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The smell of roasted coffee and freshly baked goods was in the air at Les Beans, the local café run by a red panda and her striped kitty cat girlfriend. It was the early hours of the morning and those two were just setting things up before opening their doors up to the morning commuters who frequented the establishment. The tigress was setting up the tables and chairs while the red panda brought out the sandwiches and cakes to put them in the display fridge at the counter. After all the tables were set up and clean, the tigress moved to the fridge to help her girlfriend put out the sandwiches so they could speed things up a little. 

“I got this, Alex.” Said the red panda, as she grabbed sandwich after sandwich and lined them up in the glass fridge. 

“Mhmm, I know, but I want to help!” the tigress chirped happily as she grabbed cake after cake and did the same at the opposite end of the chilled glass display. With two sets of hands at work, it didn’t take very long for the display case to be stocked up and ready for the customers that were going to be pouring in that day. The tigress and her red panda girlfriend stood up and wiped their foreheads in synchronization. 

“Phew!” Lauré let out a sigh and wiped her forehead to free it of the sweat that had built up from all the setup and preparations they had been doing since the crack of dawn. The red panda then rubbed her forearms into her apron to get rid of the sweat there. Alex on the other hand didn’t have too much sweat build-up anywhere; she was used to working in a food-service environment and prepping to open up shop, it was something she did a lot back in her waitressing days. One would think that since the red panda had a background in fixing up cars, that she’d find such a job easy! 

“Tired already?” Alex smiled at her girlfriend when she saw her wipe her sweat. “I told you this is a lot more intensive than your mechanic gig,” she cooed and stuck her tongue out at the ailurid. 

“It’s not the labor, Alex…” the ringtail shook her head. “It’s the hours… I have such a newfound respect for your old job where you had to wake up even earlier to get to that diner on time…” She smiled and turned to look at the clock on the wall behind them. The short clock hand pointed at 4, while the longer one pointed at 6. It was still incredibly early. 

The red panda put her hands at her hips as she stared at the clock, it was either her thinking whether they should open early or she was trying to read that analog clock. The furrowing of her brow made it clear that it was the latter. Alex couldn’t help but notice and chuckle. 

“It’s 4:30 AM…” the tigress chimed in. 

“4:30 AM! I knew that!” Lauré shouted and nodded her head. “I don’t know why you insisted on an analog clock instead of a digital one, those are so much easier.” She grumbled a bit and rolled her eyes as she turned to face her girlfriend. “Can we please get a digital clock on the wall? What if some of the customers can’t tell the time?” a genuine look of concern spread across the tigress’s girlfriend as she said this, but Alex narrowed her eyes at her suspiciously. “Did they not teach you how to read analog clocks in France?” the tiger let out a bit of a mocking laugh and waggled her eyebrows at her partner. 

The red panda’s expression shifted to one of annoyance and her eyelids fell slightly to narrow her eyes as well. “We don’t live in the stone age in France, Alex… I hear you rode elephants to school in Taiwan, though, is that true?” she waggled her eyebrows right back at the tiger and nudged her with her shoulder. 

The look on Alex’s face was that of pure annoyance, her eyes wide, brows furrowed angrily, and her lips all scrunched up and sideways. She huffed and puffed before she came back with a response. “I’ll show you what I like to ride…” her annoyed expression faded away quickly and she gave her girlfriend a nice little wink at the end. “I know you know I’m not from Taiwan…” Alex continued, shaking her head and chuckling. “I love you so much, honey, but that was very racist and you are going to get canceled one day…” 

Lauré chuckled a bit, too. “But seeing how much it bothers you when people mistake Thailand for Taiwan never gets old, I can risk getting canceled for that. Besides, I’m gay, I think all of that is a little less likely,” she said with a wink. 

“Oh you poor, poor naïve girl,” Alex said as she shook her head.

“My family is quite affluent, Alex, you know this.” The red panda teased. Alex never knew whether her girlfriend was joking or if she misunderstood the things she said, because every time she said something like this, it came off as cool and clever. She wanted to roll her eyes at her, but when she made eye contact with her, she couldn’t look away. God, did she love this woman. Everything about her was just perfect; her fiery red hair, her beautiful green eyes that outshined even Alex’s own, that big brown nose of hers, and her precious smile. Alex couldn’t look away from her, and while she was bisexual, she couldn’t feel any gayer than she did right at that moment. She ended up staring at her girlfriend without even knowing it, she was just a bit lost. 

Lauré found Alex’s staring a bit odd and after a few seconds, she waved her hand in front of her face to try and snap her out of it. “Helloooo? Anyone in there?” she said jokingly. The ailurid’s big, thick, and fluffy tail swished around behind her as she waved her hand in front of her girlfriend’s face a few more times. The tiger blinked and shook her head before she raised her brows at Lauré. “What?” she asked. 

The red panda didn’t immediately answer, but instead, she turned her head over her shoulder to look at the clock again. This time, the longer hand had moved just a little bit away from the six. She read the clock in her head before she turned her head back to look at the tigress. “Tell me more about this ‘riding’. As an uncultured French woman, I am very curious to know what that entails.” 

Alex looked at her, slightly confused at first as she forgot what she had said earlier about riding. When it clicked in her head, she went wide-eyed for a moment before she regained her composure and put on the smuggest most confident look that she could, in an attempt to impress her girl just a little bit. She tilted her head to the side slightly to whip her ponytail around, bit her lip, and took a step toward her girlfriend. “Well, like I said, I can show you instead… Explaining it wouldn’t really do much. I think a more hands-on approach would work better.” The big cat’s green eyes locked to those of her girlfriend as she spoke, only darting away to the clock on the wall to check the time for herself, too. 4:34 AM; there was still plenty of time before they had to open up shop, maybe they could fool around a little until then. The striped feline took a few more steps to close the gap in between her and her girlfriend, only stopping once her face was close enough to feel the red cat bear’s breath against her face. Alex brought her face close to Lauré’s and let her nose graze along the red stripe that ran down from the red panda’s eyes and over her cheeks. Up and down, she dragged her pink twitchy nose along her girlfriend’s cheek and took in her scent. “What do you say, hm? Would you like your Taiwanese girlfriend to give you riding lessons?” 

Lauré watched as Alex took her steps and closed in on her. For a moment it felt like her fight or flight instincts were about to kick in, but then she realized that the look in the big fanged tiger’s eyes was a different type of hunger, one that she would happily partake in. Plus, it was her girlfriend, so there was really no reason to run away from that sweet striped beauty. She’d probably still look pretty cute covered in blood and carrying a knife, to her at least. She took a few steps back as Alex took steps closer to her, but she could only go so far before she bumped up against the counter behind her. She let out a gulp as she gently bumped into the counter and let her girlfriend rub her nose up and down her cheek. She found this rare dominant side of Alex so alluring, so seductive, and so fucking hot. Her big stripey tail continued to swish around behind her and sweep the floor below as she leaned against the counter and let her girlfriend sniff her. “I would really like that…” she replied in a murmur. “Will she also teach me some Thai? Maybe how to say ‘pussy’? I feel like that might come in handy for me.” She smiled. 

“Mhmm. I can teach you that and a few more words…” Alex grinned, Lauré could feel those lips forming that huge smile against her cheek and it made her giggle just a little bit. The tigress planted a soft smooch on her girlfriend’s cheek before she pulled away and just looked into her eyes again. “So, should we go to the bedroom?”

“So long as we’re in and out in an hour… We do need to start selling coffee soon.” The red panda murmured and smiled right back at her girlfriend. She brought a hand up to rub at her cheek right where she was smooched. 

“We better get started right now then,” Alex cooed, letting her eyes linger on her gorgeous female companion before she pressed her lips into the red panda’s to initiate the intense make-out session she could feel was just building up in both of them. Their lips connected, Alex’s big teeth gently pressed up against the ringtail’s cheeks, and her tongue slipped inside to playfully twist and flick all over her mouth. She tasted her and pressed her body up against her, causing the red panda to lose her balance slightly and knock over a few whisks and utensils that were on the counter she was leaning against.

‘Clink, clank, clonk’ 

“A-Alex, careful,” Lauré pulled away from the kiss just enough to be able to speak. Her cheeks were red and she was panting shakily as she did her best to stand up straight and look around at what she knocked over.  Just as she turned her head, she felt two hands cup at her cheeks and pull her right back. Alex took a few steps back and guided her red panda girlfriend to follow, then she turned the red panda away from the counter and pressed her lips into hers again. Their lips sealed together and they began to exchange tongue and saliva with both their eyes closed. Lauré slowly started walking back towards the door that led to the back room of the café, her lips parted and her tongue slipped from her mouth and explored Alex’s as she slowly and carefully backed up until they were through the doorway and in the backroom. 

“Take your apron off,” Alex broke their kiss for a few seconds and commanded through a steamy pant. 

With a string of their mixed saliva connecting their lips, Lauré just stared at Alex, but her hands didn’t stay by and do nothing. She brought her hands to the strings of her apron at her back and quickly undid the ribbon, pulling on one of the ends and letting her light brown apron open up and hang loosely on her with just the loop around her neck supporting it. It didn’t stay long, and with a swift move, she pulled it over her head and tossed it to the side like it was nothing. 

Alex did the same, although slower, and less eagerly. 


With their respective aprons off, their kissing continued as they backed up further and further into the back room of the café, losing a piece of clothing as they moved past the kitchen, two as they got to the storage room, leaving them both in just their underwear by the time they arrived at the stairs that would lead up to the living space they had above the café. “What if Jeremy comes in early and sees the clothes?” the red panda asked as they began their ascent up the wooden stairs. Her voice made it seem like she was genuinely concerned, but she wasn’t stopping in her tracks, so she couldn’t have been too worried about it. 

“You say that like you think he doesn’t know we’re together…” Alex said in between a couple of tours of her girlfriend’s mouth with her tongue. 

“I’m not sure he knows, he’s not the brightest…” Lauré continued. 

Alex let her tongue intertwine with Lauré’s a few more times before pulling away to answer her. “He knows, don’t worry. We can be a little bit shamelessly gay sometimes. Plus, we’re already halfway up the stairs…” she purred and dropped her hands down from her girl’s cheeks and used them to force her to move up the stairs just a little bit faster. “C’mon clock’s ticking.” 

Lauré moved back up the stairs faster and reached a hand out behind her to feel for the door that she knew was coming. When they arrived at the last few steps, she wasn’t willing to stop the kissing and just felt around blindly for the door handle. 

“Mhmm… I can’t… Find the handle…” she chuckled. Alex opened her eyes and glanced up at the door behind her girlfriend for a moment before she closed her eyes again and continued sucking on her face. “A little more to the right,” 

“Ah, got it…” Lauré mumbled as she gripped the handle, twisted it, and pushed it open as hard as she could. The door opened up to a rather spacious apartment area with wooden flooring, high ceilings, a kitchen, a small living area with a couch and a TV, and a big open space with a large bed right dead center. The place was surrounded by rather tall windows, too, which usually let in a lot of natural light in the day. The windows were flanked with large curtains and the bed was full of fluffy pillows that you can just tell you’d sink into just by looking at them.  It was their little resting area, just in case they were too spent to drive back home, which happened a lot more than you’d think!

The tigress moved her hands down to the red panda’s hips to help guide her as she stepped back into the loft. It was still dark outside, so it would have been hard for the red panda to see even if she wasn’t walking backward. But luckily for her, she had a tiger girlfriend who could see exceptionally well in dimly lit environments. After a few steps, Lauré lost her bra and her perfect and plump tits popped out like airbags. Alex didn’t want to feel overdressed, so she unhooked hers and it fell to the mercy of gravity just a second or two later. And as if it was an instinct, Alex brought her hands up to cup her girlfriend’s chest and give her boobs a nice and firm squeeze. 

“Aah... Alex, I’m going to trip over something if you keep distracting me.” 

“Don’t worry, the path to the bed is clear, just keep going…” 

The tigress squeezed her girlfriend’s tits eagerly as she continued to kiss and guide her towards the bed. She ran her thumbs over Lauré’s areola and gently grazed her claws over her nipples, getting the red panda to let out soft moans of pleasure that she tried to muffle through a bit lip. 

“Mnnrfff…” Lauré came to a stop when her legs bumped into the foot of the bed but their kissing and groping continued for a little bit longer. She had started to get a little bit moist down low from the dominant persona Alex was putting on and it was starting to fill the air thanks to the breathable material her black panties were made of. She knew it wasn’t going to go by unnoticed, not by her girlfriend who was very into scents and smells, never. And just like clockwork, she saw her girlfriend’s nose twitch and wiggle like it always did when she smelled arousal. 

‘Sniff sniff sniff.’ 

Alex sniffed the air and let out a happy sigh as she let the scent of the red panda’s pussy musk and arousal fill her lungs. She closed her eyes for a bit to savor it more, too. When she reopened them, her signature smug grin spread across her face. Lauré expected something snarky to come out from the tiger’s lips, but she didn’t say anything and just gave her breasts a few more squishes and squeezes. She dug her digits into her girlfriend’s softness for a couple more seconds before she stopped squishing and just pushed the red panda hard, causing her to fall backward onto the bed.

“Aaa!” Lauré let out a soft yelp as she landed on the soft mattress and pillows on the bed. She looked up at the tigress and let out a soft huff and watched her grin grow wider and wider and those green eyes get hungrier and fill with that carnal desire. The red panda squirmed and squealed like a happy schoolgirl, to say she was excited was an understatement. Her pussy got wetter and wetter the more she looked at her girlfriend and it was starting to become visible on the fabric of her panties with a small damp spot right in the center that started to grow and spread. 

Alex crawled onto the bed after her fallen girlfriend and slowly moved her way up over her legs, giving them small kisses as she went by; one on her ankle, one on her shin, and one on her juicy thigh. She stopped crawling once her head was right above her black panties with the black damp spot and looked up at Lauré before she licked her lips.

The Frenchie looked straight down at her crotch and the tiger that was hovering her face right above it and gulped again. A shy smile spread across her face and she spoke. “I thought you were going to show me how you ride?” 

Alex’s tongue rolled over her lips once more and she shifted her gaze to her girlfriend’s covered crotch. Her nose wiggled and danced as she took in more of her scent, now that she was closer, she could smell her even better; musky, sweaty, feminine, and umami. After a few moments of sniffing, she spoke. 


“I am. I’m just going to teach you a few Thai words, first, like you asked, remember?” 

The tigress brought her hands up to the waistband of those wet panties and hooked her claws in between the fur and elastic. “The Thai word for ‘pussy’ is ‘hee’.” She then started pulling her hands down and bringing her panties down with them. “You try and say it.” She cooed as her eyes darted up to look at her girlfriend. 

The fur on Lauré’s shoulder stood up as Alex’s claws brushed against her and hooked into the elastic of her panties, she chewed on her lip slightly as she half-listened to the tiger’s lesson. She was way too focused on watching her pull off her panties. When the tiger asked her to take a shot at pronouncing the word she had just taught her, she nodded. 

“Hee.” She said. 

“Good… That was perfect pronunciation.” Alex praised her as she pulled her panties down past her thighs, then down the rest of her legs, before pulling them free from the red panda entirely and pressing them into her nose once before tossing them aside. 

“Now, the next word I’m going to teach you is ‘tits’, which is ‘nhom’…” Alex continued her lesson. Her hands disappeared behind her for a moment and she wiggled around to get out of her own underwear. With her panties pulled down past her ankles, she kicked them off to the floor. “Repeat after me, ‘nhom’.”

“Na-hom…” the red panda repeated softly, slightly distracted by the pair of panties she saw flopping to the floor from the tigress’s feet.

With both their panties off, the tigress’s face was right in front of her red panda girlfriend’s pussy, which was glistening with her natural juices and fluids. “Try that again, please… It’s ‘nhom’.” Alex instructed and licked her lips before she lowered her face down closer and closer to those glistening lips that were oh so enticing. She held her breath for a few seconds so that Lauré wouldn’t feel her breath and know she was on her way down and gently let her nose, lips, and teeth press against her mound. 

Lauré, not paying attention to what was going on below, was very focused on getting her pronunciation correct. She let out a sigh and tried again, but just as she was about to, she felt something cold and warm press up against her pussy at the same time. 


Alex’s plan worked perfectly, which made her grin as she pulled her lips away from the panda pussy. “Nope, try again.” She said. She wasted no time and pressed her face right back against the red panda’s precious mound, this time she shook her head and rubbed her face into it, smearing the juices from the panda all over her muzzle and causing her to squirm. She slipped her rough feline tongue out from her lips and used it to gently poke and prod against her labia and the little clit that rested above it all, then she started dragging her tongue up and down along her vertical slit slowly. Up, down, up, down; slow and steady licks to lap up any and all juices as they came out, like a kitty cat at a water fountain. 

The red panda did her best to keep her cool as the tiger pulled her face out from her crotch. She let out a huff and a puff when she realized what game she was playing. It certainly wasn’t a fair game, she had no way of winning unless the tigress let her win, but she was going to at least give it a try. She grit her teeth and squinted her eyes shut when she felt her tigress’s tongue lapping her pussy up and down. “Hhaaaahhh…. N-N…..Hhhpppph… Nhhh-ooommm…” she did her best, but the pronunciation was still way off. 

Alex was no longer paying attention to the red panda’s pronunciation at this point, but who could blame her? Her nose was right up against her clit, her big teeth keeping her labia spread apart for easier access, and her tongue deep in her cunt.  What started as just tame licks to the ringtail’s labia turned into the tigress eagerly digging into that pussy like it was a value meal. Her tongue stretched out of her mouth as far as it could go and dove deep, gliding over the tight walls of her girlfriend’s pussy, feeling all her textures, and getting all of her flavors on her tongue. The sound of her licks, laps, and soft sucks echoed throughout the room and tickled Lauré’s ears, causing her to tremble more, lean her head back, and arch her back slightly. “Haaah…. Alex…” she moaned out her girlfriend’s name as she clenched her inner walls around the tiger’s pink and strong muscle. She clenched hard, relaxed, then clenched again; sandwiching the tiger’s rough tongue in between her walls as they closed in. Alex opened her eyes and glanced at her girlfriend as she felt her tongue being milked by the pussy she had it in. She didn’t pull away and instead continued slowly rolling her tongue around, reeling it back slightly before pushing it back deep. She did, however, raise her brow at the red panda to indicate that she had her attention. 

“Hhhhaa…. Alex… Please…” the red panda’s words were a mess and she wasn’t quite making sense. But that tongue inside her was making it a lot harder for her to think and form sentences properly, especially English ones! 

When she heard her girlfriend struggling with her words, the tigress pulled away from that plump pussy, making a loud and wet noise as she did so and leaving a long string of saliva and pussy juice still connecting her face to that dripping cunt. 


“What is it, babe?” Alex raised her brow even higher at the red panda. 

The plop of the tiger’s lips coming off her pussy was almost too much for her to endure; she had a thing for wet sex sounds. She let out another moan and a small huff before she focused on her breathing and focused her mind on what she was going to say to that sexy fucking tiger in between her legs. She took a few deep breaths as she looked down at the tiger and her face that was just soaked in pussy before she spoke. “Can we skip the Thai lesson for now?” she let out another sharp moan as she felt a slight tingle in her pussy as her walls involuntarily clenched together and a soft shiver ran down her spine. 

Face drenched in cuntjuice, Alex let that string that connected her lips to her girlfriend’s pussy stay there as she listened to the red panda’s request. She put on a disappointed look at first and shook her head, but as she looked up at her blushing girlfriend and listened to her moans and squirms, the disappointment quickly turned into a smile and her head shaking turned into a nod, “Alright, I think Thai might be a little hard to teach this way.” The string of pussy juice shook and wobbled as she nodded her head and finally snapped free when the tigress pushed herself up to sit on her knees in between the red panda’s spread legs. She watched her girlfriend’s chest as it rose and fell, her eyes as they fought off those heavy eyelids that came with intense pleasure, and her pink tongue as it rolled out of her mouth with each soft pant. Her eyes didn’t linger on her face for too long before they slowly trailed down along those white lines that painted a nice trail for her to follow all the way down to her pussy. She looked, bit her lip, then looked back up at the red panda. “Seems like you made a bit of a mess!” she teased, “Do you need any help getting that handled?” Lauré’s crotch was a mess, but that wasn’t to say that Alex’s wasn’t either; the tigress’s own love tunnel had built up wetness that was great enough for it to start dripping down onto the sheets beneath her. “Will you show me those riding skills you talked about?” the red panda smiled back at her, she was mostly free of her pants and moans that the tiger’s tickling tongue had caused for now and was able to form sentences without much trouble again. 

“Oh?” the tigress’s ears perked up, “Are you sure you are ready for that? You were barely able to handle the other lesson, and that’s supposed to be the introduction to this next one…” 

Lauré bit her lower lip and chewed on it to stop herself from moaning. She couldn’t handle the confidence that was oozing from Alex, it was hot, it was making her feel things in many places. After she chewed her lip for a good five seconds, she let go; her cheeks turned red but she put on her best good girl face and looked the tiger directly in the eye. 

“Alex… Can you help me cum, please?”

The red panda had always been the more dominant one in the relationship, which she was perfectly fine with, but whenever Alex took the reins and put her spin on the whole cute dom gf thing, it made her weak. She never told Alex this, but it revealed itself when Alex decided to playfully tease the red panda by adding what she called “top energy” into the mix. The amount of wetness that her pussy almost instantly produced was enough to completely drench her underwear to the point where it could survive a hydraulic press and still have some moisture in it. Ever since then, Alex would pull out her dominant side just as a little treat for her girlfriend. 

“I’ve never heard you say that one… That’s new… That’s hot… Say it again.” The tigress smiled wide and slowly moved her way closer to the red panda. She dragged her right hand along the ringtail’s left leg as she crept closer and closer. 

Lauré looked away for a bit, used her tail as cover for her face, and let out her squeals and moans into it. She nudged her tail out of the way once she mustered up the courage to repeat what she had just said. “Help me cum, please?” 

Alex closed her eyes to savor those words as they reached her ears. “Mhm…” Her hand on the red panda’s leg moved to her ankle and she wrapped her fingers around it. “I can definitely help you with that… As it turns out, riding you involves making a little bit more mess of that pussy of yours,” she winked. Then, the tiger used the grip she had around the red panda’s ankle to lift her leg up and put it up against her shoulder as she moved in closer. So close that the red panda could feel a little bit of heat moving in towards her cunt. Alex lifted her left leg and straddled it over Lauré’s other leg, and that’s when she felt it, that warmth and wetness pressing right into her crotch. 

“Ah…” the tiger moaned softly as her pussy pressed up against her girlfriend’s. 

‘Schlk.’ A wet noise came from their crotches as their lips made first contact and the first drops of their juices mixed together. Alex’s pink labia glided over Lauré’s soft brown ones and their little nubs kissed as Alex lowered herself down to seat their position into place. 

“Hhhaaahhhh… Holy fuck… You’re so wet already…” the ailurid said through a hot pant for air as she felt a soft tingling sensation once her girlfriend’s clit collided into hers. She glanced down at their connected crotches and let out another loud pant. Alex wasn’t even moving her hips or anything yet, and it already had the red panda all hot and bothered. The sight of their lips sealed together in the forbidden scissor kiss was always a great sight, but with the tigress on top? That made it ten times better. If only Lauré had taken her phone out from her apron before she took it off, maybe she’d be able to take a picture to use for future reference sometime. 

Alex let out a little moan of her own, too. “Unnnf… Fuck… There we go… Now we can commence the riding lesson.” She grinned down at her red panda student, hugged her extended leg against her, and used it as support. “First, you need to make sure you’re steady and have the proper support, the worst thing to do when you are riding is to fall off.” She gave the red panda’s leg a nice squeeze and she slowly started to gyrate her hips; going back and forth, side to side, and dragging her wet labia along her girlfriend’s. Her eyes stared down into Lauré’s the entire time. “Then, you start riding, slow at first, again, safety is key… If you jump right in at full throttle, you’re going to slip.” 

When Alex started grinding, Lauré began to lose it again, just like when she was getting eaten out earlier. She leaned her head back over the pile of pillows her back rested against and squinted her eyes shut. The combined wetness from their juices made the grinding of their pussies against each other easy and very pleasurable for both of them. Alex did have the advantage of her pussy not being as sensitive as the ringtail that had just been eaten out by a cat with a rough tongue, however. The wet noises from the crotches continued as Alex ground and ground her hips into Lauré's. 

‘Schlk, schlp, slorp,’

Not only did their pussy lips glide over each other, but they also slipped in between one another here and there, connecting like two puzzle pieces. Even their clits, which would seem incompatible with one another at first glance, pressed up together and formed a little bridge in between the contrasting colors of their bodies. Alex continued gyrating her hips for a while before she increased the speed of her hip movements just enough for the red panda to notice. 

‘Schlck, schlck, shlorp,’

“Hhaaahhh…” Lauré arched her back, curled her toes, and pulled her head back up to look down at her and Alex’s pussies. She could feel her pussy involuntarily clenching again, and her own hips pushing into the tiger’s grinding. The tiger was grinning wide as she did her magic as her stripey tail waved around behind her. Her piercing green eyes stared directly into her girlfriend’s. “Then when you have your balance, you can start increasing your pace…” 

And that was exactly what she did. Her hips moved back and forth, up and down, and left to right faster. Her pink pussy smooshed up against the red panda’s cunt nice and tight. She thrust her hips hard and it started to look like she was slamming a cock into her. Although it did lack the ‘plaps’ that came with a heavy set of balls, the soft and sloppy wet sounds coming from their cuntlips intertwining and their clits colliding was more than enough to make up for it. Their juices mixed together as the tiger slammed her hips into her red panda girlfriend and the room started to smell a tad like there was a pussy leakage. 

“Ahh... Hhh… Alex… D-Don’t stop…” 

For a moment, Alex slowed down. “I don’t plan on it.” She said back to her girlfriend and pulled her hips back nice and slow to drag out the dragging of her clit against the red panda’s llabia. She pulled all the way until she was just a few centimeters shy of pulling their pussies off each other completely and stopped. “Aaaah… Not until you cum!” She then slammed her hips forward and crashed right into Lauré’s lifted leg. 




‘Plap! Plap! Plap!’

Their tits bounced with each hard thrust Alex made. Each plap came with a soft moan from both of them and a small splatter of their mixed juices that flew in all directions.

“Hhhhnnhh fuckkkkk… Alex…. I’m really close…” the red panda arched her back and closed her eyes.

“Are you?” the tigress raised her brow at her girlfriend. The dumb grin on her face grew wider and wider as she watched her movements and subtle facial cues that indicated that she was just about to pop the lid to the very well-shaken bottle of carbonated love juice. Once again she slowed down her pace as she responded to her girlfriend, putting more emphasis on and dragging out her hip movements as long as possible. 




The reversal back to the slow griding of their pussies against one another made the red panda bite her lip and moan once more. Her breath started becoming shaky and she begged her girlfriend again.  

“Please… Haaaahh… I’m so close…” 

Alex wanted to continue teasing her by going slow, but after a bit of thought, her eyes went wide as a lightbulb lit up in her head. 

Feeling Alex still going slow even after she begged like a good girl, Lauré opened up her eyes and looked at her. She recognized that look on her girlfriend’s face immediately and went a little wide-eyed herself and almost, just almost, gulped. 

With the red panda’s leg still up against her and her paw just shy of her head, Alex gently reached her hand up to wrap her fingers around her ankle again. She then pulled her leg down and bent her knee just shy of a 90-degree angle. This brought the panda’s paw down right in front of her face. The tigress was very familiar with that paw, it was the same one she had accidentally gotten on her face during a sleepover many years ago, the one that was the cause for her paw fetish. She looked at the ailurid’s soft paw pads with a happy smile on her face; they looked just as soft as she remembered them to be. Her nose wiggled and danced as she took in the scent of those beans and she pressed her nose right into it to make sure she got a good enough whiff of them. 

“Snnnnnnnnnnnnf…. Ahhhhh…” the tiger let out a refreshed sigh as the scent of her girlfriend’s paw filled her nose; a soft hint of sweat, musk, and vanilla soap resulted in a very balanced scent, one that Alex very much enjoyed. As she sniffed the paw, she watched as the red panda it belonged to squirm and moan from the continuous and slow grinding against her pussy.

“Hhhhahhh… Are you still into that paw stuff?” Lauré said through her soft moans. 

“Mhm, I sure am, and I have a small suspicion that you might be into being on the receiving end…” replied Alex, in between sniffs and gentle kisses to the red panda’s paw pads. 

“I can... Ahh… Assure you, I am not…” she shook her head and chuckled. 

Alex took her girlfriend’s words as a challenge and immediately increased the pace of her hips. Her pussy slid over Lauré’s fast and hard and her hips began slapping into her thighs and making that “plap” sound again. 

‘Plap! Plap! Plap!’

While she slammed her hips into her girlfriend and ground her pussy against hers, she opened up her mouth nice and wide and let her tongue slip out and dangle around like a dog’s. 

“Aaaaah! Aaaaah!! Hhhnnhh..” Lauré moaned loud as she was ridden hard. 

“Hey…” said Alex in a soft whisper to get her girl’s attention. It worked, and Lauré opened her eyes slightly to look at her. 

With her girlfriend’s attention where she wanted it to be, Alex slowly let her tongue flick upward and touch the big paw pad on Lauré’s foot. The rough and wet muscle clung to it after a loud and wet slap, and she slowly reeled her tongue back into her mouth to drag it up her paw and over the smaller paw pads on each of her toes. And just as her tongue was about to go back into her mouth completely, she let it roll out again, gliding over her beans in the reverse order. The taste of red panda paws was one that Alex could never get enough of, it was sweet like vanilla, but also salty like butter. She lathered her girlfriend’s paw in her spit and watched her with heart-eyes as she indulged her own little kink to the fullest, all while still slamming her hips and rubbing clams with her too. 




The combined pleasure of the scissoring, plus the look of pure dominant bliss on her tiger girlfriend’s face was a little more than the red panda could handle. She felt a familiar sensation building up in her pussy; her walls clenching, her hips thrusting forward involuntarily, and hypersensitivity of her clit and labia. “Aaaah! Ahhhh! Oooh!” she moaned as she thrust her hips into Alex’s and a few small squirts shot out from her pussy and directly into her girlfriend. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth slightly as she moaned and panted. And when she felt that rough tongue glide over her beans, her hips bucked again and she shot out another squirt of her warm and concentrated juice against the tiger’s pussy. 

“Aaaah! HHhhaahh…” 

“There we go… Let it all out, c’mon…” Alex said encouragingly as she continued to lick the ringtail’s paw and sniff it to her heart’s content. She could feel Lauré’s squirts against her pussy, with some even going inside, and they got her to moan a tad too. “There we go…” she cooed as the panda squirted more and more of her juices out against her and onto the bed. When the last squirt left the red panda, Alex stopped licking her paw and just held it up against her cheek as she looked down at her lovingly. 

Lauré had goosebumps all over and sweat beads were falling from her cheek as hot breath after hot breath was inhaled and exhaled. Her hips were still doing a few involuntary thrusts and bucks here and there as she slowly fell from her orgasm high and achieved post-nut clarity. Still looking up at Alex with half-lidded eyes, she said something to her right when she saw that the tigress was about to speak.

“Don’t even say it.” 

Alex tilted her head to the side to press her face even more into the red panda’s saliva dripping paw and raised her left eyebrow at her. “What? I wasn’t going to say anything!” She turned her face to the red panda’s paw and gave it one more sniff and lick before she turned back to look at her again. “I knew you were into it, too.” She said with a grin that stretched from cheek to cheek. 

“Your paw tastes really good, by the way.” The tigress added quickly before the red panda could put on her angry face in response to her words. 

“Oh? What does it taste like?” Lauré asked curiously. 

Alex took a moment to think about it, then her nose wiggled, and her tongue stuck out just shy of licking those beans again. 

“It tastes like…”  


Art by Smileeeeeee



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