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Teenage angst was something almost every teen went through. You felt unwanted, that somehow you didn’t belong. Unless you were a goody-two-shoes at all times, there was a time you felt the urge to rebel against the system. Whether that was the education system, SoCieTY, or your parents’ enforcement of bedtime, there’s a bit of rebellious spirit in all of us.


“I’ll wear whatever the hell I want!!” shouted the tigress as she closed the door to her bedroom shut and let out a frustrated sigh. Alex was just about to leave the house to go to a party that one of her best friends was hosting when she ran into her mother at the foot of the stairs. She was met with crossed arms, very judgmental eyes, and a very quick, “Nope, you are not wearing that, Alex,” as she was shooed back up to her room for an outfit change. The dark-colored crop top, pair of short shorts, and fishnet stockings were “too revealing” and would “get her in trouble”, whatever the hell that meant. It was also entirely possible that her mother just took issue with her spiked choker and the belt buckle with an upside-down cross on it and was just using the revealing nature of her outfit as a scapegoat.  There was a bit of back and forth shouting after that, which led to the tigress locking herself in her room and throwing herself onto the bed. She screamed into her pillow out of frustration for a few seconds before she rolled over onto her back and pulled her phone up to find a solution. Immediately after she unlocked her phone with her face, there was an unread message in her notifications.

It was from a guy named Zach that she fancied, who was also supposed to be at the party. Her revealing attire may or may not have been at the request of this boy.

Zach: ‘Hey, Alex, I’m on my way to the party, you on your way yet?’

A slight smile spread across Alex’s face after she read the text and for a moment, she forgot that she was annoyed with her mother being so strict with her. But when she finished reading it and remembered that she wasn’t going to be able to go to the party dressed the way that would turn on her fellow striped friend, she frowned as she let her thumbs tap against the glass of her phone screen. She sent her reply after a few seconds.

Alex: ‘Not yet, still at home. Mom saw what I was wearing and got all upset at me. :c’

It took a few seconds before the message she sent went from ‘Delivered’ to ‘Read’ and then the three dots that signaled that the zebra boy was typing up a reply popped up. Her phone made a cute little noise when his message was delivered.


Zach: ‘Damn, is she not okay with you wearing those fishnets? Why tho? You look really hot in them.’

Alex began to smile again. She was practically head-over-heels for this guy. And while they weren’t officially a couple, Alex was very hopeful. A compromising position for the girl to be in, for sure, but so far, Zach seemed interested, too. She quickly typed back her response, her tail flickering left and right as she did so.

Alex: ‘Yeah, that’s exactly the issue, she doesn’t like that it shows so much leg. LOL. So I gotta change out of this or I can’t go at all… ☹’

Zach read the text and the three dots popped up on Alex’s screen almost immediately. But the message he sent as a reply was just filler as he thought of a solution.

Zach: ‘Hmm…’

Alex: ‘I could try and put something on over them and get out of the house like that.’

Her message was left on read for a few minutes, which led to Alex getting up from her bed and walking over to her closet to see what she could wear to hide the skimpy outfit until she was out of the house and out of her mom’s line of sight. As she went through her wardrobe with her phone still in her hand, she felt it vibrate and heard the ding that came when Zach finally texted her back.


Alex pulled her phone up and glanced at it to unlock it.

Zach: ‘I have an idea… Risky, but I think it might be good fun. 👀’

Alex: ‘What is it?’

The three dots came up again and Alex stared at them intently. The smile on her face was notw permanent. His eagerness to go to the party with her made her feel a lot of good things in all the right places. It seemed to be taking Zach a little longer to type up his reply for some reason, but Alex remained patient and stared at her phone with those big green feline eyes.

‘Fwoop!’ her phone made the sound that told her he had responded again.

Zach: ‘I’m in the car with Byrce right now, he’s driving us to the party. We can go pick you up and you can sneak out through your window, the same way I sneak into your room. You up for that? Think it would work?’

Alex: ‘🤔 I think that could work! Do you remember where I told you to park last time you came over?

Zach: ‘Of course I remember. So, what do you think? Wanna do that?’

The tigress looked at herself in the mirror that was on the wall beside her closet for a few seconds, brushed a few fingers through the purple highlights on the ends of her short hair, and toyed with her septum ring before she looked down at her phone and started typing again.

Alex: ‘Yes, let's do that. Let me know when you’re here and I’ll sneak out.’

She purred as she sent her message and hugged her phone to her chest for a few seconds as she felt butterflies in her stomach. This time though, Zach responded within a second, which was ridiculously fast. She pulled her phone from her little hug and looked at it again.

Zach: ‘I’m here. Turn around.’

Before the striped feline even finished reading the new text, she heard the familiar sound of someone tapping on the glass of her bedroom window. She turned around to look at her window and spotted the black and white striped equine she had been texting with. She quickly made her way to the window and slid it open to let the sneaky boy inside.

Zach hopped into her room from the roof and smiled at her. “Ta-da.” He opened his arms up to present himself as if he had just performed a magic trick.

“How did you get here so fast?” Alex raised her brow at the zebra as she eyed him up and down.

“I was already planning to come to pick you up anyway,” the striped equine chuckled, his own eyes scanning the tigress up and down as well. When he looked down at the tigress’s legs in those fishnet stockings, he bit his lip and let out a very aroused noise. “Unf. Look at those legs…” His needy hands went in and grabbed Alex by the waist to pull her in against him. He then leaned his head down to kiss her right on the lips.

“Mnnff…” Alex let out a soft moan and leaned into the kiss. She parted her lips slightly and stuck out some tongue to taste her favorite zebra boy just a little. After a few seconds of sucking on each other’s faces, Alex stared into her boyfriend but not quite boyfriend’s eyes.

“Is that… Are you hard just from seeing me in stockings?” She looked down in between them and spotted his growing bulge that pressed up against her. Being a zebra, Zach’s package was BIG. It would have been impossible for her not to feel it saying hello.

Zach let go of his bit lip and smiled. “Yup. I wasn’t kidding when I said I liked seeing you in them…”

Alex grinned and groped his bulge with one hand, while the other came to her chin to tap it. “Would you like to… Have a quickie here? Or should we fuck in Eleonora’s bedroom at her party?”

“Ooooh… Let’s do it at the party… Bryce is still waiting in the car. Plus, I like the idea of fucking you in her bedroom…” Zach grinned.

Alex rolled her eyes and shook her head before she pulled away from him and headed over to her open window. “Of course you do, you LOVE the thrill of getting caught. C’mon, let’s go, I need a drink and I don’t want to get there when all the beer is room temperature.” Alex climbed out of her window and once Zach did the same, she closed it shut. Then they climbed down to street-level and dashed off to Bryce’s car and drove off towards the party. On the drive there, they headbanged to this new Nirvana song that had just come out, “Smells like Teen Spirit”, and of course, Alex and Zach couldn’t keep their lips off one another.


Art by Reaper3D

This piece is the result of this pinup vote!! If you would like to suggest ideas to be done, and/or vote for them, please consider joining my $5+ tiers! ($10+ enables suggesting ideas)



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