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It was quiet, quiet in the apartment when Alex closed the door behind herself. She enjoyed the chatter of the people at the bakery. She especially enjoyed it when they complimented her when her songs were playing. She had finally gotten the courage to mix them into the background music that was playing all day.

Still, returning to the silence of her home was priceless. A place to rest and recharge for the next day. She stretched her arms and legs out as she walked down the hallway. She hung her keys up, tossed her purse onto a nearby chair and walked into the living room. Tashi had promised to take care of dinner, but he wasn’t home, yet. That meant that his boss must have ordered him to do more than just one or two hours of overtime. She checked her phone and sighed. No message from her horse there. 

The beautiful tigress, still dressed in her work clothes that smelled of coffee and tasty sugary treats, walked towards the couch. She sat down on it and carefully slung her tail around herself. The TV remote was within reach, but instead of grabbing it, she decided to just rest her eyes a bit before she was going to have dinner with her boyfriend. After all, he said it would be something fantastic, and she didn’t want to disrespect it by yawning every few seconds.


“Oh no…” Tashi whispered when he stepped into the apartment and all the lights were off. He carefully walked around, as silently as he could on his big hooves. There wasn’t even a sound. Was Alex not home yet, he wondered. Luckily, his concern didn’t last for long. He leaned into the living room, and he saw her sleeping on the couch. She always came home earlier than him, but she also had to leave the apartment so much earlier it hurt him to think about it. People wanted their breakfast ready when they passed by the bakery.  “You must be as tired as I am…” He mumbled under his breath. “Don’t worry… I have an idea…” His eyes told just how sleepy he was, but suddenly there was a happy smile on the stallion’s face.

As quietly as he had made his way into the apartment, he snuck out again. It was hard to be as silent as his girlfriend’s paws could be, but when he closed the door, her eyes were still shut.


“Alex… wake up, my little tiger.” The stallion was back in the living room. He had turned the lights on at the lowest setting. They were shining far too dimly to show off how flushed his cheeks were. “Alex… dinner is ready.” He bit his tongue. He was feeling shy for no real reason.

Slowly, the tigress opened her eyes and stretched out her arms. “T-Tashi?” She yawned and, after showing off her pretty green eyes for just a second, closed them again to rub her eyelids. “I fell asleep… how long did you have to work today?” She asked him before looking at her boyfriend. 

Clearly, she was not awake enough to understand what she saw. Her boyfriend stood a few steps away from her, naked except for a green jockstrap that was barely able to contain his big balls. For a moment, she thought having dinner meant to sate the only carnal desire her boyfriend shared with her. Then she saw that he was holding a bucket with red and white stripes. Her nose wiggled as she sniffed the air, trying to pick up the scent of the food he was holding up for her.

Of course, she only needed a second to confirm her suspicions. “Oof… you know… long late mee…” Tashi spoke before being interrupted. “Did you bring me KFC?!” Alex asked, her eyes wide open. 

The stallion nodded and bit his lower lip. “I almost forgot what day it is…” He replied. “I wanted to make something nice for us, then I thought maybe go to a restaurant… But seems like we’re both damn exhausted. Is this enough until the storm is over?” He asked her and slowly walked towards the couch.

“Silly horsey, of course it is. We can cook a nice dinner together when we’re not so exhausted!” The tigress answered, smiling at the stallion who was holding up the bucket in front of him that was filling the room with that delicious fried chicken smell. He bent down and kissed her lips, snorting happily as Alex put her arms around him and slipped her tongue into his muzzle.

Tashi snorted once again and carefully broke the kiss after a short while. “Don’t let it get cold… I’ll be around two more years, and however long you’ll have me. But the food will be cold soon…” He said with a frown. Alex kissed his nose once more before she took the bucket out of his hands. “Thank you, Tashi.” She whispered, and he smiled. “Enjoy…” He replied and sat down on the couch next to her.

His girlfriend picked a chicken nugget out of the bucket and bit into it, purring happily. “Did you not bring anything for yourself?” She asked him. “I bought some fries… but I ate them in the car… I’m sorry.” He confessed and flattened his ears. Alex chuckled and kissed his cheek, leaving some breadcrumbs behind. “It’s okay. We can have dessert together, hm? I see it’s wrapped in just a tiny bit of green…”

An excited sigh came from her boyfriend. “That would be nice. But I actually brought ice cream, too. It’s in the freezer, though!” He explained. “Lime ice cream. With Oreo crumbs as topping!” He elaborated. “Oh yum!” Alex replied before taking another bite. As she enjoyed her meal, Tashi slid away from her and then leaned to his side to rest his head on her thigh. He pulled the blanket off the couch and put it over himself. “It’s nice to see my little carnivore enjoy her food. I love you, my little tiger.” He whispered and held onto the hand she had put onto his chest.

A few minutes passed and Alex had barely made a dent in her bucket. Clearly, she could enjoy the leftovers for at least one more meal. Tashi’s eyelids dropped more and more as he continued watching her, and suddenly, she felt his head dropping onto her lap as he fell asleep. 

She smiled as she caressed his big noggin. “Mhm… better to digest a bit before the next course…” She whispered and slowly moved her hand from his chest down to his crotch, leaning over towards the horse. “After all, the dessert is best when it has rested a bit.”

She chuckled softly and leaned forward to kiss his nose and whispered into his ear. “Love you, too, my horsey.” The sleeping horse’s smile on her lap widened.


Art by NitaNi 

Tashi by TashiGibson 




A very sweet scene ^.^