horsey’s broad shoulders. She then stretched her legs out and draped them over his shoulders as she leaned back and got as comfortable as possible. Her purrs and chuffs were loud and she closed her eyes just for a second. 

While Alex had her eyes shut, Tashi looked over both his shoulders at the tigress’ legs as they draped over him. Those cute salmon-colored stockings of hers were one of his favorites. He gently pressed his nose up against her right thigh and gave her a smooch before he let out a nice sigh and brought his hands up and placed his palms gently against her pink toe beans underneath her paws. His fingers slipped in between her toes and he gave each of her paws a nice and firm squeeze. Her paws were soft and squishy; so much fun to play with. He snorted and chuckled to himself as he gave them a few more squeezes for good measure. 

“What are you doing?” Alex asked, eyes still closed. She wiggled her toes each time her paws were squeezed in Tashi’s hands, eventually opening her eyes up to glance down at what he was doing. When she saw him holding her paws as if they were her hands, she let out an endearing noise and her eyes went all wide and sparkly. “Awww! You’re playing with my paws…” She cooed.

The shirtless Clydesdale let out a chuckle and squeezed the striped feline’s soft beans one more time before he let them go. “Hehehe, they’re so soft and cute, you know I can’t resist them.” 

“Oh? You can’t resist them, huh?” Alex raised her left brow at him and wiggled her toes again. She scooted herself up so that her paws lowered down to his gym shorts and let her paw pads gently brush against the silky fabric before she pressed them down on them quite firmly. “Does that mean you like getting paw jobs?” she smirked and tilted her head to the side slightly. She also gently swung her legs back and forth, sliding her paws over the groin area of the horse’s pants that naturally had a slight bulge in them just from the size of his sheath.

The tigress’ soft paws brushing against the smooth and silky fabric of his pants and going over his sheath had the tired horse’s heart beating faster. His eyes locked to Alex’s cute feet and watched as they moved back and forth over his slight bulge, his ears flickered to her words and he let out a soft snort-pant before he said responded. As he opened his mouth to respond, he felt his bog cat girlfriend’s paw gently brush against his tip as it peeked from his sheath through his shorts. 

“Hhhaah. I’ve never had a paw job before, is that where you use your paws to jerk me off?” he let out a nervous-sounding chuckle. He took in deep breaths through his nose and let out big exhales from his mouth as he watched the tigress’ paws knead his crotch. It felt pretty good so far, so he wasn’t going to complain. 

Alex looked offended when she heard her boyfriend had never had a paw job before; he hadn’t known the pleasures of playing footsie all the way. She leaned forward and put her hands on the horse’s cheek to tilt his head back so that she could look him directly in the eye. “WHAT? Really?” Tashi gave her a little nod and smiled shyly, “I have never had one.” He added. 

Alex's paws stopped in their tracks and she started to chuckle almost manically for a few seconds before she leaned down to give her horse an upside-down kiss right on his snoot, let go of his face, and continued pressing her paws into his fabric-covered bottom half. “Take off your pants.” She demanded. 

Tashi wasn’t able to keep up with so much going on at the same time; when his girlfriend kissed him and told him to take off his pants while also using her soft paws to push and press against his crotch to coax his cock out of his sheath, he was a little bit confused and had to ask her to repeat. “Huh? What?” he blinked and shook his head, still unable to take his eyes off her paws as they worked their magic. He could feel his cock getting harder and slowly creeping its way out of its home. 

“I said, take your pants off because I’m going to give you a paw job right now.” 

After hearing Alex repeat herself, Tashi nodded and shimmied his way out of his loosely fitting gym shorts. He pulled them down his thighs and kicked them off to the side with his right hoof. He now sat there naked with his legs spread slightly in the ‘M’ shape, and his dick rocking a proud semi in between his legs; his unflared horse dick peeking out like a happy mushroom. With his pants now off, the sweat and scent that built up in his pants from his workout filled the air and reached the tigress’ nose in record time and it wiggled as she savored in the smell of musky post-workout boyfriend that she loved so much. Her paws were hovering just above the horse’s dick, and after she enjoyed her share of the horse’s sweat and musk, she lifted her shirt to take it off and tossed it to the side. She was now naked, too, save for the salmon-colored stockings she had on. She wiggled her toes again before she placed them beans-down on each side of his cock. The transfer of warmth between the sensitive skin on her paws and the sensitive skin on Tashi’s dick was immediate and caused Alex to bite her lip while Tashi let out soft huffs through his thick lips. While cat paws were known to be quite warm, the blood pumping to Tashi’s dick gave it just a slight edge in that regard. She pressed her paws together with Tashi’s cock sandwiched in between them and slowly moved them up and down as his splotched cock got longer and longer. It didn’t take long for the equine to become fully erect; his dick throbbing and bouncing up and down as if it were fighting against Alex’s bean grip. Once Tashi was fully erect, Alex started sliding her soft paw pads up the length of his shaft, pressing them into his blunt tip, and then sliding them back down again. The feeling of her warm and soft paw pads sliding against his cock was a lot, and the small amount of sweat allowed her to slide her beans up and down it a little easier. It felt like having a warm gel pack slide up and down your dick, which was wonderful and had the draft horse leaking precum in a matter of minutes.

The clear liquid that was the horse’s natural lubricant pooled at his tip until there was enough for it to be impacted by gravity and the slight curvature of his dick head. The man-musk-infused fluid ran down the right side of his dick and under Alex’s feet. The tigress raised her brow when she felt a bit of extra wetness on her paws, leaned forward to peek at what was happening, and pulled her paws a few inches off of his cock. When she pulled her beans away, there were strings of sticky precum connecting her paws and his dick. She wiggled her toes to test the viscosity of the mixture, stretching the strings out and even snapping a few. Her eyes lingered on her work for a few seconds before she put her paws back to work and slid them down to the base. 


She pulled her paws back up to his tip, pushed them back down, and repeated, going faster and faster each time she completed a set. 

Tashi let out huffs and snorts as Alex’s paws worked their magic on his cock. He placed both his hands against the floor and let out heavy pants that got heftier and hotter as the tigress went faster. 

‘Schlk. Schlk. Schlk. Schlk. Schlk.’ 

Alex grinned wide and kept her eyes locked on the dick she was playing a professional game of footsie with. She curled her toes slightly each time she reached the tip and the base to squeeze Tashi.

“Hhhhhaaahhh…” the Clydesdale let out a loud moan when the tigress gave his dick a bit of a squeeze with her toes. Hearing her boyfriend moan made Alex grin and continue working her feet even faster, squeezing even firmer, and digging her claws in a tad, too. Since Tashi was new to the world of foot jobs, she needed to experiment to find out what he did and did not like. So far, she hadn’t found anything that he didn’t like yet. 

The addition of her claws into the paw job, having those sharp and dangerous things so close to his most sensitive organ had him panicking just a little at first, but as he felt them gently drag along his skin, it sent a shiver down his spine that he never felt before. Tashi’s hips bucked forward out of nowhere and his hands grasped at the floor to find something to hold on to. 

Alex noticed this, tilted her head to the side, and grinned. She then pulled her right leg off from over Tashi’s shoulder and slipped her paw underneath his arm. Once her paws were back in place on his dick, she smirked again and murmured, “You liked that a bit too much now, didn’t you?”

Tashi couldn’t respond, at least not verbally. He was trembling and shaking; knees wobbly even though he was sitting down. He nodded his head at Alex and let out a soft whine. 

He was just about to pop. 

“Mhmm, let me do that again, then…” Alex purred. She dragged her paws down Tashi’s dick again, and once she was at his base, she pushed her claws out and dragged her paws and claws up and up to his horsecock. When she was going by his medial ring, she felt him buck his hips again, this time it happened more than once, and it kept going. 

“Hhhaaahh! Uhhhhhhnnn.” Tashi let out a loud moan as his balls tucked upward and the first ropes of his cum shot out from his dick. His cheeks flushed a spicy red and he let out a loud horse snort. 

‘Spurt, splurt, splort.’ The ropes of horse semen splattered onto the floor in front of him as Alex continued to move her paws up and down his dick, making sure to get every drop out of him. After the last drizzle of cum left his flared horse dick, Alex stopped moving her paws but kept them pressed up against the horse’s still erect dick. She leaned forward to kiss him on the top of his head and wrapped her arms around him. 

“How was that?” she asked. 

Tashi, still not verbally able to respond, leaned his head back against his tiger, kissed her on her chin, and gave her a thumbs-up before letting out another huge huff as he came down from his orgasm high. 

Alex chuckled to herself and kissed her horse on the head again before she mumbled and hummed to herself, “Mister, I’ll make a paw slut, out of you…”


Art by Smileeeeeee 

Tashi by TashiGibson 




He’s having a good time, and so is she.