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The following story is a sequel to this story. 

Alex had to deal with his morning wood ASAP; he had to get out of bed and get himself ready for the day and he couldn’t go out to the job with a boner. It wasn’t that type of modeling gig, even if it was an underwear brand he was going to be posing for. He stared down at his dick almost angry that it was behaving the way it always did every morning again. It twitched and throbbed as if it was taunting him and more of his precum oozed out from the tip. He knew he had to deal with it quickly, too, as his automatic curtains were opening up, revealing the sunrise over the cityscape that surrounded his condo. 

With a soft grumble, Alex got onto his feet and crouched down in front of the set of drawers that sat right across from the bed. He pulled open the bottom drawer to reveal an assortment of sex toys that ranged from dildos, vibrators, strap-ons, light bondage gear, masturbators, and as much lube and condoms one can find on an entire shelf at the store. He sifted around through the neatly organized toys including the Bad Dragon Rex®, Diego, Chance Unflared, and a bunch of others. It took him a little bit longer than usual to decide on what sort of assistance he’d need. He tapped his chin and his dick lightly tapped against the edge of the drawer as it throbbed again. He looked down at it and chuckled. 


 “Are you going to be picky now?” the tiger shook his head at his dick. The way it throbbed made it seem like his dick was having a tantrum over which toy it wanted. “Okay, choose, then.” He grumbled and rolled his eyes. He held back chuckling at how ridiculous what he was doing was and watched his dick intently for it to involuntarily throb again. As it bounced up and down against the edge of the drawer, the leaky foreskin-covered tip pointed to a specific toy that Alex hadn’t used in a long time. A small bead of his precum splattered onto it, even. It was a purple remote-controlled vibrator. 

“Good choice…” Alex murmured and grabbed the small remote and its accompanying not-so-small phallic counterpart around 7 inches in length and 3 inches in diameter at its thickest point. He then grabbed one of the pump bottles of HEJ Passion lube before he kicked the drawer closed and hopped back onto the bed, landing on his back right back where he was when he woke up. He leaned back perched himself up with his elbows, let his tail dangle off the edge of the bed and to the floor, and spread his legs out in the familiar M-leg position. Both feet out to either side, allowing for easy access to that tight tiger pucker that was just below his pair of white and fluffy balls. Alex put the vibrator and remote down to his right and used both hands to handle the bottle of lube. He pressed down on the pump once, got a nice amount of the thick and clear lube into his right palm and fingers, and moved his hand down towards his butthole. He stuck two fingers out while the rest were curled against his palm and slowly dragged his fingers down his taint and pressed them firmly against his pucker once they arrived there. He let out a soft little moan as the cold gel touched his sensitive boy hole and it even winked as the tiger boy’s muscles clenched involuntarily. He closed his eyes and drew circles over his pucker and spread the lube all over the outside for a few seconds. As he eased up a little, he was able to slip his index finger inside. 



With his index finger now inside, the tiger spread the lube that was on it onto his inner walls and gently moved it around to get himself stretched a little bit more so that his middle finger that was also lathered in lube could join in on the fun. He toyed around with one finger for a while, running his padded digit over his textured walls and chewed on his lip in a way that was a little bit concerning because of his sharp teeth. After around a minute or so, his ass was ready for the second finger. He gently prodded it against his entrance and slid it up alongside the one that was already inside. It slid in with little resistance and within no time, he was slowly and steadily finger-blasting himself and getting himself as slippery as a slip-n-slide. 

It was only a matter of time before the tiger boy got a little bit carried away fingering himself. What started as just prep for something a little more sophisticated had turned into Alex pumping his fingers in and out of his ass at a high speed. He was perfectly lubed up now and the sounds that came from his self-pleasuring were the only real evidence needed. 

‘Schlk, schlk, schlk, schlk!’ 

“Hhhhhfuck…” he let out a breathy moan, his fingers sliding in and out and curling slightly inside him. Despite not really receiving any attention, Alex’s dick continued to throb and wobble as he finger-fucked himself. “Fuck me… Hhhaaa… Th-that should be enough…” he bit his lip and opened his eyes to look at his dick as it felt the effects of those magic little fingers of his. He pushed them in one more time and curled them just enough to tickle him in the right place. His cock did a bit of a hard bounce and a little more pre trickled down from the tip, ran down its side, and was absorbed into the little tuft of pubic fluff he had. He then pulled his two fingers out, making an audible wet plop as his fingertips slipped free from the grips of his tailhole. He wiped his fingers on his thighs to get the leftover lube off and reached over to his side to grab his vibrator. He turned it around over and over before he realized the power button for it was located on the included remote. He tossed the vibrator over to his left hand and used his right to grab the remote. He pressed his thumb into the large power button in the center and watched as the remote lit up with a bunch of RGB colors. 

‘Bzzzz!’ the toy sprung to life and Alex smiled at it mischievously.  “Hello to you, too, lil guy. I’m gonna need your help,” he said, nuzzling the toy at its tip. Alex lifted his legs up and scooted himself a little bit further into the bed. As his legs went up, he noticed that he still had his underwear around his ankles from the night before. He left it hanging around his ankle, for now, he had much more serious bussy-ness matters to attend to. 

He held the remote tightly as he moved the hand holding the vibrator down between his legs. He lined up the silicone toy with his primed and ready hole and slowly pressed it up against it. With the toy kissing his pucker, he pressed the power button on the remote control again, activating the first level of vibration intensity, indicated by the first of five red lights illuminating on it. The toy immediately started vibrating, sending a soft-sounding buzz throughout the room and against Alex’s tight boy pussy. 


The vibrations of the toy sent a shiver down Alex’s spine and had his fur standing up at his shoulders and arms. “Hhhooo boy…” he let out a soft pant and let the vibrations massage his entrance, he even went as far as to slide the toy up slightly to have it massage his fat pair of balls, too. But that didn’t last too long, and he quickly went back to holding it up against his ass again. 


The first level on the vibrator was enough to make the tiger moan a small amount, but he wanted to do more than just moan; he wanted to get rid of his morning wood. And while there were many ways for him to do it that didn’t involve cumming, those never guaranteed that the morning wood wouldn’t come back, plus, where’s the fun in that? He circled his thumb over the button before he pressed it again and progressed to the next setting. Two red lights out of five now, and the sound of the vibration motor inside the toy got more intense. Right as it increased in speed and frequency, Alex pushed the vibrator past his pucker and inside him. The rounded tip of the toy allowed for rather easy entry, but the transition from the thinnest point to the thickest was very sudden. So just after it passed his entrance and ventured inside him, it was already stretching the feline boy’s hole a lot wider than his two fingers did. He pushed it in further and moaned more and more the deeper it went in. The vibrations inside him gave it a different feel, it was almost like he was being fucked by his very own cat boyfriend who was purring the entire time he was clapping those cheeks. To say that it felt good would have been a gross understatement. 



Alex could feel his legs shaking just slightly as he pushed the toy in as far as it could safely go inside him. The toy didn’t have any sort of base, so it wasn’t safe to push it all the way in. He left about an inch free to use as a handle just to be safe. Once it was as far as it could safely go inside the striped cat boy, he let go of the vibrator, leaned back on both his elbows and let out a soft sigh.


Alex clicked the button on the remote he had in his hand for a third time, increasing the speed to level three and involuntarily bucking his hips in response to the intensified vibrations that he felt against his anal walls and his prostate. His dick throbbed hard and he closed his eyes shut before pressing the button for the fourth time.


The pitch of the vibration increased and sounded a little more whiney than the other settings did. Although with the majority of the length of the toy being buried deep in Alex’s tight-clenching bussy, one had to have a very keen ear to tell the difference. 

“Aaaaah…. Hhhhhhhaaannhhh…” he moaned. With each moan that escaped his lips, he could feel himself instinctively clenching around the vibrator inside of him, rhythmically, as if it were a cock that he had to milk all the cum out from. With each clench of his boy hole, also came a throb of his dick, which began to leak even more pre-cum than before, the sticky and slightly cloudy liquid having no time to pool at the tip of his dick anymore at the rate it was flowing at. The more he let the vibrator vibrate his insides, the better it felt. A red blush appeared at his cheeks and his mouth fell slightly agape. He was definitely physically capable of staying there all day. But time was money, and he really didn’t want to miss out on the first modeling gig he’s had in a long time. 

Shaking slightly, the tiger gripped the remote in his hand even tighter and rubbed his thumb over the big button. He clenched around the toy again, let out a meaty moan, and pressed down on the remote. This time, there was a little voice prompt that came from the toy in his butt, “Maximum pleasure mode, activated.” 

“Wh-What?” Alex furrowed his brow, but before he was able to do anything about what he just heard. The toy revved up its engine and even began to shake the tiger’s ass a little bit as it did so. 


Alex’s legs began to shake and he trembled under the vibrator’s spell. The remote in his hand fell to the bed and both his hands dropped down to grip onto the sheets for dear life. 

“Aaaaaahhh! Aaaah! Fuck… Hhhhhhh!”

The buzzing against his constantly clenching Gorilla Grip™️ bussy and shaking the equivalent of a gentle earthquake against his prostate, the tiger boy’s cock pulsated, twitched, and throbbed. It made every movement that was possible for a penis to do, as he inched closer and closer to his climax. His fuzzy orbs that sat calmly between his thighs also began to make subtle movements that hinted at the inevitable spray of happy juice that was to come. 

“Hhhhhaaaa…” Alex shivered and moaned, he curled his toes as they were up in the air and even pushed out his claws. He could feel himself getting closer, he could feel the pressure against his prostate, he could feel that he was just about to pop. “Hhhh fuck…”




The tiger’s stomach tensed up and he froze in place as his dick’s throbbing slowed as his balls pulled up against the underside of his wang. Alex’s body shook with pleasure and his hips bucked wildly. Nothing came out with the first buck, but then when his hips lunged forward for a second time, a rope of thick, creamy, and white cum shot out from the slit at the tip of his cock. Alex didn’t open his eyes and left his mouth open with his tongue out as the first squirt of his seed went through the air. He wasn’t even phased when his reproductive DNA landed over his muzzle. 




“Hhhaaahhnnhhhaa… Aaaaahhh…” Rope after rope followed the first, shooting off in slightly different directions as his manhood moved throbbed and moved around. Three, four, five thick ropes landed squarely on his face and one even landed on his tongue. He was flying too high in his orgasm to really care about any of it though. Plus, he was going to shower before going out, so, it was moot. He continued to empty the contents of his fat balls onto his face up until the seventh rope, rope eight’s strength in shooting from his dick weakened significantly and instead landed on chest, before the rest of the ropes were more like gentle oozes from the tip of his dick that ran down the sides of his shaft. 

Face covered in his own cum, Alex licked his lips to clear up as much as he could off his face without using his hands. He smacked his lips and let out a soft chuckle before he opened up his eyes. His spunk tasted savory, a little bit salty, and a little bit sweet. He was able to clear the cum from his lips, teeth, and nose, but the rest remained there and sept into his orange fur. He panted and glanced at his dick that still continued to throb and leak the last drips of cum out. 

“Hhhhhaaa… That’s much better…” he smiled and stared starry-eyed at his dick as it started to slowly go flaccid. Once his dick was floppy and resting against his stomach and the mess it made, he shifted his eyes over to the drawer across from the bed. 

“Hey Google, what time is it?” he asked. His smart speaker that was on the drawers lit up and took his query. And after a second or two of processing, it responded. “It’s 7:29 AM,”

“And when’s my modeling appointment?” he asked a follow-up question. 

“It’s at 8:30 AM,” Google replied. 

Upon hearing that he still had a full hour before he was supposed to be at the shoot, he lifted his elbows off the bed and let himself fall onto the pillow and the Rivet plushie behind him. His legs fell down to hang off the edge of the bed and he let out a sigh before blindly reaching around for the remote to the vibrator still rumbling in his ass. 


He shut it off and let out a relaxed sigh. Maybe he could snooze for a few more minutes. That couldn’t hurt, right? 

Nothing better than a post-nut nap. 

“Hey Google, wake me up in 15 minutes.” He wasn’t going to risk sleeping through his appointment, however. Thank god for post-nut clarity, too.


Art by Red3Engine 

Bonus Siege Meme version



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