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It was the spookiest day of the year; Halloween. A day where you could dress up and be whoever or whatever you wanted. For Owen, it was a fun night where he could go out to party and mingle with girls to his heart’s content. While having the most impressively detailed and realistic costume was a sure-fire way of becoming the center of attention at a party, doing so while also incorporating sexiness was an even bigger guarantor for attention from the ladies. That’s how our local catboy Owen here decided on his costume. 

Frankenstein’s Monster, or in this case, Frankenstein’s Sexy Monster. Detailed prosthetics and make-up made the stitches that adored his neck, arms, and torso look incredibly detailed. And the bolts in his neck, made from soft silicone painted to look metallic, sold the look even further. All that detail that was put into making the stitches and bolts look as realistic as possible was a good enough reason for the feline to leave shirts out of the equation, despite the possibility of chilly fall season weather. He’d be able to make up for it with the warmth of a woman snuggled up against him and feeling him up all over his toned chest and torso anyway. He was hopeful for that, at least! 

08:57 PM

Owen looked at the clock on the wall of his apartment and smiled before he began looking around for his keys. It was just a few minutes shy of 9 PM. The party he was headed to was scheduled to start around that time, but he couldn’t be arriving on time, or worse, early! He’d be strolling into the house once it’s already filled with people, just in time to get a few drinks in and mingle around with friends old and new. He walked around the entryway area of his apartment for a few minutes, digging his hands into places where he thought his keys might be. He could have sworn they were in the key bowl right by the door. After a few minutes of searching that almost led to him letting out a frustration-induced explicative, he found them in the pocket of one of his suit jackets. He grabbed them, tossed them up, caught the jingling bunch of metal mid-air, and headed out the door.

It was party time, and it was the best night to do so. 

09:25 PM

When Owen arrived at the party, there were cheers and loud greetings from a few people as he came in through the door. The host of the party, a small feminine mouse boy was the one who opened the door to let him in and was the first to compliment the costume he was dressed up in. 

“Yooooo! Owen! You came!” the mouse pulled the Franken-feline in for a bro-hug. The small mouse looked like a girl in every way and could easily pass as one with small bust size. After a few seconds of having his arms wrapped around the cat, he let go and turned around to the rest of the people who were packed in the mouse’s house. “Hey, guys! Owen’s here!” the mouse announced as he made his way through the crowd of people and led Owen over to the kitchen to grab him his first drink of the night. The mouse grabbed a beer for himself and another for his friend, handed it to him, and leaned back against the kitchen island. Owen did the same and took a sip from his beer as his eyes scanned around the party. The other party people were in all sorts of costumes, ranging from your generic ones like firefighters, maids, and your run-of-the-mill superheroes, to specific pun-based ones that need to be explained every time someone asks about it. 

Owen’s mouse friend was named Charlie. They met in design school and hit it off one night when they were both out drinking after they turned in their finals for the semester. While Charlie was definitely trying to get the cat boy in bed with him, that didn’t happen, but it did sprout a good friendship! Charlie was dressed up as Rivet, the female lombax from that one popular PS5 game that came out earlier in the year. And if Owen was being honest, that mouse really did rock it well. 

Charlie took a few sips of his drink before he spoke to break the few seconds of silence between them. “So, are you planning to go to the haunted house later? A couple of the girls and I are headed there around midnight,” 

Owen was about to stop mid-swig but decided against it and instead swallowed his beer proper before he responded to the mouse. “That one run by the Davidsons? Hell yeah, of course, I’m in. You sure you aren’t going to chicken out on us this time? You backed out last minute last year,” the cat boy raised a brow teasingly at his friend. He looked as if he was about to ask the rodent a follow-up question, but instead, he took another swig of his drink. Charlie was looking right at him; thus, he was able to tell he was withholding something. 

“What is it?” the lombax-mouse tilted his head to the side, his long hair falling over his shoulder as he did so. The fake robot arm that the mouse had was actually very impressively detailed. It looked like he ripped it straight from the game. He was quite talented in the art of cosplay; Halloween was really the perfect day for him. 

Owen glanced to the side at his friend as he took sips of his drink and shook his head once he pulled the bottle from his lips. “Oh, nothing. I was just going to ask who else is going, you know, the girls you mentioned.” He knew that Charlie was going to give him a look when he said that, so he waggled his eyebrows to let him know that he was well-aware of how it sounded. And the mouse did exactly that; narrowing his eyes at the feline. 

“Are you going to try and go home with one of them? If that’s the case you are not allowed to come!” he faked a pout but was unable to keep up the act for more than just a few seconds before he chuckled and shook his head. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. There’s Ashley, Rachel, Lauré, and Alexandra. The usual gang.” 

The Franken-cat boy nodded along as the mouse listed the names of “the usual” girl-friends that he hung around with a lot. Ashley was that one blonde squirrel, Rachel was the mare that towered over everyone and had rather sizeable assets, and Lauré was a gorgeous red panda that was into girls way more than she was into guys. The only name he couldn’t put a face to was Alexandra, no matter how hard he tried to remember, his mind came up blank. “Alexandra?” he furrowed his brows slightly, “Who’s that?”

“You haven’t met Alex?” Charlie’s eyes widened and his ears perked up. “Oh, you are in for a treat! She’s a cat just like you, but a big cat, y’know, a tiger, stripes and all.” He smiled. “I’ll have to introduce you! She’s a little bit shy though, so maybe tone it down with the flirting, please?” Owen rolled his eyes and took another swig of his beer, “I don’t flirt with every woman I see, Charlie.” 

“You totally do, and I don’t even think you know it. Your fucking eyes, bro, they’re just always, looking a certain way,” the mouse femboy shivered slightly but did his best to try and hide it.

Noticing the feminine rodent’s involuntary reaction, Owen directed his eyes to stare at him and morphed his lips into a soft smile. “Like this?”

Charlie’s cheeks turned a bright red and he averted his gaze away from Owen’s. “STOOOP! That’s exactly the look, don’t do that to Alex, please, she’ll die.” The mouse quickly took a large swig of his beer to calm the heat he was feeling building up inside him that was causing that mad blush on his face. “And it’s not helping that you chose THAT as your Halloween costume, jeez.” He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. This made Owen laugh and shake his head. “Oh c’mon, you have to admit that this is a pretty good fucking costume. Are you proud of me for making it myself? The stitches took way too long.” 

The mouse brought his metal arm up to scratch his chin and thought for a moment as he looked at the makeup work that his friend did. “It is good, but you’ll need a couple more Halloweens to get on my level, sweetie.” He gave him a smug grin and a playful wink at the end of his sentence. 

“Oh, I’m sorry, am I encroaching on your territory? Are you scared I’ll get better than you?” Owen raised his brow at him teasingly. 

“Nope! I know you won’t be as good, ever, because surely, you have much better things to do.” The mouse smiled through his self-depreciation. 

The smokey cat boy was about to respond to his mouse friend but they were interrupted by one of his friends skipping over to him excitedly. “Charlie Charlie CHARLIE!!! THERE YOU ARE!!! Oh my god, your costume!!! We need to show this off to Stacy!!” 

A dalmatian girl that Owen did not recognize tugged on the small mouse’s arms and dragged him away. As he was dragged away, he looked back over his shoulder and shouted, “I’ll text you when we’re about to go to the haunted house! I gotta go for now. OKAY OKAY! I’m coming, please let go of my arm!” and his rodent friend disappeared into the crowd of people. Owen chuckled and shook his head before taking one final swig of his beer to finish it up. He grabbed a fresh one from one of the many coolers spewed around the kitchen, popped it open, and moved to mingle around the party a little bit and enjoy himself to pass the time. He still needed to show off his intricate costume to more people after all. And mingle around he did.

09:46 PM

The feline made his way through the crowd to some folk he recognized and showed off his costume before standing around to drink and chat. 

“Yooooo… Dude, those stitches look so fucking SICK”

“Can I touch them?”

10:14 PM

As Owen went to get a refill for his drink. Right as closed the lid to the cooler with his fifth beer in hand, he was met with another one of those familiar faces he knew. 

“Yo, Miller, you want to play some beer pong?”

“Hell yeah, you know I’m always down for beer pong!”

11:59 PM

Owen’s phone buzzed in the pocket of his torn pants as he was finishing up a game of beer pong. He tossed the last ping-pong ball in his hand and it landed straight in the final cup on the opposing side. The people standing around him cheered and he balled his hand into a fist and made a victory gesture. “FUCK YEAAAAAAAAH I’M THE BEER POING CHAMPIOOOOOON!” he shouted. The sound of hands clapping, cheers, and chants bearing his name echoed throughout the house. He forgot about his phone vibrating earlier and joined in on the over-the-top celebration that was going on for their victory. He was wrapped around in many hugs and it was difficult to focus on something that happened right before the big celebration, especially with the number of drinks he had in him.

Then his phone vibrated again, twice this time. When he felt it, he slipped away from the crowds of celebrating drunk superheroes and monsters and pulled his phone out from his pocket. When he brought it up to his face to unlock it, he saw three new messages from Charlie. 

11:59 PM Charlie: “We’re about to head to the house, we’re waiting for you outside.”

12:00 AM Charlie: “Hellooooo are you alive?”

12:00 AM Charlie: “CAT BOY.”

“Oh shit,” he muttered to himself before he tapped the notifications to open the app and respond. He typed out his response quickly and hit send. He did it so fast that he didn’t have any time to check his spelling. 

12:01 AM Owen: “I’m cuming!” 

He then made his way out of the house and onto the street where he saw the mouse waiting with his friends just by the curb. He approached them and gave them a collective wave when they turned around to look at him one by one. “Hey!”

When he saw his friend approaching them, Charlie furrowed his brow at him and playfully smacked him on the shoulder once he was at arm’s distance. “I said midnight! You’re late! What were you doing?” 

“I was playing beer pong, and I won, by the way,” Owen said with a proud grin stretched across his face. Charlie rolled his eyes and shook his head, “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He shrugged his shoulders and turned to his gal pals to introduce Owen to them. He gestured his hands to the four girls, then to Owen. “Guys, this is Owen. Owen, you know Ashley, Rachel, and Lauré.”

The three girls gave Owen waves and smiled at him. Then Charlie gestured towards the new girl that Owen hadn’t met before. “And Owen, this is Alexandra, Alexandra, this is Owen,” 

Owen looked at Alex with a soft smile and the “look” that Charlie was talking about but instead of giving the tigress a wave and a smooth greeting, he froze for a few seconds. His eyes went from “the look” to be slightly surprised and widened. However; this only lasted for a few seconds and he was able to collect himself and hide his stumble. “Hey there, Alexandra, it’s nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you, too, Owen. You can just call me Alex; Alexandra is a bit formal haha…” Alex smiled shyly. The tigress had long brown hair, big and bright green eyes, two fangs that protruded from her lips, and deep black stripes that really caught his eye for some reason. She stood just next to Lauré and had her hands hidden in her cape, either from shyness, or the slightly cold weather outside. None of them were dressed for the weather, but prioritizing form over function was an important part of crafting the perfect spooky day. The striped feline was dressed up as Classic Scarlet Witch. A red one-piece, pink leggings, red boots, red gloves, a red cape, and a spikey red headpiece. Luckily, Owen was familiar with the character and was able to use it as a conversation starter to ease the awkwardness that usually followed introducing yourself.  

“That’s a really nice Wanda costume, Alex.” Owen cooed. He couldn’t help but let his eyes linger and ogle on the shy tiger for a little while longer and complimenting her costume was the perfect excuse for him to do it. As he eyed her up and down, she swung her arms around and tried to use her cape to cover up a little bit. “Th-Thank you, Owen, Charlie worked on it with me. He’s really good at that sort of thing.” She chuffed, a red blush forming at her cheeks that matched the rest of her costume. 

Charlie and the three other girls watched as Owen and Alex got flirty almost instantly and they all rolled their eyes but only Charlie said anything. “Okay, okay, let’s get going now, we’re going to miss our slot!” The four of them turned around on their heels as if they were reenacting a scene from Mean Girls and began walking down the street towards the Davidsons’ infamous haunted house. 

Owen was still looking at Alex when the rest of the group started walking, and he only turned to look at them walking away when the shy Alex gestured for him to look. “I think uh... We should get going,” Alex said with a smile as she nudged her head. Owen jumped up a little when he saw that Charlie and the others were leaving without them, “Oh shit, c’mon,” he said and quickly grabbed the tigress’s hand and ran with her to catch up. For some reason, he couldn’t stop thinking about how her teeth would factor into oral sex. 

12:06 AM

The walk to the haunted house wasn’t very far, just a few blocks away if Owen remembered correctly from the last time he went there with the scaredy-mouse. He decided to stay a couple of feet behind the rest of the group and walked hand-in-hand with the shy Alex instead. He figured since she was Charlie’s friend that he should get to know her a little bit. Maybe get her to come out of her shy shell more. She was a very attractive fellow feline, though, he wasn’t going to lie. And his desires, while innocent and friendly, there was just something about her that he couldn’t shake. He couldn’t take his eyes off her and those mesmerizing stripes! 

“So, Alex, I’ve been friends with Charlie for a while, how come I’ve only now met you?” Owen turned to look at Alex as they strolled down the sidewalk, passing countless houses with ridiculous decorations. 

Alex turned to look at him and averted her eyes for a few seconds, but then it became impossible to do so with Owen’s eyes so focused on her. She bit her lip and did her best to maintain eye contact with him. “Oh! Charlie and I met a while back, but I haven’t been here for very long, I just moved back from abroad. That’s probably why you haven’t seen me before.” She smiled.

“Oh, right, it’s just strange Charlie never mentioned you to me before…” Owen turned to look ahead at Charlie and he was met with the mouse looking right back at him.  

“I never mentioned her to you because I KNOW she’s your type, and I don’t want my friends dating!!! That’s a third-wheel machine right there! I do not want to be the third-wheel!!!!” the mouse responded angrily but stuck his tongue out at Owen, so he wasn’t angry for real. He turned back around and they continued walking towards the haunted house. 

“I wonder what he thinks my type is.” Owen chuckled, slipping his hands into his pockets as he walked beside his new tiger friend. He glanced to the side at her as if he was expecting an answer from her, but she was way too shy to say anything, and once again, the Scarlet Witch was averting her gaze from him and trying her best to hide her red-hot cheeks. Once he saw Alex averting her eyes, he let out a chuckle and they continued walking in silence. 

12:11 AM

They arrived at the house just a few minutes later. The streets were relatively empty compared to the earlier hours of the night since all the trick-or-treaters had most likely gone to bed. But as they got closer and closer to the haunted house, they saw more and more people. Some people were walking away from the house laughing, and some were walking away from it crying. And when they got to the front of the house there was a modest line of people waiting to get in. Charlie led them to the front of the line where a tall grey wolf dude was standing and managing the queue. The rest of the gang followed behind Charlie as he approached the tall employee with the cutest smile he could put on and greeted him. “Heeeeeeeey Julius! Do you have my tickets?” 

The wolf had his arms crossed over his chest and he raised his brows as the feminine mouse approached him. “Eyup! I’ve got them right here.” The canine reached into his back pocket with one hand and pulled out a bundle of six tickets to the haunted house and handed it to him. 

“Thannnk you so muccccccch, you’re a sweetheart.” Charlie took the tickets into his hands and let out a happy little squeak that made Julius smirk just a little bit. After he counted the tickets in his hands, he nodded and looked up at Julius with puppy-dog eyes. The wolf at the door of the haunted house rolled his eyes almost immediately as he knew what the mouse boy was going to ask him next. Before Charlie could even say anything, a group of people came out from the exit of the haunted house; laughing, crying, and shivering with fright and Julius unclipped the rope and gestured his head for the group to go inside. 

“Thank youuuu! I really owe you one!” Charlie smiled at the wolf and blew him a kiss. He then turned to look at his friends and nudged his head “Let’s go,” he said and he and his gal-pals + Owen headed inside. Their actions weren’t without any consequences, however; and a few unhappy shouts came from those who were waiting in line. 

“Hey! Why do they get to skip the line?” said one unhappy fox at the front of the line. 

Julius wasn’t going to have any of it. He crossed his arms over his chest after he closed the rope gate and responded to the unruly fox. “If you suck my dick as good as that mouse, then I’ll let you skip the line too, pretty boy,” he winked. The fox was quick to shut up after that. 

12:15 AM

Charlie and the group walked into the haunted house and were greeted by grungy walls, dirty floors, and lighting fixtures that looked like they’d fall down from just a small gush of wind. It was also even colder than it was outside. When Alex, the last person in the group walked into the room, the door they came in slammed shut behind them. This got a scream out of the tigress and caused her to jump forward into Owen’s back. “Ah!” 

Then there was lightning, or at least a flash of light from somewhere, followed by the distant rumble of thunder.

Owen was knocked off his balance a bit but he managed to not fall over and turned around to put an arm over the tigress. The orange cat’s fur was all poofy and stood up along her shoulders and her tail. “Sorry, sorry!” she quickly exclaimed and pulled herself away from the cat boy. “That scared the crap out of me.” 

“Heh, it’s fine, that’s the most I’ve heard you talk since I’ve met you.” He teased her, lifting his arm off her as she pulled away. “Here, you can hold my hand, just don’t squeeze too hard.” 

Alex reached her hand out to grab Owen’s quite quickly after he offered it to her and she pulled herself close to his side, looking left and right at the room they were in to make sure there wasn’t going to be anything else that was going to scare her, or at least if there was, she would be somewhat prepared for it. 

The room they were in was dark, save for the natural moonlight that was let in through some of the windows. The occasional fake lightning and thunder would have been convincing had they not known what the weather outside was like. But it still added a whole lot to the atmosphere. Other than that, there wasn’t anything happening. Directly opposite to the door they all came in through were three dark hallways. No signs anywhere, and no instructions for what they had to do next. Charlie looked around and put his hands at his hips. “What the hell are we supposed to do now? Are we supposed to split up? That’s a fucking dumb idea, everyone knows if you split up in a horror movie, one of us will die.” He chuckled nervously as he looked at the three dark hallways in front of them. 

“Maybe we just all go together in one hallway?” Ashley suggested. But her suggestion was quickly dismissed by both Rachel and Lauré. 

“We’re supposed to find a way out, I say split up.” The red panda nodded. “We’re not actually in a horror movie, so the worst that happens is we’re scared shitless.” She shrugged her shoulders. 

“I’m NOT SPLITTING UP. Or at least I’m going to go with someone. Fuck going anywhere alone in this house, bro.” Charlie started to get a little bit panicky. At least he made it inside the house this time though, so this already was an improvement over last year. 

“What if we go in pairs?” said Alex. 

Everyone turned to look at her and raised their brows at her which caused her to hide behind Owen’s shoulder a little. But she continued with her suggestion and elaborated on it further. “There are three hallways, we can go in pairs, one of them has to lead to the exit, right? Statistically? Who knows, all of them might lead to the exit, maybe just different routes?” 

Charlie began to nod, and the others did as well. “Fine, fine, but if I get murdered, this is all your fault, Alex and I will haunt you.” He grumbled. “Owen, will you…” he paused suddenly. Alex twirled her fingers from underneath her cape and stayed as close as she could to Owen, even going as far as to rest her chin on his shoulder. As she twirled her fingers, there was a soft red glow that appeared to spread throughout Charlie’s eyes for a few seconds before fading away. 

“Go with Alex?” he continued. “She got scared by a slamming door, make sure she doesn’t have a heart attack. Ashley, you go with Rachel. Lauré, you’re a big strong lesbian, protect me.” 

“But who goes where?” asked Rachel. 

Right after her question, there was a sound that came from behind them. A soft rumble that got louder and louder. It was a very familiar sound to everyone there in the room, but none of them could really put a finger on what it was exactly. 


“What the fu-. “


Suddenly, the wall to their left had something burst out of it. And the sound was loud and clear; it was a chainsaw and it was slicing through the fucking wall. 

‘BRRRRRRRRRRR!’ as it sliced through the wall, there was also loud banging coming from the entrance door. Owen and Alex quickly turned around to look at the wall and slowly backed away. The chainsaw sliced through the wall with ease, and once a good slice was made through it, it retracted. But it wasn’t over, as right after that a fist punched through the wall and tore it open. A large figure with an apron and a scary clown mask stepped out from the wall and began to swing the chainsaw around in all directions. 

“Fuck this shit!” shouted Lauré before she grabbed the small mouse boy and took off running down the rightmost hallway. Ashley and Rachel were long gone down the middle hallway, screaming at the top of their lungs. This left Alex and Owen standing in the middle of the room, staring at the large blood-soaked man wielding the chainsaw. Alex was frozen in place but shaking in fear. The chainsaw man came closer and swung the chainsaw at them, which caused Owen to realize that now was the time for them to run. Owen tightened the grip on the tigress’s hand and bolted down the leftmost hallway, “C’mon Alex, we gotta go!” It took a few seconds before Alex’s legs moved and caught up to Owen’s as they dashed down the dark hallway as fast as they could. There weren’t any doors in the hallway, but it did force them to turn left once they reached the end, and the right, and then left again. The sound of the chainsaw got quieter for a moment as they ran, but then it got louder again. The chainsaw man had chosen to hunt down Alex and Owen; this was going to be fun. 


Their feet slammed against the hardwood flooring as they ran as fast as they could down the hallway that they had no idea where it would lead them to. Owen was in front, with Alex trailing behind him by a few steps. They continued to run until they were running down a long corridor. 

After a few seconds of running straight, the wall next to them suddenly burst open, and the man with the chainsaw stepped out of it and stabbed the chainsaw into the wall on the other side. Rubble and wood debris flew everywhere, causing Alex and Owen to duck down as they continued to run. 




“How do they repair the walls after every round of customers?!” Owen asked as he looked over his shoulder. He saw the chainsaw man had his chainsaw stuck and was trying to pry it out of the wall. This bought them some time, but it wouldn’t have been smart to be cocky. 

“That has to be a real chainsaw. I don’t think fake ones can cut through walls like that!!!” Alex said through heavy breathing and pants. They eventually reached the end of the corridor, and there was a door that was left slightly open. Owen quickly pushed the door open with his shoulder, went inside, and pulled Alex in with him. The door closed shut by itself, again, meaning that they were in the right place since a motion sensor was tripped.

“Phew… I guess we can rest for a little bit here… I don’t think he’ll try to bust that door down…” Owen wiped his forehead with the back of his hand as he caught his breath. He let go of Alex’s hand once it seemed like they were in the clear for now. 

Alex wiped her forehead and panted here and there, too. She even used her cape to wipe some of the sweat that built up from running so fast for so long. “Those had to be real chainsaws, Owen…” the tigress said, her breathing slowing and returning to a more normal pace. With Alex’s back turned to the door, she didn’t notice when the door silently opened up and revealed the man with the chainsaw right behind her. Owen noticed the door opening and shouted, “Alex! Behind you!” but it was far too late. 

He couldn’t see the man grab Alex, but he did see him grab the tigress by her cape. The cape went from relaxed to taut and Alex let out a yelp as she was pulled through the door, to the ground, and then dragged away. She clawed at the wood flooring but to no avail and she gone. “Owen! Help!! Let go of me! Aaahhhh!!!” Owen dashed towards the door as quickly as he could but the door slammed shut but this time, he heard the electronic lock kick in. 


Owen banged on the door and pulled violently on the doorknob, but it was useless. He had to find a way out of the room he was in and find Alex. The poor girl must have been terrified. He had to find her. 

12:35 AM

Finding a way out of the locked room wasn’t hard. It wasn’t designed to keep the haunted house participant locked in forever, it was just supposed to guide them in a different direction from which they came from. Owen found scratch marks on the floorboards in front of a bookshelf and pulled on it to discover that there was a door right behind it. He opened the door and peeked his head out to check if the coast was clear before he walked out. He found himself in another corridor, almost identical to the last. The only difference from what he was able to tell was that this hallway had windows that looked out to the outside. He walked over to one of the windows and looked out and what he saw confused him more than calculus. There were no neighboring houses outside and he couldn’t see the street at all. He wiped the glass with his forearm to make sure it wasn’t just a dirty window distorting his vision, but when he did that, he was just able to see what he saw before but clearer. Where the fuck was he? How big was this house? Where was everyone else? He had so many questions. 

12:37 AM

Then he heard a scream. 

“THAT’S A REAL CHAINSAW! FUCK! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!” It was Alex and it sounded like she was in real trouble. 

His ears perked up and he pushed himself away from the window to start running towards the tigress’s distressing screams. He stretched his legs as far as they would go with each step and ran through the corridor until he came across something red discarded on the floor. He stopped in his tracks when he realized it was Alex’s Scarlet Witch headpiece. He picked it up and continued running down the hall. He then came across her cape, half stuck in a shut door that was labeled “BASEMENT” written in fake blood. Every horror flick ever would have told him to leave and NOT enter the basement, but being the way that he was, and hearing how Alex was screaming and how scared she was, he was not going to leave her behind, a fictional haunted house, or not. He stepped toward the door, twisted the knob, and pushed it open. He also made sure to grab the tigress’s cape for her before he ventured down the dimly lit stairs that led down to the basement. 

The stairs creaked with every step he took, which added to the already eerie atmosphere. The single lightbulb that lit the stairs wasn’t bright enough to light up anywhere beyond the last step, and when his feet touched the cold and dusty floor of the basement, he hesitated and stood there to let his eyes adjust to the pitch-black darkness.  “Alex?” he called out as his eyes slowly let in more light. It didn’t take his eyes too long to adjust, but once they did, they had to readjust to the bright lights that suddenly sprung on. He shielded his eyes with his hand for a few seconds as the light lit up every square inch of the basement within a split second. 

12:40 AM

When his eyes finally readjusted to the bright lights, he moved his hand away from his eyes and blinked a few times just to make sure they adjusted properly and weren’t dry. He was able to see everything in the basement now, the grungy floor stained with god-knows-what, the walls that looked like they were hundreds of years old, some random furniture that was spewed all over, and then there was Alex, cape-less and without her headpiece. Alex had her hand shielding her eyes too and brought it down once her eyes readjusted. When she saw Owen, she quickly ran over to him and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. 

“Owen!” she buried her face into the nape of the cat’s neck and closed her eyes. Owen was hesitant to put his arms around her, but when he did, he made sure it was tight. 

“Alex,” he said. “Thank god you’re okay. Are you hurt?”

“No, no, I’m fine…” the tigress responded, pressing her nose into Owen’s neck and giving him a few sniffs. She let out a few chuffs after she sniffed him and just rested her face in his neck for a couple more seconds before she pulled away. As she pulled away, she whispered, “I know you want me, Owen.” Her soft-spoken nature combined with a voice that became surprisingly husky out of nowhere caught the Franken-feline off-guard. He blinked rapidly and furrowed his brows. “What?” 

Alex didn’t pull her arms off him as she pulled away though, instead she kept her arms looped over his shoulders. Her big green eyes stared directly into his. The shyness that caused her to avert her gaze from his was now completely gone. Was that all just an act? Owen was confused, he wasn’t sure what to do.  He just stared right back into the tigress’s green eyes with his baby blue ones and looked at her, for the first time he was unable to speak. 

Seeing him speechless made the striped fanged feline smirk and tilt her head to the side. “What’s wrong? You came all the way here to save me from that scary chainsaw guy… That shows how you care so much about even the people you just met… I admire that in a mortal…” she purred into Owen’s ear. 

Owen looked even more confused by the tigress’s choice of words. Was she just messing with him? Was she working for the Davidson’s? Was she part of the haunted house experience? Why would she use that word like that? “You sounded very scared, I thought he was hurting you by dragging you around like that…” He gulped a little bit as he continued to stare into those oh-so-green eyes which started to shift hue a little bit. 

“See? I like that… Even though it’s just a silly haunted house, you came all the way here to save me. Caring for someone who’s basically a stranger... So much empathy… Loved by everyone…” the tigress licked her lips. Her green eyes continued to shift hue, going from bright green to a bright and glowing red. 

Owen began backing away from Alex, his eyes widened and fixated on hers as they glowed that terrifying red. He dragged his feet as he backed up against a wall. He bumped into it with a loud thud. 


With nowhere to go, he stared at the tigress as she began taking steps toward him. 

“What’s wrong kitty cat? Are you not attracted to me anymore?” the tigress smiled. Once she took her first step toward the cat boy, the clothes she wore started to disintegrate and vanish into thin air. Gone was her red one-piece, pink leggings, and red boots. A red mist formed around her feet and slowly crawled up her legs, as it passed by, black stockings with belt buckles around her ankles and thighs appeared in its place. Then the mist formed at her hands and moved up her arms to form matching long gloves, too.  It took Owen a few seconds to realize that Alex was now mostly naked in front of him, and when he saw her perky breasts and a peek of that pussy in between her legs, he gulped audibly and pressed his palms up against the wall behind him as if he was feeling for a doorknob. His eyes moved from Alex’s red eyes and down to her exposed breasts, they lingered there as she walked closer and closer to him. 

“Don’t be scared, there’s nothing for you to be scared of, yet…” Alex chuckled. Right after she finished her sentence, she moved her head to the left and right to crack her neck a bit.

‘Crcck. Crrkk.’ 

“Aah,” she let out a soft sigh and she rolled her shoulders a few times before the sound of cracking continued more and got just a little bit louder. The cracking sounds were coming from the tigress’s back. 

‘Crrrrccck ccrrrrrrrk.’ 

A pair of black wings slowly emerged from the striped feline’s back, growing out to an impressive size. They weren’t feathered wings, just plain black skin, like a bat. After her wings emerged, the same cracking noise came from her head along with a soft fleshy sound as two sets of curled horns grew out from her head in a matter of seconds. Had it not been for the sounds, Owen’s eyes wouldn’t have peeled away from the tigress’s chest. He stared in horror as the wings and horns grew out of the tigress that was previously a shy girl dressed up as her favorite Marvel character. His mouth fell agape and he felt up the wall behind him even more frantically. His heart thumped in his chest, and he could feel it as if that organ of his was trying to escape from the room with the demoness tiger, too. Once her transformation was complete, the tigress brought a hand to cup the cat boy’s cheek and tilted his chin up slightly to get a better look at his face. While she was staring at his face, her nose wiggled and danced as she took in more whiffs of his scent. Once she was done, she let out a hugely satisfied sigh and put her hands on his shoulders again, making sure to be very gentle. Her glove-covered claws gently pressed into him, and she smiled even wider. “I can smell the desire, Owen Miller.” 

Owen would have been tempted to ask how the tigress knew his full name, but that question was the last thing on his mind at the moment. He was more curious about the horns and the wings that grew out of her. “A-Are you a demon?” he asked, his heart still thumping extremely loud in his chest. 

The tigress chuckled softly and rubbed her hands over his broad shoulders before she nodded. “Something like that… I’ve been called a demon, monster, witch, you name it… You can call me anything you’d like though, I’ll give you that privilege.” 

“Wh-what do you want from me?” Owen asked through grit teeth. The hands on his shoulders that were rubbing him rather sensually, combined with the sight of the tigress naked were getting him excited in all the right places, this seemed like the wrong time to get aroused, however. 

“I want exactly the thing you do, Owen,” Alex purred her words again, sending a shiver down Owen’s spine as she did so. “Didn’t Charlie say I was just your type? Let’s have a little fun… I can make you feel good…” Those red glowing eyes were piercing. The interior designer cat felt like they were able to peer straight into the core of his soul. Which they were probably able to do. 

“I-I don’t want anything… I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He muttered. 

“Mhmm, and I am, you saved me, let me show you a little bit of appreciation… Hm?” The tigress tapped her fingers on the cat boy’s shoulders. Each time she tapped her fingers against him, a small bit of that red mist he saw earlier when she did her outfit change appeared, the more she moved her fingers, the more of that red appeared. She maintained eye contact with him throughout, smiling surprisingly cutely despite looking the way she did. “What do you say? I drop to my knees, and give you some nice head right here while your friends are busy being chased around? You’ll get to see how these fangs work during oral, just like you wanted…” Right after she told him what his other friends were up to, loud thumpy footsteps came from above them, followed by screams and fearful laughs. 

Owen looked up at the ceiling when he heard the sound of his friends being chased around by the various scary murderous characters in the haunted house. Then he brought his eyes back down to the succubus in front of him with that tempting offer. His heart continued to beat like a drum as he thought about it for a moment. He then realized what she said about her fangs wasn’t something he told her and it was something he thought to himself earlier in the night. He gulped again and hesitantly nodded his head. 

The nod was all the succubus needed to see to continue with her little antics. Had he not nodded, she probably would have moved ahead with it regardless, but a willing participant was always just that much more fun. Especially when they gave in to the pleasure, which Alex was hoping Owen would do. 

“Good, now don’t panic, the red stuff coming from my hands is just my magic, it’s not going to hurt you unless you want it to.” The winged tigress winked before she slowly got down on her knees. Her hands trailed down from his shoulders, over his chest, and left a streak of her red magic following her like ribbons. Once she was on her knees, Alex was quick to get to work and pressed her nose into the crotch area of Owen’s ripped pants. She was pleasantly surprised by the smell and the firmness she was met with, which meant that the Frankenfeline boy was a lot more eager than he let on. Naughty. Alex brought her hands to undo the button on his pants and quickly pulled them down to reveal his semi-erect cock right there for her to toy with. She let it brush against her nose as she took in breaths and she let it press up against her lips, teeth, and tongue before she slipped it a good ole’ lick along the shaft. 

Owen watched as the tiger dropped down onto her knees and got to work. He was a little bit distracted by the colorful “magic” that was coming from her hands, but once she started to lick and kiss his cock, his eyes were staring directly down at her. That rough feline tongue rolling against his sensitive skin made his dick throb and harden more. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Scared, aroused, and unsure what to do, he tried to keep his breathing under control for now. 

The taste of Owen’s cock danced around on Alex’s tongue after she gave it the first lick. She smacked her lips, before she went in for another, dragging her tongue from the base of his shaft all the way up to the tip for maximum pleasure. She also reached her right hand up to brush her fingers over the cat boy’s exposed nipple and the red mist of magic that intertwined with her hands gave his face a gentle flick that caused him to close one eye. 

“Ngh?!” The red magic that flicked against his face felt like a warm hand embracing and touching him. It was surreal. Another branch of the mist caressed his chin, while two others went to his cock to gently curl around it and knead it to get it even harder. And he did get harder, with every heartbeat more blood was pumped to his third leg, causing it to throb and twitch as it increased in length and girth right in front of the hungry tiger. 

“Mrrrr… You’re a tasty mortal…” the tigress murmured in between licks, making sure she got her spit all over that dick. As she licked his cock up and down, a small bead of precum formed at his tip. Once she caught a whiff of it, the tigress made sure to move her tongue all the way up to the tip to lap all of it up. Sweet, salty, masculine, and plenty musky. It was just the kind of essence she was looking for to sate her appetite. 

She then realized that Owen’s dick that she had been licking was one of those uncut ones. Her eyes widened and she seemed to get a little bit excited. Although not one to break the whole “evil demoness” thing, all she did was tilt her head up to look at him, and bring her hand down from his pec to grip onto his now fully erect shaft. Her fingers curled around his meat gently and she made a noise to make sure she had his attention. 


Owen was already looking down at her, but the extra noise made him look at her more intently. As the red mist of magic that caressed his face moved down to caress his cock and its sensitive tip instead, he struggled to keep his moaning under wraps. 


“It’s not often I see a cock as nice as yours, Owen… Big, long, and uncut…” she cooed and let her tongue slip from her lips once she was done with her sentence. Her loose flavor muscle lathered over his covered tip and swirled around it slow and sensually. It even dug itself in between his foreskin and tip to swirl around directly against his sensitive spearhead. He tasted even better under the wrapper, the happy kitty cat noises from the succubus made that apparent. After she was satisfied, she pulled her tongue away and brought her lips right to the edge of his foreskin. She then parted those lips a little bit to allow that part of his foreskin to fit right in between her teeth. She bit down ever so slightly to get a grip on it and tilted his dick off to the side to allow herself some room to move her head down and peel his foreskin back with her teeth. Slowly, his foreskin rolled back like roman blinds and his exposed cockhead crashed and rubbed into the fur of her muzzle. 

“Hhhnnn fuck…” Owen let out a soft moan as the creature from below stuck her tongue in between his cockhead and his foreskin. When she swirled her tongue around to get every bit of his tip covered in her warm saliva he let out a heavy pant but managed to keep his eyes open and looking at her to see what she wanted him to see. He was in for a treat. 

He couldn’t keep his moan under wrap when he saw her tug his foreskin down with just her teeth. “Aaah…” The way his sensitive tip rubbed against her soft fur didn’t help much either. It added an extra layer of pleasure that almost made his knees wobble, if not for the wall he was leaned up against for support. “A-Alex…. Oh my god…” 

“God isn’t here, Owen… I think you know that… He-he…” Alex said with a teasing smile before she bit down on that foreskin. Her red magic rubbed against his sensitive tip to even out the slight pain that came with her biting a little harder than before. The amount of pleasure he was feeling was enough to balance out the little naughty bite from the succubus, but what came next was even better. The tigress let go of his foreskin and pulled her head back slightly to line her lips up with the tip of his eagerly throbbing cock. She pressed her lips up against it and gave it a kiss. 


Then she parted her lips and let the dick slip inside her warm and wet mouth. His dick slid right by her fangs, nestling right in the middle with them acting as guardrails to prevent them from slipping out the side of her mouth. The warmth of her mouth engulfed his tip immediately, and the cat boy found himself leaning his head back as the tigress leaned her head forward to take more and more of his mighty meat inside her mouth. Her lips sealed around his cock tight like a vacuum. Her eyes remained locked to his as she slowly slid her head down his cock until her nose pressed up against his pelvis. His dick curved down and his tip lunged into her even tighter throat that squeezed tight with each breath she took. She could feel poor Owen’s heartbeat through his dick. She let out a snort that he could feel blow through his short fur before she pulled her head back and pulled his cock out from her mouth, it was completely covered in her saliva and had a sheen. She didn’t allow him any time to catch his breath and started to bob her head up and down his cock right away, one hand holding onto the hem of his pants that were somehow still up while her other hand made its way down in between her own legs to give her own special spot some needed attention. Her lips were already glistening with her juices, she had been eyeing the cat boy for a while after all. His scent and how much of a “good guy” he was, was able to do a lot to a succubus. Not only that, but he was full of desires of such a nature, perfect for a succubus like her to feed off of. She hoped she wouldn’t overwhelm him though, a victim you could use more than once is always better. 

With her pussy lips sopping wet, the demoness used her fingers to rub up and down her labia to smear her natural juices more evenly. Once it was evenly distributed, she slowly started to insert her middle finger inside her canal. Her gloves served as a layer of protection against her own long and sharp claws. As she rubbed one out down below and got her juices on all her fingers, she continued to bob her head up and down that cat boy dick. She wasn’t quite in it for her own sexual pleasure, that was just a bonus. She wanted his cum, his essence, and his drive. She wanted him to give in to his desires and let that carnal part of him take over. As she pulled her head back and forth and pumped that dick in and out of her throat, she continued to look up at him to see his facial expression. It slowly morphed from a rather still expression into one where it was clear he was holding back but was beginning to struggle to do so. 

Alex quickly brought both of her hands up and waved them around in some odd gesture quickly. This confused Owen, but after a second or two, he felt something gripping his wrists and guiding his right hand up to the top of the tigress demon’s head. His hands were shaky at first, but once he wrapped his fingers around the horns on top of her head, the force that was strongarming his hand faded away and he was in control of his hand again. 

“Ah…” he moaned. 

Once Owen’s hand was wrapped around one of her horns, Alex stopped bobbing her head, but left the tip of his dick in her mouth. She then gave him the look that told him she wanted him to just give in to his desire to fuck her throat and swab it like he was a doctor checking for coronavirus. It was hard for Owen to say no, so he didn’t. He liked it when he got his dick wet and what were the chances of having such an encounter with a succubus again? He tightened his grip around Alex’s horn and pulled her down onto his cock hard. So hard that her chin slapped against his balls that were peeking out from his pants. 


“Ah…” he moaned as he kept the tigress’s mouth hilted down on his cock. After a few seconds of bulging out her throat, he pulled her head back and began a rhythm. 





He pumped his cock in and out of her mouth, slowly at first, but then as the pleasure built up inside of him from the soft textures that her mouth and throat provided, he went faster, and the sounds of his cock bulging out her throat and his balls slapping against her chin only got louder. 




As he increased his pace, Alex increased her own with her fingers too, rubbing, pushing them in and out, and using more fingers. 

‘Plap, plap, plap, plap.’

01:05 AM

Owen found himself slamming his hips into Alex’s face instead of pulling her head back and forth on his cock, which resulted in him going a lot deeper and faster. Saliva and precum splattered from Alex’s mouth all over her chin and the already disgusting floor under them.

“Fuck… I’m going to cum….” Owen said in a soft huff as he continued to thrust his hips at what could only be described as rabbit-like speed and velocity. Alex could feel his dick throbbing more frequently in her throat and was able to tell that he was just about to burst. This was it, she was going to get her payoff, his essence, energy for her to do her demonic things for another year. His cock pumped in and out of her mouth a few more times before he gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes shut. He held Alex’s head down on his dick as it pulsed and throbbed violently inside her. 




Then she felt it, a warm liquid sensation that shot against the back of her throat. 







The cat boy’s white and creamy seed sprayed down her throat and made a direct deposit into her. After the first few spurts, Owen’s grip on her horn loosened and allowed her to pull his dick out from her throat and keep it in her mouth instead. 




His cum painted her tongue, the inside of her cheeks, and her teeth. His taste made her smile with a mouthful of dick. After his ropes of cum weakened, she pulled his dick out from her mouth with a loud wet ‘plop’ and let it rest against her nose while the remaining cum oozed out of his tip slowly. 


Cum began to run from his cock onto her nose. Alex had slipped her tongue out from her mouth to lick his dick up and down, she was not going to let any drop go to waste. She brought her hands up to hold the base of his cock steady as she lapped up the mess she helped make like a good little spawn of Satan. Her tongue scooped up the cum and her own saliva from his shaft, his tip, the bump where the tip meets the head, and even from her very own face. Once she was done, and Owen’s dick was spotless, she pulled away from him and stood up. 

“Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” The tigress smiled at the cat boy, whose pants finally decided to slip down to his ankles. His cock was still plenty hard and throbbing, and he was panting as he caught his breath. 

“Haaahhhhnnhhh… Oh my god…. I came so much….” Owen slowly started to slide his back down the wall until he was sitting down on the floor a panting and heaving mess. 

After licking her muzzle clean from his cum and swallowing every last drop she had left on her tongue, Alex looked over at the exhausted Owen and chuckled. “First time with a succubus, huh?” she walked over to him and crouched down in front of him. Her eyes were a lot redder than before, and the magic around her hands had a larger spread area that ran up and down her arms. She reached forward to pull his pants up for him to keep him a little bit modest. 

“Am I… Dying?” he asked her as she buttoned up his pants.

The demoness let out a laugh. “No, you aren’t. But you’re going to wake up just a little bit thirsty… Just be sure to drink water and you’ll be fine,” she smiled at him. 

Owen found it hard to keep his eyes open once he was able to catch his breath. And as he watched the tigress with horns and wings button up his pants, his eyelids became heavy and everything went black. 

“Goodnight, Owen Miller.” 

02:00 AM

Owen woke up on the cold floor of a dimly lit room, when he came to, the lights weren’t as bright anymore, and Alex was nowhere to be seen. His pants were on properly and he still had his phone, so he wasn’t robbed. He coughed as he pushed himself up onto his feet and looked around just to see if Alex was still there with him. He rubbed the back of his head a little before he walked over to the stairs to step out of the basement and find out where Charlie was. 

He stumbled out of the back door of the haunted house, still rubbing the back of his head and clearing his throat here and there. As he stumbled around to the front of the house again, he was spotted by his mouse friend who came stomping his way over to him. 

“THERE YOU ARE! Where the hell have you been Owen? I thought you fucking died in there or something!” Charlie shouted at him and pointed his finger at him angrily. 

Owen blinked a few times before he saw that it was Charlie in front of him. “I think I fell asleep inside…” 

“ASLEEP? IN A HAUNTED HOUSE? Were you not chased by that chainsaw dude?” 

“Yeah, I was… But then, he went to chase you guys?” Owen scratched the back of his head some more. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you. Where is everyone else?”

“They all went back to the party already; I’ve been waiting for you for almost an hour!” the mouse pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. 

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, thanks for waiting for me… Let’s go back to the party… I’m really thirsty…” Owen cleared his throat again, this time his cough was very audibly dry. He was about to start walking when he realized something. “Wait, where’s Alex?” 

Charlie furrowed his brow at him and gave him a funny look. “Alex? Who’s Alex? Jesus Christ, how drunk are you?” 

Owen raised his brows and had a surprised look on his face for a few seconds before he shook his head to shake it off. “Nevermind, haha, yeah… Shit, I can’t believe I fell asleep in a haunted house. Let’s go back to the party, c’mon…” They started walking back to the house party that they were at earlier in the night. As he started walking, he felt something pressing against him from his back pocket. He reached back there, grabbed it, and brought it to his face to look at it. 

A red Scarlet Witch headpiece. 

“Scarlet Witch, clever...” Owen muttered to himself and began to smile just from looking at it. 

“The hell is that thing? Why are you smiling like that?” asked Charlie. 

“Nothing,” Owen replied. 

“You’re definitely on drugs or something tonight. Thanks for sharing it with me, dumbass.”


Art by Nelly63 

Owen Miller by Nelly63 



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