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Finally, the day was here. The time to leave all their troubles behind for a little while had arrived. The weeks before seemed to have gotten more and more stressful. In addition to taking some classes to prepare for taking over her new business, a well-known bakery in town, Alex also had to train a waitress that would take her place after she quit her job. Her boyfriend did the best he could to help with chores at home, but his job also constantly demanded his attention. There was truly little time left for the couple to just enjoy together.

“I’m always a little anxious before traveling.” Tashi had confessed. “This is the furthest I’ll ever be away from home… And also, the longest. I’m glad it’s with you.” The shy stallion had told her just before they left. “Silly horsey, we could have picked somewhere closer!” Alex playfully scolded him and then smooched his blushing cheek. But her boyfriend just shook his head. “No… You like this beach so much and home is wherever we go together. Who knows, maybe we can go scuba diving and find some lost pirate treasure!” They hugged each other tightly, forgetting about the messy state the apartment was in. Hastily packing some big suitcases for three weeks away from home always came at a cost.

Half an hour later, they were on their way to the airport. They were relaxing on the backseat of a taxi and holding hands. Alex had grabbed her boyfriend’s after taking away the envelope with their passports and tickets from him. All to stop him from obsessing and quadruple-checking them all. “Relax, Tashi. You’ve traveled for work before, or did you lie to me?” Alex asked and playfully rubbed her nose against his shoulder. “Yeah…” The stallion replied and flattened his ears. “But if the planning department fucks that up, it’s not me who gets the blame and not me who gets to pay for another ticket. If this goes wrong… Well, who knows when we get another chance to go on a vacation?” He turned his head to look at his girlfriend who squeezed his hand more tightly. She spoke softly to him, calming her big stallion down even more. “Relax. Everything is okay and we’ll arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare. Before you know it, your hooves will be sinking into the sand in front of our little cabin near the beach!”

Tashi nodded. “You’re right. Maybe we can even go for a swim before dinner. Or can we? Time zones always mess with my head.” He asked and Alex pondered for a moment, scratching her chin. “I think we might! At least a quick dive into the hotel pool.” She cheerfully replied and leaned her head against her boyfriend’s shoulder. Tashi kissed the tips of her ears and snorted happily. “Alright! We can do this.” He nodded contently.


The taxi dropped them off right in front of the airport building. They arrived quite early; not many people were waiting in line at the check-in counter.  “Are you sure you only want to wear a T-shirt on the flight, Tashi? Last chance before we give up our suitcases.” Alex asked him, looking up at the tall stallion. “Eh… I’m glad I don’t have to wear a shirt and tie and everything this time. I don’t get cold easily.” He reassured her. “But I’ll never get tired of seeing your red sweater on you.” He praised Alex’s choice of clothes cheerfully as always. 

“Ahem…” Someone behind them cleared her throat. It was their turn at the counter. Tashi quickly dragged their suitcases to the scale in front of the conveyor belt and put his on first. Meanwhile, Alex handed their tickets off to the eager rabbit behind the desk. “Ohh! Going on a vacation.” She chirped cheerfully. She began tapping on the computer and put a label on the stallion’s suitcase before it rolled off into the depths of the airport underworld. “You’ll be sitting next to each other, right?” The rabbit asked and double checked on her computer. Without even waiting for an answer from the tigress and stallion, she continued. “Ah yes! The seatbelt extenders are in the compartment above the seats. Don’t forget to take them out before you put in your carry-on luggage. You’ll need them!” Alex blinked a few times at the weird comment the rabbit just gave them.

“We don’t have mixed-size couple seat rows, yet madam.” The bunny cheerfully explained. “You’ll have plenty of legroom!” She jumped off her seat to put a label on Alex’s suitcase as well. Tashi chuckled and winked at Alex. “Or we could have upgraded to the next bigger size, and you could have sat on my lap for the whole flight!” He suggested. “I’m afraid that would be against the safety regulations, sir. Here are your boarding passes. Now move along, please! Have a great flight!” The check-in desk clerk reprimanded the tall stallion. “Thank you!” Alex replied happily before grabbing her boyfriend’s hand and dragging him along. 

A few steps away, they had a chance to catch their breath for a moment. Tashi looked up at the displays showing the timetable for the departing and arriving planes and scratched the back of his neck. “Huh… there’s ours! We do have plenty of time left. Want to grab a Piña Colada to get us into the holiday mood?” He asked and turned to Alex, giving her a wide smile. “Mhm…” She pondered as she looked at him. “Yes, I’d love that!” She chirped happily. “Maybe that will help you relax a bit, too.” She said before they walked off to the nearby lounge to spend the time before they had to board their plane.


“Damn these make me feel like a child again!” Alex said when she was holding the straps to lengthen her seatbelt. Her boyfriend leaned in closer to whisper into her ears. “At least you don’t need them because of… other reasons.” He said as he pointed over his shoulder at a seat three rows behind them where some heavy hippo lady was struggling to fit into the seat while yelling for the stewardess. “Better hop onto your seat before we get in the way of her stampede to the manager.” Tashi chuckled and nudged Alex towards the window seat. “Oh my god!” The tigress burst out in laughter before sitting down and clicking the extensions into the belt. “Damn this is roomy enough I could just curl up and sleep here! My paws can’t reach the ground.” 

“That might not be the worst idea…” Tashi said and scratched his chin. “We can flip up the armrests and you can be my pillow! I think our cocktail made me a little sleepy… and flight time is supposed to be 11 hours!” He suggested and then bit his tongue. “Wow… I’ve never been on a plane for that long.” The stallion looked out of the window with a worried expression on his face. His frown was quickly turned upside down when Alex kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry! You’ll see our island before you know it.” She said while taking some chewing gum out of her handbag and offering some to Tashi as well. He gladly took it and smiled. “Alright! Our first big vacation together, here it goes!” He said before putting the gum into his mouth. Everyone around them was getting in their seats. A few minutes later it was time for takeoff.


“What are you doing, Tashi?” Alex whispered, yawned, and stretched her arms out. Everything around them was calm, they were high up in the sky, somewhere halfway between home and their holiday island. She remembered that they had decided to take a nap after lunch had been served, just like many others around them. Tashi had complained about the lights being too bright, at least too bright for him to fall asleep. Maybe it had been a genuine problem, or just an excuse. In any case, now Alex had her boyfriend lying halfway across her lap, his head on her thighs, hidden underneath her blanket. His chest was heaving and sinking slowly.

“Stop it!” She hissed while keeping her voice down and playfully swatting the bump in the blanket in front of her. “But you smell so good…” Tashi mumbled from under the blanket. Alex looked around nervously. The passengers in the row next to theirs were fast asleep and she couldn’t see if anyone else was looking. But the seats were in the way in any case. She sighed softly and then took another deep breath. Her boyfriend’s head underneath the blanket was moving. Tashi was sniffing her crotch and pressing his muzzle against it. “T-Tashi….” She softly called out to him again.

But there was no stopping him. Being caught underneath the blanket so close to his girlfriend’s crotch must have guided his dreams into weird directions. The tigress quickly grabbed the pillow from his seat, it was just loosely tucked behind his back. She pushed it against her face when the stallion’s breath brushed over her crotch. Even through the jeans she was wearing, she could feel the warmth washing over her. Finally, Alex lifted the blanket a little to look at her boyfriend, and the way his neck was twisted for him to reach her crotch. He smiled at her, and Alex put the pillow aside again for a moment.

“You promised I would see the island before I noticed… Still some hours to go. I don’t like any of the movies they offer, either…” Tashi whispered, making excuses, and beating around the bush. Alex smiled at first, then grinned, and finally, when her stallion was done, she spoke up. “You want a little taste, too, don’t you?” Then she looked around again, remembering they were in an airplane. “Of my… sandwich, right?” She added on in case anyone was listening. Her boyfriend nodded excitedly, rubbing his muzzle against her leg and crotch. “Yes… I’m… a little… hungry!” He replied, playing along.

Alex bit her lower lip. To say they were an innocent couple would have been a wild lie. It was still intense even for her to see her boyfriend go from so worried about ruining their trip to drunk with lust just hours later. She was not dreaming, though, and he was right there, with his head so close to her crotch, impatiently licking his lips. “Alright…” She whispered and put the blanket back over his head. Still biting her bottom lip, fangs pushing into it from the outside, she reached underneath that protective cover and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Finally, she lifted her butt and pulled down her pants and panties just enough to expose her pussy to the lusty stallion.

He didn’t need any light, a map, or any directions. With Alex’s pants down and the blanket over his head, he was bathed in her scent. No three-star chef could have cooked a meal that would have made him drool even half as much. “Sandwich….” He whispered to himself and chuckled softly.

The tigress pushed the pillow she had grabbed against her mouth again, she couldn’t let anyone notice what they were doing. Underneath the blanket, her boyfriend’s head was barely moving. That didn’t mean he wasn’t already digging into his little bonus on-board lunch. Thick horse lips met Alex’s plump puffy wet ones. Tashi would have loved to tease her about how this was turning her on so much, but considering their situation, he could use his mouth in only one way. He kissed her wonderful pussy all over, from the hood of her clit down to where her lips met again, where he could barely reach.

As if he was licking the only ball of ice cream he could ever have, he let his tongue slither between her pussy lips, picking up her nectar and savoring it. It wasn’t easy for him to remain so slow, so controlled, when he loved deeply making out with his girlfriend’s snatch until she was screaming in pleasure. He had to be more focused, give attention to her little pleasure button and listen to her body language instead of her voice. He knew he was doing things right when he could feel the muscles in her belly contract and her lower body getting tense.

He gently squeezed her clit with his lips, then put them around it to give it a suckle, then he’d switch back to his tongue. The anticipation of having three weeks just to themselves, to finally do nothing but nice things together again felt incredible. Finally, it felt like time was flying just as much as the plane they were on was. He could have done this for hours; listen to the softest sighs coming from his girlfriend, switching his position ever so slightly, going back and forth between letting his tongue slip into her, and going back to giving her pleasure pearl the attention it deserved.

Alex didn’t seem to have the same endless patience, however. Suddenly, she bit into the pillow to keep herself quiet, leaving two marks from her large fangs behind. Then she spread her legs slightly further and pushed down on the bulge in her blanket, pressing her boyfriend’s lips right against her pussy. Tashi snorted excitedly. He was not going to be one to disappoint her. His leisurely labia licking turned up a few notches into turbo twat tonguing. Keeping her clit between his lips, sucking on that most precious of beans, he let his tongue dance a twister on it, relentlessly, until pilot Marx had landed her own personal plane.

She went from spreading her legs more to squeezing her boyfriend’s head between her thighs. From sitting quietly in her seat, to struggling to remain calm. Her right hand held onto the armrest, her claws digging into the fake leather ever so lightly. Her other hand only had her boyfriend’s head to hold onto and claw into. Nothing stopped the diligent stallion from going further until she climaxed under his constant tongue clit flicking. Her whole lower body shaking, she squirted some more nectar right onto her stallion’s lips and chin, and into her pants. As she came down from her pleasure high, Tashi slowly licked her clean and almost dry.

A smiling horse greeted her when she lifted her blanket once again, and she tasted herself on those lips she kissed. “That was tasty… but next time we should get the footlong sandwich.” Tashi said with a wink to the exhausted tigress. Then he sat up straight and stretched his arms. “Oof… good thing I can go to the massage parlor. My neck hurts after this little nap.” He smiled at Alex who was zipping up her pants. “Think I need to go to the bathroom now, take care of something…” He whispered and looked down the hallway to see if one of the toilets was unoccupied. “But I could…” Alex began speaking, but Tashi shook his head. “No… no… think about the mayonnaise getting everywhere!” He chuckled and winked at the tigress. “And I could never stay so quiet…” He whispered into her ear. 

Before Alex could speak up again, he got up from his seat and quickly paced down the fuselage. After a moment of thinking about it, the tigress realized, he was walking so funny to hide his boner. “Poor horsey…” She whispered and leaned back.


Tashi shut the door behind him, closed the lid to the toilet, and sat down. Immediately after, he pulled down his pants and stared at his throbbing boner. The usual bathroom stink had no chance at breaking through the tigress perfume that had soaked into his nostrils. He closed his eyes to think of the wonderful feline it came from, of that delightful pussy he tasted just minutes ago. It didn’t take long until a bead of precum formed on the tip of his cock. Carefully, he spread it around on his length, making the pink and brown marbled skin on his cock glisten in the cold bathroom light.

“Unf… ah… yes…”  He sighed and moaned softly as he began jerking himself with both hands. The veins under his skin moved around as his strong grip squeezed his shaft. It didn’t take long until he was generously dripping precum, spreading it all over his dick like natural lube. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and he almost jumped from the toilet seat. His ears twitched and he stared at the door, wondering if he had forgotten to lock it. “O-“ He coughed, cleared his throat, then spoke again. “Occupied!” – “I know, silly, it’s me!” His girlfriend’s soft voice came from behind the door.

He raised an eyebrow, grabbed a few paper towels to cover himself up, then unlocked the door. Like liquid lightning, Alex slipped into the bathroom and locked the door behind herself again. “So… worried I can’t get it done by myself?” He asked his girlfriend who was staring at his erect slab of horse meat. “No… just worried you’ll… get mayonnaise all over the floor!” She replied and grinned at him. Tashi was no longer hiding his cock underneath any paper towels, but he had not returned to jerking himself either. “And how will you help me with that? You’re not going to lick up the floor, are you?” He asked and chuckled.

Instead of giving him a straight answer, Alex undid her pants again. “It isn’t that dirty, but no.” She replied just as her jeans and panties fell to the floor. “We’ll never let it hit the ground.” She kept teasing as she hopped onto the little shelf next to the mirror, putting her ass right next to the tiny sink. She didn’t even have to speak any further to get her boyfriend more than excited. She could see his cock throbbing, but she didn’t let herself be stopped. “Can’t get the floor dirty…” She said, pointing against her temple. Then, pointing at her pussy, she finished her sentence. “If you cum inside.”

Tashi laughed as he got up from the toilet seat. “That meme? Really?” He chuckled as he shuffled over to the sink with his pants just pulled down enough for his cock to be out. Alex grinned at him. “Why not?!” She asked and winked at him. “I love your horny logic, my little tiger.” He replied as he craned his neck down to kiss her on the lips.

The tigress leaned back and pushed her crotch towards him, supporting herself by holding onto the shelf she was sitting on. “How far up on the list of kinkiest things we’ve done is this?” Her boyfriend asked her as he pushed her sweater up enough to expose her belly button and paw print tattoo. “Pretty high up! I’d say… at least a mile high.” She replied before raising and spreading her legs. Tashi held onto her right leg, helping her to stay in position while he grabbed his cock and aligned it with her soft pussy lips.

They both sighed as his hard length slipped into her silky tunnel. His broad shaft spread out her inner walls, slid past her G-spot, and pushed all the way inside until his balls were up against her butt. There was a slight bulge in the tigress’ belly when he bottomed out inside of her, all the way underneath her sweater. They both looked at it. Without speaking another word to each other, they could feel the electricity in the air, the tension in each other. The taboo they were breaking made this moment so incredibly special.

‘Thnk, thnk, thnk.’

Someone knocked on the door. “Are you okay in there?” Came a voice from the outside. “Y-Yes…  just a little… constipated.” Tashi answered quickly. “Alright, remember no smoking anywhere on the plane.” The stewardess reminded him. Tashi lowered his voice.  “Shit… should we stop?” Alex only shook her head and crossed her legs behind him, refusing to let him go. She looked into his eyes. “In for a penny, in for a pound.” She spoke. “Can’t let you have blue balls for 6 more hours.” Tashi chuckled. “You’re the best… and definitely in for a pounding.”

Throwing away his inhibitions, he put an arm around Alex, holding her tightly as he began thrusting into her. The hand pushing up her sweater continued on its journey until he could feel up her breasts. They didn’t know exactly how soundproof their little chamber was, but there was no way to silence his balls swinging and slapping against the sink or the tigress’ thighs anyways. There was also no more pillow for Alex to bite into, only her boyfriend’s chiseled chest to push her lips against, and his strong back to hold onto. 

The lower air pressure so high up above the clouds did nothing to stop the stallion from making sweet love to his girlfriend. Alex did her best to do her part, contracting her inner muscles, squeezing his shaft with her tight pussy. There was no spot on his massive length where their flesh wasn’t touching. The tigress’ gorilla grip won out almost over his entire dick. Only his flaring tip and medial ring remained unchallenged, pushing back against that lusty strength, and into all her buttons.


They had unleashed their lust, and they didn’t have much time. There was no pacing themselves, only horny humping. After feeling her hard nipples up one more time, Tashi brought his hand down to her crotch. He didn’t want his massive horse cock to be the only thing driving her crazy, he also rapidly rubbed her clit. As fast as the plane was flying through the air, they were rushing towards the heights of their shared pleasure.  There were so many dirty words they wanted to fling at each other, they desperately wanted to tell how amazing everything felt.  Muffled sighs and moans were what they had to settle for. That, and Alex’s hand reaching down to cup and squeeze her stallion’s balls.

She was just in time to feel them pulsing and being pulled upwards. As much as Tashi wanted to remain quiet, something between a snort and neigh came over his lips. His cock was jerking and pulsing inside the tigress’ depths. One, two, three more thrusts were all he could manage before his climax took control, his body commanded him to stay inside, flared cock tip so close to his girlfriend’s womb.  Between one of those many loads filling her up, Alex joined him, her pussy contracting around his length, milking all the cum he had left out of him. They could almost hear each other’s pulse, their hearts racing throughout their shared orgasm.

Not a single drop hit the floor. Alex kept her promise, her pussy lips tightly sealed around his cock. 

“The fastest dream come true… with my biggest dream come true.” Tashi whispered as he came down from his high. “You dreamed about fucking me on a plane?!” Alex asked him, her eyes wide open. “Is that a bad thing?” He asked in return. The tigress laughed and shook her head. “Obviously not. You were right, the movies sucked. This is much better on-board entertainment.” 

Once more, they passionately kissed each other, their lips meeting until Tashi’s cock went softer and threatened to slip out. Quickly, Alex grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser and held them under her pussy, preventing any spillage as Tashi pulled out. They quickly cleaned themselves up, inspecting their clothes and the floor for the tiniest drops of incriminating evidence.

The fully satisfied stallion reached out to unlock the door, but his girlfriend pulled on his arm and shook her head. “We didn’t flush, yet!” She reminded him and then quickly pushed the button to correct their mistake. Then they washed their hands again.

They tried to slip out the door as stealthily and quietly as possible only to run right into the arms of the stewardess who had been waiting outside. The red eyes of the vixen in uniform seemed to be burning even brighter than usual. “Constipation… uh-huh…” She said, making both tigress and stallion blush so much that Tashi’s brown fur could barely block it and a pink was shining through the short white fur near Alex’s cheeks.

The stewardess laughed. “Welcome to the club, then. Or did you just extend your membership, heh?” Both Alex and Tashi’s jaws dropped, but the vixen just waved one hand. “Sorry, there’s no badge. Get back to your seats. We’re about to serve dinner. Enjoy the rest of the flight.”

Fulfilling one part of the stewardess’ request was easy. Even with wobbly legs, they found their way back to their seats. Enjoying the rest of the flight was harder when they were going back and forth between their cheeks and crotches feeling hot. 

They never knew how long six hours could feel right before three weeks of the best time of their lives.

Finally, time only for themselves.  


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Art by Nelly63 

Tashi by TashiGibson 

Idea suggested by Sergeant_0ddball on my Patreon Discord Server!



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