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As relaxing as painting could be, dragging a wet paintbrush over an empty canvas and making the first stroke was stressful, as one tiny mistake could change the outcome of the painting entirely. The tigress took in a deep breath as she dipped her clean paintbrush into the small spot of brown paint on her palette and brought the brush over the sheet of white on her easel.  

‘Fwwwwp’ the tigress made the first stroke slowly and carefully, and when she lifted her brush off the canvas, she let out a soft sigh of relief before she put the brush back down to continue her work. After a few more strokes of brown, the tigress dipped her brush in for a refill and peeked around her canvas to look at the bookshelf that was against the wall on the other side of the room.

“Hey Google,” she called out towards the shelf. A roundish speaker-looking device then lit up to let the tigress know that it was actively listening. It took the tigress a few seconds before she continued with her request for the smart voice assistant. “Play…. Balls to the Wall by Accept….”

“Sure, playing ‘Balls to the Wall by Accept on Spotify,” replied the smart home assistant before the sound of electric guitar strums filled the room. The tigress then began jamming out to the song and even singing the lyrics when the chorus started. The paintbrush in her hand that showed hesitancy was no more and she was making strokes long and short all over the canvas.

“You’ve got your balls to the wall… Duh-nuh-nananana… Balls to the wall!” the tigress sang and rocked her head to the song that she had fallen in love with when she played Guitar Hero way back when. The palette of paint she had in her hand reminded her of the game a little as well, they looked like the colored buttons she’d have to press as the guitar sequences in the song got increasingly more intense until getting incredibly so during the solo. Dancing around and singing in just her loosely-fitting white tee, the tigress’s paintbrush made strokes on more than just the canvas. She was slightly distracted by the guitar solo, because once it was over, she looked down at her shirt and realized she had gotten some of her paint on it. She was still singing along though, all the way until the last second. “Balls to the wall!”

Once the room was quiet again, she put her paintbrush and palette down to assess the damage she had done to her top. “Crap,” she grumbled. She had gotten a giant glob of purple paint right in the center of her chest. “I knew it was dumb to wear white…” she sounded incredibly annoyed with herself but shrugged her shoulders. “Good thing it’s not one of my sweaters,” she chuckled and was just about to pick her tools back up when she had an idea. She turned left and right to look around the room and at the doorway that led out to the hallway, and when she was positive there wasn’t anyone else around, she grabbed the hem of her soiled top and peeled it off. She scrunched the piece of cloth up into a ball and threw it to the side. Her perky breasts bounced free and she let out a nice little sigh before she went straight back to those tools of hers again.  She bent down to pick up the palette and paintbrush off the floor, showing off her butt for no one to look at, or at least that was what she thought! In the hallway behind her, a pair of eyes watched in silence as she resumed stroking her brush.


A few minutes earlier. 

There were very few things that were better than a good slumber; a good Philly Cheese Steak and pussy were the only two things he could really think of ranking higher than a good sleep. To say he wasn’t a fan of being woken up unceremoniously would be an understatement and there was nothing worse than a groggy and grumpy boyfriend that was angry that you woke him up early on a day off.  

“You’ve got your balls to the wall… Duh-nuh-nananana…”

He rolled around in the bed and did his best to use the pillows, covers, and blanket to mute out the sound of his girlfriend singing her heart out coming from down the hall.  

“Balls to the waaaaaaaaaall!”

But there was no muting the lovely voice of the tigress with just bedding. He flung his arms, kicked the blanket off, and opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. He loved his tigress girlfriend, but it was a little harder to do so now that she was making noise at such early hours of the morning. He glanced over at the clock on the nightstand and grumbled even more; it was 7:15 AM. What had gotten into his girlfriend?

“You’ve got your balls to the wall… Duh-nuh-nananana…”

He let out an annoyed sigh before he rolled out of bed and onto his feet. All he had on was the loose shirt that he enjoyed sleeping in, he free-balled the rest. He dragged his feet to the door, pulled it open, and dragged his feet through the hallway toward the sound of his girlfriend singing her oddly sexual-sounding melody. He rubbed his face and eyes with his hands as he followed the sound of the 80s song, his cock and balls flopping left and right with each step he took, slowly getting hard as it realized it was morning, too. It didn’t take him long to arrive at the open door of the tigress’s painting studio. He stopped suddenly and stood there watching her as she peeled her shirt off. His eyes widened and he stared at her as the white fabric glided over her fur as if she was pulling a sheet off a new art installation at a museum. He bit his lips at the sight of her perfect plush breasts and in a matter of seconds his morning wood had gone into full effect. Then, as if his dick wasn’t hard enough already, the tigress bent over to pick something up off the floor and brought her whole ass and pussy into view. He had to quickly take a step back so that his dick wouldn’t smack into the doorframe as it throbbed and alert her of his presence, but he didn’t step back far enough, and his dick slapped against the wooden doorframe with a considerably audible smack.


Alex’s ears flickered to the loud noise and she jumped. “Aaah!” She hugged her paint palette against her chest and nearly threw her paintbrush across the room. The paint on her dish smeared into her chest and some splashed down onto her stomach. She quickly turned to look at the doorway where she heard the sound from and looked to see who or what it was. The fur on her shoulders, back, and tail frizzed up to make her look bigger and more intimidating. When she saw who it was, she rolled her eyes and pulled the paint palette from her chest.

“You scared the shit out of me!” she grumpily grumbled at her boyfriend.

“Haha, sorry about that, but you woke me up with your singing there…” the tigress’s boyfriend shrugged his shoulders and began to walk into the painting room. He approached his girlfriend with a smile spread across his face and his dick pointed straight out like an arrow. Alex watched him as he walked in and came closer to her, her eyes were locked to his at first, but after he came out from behind one of the couches in the room, her eyes fell to what stuck out like a… Well… Dick.

“Clearly…” the tigress went wide-eyed for a moment as she stared at her boyfriend’s cock, but after a few seconds, she brought her gaze back to meet with his. “I’m sorry I woke you up! I thought you were at work already. I forgot that it was your day off, too.” She smiled up at him as he approached her. Her boyfriend was a fair bit taller than she was, so oftentimes she would have to tilt her head up slightly to talk to him properly. “What did you drop to make that noise?” the tigress turned back to her canvas to continue adding a few more touches to her painting.

“That was my dick.”  Her boyfriend replied. "You bent over and my dick throbbed a little.”

Alex let out a snort and laughed. “You made me get paint all over myself, luckily I’m almost done with my painting.” She pulled her paintbrush away from the canvas and gestured her hand with the paint dish toward her work; which consisted of red flowers in a pot, some fruit in front of it, and a massive brown horsecock with a ribbon tied around it right to the side. She wiped her forehead with the hand she held her brush in and let out a soft sigh as she looked at her man for some feedback. “What do you think?”

Her boyfriend looked at her painting and then down at his own manhood before he shook his head. “You should have painted mine, it’s much bigger…” he teased.

“Oh, ha-ha, very funny.” She rolled her eyes. “Is that just your way of asking me to help with your morning wood? Because if it is, it’s kind of lame.”

“But are you going to paint my dick with your mouth?”

“Yes, but that was a lame way to ask me to,” Alex grumbled before she knelt down on the floor and put her paintbrush and dish down again.

“Can’t be that lame if it works, babe,” he winked at her and brought his dick to place right across her cute face.  


Art by Reaper3D

This piece is the result of this pinup vote!! If you would like to suggest ideas to be done, and/or vote for them, please consider joining my $5+ tiers! ($10+ enables suggesting ideas)



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