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Competing in the Ultimate Mating League was one of Finn’s dreams, and when the opportunity came for him to try out for the national team when the recruiters passed through his hometown, he couldn’t let the chance go by without giving it a shot. He trained himself hard leading up to the date of the tryouts, and when the day came, Finn felt as if he didn’t do well enough and expected not to receive a callback. He was very surprised when he picked up a call from an unknown number to hear that he had made it through to the next round. Although it would have been considered improper etiquette, Finn found himself with the biggest boner by the time the phone call was over. After he made it through the second tryouts, he was set off to a training camp that lasted a whole of six months, focused on training his stamina, endurance, and technique. 

After that was done, he was in, although he had to wear a slightly different uniform than the more senior members of the team; the back of his tank top had “ROOKIE” printed on it in big and bold letters which made him and the other new recruits a little easier to spot for training purposes. Once he was officially part of the team, he felt like nothing could stop him. Ego boosted, his sexual endurance higher than ever before, and radiating big-dick energy everywhere he walked (because his dick was out all the time). But there was one member of the team that he had a bit of a crush on since he started following the UML; Alex Marx. She was one of the team’s "star" players, a tigress that never failed to catch the eyes of anyone she walked by. Tantalizing, gorgeous, and likable (at least from what Finn could tell from watching her on TV), the first time he saw her at the team’s home stadium he lost the ability to speak until she left his sights. His fellow recruits teased him endlessly about the possibility that he’d get to train with her one day. While he denied everything and blamed it on his allergies the first few times, over time, he admitted that he had the biggest crush on that star defender. He watched her train from afar with a smile spread on his face every damn time. 

“Hhhhaahhnnng…. I can’t…. I can’t do it anymore…. I- I…” the male wolf in the ring with Alex started to flail his arms around as the tigress bobbed her head up and down on his cock. His long canine tongue rolled out of his mouth and his speech turned into a stutter as his striped training partner’s lips wrapped around his inflated knot and her rough feline tongue swirled and curled around the length of his dick that was lodged in her mouth. He squinted his eyes shut, grit his teeth, and slammed his hands down onto the floor of the ring. “Hhaaaahhggg… Fuck me…” 

‘Thump, thump, thump.’ His hand slammed against the floor three times just as Alex pulled her head up along his dick and pulled up until only the tapered tip of his doggy dick was enclosed by her lips. His dick throbbed and pulsed a few times as his hips thrusted almost uncontrollably. The first rope of his cum shot out of his dick and straight down Alex’s throat. 

‘Splurt, splurt, splurt.’ Alex had her hand cupped firmly around the wolf’s balls, too, and she could feel every little movement with each rope of his musky seed that shot into her mouth. Her partner’s orgasm lasted a couple of minutes and the ropes of cum slowed down to a gentle stream that flowed out from his tip by the end of it. Impressively, despite the massive amount of cum that came out from the wolf’s dick, there was only one single string of cum that escaped her lips and ran down her chin. When she pulled her head off the wolf’s twitching dick, she licked her lips and wiped her chin with her forearm, leaving a little bit of a cum smear on both her chin and her arm. She stood up and pulled the hair tie holding her hair up in a ponytail out and shook her head a few times to get her hair settled into place. She then let out a sigh before she extended her hand to the wolf who was lying flat on the floor still. He propped himself up on his elbows and stared up at Alex for a few seconds and shook his head. “How the hell are you this good with just your mouth?” 

“If I told people my secret, then I would be giving up my edge wouldn’t I?” Alex said with a smile, her hand still extended out for her fallen teammate. The wolf shook his head and reached up to take the tigress’s hand and pulled himself up onto his feet. His knees were more than a little bit wobbly, so he held onto Alex’s hand for a few seconds while he recalibrated his balance. His knotted dick was still semi-hard, flopping around between his legs as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. Alex patted him on the back and continued to smile. “Guess you’ll still have to train with me some more, then.” 

“Hah, I guess so…” the wolf nodded as he walked over to his corner of the ring, grabbed his water and towel, stepped over the rope, and climbed down to the floor. 

Finn was watching the match from one of the many ringside seats alongside a few of his rookie friends. While the others had a bit of commentary going on and were discussing the training match as it happened, Finn was too laser-focused on the match and wasn’t really adding any of his own thoughts to it. Even as the match ended and his friends were getting up to leave, Finn stayed sat in his seat looking at the ring as Alex walked over to her corner to grab her bottle of water. 

“Yo, Finn, we’re going to get some lunch, you coming?” asked a blue jay guy, turning over his shoulder to look down at him. It took a couple of seconds for Finn to realize that he was being spoken to and he turned to look at his friend and shook his head. “Oh, you guys go ahead, I’ll catch up.” The blue jay’s eyes then darted to the ring for a second, then back to Finn and he chuckled. “God damn you’re a SIMP.” He teased before he and the rest of the rookies headed off to grab their lunch. 

The wolf and jaguar hybrid tapped his knees as he tried thinking of how he should approach her. He for sure did not want to appear creepy or overly fanboy-ish, but he knew there was going to be a little bit of the latter for sure, he wasn’t going to be able to help that. He adjusted his tank top a tad, let out a long exhale, and got onto his feet to begin approaching the ring where Alex Marx was leaning against the ropes, wiping her face with a towel and sipping water. Finn approached from behind and stopped just a few feet from the steps that led up to the ring. He waited for her to finish sipping her water before he was going to say anything. But before he was even able to, the tiger beat him to it. 


 “You do know you only have 45 minutes for lunch right, rookie?” Alex cleared her throat after her sentence and turned her head to look back at the rookie approaching her. Once she got a good look at him, she turned her head back and took another sip of her water, letting out a big refreshed sigh after the bottle was removed from her lips. 

Finn’s face went pale when Alex was the first one to say anything. He probably shouldn’t have underestimated the hearing ability of a tiger like her. The wolf half of him probably didn’t help add any stealth either. He froze for a few seconds after she spoke but was able to muster up the ability to speak again after he bit on his lower lip gently. “Haha, yeah, I know… I just wanted to uh… I just wanted to say hi… I’ve been a big fan for a while… So, it’s kind of surreal that I’m even here, and you’re there…” he gestured his hands towards her and looked up at her with a smile, even though she wasn’t looking back at him. He continued his smile when she did turn around and leaned over the ropes to face him. She raised a brow at him and took the opportunity to eye him up and down some more. Her green eyes were piercing and intimidating, yet Finn couldn’t look away. He did almost feel the need to cover himself though with how long she was just staring at him in silence. 

She broke the silence after a few seconds, letting out a soft sigh and nudging her head in the direction of the ring she was in. “C’mere, rookie.” 

Finn went a little bit wide-eyed and pointed at himself as if to ask “me?”, although he only mouthed it. He blinked a few times, too. “But I’m not-“ 

“I know you’re not allowed in the ring, but I’m asking you to come up here, I’m not going to write you up, c’mere!” she rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the ropes. The wolf-cat boy quickly straightened himself up, walked up the steps, and climbed under the rope to get inside the ring. He stood awkwardly in the corner of the ring at first and watched as Alex walked to the center of the ring and back. She stood just a foot or two from him and put her hands at her hips. “So, did you want a picture? Or an autograph?” The tigress asked with a smile, “I don’t really have anything I could use to sign…” 

The rookie shook his head, “Oh no, no, nothing like that! I mean, a picture would be awesome, I’d really like to send one to my mom.” Alex furrowed her brows at him when he mentioned he wanted to send the photo to his mom, but shrugged it off when she realized he was now a rookie for the Ultimate Mating League; a competitive sex sport, so his mom would probably see his bits no matter what. Alex adjusted the elbow pads and the gloves she had on before she tied her hair up into her signature ponytail again. She walked up beside him and put her arm over his shoulder in preparation for a selfie. Finn quickly pulled his phone out and smiled wide before snapping the selfie. Alex smiled wide, too, showing off her big pearly whites in all their glory. Once the photo was taken, Alex leaned her head over to peek at the result and smiled before she pulled her arm off his shoulder and put her hands back at her hips again. 

“Did you sign up just because you’d get to meet me?” Alex asked and tilted her head to the side a smidge. She did her best to hide her smile and look as serious as possible. She was trying to get a reaction out of the shy boy. 

Upon hearing Alex’s question, Finn’s cheeks turned a bright red and he averted his eyes away from her. “I uh… Well, it was definitely one of the reasons why I tried out for it… Ahaha…” He rubbed the back of his head shyly as his bushy tail began waving behind him. He continued to do his best to not look directly at the tigress who stood there with damp fur on her chin from the cum she had just sucked out of that wolf from before, but he eventually had to when she spoke to him again. 

“Bet you joined just because you wanted to chance to train with me…” Alex stuck her tongue out at him teasingly. Finn’s cheeks could only get so red. He considered denying it outright at first, but with how obviously starstruck and smitten with her he was, he knew that she knew that was exactly what he wanted.

“I MEAN.” Finn raised his voice unintentionally before lowering it back down to a normal level, “Who wouldn’t right? You’re at the top of your game, anyone would be lucky to get even just a few tips from you.” The spotted boy smiled and rubbed the back of his head some more. Alex nodded slowly a few times, “Uh-huh… Flattery, I see… You could just admit that you want to bone me, it’s totally fine.” She shrugged her shoulders. 

Finn looked away from Alex again and tried to find something else to look at in the meantime so that he wouldn’t embarrass himself. His eyes were very quickly brought back to Alex when he felt something touch his flaccid dick in between his legs, however. His eyes went wide and he looked down at the hand that was cupped firmly around his dick and fought back a squirm. He looked back up at the tigress who literally had him by the balls, and it looked like he was about to say something but nothing was coming out of his open mouth. The tigress’s soft gloved hands felt great on his dick and balls, and Finn found it hard to not get an erection. The way she squeezed him gently and rolled his heavy balls in her fingers and palm made him make noises he never thought he could make. 

“Hhaah… Nnngg…” 

Alex’s serious face morphed into a smile when she heard Finn’s cute noises as a result of her fondling his junk. She leaned in to bring her muzzle close to his ear and whispered, “How would you like to do that, now? Get a little training in?” 

The wolf-jaguar found it very hard to talk, but when he was able to put out the words, he became a soft stuttering mess. “I-I think we’re not supposed to train with you g-guys... I’m just a rookie…” 

“That makes it more fun… I can help find your weaknesses before you guys even get to that part in your training… You’ll be able to work on it before your friends, probably impress them…” Alex grinned wide at him, continuing to fondle his junk with her hand while keeping constant eye contact with him. As if her fondling him wasn’t enough already, the eye contact, and her sultry voice really seemed to push the poor rookie boy over the edge. His dick was now passed the point of no return and was getting harder and harder in the palm of her hand. It twitched and throbbed every few seconds, coinciding with the cute noises he was still making. 

“Hhhhaaah…. That sounds like a g-good idea…” Finn was definitely still aware of what was going on, but he wasn’t thinking with his brain anymore. He knew that Alex was taking advantage of his liking of her, but he didn’t really mind it. Could you imagine if he said no? He’d probably end up slapping himself in the face if he declined. 

“Good.” Alex smiled at him, let go of his cock, and walked off to the center of the wrestling ring. Her hips swayed left and right a lot more than usual as she walked and the way she looked back over her shoulder at him meant she knew exactly what she was doing with those hips.

Like a well-trained pup, Finn followed the tigress. He couldn’t take his eyes off her hips as they swayed left and right. His dick continued to throb even without the tiger’s touch. It bounced and waved about as he made his way towards the center of the ring. Once at the center, Alex turned around to face him again and he stood there awkwardly with his hands behind his back and his dick pointed up at close to full mast. The hybrid looked around again to make sure there wasn’t anyone watching them before he spoke up. “So uh... What n- AAAAH!” Before he was able to even finish his sentence, the tiger used one of her feet to swipe under his and caused him to fall over onto his back. 


He landed back first onto the semi-soft floor; the wind slightly knocked out of him. “Oof… Ahaha…” he let out a chuckle. “I should have seen that coming…” Despite the minor mishap, his dick was standing tall at full mast, pointing upward to the ceiling and throbbing even more than before. 

“First rule of training, your opponent isn’t going to wait until you’re ready, you need to be on your feet and ready to go at ANY time.” Alex crouched down beside the fallen rookie and smirked. She then noticed how hard his dick was and snickered as she brought her hand over to hover just above it. She gently touched his tip with her index finger, furrowing her brow when she noticed there was a tiny bit of wetness puddled right at the slit. She pulled her hand away from Finn’s cock for a second to inspect her finger, rubbing her index and thumb together and pulling them apart made a sticky string form between them. She raised her brow at him and grinned incredibly wide. The way she grinned showed off a lot of her sharp teeth and not only the two big ones that poked out from her mouth. She put her fingers into her mouth and sucked off the precum before she put those very same fingers back onto his dick again. 


 “I think I might know exactly what your weakness is… And I hope you don’t mind if I exploit it. It’ll help you, trust me…” She rubbed her fingers over his tip, spreading his precum all over it and getting it shiny and slick as she waited for him to say anything. 

He perched himself up on his elbows as the tigress gave his precum a taste. He wanted to ask her how he tasted oh so badly, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it and just watched as she sucked her fingers clean from his presumably salty liquid. Feeling her fingers come back to rub the rest of his precum all over his dick head made him squirm, grit his teeth, and squint his eyes shut. 


Alex was having a bit of fun with the rookie. After a bit of teasing just his tip, she slowly started to jerk him off, wrapping her entire her around his dick and sliding it up and down along his length. The more she played with him, the more precum he gave her to use as lube. After a few minutes of jerking him off, Alex felt his knot starting to inflate. She grinned even wider and stepped her leg over him to straddle him. She rested her pussy right against his stomach and wedged his throbbing cock right against her plush tush. She slowly ground and gyrated her hips against him, and dragged the moist lips of her wet pussy along with the soft fur of his stomach. She bit her lip just slightly before she looked down at the rookie that she had underneath her and smiled. She pushed both hands down against his chest to get him to lie flat and grabbed hold of his shoulders

“Huh? Wait wha-.” Finn’s eyes shot open when he was pushed down to lie flat. And when she grabbed his wrists, he looked right at her and fought just a little bit as she pinned him down. 

“Hold still,” Alex commanded. The tigress then moved down to align her pussy right with the tip of Finn’s cock. Slowly, she lowered herself down and let her labia kiss his dick. She let out a soft coo and let herself sit there for a few seconds before she lowered herself down further, slipping the tip of his dick inside her. She lowered further and further, sliding down the whole length of his dick until she sat flush against his pelvis with his cock buried deep inside her. She closed her eyes for a short moment and sat on the rookie’s dick in silence. Her pussy clenched around the dick a few times, squeezing around that sensitive piece of muscle. 

“Hnnf… You’ve got a nice dick, so that’s a strength… You’re going to have to learn to use that to your advantage.” The tigress said through soft chuffs and purrs. She lifted herself up until she was all the way up to his tip before she dropped herself down again. She started bouncing in his lap, up and down, up and down. Each time she bottomed out on Finn’s dick, there was a loud ‘plap’ that echoed throughout the empty training arena. 

Plap, plap, plap, plap. 

Finn continued to leak precum out of his dick, mixing it with Alex’s pussy juices. The more Alex rode his dick, the more their mixed juices flowed out onto his dick and down onto his balls. Alex’s pussy felt amazing, it was everything he imagined it would be from watching her compete and more. She was warm, tight, and the clenching she did was going to make him cum a lot sooner than he would want to. He already felt his knot inflating close to its full size, and it was evident from how Alex slowed down when she was bottoming out on his dick with the increasing thickness provided by his growing knot. The increased thickness provided by his growing knot acted as a bump that spread Alex’s pussy even wider. 

‘Schllp, schllp, plap, schllp, schllp, plap.’

“Hooooh… That knot, you’re going to have to be careful with it.” Alex let out a small huff that she tried to hide. “The way it inflates can get someone to tap out, but if you knot someone, you are disqualified.”

Fin grit his teeth and nodded as best he could. He really couldn’t focus too much on what she was saying with how good it felt having her ride on his dick. Head empty, only cum. As Alex rode him, the canine-feline placed his hands on her hips to help guide her up and down. He didn’t need to push her to increase the pace though, but it was nice to have his hands on her. Her fur was soft, smooth, and she smelled very good. Although he might have been smelling the sex they were having, which was also very good. He couldn’t think at all. 

“Hhnnnhh…” Finn let out a moan. His knot was fully inflated at this point, and Alex was bouncing up and down on it. The sounds of their bodies mashing together got louder and louder, and faster and faster. Until suddenly, Alex pulled her way all the way up the length of Finn’s cock, pulling the majority of his dick out of her while leaving the tip inside her. She pulled his hands off her hips, gripped his wrists, and pinned his arms down above his head. Fin’s eyes went wide and he panicked a little. 

“Wh-What are you doing, Alex?” he asked, just a tiny bit scared. 

“My signature move…” Alex murmured. She gyrated her hips, rolling the tip of Finn’s dick against her textured walls for a few seconds before she suddenly dropped all the way down the length of his cock. She took in the entire length of the wolf-jaguar’s member and when she got to the knot, she pushed herself down even harder and let the knot spread her wide as it slipped inside. 


Finn was gritting his teeth the whole time Alex was pushing herself down on his knot, and when she made it down the knot, Finn grit his teeth even harder as his dick pulsed and throbbed violently inside her. His balls lifted slightly and he thrusted his hips forward involuntarily. Alex felt a familiar warm sensation fill her a few seconds after she took in his bulbous cum cork. Rope after rope of Finn’s warm cum shot inside her, and she purred as she enjoyed every last second of it. 

Sprt... Sprtt. Sprtt.                

“Hhhnnaaaahhhhgggg fuck…. C-Cumming---. Haaaaaahhhh…”

While the knot was designed to keep all the fluids inside after orgasm, there was a tiny bit of their mixed juices that flowed out from the smallest of gaps down the rest of Finn’s shaft under his knot and down onto his balls. 

When Alex felt his dick throbs slowing down and the cum being shot into her pussy going from hotshots to a gentle pulsing flow, she let go of his wrists, ground herself on him, and clenched her pussy nice and tight around his cock a few times before she leaned forward and brought her hands down to rub on his shoulders. She clenched, again and again, getting a good grip around the dick buried and stuck inside her. 

She leaned down to bring her face closer to his, which was full-on ahegao post-nut bliss. 

“Huuuhhgghh…” Finn panted. His eyes were rolling all around as he slowly started to regain his clarity. “Guhhh…” 

Alex let out a chuckle and nosed Finn in the cheek, “Now we know what we need to work on more,” she said. 

“Yeah, right… That was dirty…” Finn replied. 

He didn’t realize what she had said until a few seconds after she had said it. He looked up at the tigress on top of him and blinked. “We?”

“Mhmm! I’m picking you as the one I train… But don’t tell anyone, yet, rookie…” she winked. 

Finn’s tail thumped against the ring floor over and over, showing his excitement. He wasn’t going to be able to keep this a secret, Alex knew that much. 


Art by Ziggie13 

Finn by MurrchMadness 




This would be a good miniseries! 😻


Wow this was amazing and so cute! Definitely should consider doing another story like this! ☺️❤️


Thanks! That is great to hear! I am looking into making certain things a bit more of a series.