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“Sorry for the mess,” the tigress said as she pushed open the door to her bedroom. “If I knew we’d end up here, I would have made it a lot nicer…” she laughed as she held the door open for her date to follow her inside. 

“You’re not the only one with a messy bedroom, I’m sure. So, don’t worry about it.” Icarus chuckled. The 7-foot-3 shark had to tilt his head down slightly to get through the doorway, however, once he was inside the tigress’s room, the ceiling was much higher than the doorframe. Once he was inside, he turned around to close the door behind him gently. He looked around his date’s room a bit and chuckled when he realized it wasn’t messy at all, at least not to his eyes. There were a few little things here and there, but it was ways away from being messy enough to be embarrassed about. After he closed the door, he stood still, scratched the back of his head with one hand, and tugged on his muscle-tight black shirt with the other. He was unsure what to do, so he just watched the sabertoothed feline as she turned on her light at the side of her bed. 

Alex moved around her bedroom to try and tidy up what she considered to be messy, a pair of panties on the floor, some bottles of nail polish, and a hairdryer. She quickly kicked the pair of panties under her bed, picked up her nail polish bottles and placed them on her nightstand, and put her hairdryer on the windowsill, just so it wasn’t on the floor and a trip hazard. “Are you kidding? My room needs to be in perfect condition if I bring a guy over,” she chuckled as she flicked the switch to turn on her nightstand lamp. When she saw the orca-shark standing awkwardly in place, she walked over to him and grabbed him by the hand. “Relax! It’s just my bedroom, not a sex dungeon or anything.” The fanged feline joked and pulled the shark away from the door and toward her large bed. Icarus smiled at Alex and followed her. Once they arrived at the foot of the light pink bed, Alex stopped, looked up at the towering shark boy. and smiled. Her eyes made a few pitstops before they reached his eyes; his toned chest, his defined jawline, his cute mouth, you name it. Once her green eyes met his golden ones, she just stared and smiled. 

Icarus raised his brows as he looked down at the smaller tiger. His eyes wandered a little bit, too, but he started from her brown hair, her glowing emerald eyes, her plush red sweater, and her tail that swished and swayed behind her. After a few seconds, his eyes came back up and met with hers. 

“What?” he raised his brows at the tiger more. 

“Nothing,” Alex shook her head, “Just wanted to look at you,” she cooed. 

Icarus almost blushed when he heard her say that, but he managed to keep it under wraps and played it cool. For a second, he lost the ability to speak, but once he was able to, he returned the compliment to the tigress. “I like looking at you, too.” His large shark tail swayed behind him in a similar fashion to the tiger’s but a lot slower since it was much, much bigger. Every time he moved his body, even if it was just a little bit, that tight muscle shirt that clung to his torso showed off the toned body that he had underneath. He squeezed Alex’s hand tightly in his and continued to smile down at her. 

“Sorry, I uh, chose the park for our picnic. I probably should have checked the weather forecast before we went,” the shark said with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face. 

Alex shook her head and gave him a soft nudge, “Oh shush, those weather forecasts aren’t always accurate anyway, you’re fine, don’t worry.” The tiger reassured him and squeezed his hand back. “Now…” she said as she looked around her room. “What should we do for the rest of our date? We can play some games, watch some Netflix, Disney Plus, read some books... Maybe play dress up if you want to.” She giggled at her last suggestion. “Not sure I have clothes in your size, but we could do makeup!” the tigress grinned. The orca-shark didn’t look incredibly nervous at first glance, but if one paid close attention, his slight stiffness and hesitation to do anything pointed to him being incredibly so. He had a crush on the tigress and asking her out had taken a lot of courage that he spent a lot of time gathering. When she said yes, it was as if he had just gotten off a rollercoaster. So being with her alone in her bedroom, with her suggesting they could play games and/or watch something on the TV had his heart thumping like an 808 drum. He didn’t notice it himself, but he had left Alex hanging without an answer for around 10 seconds; he was lost in everything that was happening, and the words “Disney Plus” echoed in his head. 

“Helloooo?? Icarus?”” Alex tilted her head to the side slightly. Icarus still looked into Alex’s eyes but was not responding. She tiptoed and brought a hand to gently bap him on his nose to get him back to reality. 

“Huh?” Icarus blinked a few times and shook his head.

“What would you like to do?” the tigress’s tail flickered around and its tip brushed gently against the shark’s own big tail. 

He panicked slightly as he didn’t quite remember what else she had said other than Disney Plus, so it was the only thing that he blurted out of his mouth. “Uh, we can watch some Disney Plus?” the shark smiled. “I heard the new Loki show is pretty good,” 

Alex chirped happily when Icarus said that he was down to watch some shows on the Mickey Mouse Conglomerate’s streaming service. The tiger let go of her date’s hand and pushed him back onto the bed. “Get comfy!! There are six episodes for us to watch back-to-back!” She then went to grab the TV remote from the nightstand. 

Icarus let out a soft oof as he fell backward onto the soft IKEA mattress that the tigress had on her bed. He stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds before his attention turned to the tigress as she came crashing down on the soft and empty space beside him. The tiger propped up some pillows against the headboard for them to lean their backs against comfortably. The tigress pointed the remote towards the screen that sat on the shelf on the other side of the room, pressed the big red power button, and watched as the blank screen came to life. 

The tall shark felt the tigress snuggling against his side and saw no reason to fight it. He welcomed her warmth against him and even leaned into the snuggling a bit as well once the Marvel Studios logo played on the screen. 

One “Loki” title screen after the other, the striped feline and the striped shark got closer and closer to each other. The tigress’s leg crossed over the shark’s and the shark’s tail managed to make its way behind the both of them to give them, even more, cushioning for their backs as they enjoyed the God of Mischief go on his adventures. Alex even rested her head on the shark’s shoulder! Just shy of three hours later, the end credits for the fourth episode rolled on the screen, the tigress let out a loud yawn and stretched her arms out above her head as she did. 

“Hyyaaauuuuhhh…. I think Loki is really hot…” she mumbled; her speech slightly weird as she was still kind of mid-yawn. 

Since yawns were quite contagious, the orca-shark found himself yawning too, but his was silent and didn’t involve any stretching. Once his yawn subsided, he turned to look at the tigress with slightly raised brows, “Huh… I think so, too, I guess it’s a good thing he’s canonically bisexual.” He chuckled. 

“Yes, maybe you and I can have a threesome with him.” She turned to face Icarus and waggled her eyebrows at him teasingly. This caused the shark to go wide-eyed for a moment until he realized that she was only teasing him and let out a nervous chuckle. “Oh, haha… Yeah, if only we could summon the mighty Loki to be with us in the bedroom.”

Alex chuckled, too, before she grabbed the remote to the TV again paused the credits that were scrolling by on the screen to stop the music from disturbing them. 

“Do you think Loki would be more of a top or a bottom?” the tigress was asking the serious questions around here. 

Icarus paused to think for a moment before he nodded to himself. “Definitely a switch. He’s gotta be able to swing both ways, being the god of mischief and all.” 

Alex let out a snort. “I see him as more of a powerbottom, but yeah, you’re probably right.” 

Icarus turned to look at Alex as she spoke and just smiled at her happily. He enjoyed looking at her. The way smiled when she talked was one of his favorite things about the fanged feline. And well, those big ass fangs of hers were very hard to ignore, especially since he was a big fan of big fangs. After Alex finished talking, Icarus kept looking at her for a few more seconds before he looked back at the now paused TV, “Are we going to watch some more, or?” 

“Nah, I think I’ve had enough of the God of Mischief for today, maybe we can watch some more tomorrow.” The tigress smiled at her date and nodded, “Assuming you’re alright with spending the night? It is a bit late for you to have to drive home.” Alex rested her cheek against Icarus’s shoulder and looked up at him again. The way his shoulder smooshed her cheek made her look extra adorable. He had been planning on heading home after their date, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t hoping that she’d offer him an overnight stay. 

“I would love to stay over, I’m too tired to drive anyway, so I was kind of hoping you’d offer.” he chuckled and brought his hand to scratch the back of his head shyly. A small hint of red finally pierced through to shine on his cheeks. 

“Awesome!” Alex chuffed and rubbed her cheek against the shark’s shoulders a few times before pulling away to sit up properly. “So uh… Did you want to do anything else?” the tigress asked with a smile that could only really mean a few things spread across her face. Her grin was subtle, but it went cheek to cheek. Her eyes contributed a lot to that look, too. Once Icarus saw the way she was looking at him, the blush on his cheeks had no other choice but to saturate as he felt his body temperature rising close to (but not quite) fever level. He lost the ability to speak again and just stared at the tigress; his chest rising and falling at a fast pace as he tried to give his lungs enough oxygen to pump into the blood going to his rapidly beating heart. When he was finally able to speak, he fumbled his words and developed a stutter that had never been a problem before. “I uh… I-I Uh….” He was a mess. “I d-don’t know…” His cheeks were as red as they could be. 

Alex let out a soft chuckle before she gently placed a hand on the shark’s thigh. “You weren’t kidding when you said you were nervous about taking me out on a date… Don’t worry! There’s nothing to worry about, Icarus. You’re sweet.” 

Icarus looked away from Alex to try and hide his redness, but it was way too late for that. He turned back to her slowly and did his best to not stutter with his words. “Sorry, I just, we’re in your room, on your bed, cuddling... It’s kind of nice. It’s our first date, I like you a lot, and I don’t want to ruin it.” 

“I like you a lot, too, Icarus, so I don’t think you can ruin it…” Alex reassured him with a warm smile, but those eyes still stayed the same and hinted at what she wanted them to get up to. “How about I suggest something we could do, then? So if it gets awkward, it’ll be me who ruined our date and not you?” she gave the shark’s thigh a firm squeeze. 

Icarus’s eyes shifted down to the tiger’s hand on his thigh and watched as those fingers curled around his toned leg before they went back to Alex’s as she spoke. The way she touched him had him feeling good. He wanted her to touch him with her soft hands more, he was just a bit too shy to ask. 

“How about we….” The tigress paused, to makesure  the shark was looking at her. “Disney Plus and Thrust?” Not a single ounce of shame in her veins as she spoke. There was even a smug aura that came from her, too; she was proud of that pun. 

Icarus wanted to roll his eyes, but he couldn’t help but snort and burst out into a warm chuckle when he heard her. “Hah, I like that one… Sounds much better than the usual Netflix and Chill.” He smiled at the tigress, blushy red cheeks and all. 

“Does that sound like fun though?” Alex grinned and waggled her eyebrows at him. “Or do you not fuck on the first date?” she raised her left brow up as high as it could go as she teased him.

The shark boy found himself frozen on the tigress’s bed. His eyes were fixated on his date as she slowly started to rub his thigh up and down. He shivered from the tiger’s soft fingers,  closed his eyes for a few seconds, and bit down on his lip as he felt his heart beating faster and faster. It took him a few more seconds before he could reply to the tigress, his voice was shaky and his cheeks an unbelievable shade of red. “That does sound nice…” he opened his eyes back up and gave her a soft smile. The feline’s hand moving up and down his thigh had his dick tingling and twitching underneath all his clothes. Try as he might, he wasn’t going to be able to stop himself from getting at least a semi. 

Alex noticed that her shark date was a bit nervous and had been for most of the night. As her hand moved further up his thigh, she gave him reassuring squeezes along the way. It slowed her hand down a bit, sure, but it’d reach his crotch eventually, she didn’t want him to go into their Disney Plus and Thrust a nervous wreck, even if he was a bit cute all red and quiet.

“Don’t be nervous. I won’t bite unless you ask.” She cooed. “How about we start with a bit of foreplay? You just sit back and relax and I’ll get you all primed and ready for the thrusting.” She scoffed at herself for continuing to use that word even outside of the pun. 

Icarus nodded at the tigress slowly, his eyes watching her hand as it continued trailing up his thigh. It was just a mere inch from his zipper now. He let out a nervous breath and nodded some more, “I’ll try and not be nervous, it’s just, I came a bit unprepared.” He turned to look out the window of Alex’s room. It wasn’t raining as hard outside anymore, just a bit of drizzle. He turned his attention back to the tigress after two seconds and continued. “I-I didn’t bring any condoms.”  

The sabertoothed tiger’s hand reached Icarus’s crotch right when he turned his head back from looking out the window. The curious orange hand stopped moving and was quick to grope and cup a feel of the shark’s crotch. Icarus let out a soft little sigh through his nose and tried to keep calm. 

“That’s okay, I have some.” The tigress chirped, giving the shark’s crotch a firm squeeze to get a feel of how big he potentially was underneath all that denim. “I’m always prepared for surprise sexy times.”

Icarus had a lot of trouble trying to keep his eyes on the tigress as she cupped and groped his dick through his pants. His cock twitched and throbbed, and his balls tucked up against the base of his shaft and dropped back down again. There was no way he wasn’t going to get a hard-on now; his blood was already starting to flow straight to his dick. 

Twitch, twitch, pulse, pulse; these are characters of Rainbow Six Siege, but it was also what Icarus’s cock was doing. The tigress could feel the shark’s cock react to her touches; it excited her and got her to feel him up more. She squeezed, pinched, and pulled on the shark’s bulge. She could even feel his heartbeat through there. She fondled him more and more and kept her eyes on her cute date’s face to see how he was holding up. She paused her squeezes for just a moment to check on him. 

“You doing alright there?” She chuckled. 

Icarus nodded as he focused on keeping his breathing nice and calm. The redness on his cheeks faded a little over time as he came to realize that this was actually happening. He was excited but shy, so he was grateful that the tigress was taking the lead. Alex continued to play with the shark’s cock through his pants, with the end goal of getting him fully erect by the time he took his pants off. But she was getting a little too impatient for her own good to be able to follow through with that. Her squeezing became more eager and it was clear that she couldn’t wait any longer. She brought her other hand up to put it right over the button on his jeans and she gave him puppy-dog (or in this case kitty-cat) eyes. Icarus returned her gaze with his own with two added raised eyebrows. 

“Do you want me to remove my pants?” the orca shark hybrid asked, his nervousness had faded away just enough for him to be the one to suggest it, even if it was the tigress who was clearly hinting at it with her hands. “Yes,” the tigress responded and nodded her head. “I would like to see your dick now, please.” Her momma always told her to be polite. 

Slowly and carefully, Icarus pushed himself up just enough for him to be able to undo the button and zipper on his jeans. Once that was done, he slipped his fingers in between the waistband of his jeans and shimmied his way out of them. Alex moved out of the way and helped him discard his pants over the edge of the bed. “Take your shirt off too!” Alex added after she dropped his pants onto the floor. “I wanna see those washboard abs I’ve been feeling through your shirt…” she waggled her eyebrows at him playfully. 

Icarus chuckled and shook his head. “I wouldn’t call them ‘washboard’… They’re not that defined… But sure, I can let you see my abs.” he grabbed the hem of his shirt with both hands, pulled it over his head, and tossed it aside. Once his tight-fitting shirt came off, Alex’s eyes laid upon the shark’s torso. His pecs and abs were massive and very well-defined. Her comparison to a washboard was not far from accurate. She was quick to put her hands on him and feel him up, tracing her fingers along the little trenches in between his musculature. She even pushed her claws out a little to gently scrape against his skin and toy with his senses. 

Icarus’s cock grew more and more inside his Calvin Kitten branded boxers that he wore. His manhood tested the elasticity of his boxers as blood pumped through his schlong and brought it to life. Alex turned her attention to the shark’s boxers after she traced her fingers through his abs around three or four times over, he really packed a healthy bulge down there. The tigress’s eyes widened and her nose wiggled a little as she moved her face just a little bit closer to that bulge and brought her hand back to cup right on the bulge she had been playing with before. She felt his silky smooth boxers and rubbed his semi through them. Her eyes trickled back up and she smiled at him again. She didn’t say anything though, and after a few seconds ticked by, she looked back down and lowered her head down to press her muzzle right into the bulge in his designer underwear. 

The sea creature let out a soft moan when he felt the tigress’s warm muzzle press into his crotch. When she took in a deep breath through her nose, he shivered as goosebumps traveled up his spine. If he had any fur, it would be standing up right now. 

His scent was strong, it helped that his boxers were made of very breathable material. His natural musk filled her lungs and she inhaled and exhaled heavily. The manly scent acted as a natural aphrodisiac and had the tigress’s pussy dripping with ease. Her wetness slowly started to seep into her fur before it also spread into the fabric of her panties. She sniffed, sniffed, and sniffed before she pulled her head away from the shark’s bulging boxers. She left a small wet spot right on his boxers, whether it was her saliva, or condensation from her huffing his scent so religiously was unknown. She continued to sniff as she pulled away as the big fish’s scent was now rubbed into her nose. She could see Icarus’s cock continue to pulse, throb, and test the limits of his boxers even further. She brought her eyes up to look into Icarus’s and smiled that same smile again. 

“May I?”

“Yes, please. You probably don’t want to wait until my boxers rip… They’re my favorite pair, too,” he chuckled and glanced down at his bulge. He raised a curious eyebrow when he spotted the wet spot on his underwear. He didn’t mention it, but seeing it did get him even more tingly down there and caused his cock to grow even bigger. 

Not wanting to miss out on seeing his cock grow, the tiger put her hands at the shark’s hips and quickly slipped her fingers underneath the elastic waistband of those Calvin Kittens. She hooked her claws into them and slowly pulled them down. Her green eyes followed the cotton and spandex mix of fabric as it moved down and revealed more and more of his pubic region. Once the base of his shaft started to show, Alex, pulled his boxers down even faster to reveal even more. She continued until his boxers were far down his thighs and his semi-erect rod lie flopped against his leg.

It was large, fleshy, white, and uncut. And even though it wasn’t fully erect yet, it was already 9 inches long. It was thick, too, and was accompanied by a hefty pair of balls that hung low and rested nicely against Alex’s bedsheets. If he stayed there long enough and she was able to get his balls to sweat a bit, she’d never wash that spot on her sheets again. Or at least just for a little while, until the scent was all gone on its own. She licked her lips just thinking about how potent those orbs would smell. She grabbed them with one hand and curled her fingers on the other around the thick shaft. 

“Haahh…. C-Careful, Alex, I’m a bit sensitive down there….” He said with a soft smile as he watched the tigress play with his dick. His breathing that had only just calmed down a second ago, returned to being less so. The hand on the shark’s shaft slid up and down, gently jerking him off and coaxing it closer and closer to being fully erect. 

Fwp, fwp, fwp…

Alex tugged on the shark’s foreskin and pulled it back, exposing his thick head. She then pulled it back over to cover it up and repeated. She could feel his cock growing in her grasps and was not going to stop until it was fully erect. Spoiler alert, it didn’t take long, not after she started licking his foreskin and getting her tongue underneath it a little bit. She swirled her tongue around his cockhead, lapping up all his musk and naturally sweaty scent that had been cooking up all day long. She suckled on it, gave it kisses, and even bit down on it slightly to tease him. 

Once his cock was fully erect, it stood up tall, like a monument of true manhood. She pulled her lips away from the cock, leaving a string of saliva connecting her lips to his dick. She brushed her hair out of her eyes and used a hairband that she had on her wrist to do it up in a neat ponytail. The keen-eyed would know exactly what she was doing. 

It was blowjob time. 

Icarus found it hard to focus once Alex got her mouth latched onto his cock to get him fully erect. He leaned back against the headboard of the bed and closed his eyes. His breathing was sporadic, but heavy when he was able to get one in. He let out a heavy sigh when she pulled off his now erect cock and opened his eyes to look at her as she made appropriate preparations with her hair. Right as Alex grabbed his dick again and was just about to put her mouth over the tip of his dick, Icarus put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. 

“Huh?” Alex looked up at him, her mouth still open. “What’s wrong?”

Icarus shook his head to reassure her, “No, nothing… I just…” he paused. “Did you want to undress, too? I would like to see your stuff,.” His cheeks flushed a soft red again. Alex still held his cock, but she moved her head back from it slightly and nodded. “Oh yes! Sure!” She let go of his dick to grab the hem of her turtleneck sweater and pulled it off. Icarus’s eyes widened slightly when he saw her remove her sweater to reveal the red bra underneath. His dick throbbed and his heart raced as he watched the tigress move her arms up to remove the bra. Once the bra was unhooked from behind her, it fell, and her two perky breasts were out on display in front of him. His dick throbbed even harder. 

Alex let out a chuckle and pushed herself off the bed. She shimmied her way out of her pants quickly but left her red lacy panties on. Someone was a real big fan of the color red. Once she was out of her pants, she put her sweater on the windowsill and moved her hairdryer on top of it, left her pants piled on the floor, and tossed her red bra to the dumbfounded shark. 

Icarus caught the lingerie with his face before he took it in his hand and held it. 

“Like it? It’s my favorite bra.” She cooed. 

Icarus nodded as he admired the undergarment, “I do… Maybe I can keep it?” he teased and hung the bra off the post of the headboard. He brought his eyes back to the tigress’s breasts again, before looking her right in the eyes to be polite. 

“Hm, maybe… Or I could let you touch my tits after this…” Alex grinned, hopping back onto the bed and nestling in between the shark’s legs like before. She grabbed his dick, aligned her mouth with it, and just like that, she was ready to rumble again. She then shimmied her way out of her panties until they were loosely around her thighs, the smell of her wet pussy floated into the air in no time. The shark’s nose wiggled and danced as he picked up the tigress’s pussy musk. He smiled a little and licked his lips too. She sure smelled tasty.

Alex parted her lips and slowly lowered her head down until the white foreskin-covered tip was just a few centimeters from her lips. She stuck her tongue out and dragged it up and down over it, pushing and pulling his foreskin along. She grabbed his balls in one hand and felt their weight. She then closed her eyes and let her tongue glide all over his tip. After a few licks that left his cockhead lathered in her saliva, she gave it a kiss and parted her lips even further to let his cock slip inside between her big teeth. 

‘Slp… Slp… Glk…’ the tigress wasted no time in getting the shark’s large cock in her mouth. She pushed her head down further and pushed that thick cock into the back of her throat. She pushed all the way down, then pulled all the way back up again, covering the shark’s dick in a thick layer of feline saliva that polished his spear. She kept his cock head and foreskin in her mouth as she swirled her tongue around it and then pushed all the way down until her chin touched his balls again. 


Icarus watched as the tigress licked his cock and admired his foreskin. The way her tongue felt against his dick was incredible, his breathing became shaky and he gripped the bedsheets as she pushed down onto his dick and used his long dick to scratch the itch at the back of her throat. Feeling her throat squeeze his fish stick like that made him let out a moan. 

“Oh fuck, Alex… Fuckkk….” 

The tiger bobbed her head up and down and increased the pace of her shark-spear polishing. Her saliva that was left covering Icarus’s cock each time she pulled up began to run down his shaft and pool down against his pelvis. A sloppy blowjob at its best, Alex was good at that. 

Icarus watched the tigress with a happy expression on his face. He enjoyed the head she was giving him, and he thought that she looked hot worshipping his dick. He began to close his eyes as she increased her pace and his moans got louder and louder. 

“Holy shit Alex…” 

“Fuck…. Ahh…” 

The tigress worked her tongue on his dick as she sucked on it. Tonguework is what makes or breaks a blowjob, and she wasn’t going to ruin this one and taint her reputation as a blowy expert, no, especially not with a cute guy like Icarus. Clockwise, counterclockwise, up and down, and left to right she went. Licking that dick like it was the last popsicle she would ever have. Except this popsicle was full of cream without the ice part. 

Icarus was close, he could feel it coming. The tongue doing tricks on his tip was so close to pushing him over the edge. His manhood throbbed and pulsed as much as it could within the confines of the tigress’s mouth. He felt his balls being played with, too; his orbs being rolled around in the tigress’s nimble digits with some gentle squeezes and tugs scattered in between. It was like she was trying to squeeze the spunk out of him, and it was working. The shark let out a shivered moan as he came close to his climax. He reached a hand out to place at the back of the tigress’s head, right in between her ears. “I-I’m close, Alex…” he stuttered in between his heaving breathing. He bit his lower lip and used the hand at the back of the tigress’s head to push her down all the way until his cock tip was lodged deep in her throat and held her there as his balls tucked up against him and began to pump his seed through the usual route for ejaculation. 

Alex welcomed the hand at the back of her head with a soft chuff and continued business as usual. When he pushed her head down she went wide-eyed for a second and braced for what she knew was imminent. She could feel his cock throb in her throat and how it throbbed harder and harder as his fish sauce traveled through his dick and out the tip.  

‘Spurt, spurt, spurt, spurt, spurt,’ Icarus shot his load and thrust his hips forward in conjunction with each rope of thick cream that came out from him. His balls slapped against Alex’s chin, too. 

‘Plap, plap, plap.’ 

He didn’t stop after the usual four or five ropes like most guys did, however; and continued to cum more and more as time went on. Alex did her best to swallow every rope that came her way, but without any decrease in volume and velocity with each cumshot, eventually, she found herself unable to keep up. 

‘Spurt, spurt, pfftttchh…’ thick, white, and heavy man milk shot out from Alex’s mouth and splashed all over Icarus’s groin, Alex’s hands, and the bed and it just kept coming. Eventually, when Icarus’s grip on her head loosened and he was high on his orgasm, Alex pulled off his cock and began coughing up a mixture of both spit and cum all over the place. She caught her breath and coughed more, before she chuckled, wiped her cum-covered face and lips to the best of her ability, and smiled at the shark. 


Hearing her coughing, Icarus opened his eyes to look at the tigress and blushed red. Even out of her mouth, his dick was still spewing cum all around. A few more ropes onto the bed and the floor and it finally slowed down and came to an end. He looked at Alex with a very guilty expression on his face. “Ah, sorry Alex… I should have told you, I haven’t really jerked off in weeks…” he smiled shyly. 

Alex shook her head, causing a bit of cum to fly off her cheeks and chin. “You’re fine…” she licked her lips. “You taste pretty nice…” she smiled at him and brought her cum coated fingers up to her mouth to suck on them one by one, all while maintaining eye contact with him. 

“You think you can uh… Cum like that again?” Alex asked. Her pussy was dripping wet with desire for the shark’s dick by now. 

“Y-Yeah, sure… Where are your condoms?” Icarus asked as he watched her erotically suck his cum off her fingers, his dick throbbing just at the sight of her doing so. 

Alex began to chuckle. “Haha, fuck that… I want you to cum inside.” 

A bead of sweat ran down from Icarus’s forehead down to his cheek and he gulped. 



Art by nowego 

Featuring Icarus by VokunTheSergal 




Hope to see a continuation