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“It’s just a few more meters away,” Alex’s boyfriend said as he and the tigress treaded through some rather thick greens and shrubs. Her boyfriend wore a pair of swimming shorts, a Singha Beer tank top, and had a backpack slung over his shoulder. His feet dug into the sand as they went in further and further to this “hidden gem” place that he found when he was riding into the island’s town to buy the striped feline some tampons that she needed. After he found it, he came back with Alex’s tampons, and an exciting plan for them to go have a little private picnic away from the resort. As they ventured further down the slightly overgrown path following the clear motorbike tracks that he had left, he became slightly worried that he had led them to nowhere and they were lost. “I swear it was around here somewhere… It wasn’t very far last time…”

Alex rolled her eyes behind her rose-tinted sunglasses and looked down at her feet as her beans dug into the sand with each step. The picnic basket with their food and drinks swung back and forth slightly with each step she took. After a few seconds, she looked back up and ahead at her boyfriend’s back as he used his hands to push away some of the vegetation that was in their path. “That’s because you were on a motorbike, remember?” Alex chuckled.

“Oh, right. Probably should have extended our rent period of that thing, huh?” he snickered, “But we’re almost there! It’ll be worth it, I promise!!” He looked over his shoulder and down at his girlfriend. He kept his hands out in front of him to move those pesky plants out of the way for the both of them. After a few minutes of walking along the path and clearing the weeds and shrubs out of their way, Alex’s boyfriend started to grin and point in front of him. “Aha! Here we are!” he said with a proud and happy chuckle. A few steps later, they were off the small path and were now in a more open area, the area that Alex’s boyfriend was talking about. Mostly flat landscape, with many green trees and bushes. It all looked rather well-kempt as if it were looked after. But there wasn’t a person in sight, other than the two of them, that is. As Alex came out from the shrubs on that small path, she walked up to stand beside her boyfriend and let out a soft sigh when she laid her eyes on the secret spot that he was talking about.

They both stood there in awe at what they were looking at; there was a massive flowing river that sliced through the huge plain that they were on. The best part? The water was extremely clear. They weren’t even that close to the river and they could make out the sediments, rocks, and fish that were in there. The sound of the river running and the leaves on top of the trees rustling were the only sounds they could hear. Alex’s boyfriend let out a soft sigh and turned to look at his girlfriend to catch her reaction to this secret place he had found.

“Whoa…” the tigress broke the silence as her eyes looked all over at the trees, the river, and just everything that was in front of her. “This is beautiful…” She took in a deep breath through her nose and filled her lungs with fresh air. “You were right, this is definitely worth it.” She turned to her boyfriend and grabbed his hand to squeeze it. The squeeze got her boyfriend to smile and squeeze her little hand back.

“C’mon, I have a perfect spot for our picnic,” he said and nudged his head to the left where the spot he had in mind was. He began to walk over towards the designated picnic spot and kept holding his girlfriend’s hand to bring her along with him. They got closer to the river, but stopped just shy of dipping their feet into the wet sand, and walked around 30 meters until they were at a large tree that offered an abundance of shade to the grassy ground underneath it. Her boyfriend let go of her hand when they arrived and took off his backpack to get all their picnic goodies out and set up. First, he got the mat out and spread it out on the floor to give them somewhere to sit, then he pulled out some pillows, towels, and a small speaker for them to play some tunes on. Alex then put the picnic basket she had down on the mat, pulled out some canned drinks, and sat down. Her button-up blouse that partially covered up her black bikini-clad body opened up as she sat down and caught her boyfriend’s attention as he sat down directly across from her. He spent a few seconds admiring the revealing clothes Alex had on before he had to divert his attention to the soda can that was tossed towards him.

“Whoa!” he caught the can in his hand before its projected trajectory would have had it land directly on his crotch. “Give me a heads-up next time! That would have hit me in the dick!”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Alex chuckled, cracked open her can of pop, and took a sip.

Alex and her boyfriend spent a few hours eating their sandwiches, salads, and snacks on their picnic mat. After that, they snuggled up together on the pillows they brought with them and enjoyed the view that was in front of them. The island they were on had many breathtaking views, but there was nothing like a breathtaking view that they had to themselves. No one around to disturb them, just the two lovers in the midst of mother nature.

As the tigress snuggled against her boyfriend who had now taken off his shirt at her request (so she could feel him up as she rested her head on his chest), she looked at the slow-flowing river that was just a few quick steps away. She ran her fingers on her boyfriend’s chest and stomach as she stared at the water before she said something.

“Do you wanna swim?”

“Hm?” her boyfriend glanced down to look at the tigress resting her head on his chest that rose and fell with his breathing.

Alex turned her head and looked up at her boyfriend with wide eyes and a big and happy smile. “Would you like to swim in the river? The water is super clear and I wanna take a dip.” She pulled her sunglasses off and set them to the side to give her boyfriend a clear and unfiltered view of her emerald eyes. Her smile grew wider the longer she looked at her boyfriend’s face and more of her teeth showed as a result. Her boyfriend reached a hand down to rub his thumb over one of the tiger’s big fangs affectionately.

“I would love to…” he murmured and moved his hand from her fang over to her cheek to caress her some more. The tigress let out a soft chuff and purred loudly as she enjoyed the teeth and cheek rubbings her boyfriend was giving out. She considered dropping the idea of swimming altogether when he started this, but she was able to pull away from his hand as she pushed herself up. She stood up, did a few lazy cat stretches, and slipped out of the large button-up blouse she used to keep herself modest as they trekked all the way from the resort area to this spot. As her shirt came off and she stood in just her black bikini, her boyfriend pushed himself up onto his elbows to look at her and admire her. A blissful little smile on his face and a little bit of blissfulness in his pants. Just a little.

Alex stood facing away from her boyfriend as she stretched, so her butt was right in his field of view. She turned around to face him after her stretches and crossed her arms over her chest when she saw he hadn’t gotten up yet. “Are you not coming? Get up!”

Her boyfriend snickered and continued to stare at her as she complained, but after a few seconds of letting his eyes wander all over her, he brought his eyes back up to meet with hers. “Sorry, this view is just extraordinary… I don’t think I’ll get to see it once it’s all submerged in water,” he chuckled.

Alex rolled her eyes. She was flattered by the compliment but she wanted her boyfriend to come swimming with her! “Come onnnnn!” she huffed and puffed. Then something clicked as an idea came to mind. Her huffing and puffing stopped and she looked down at her boyfriend with a cocky bedroom-eyes sort of look and bit her lower lip. “Fine… You can lie there and watch…” The tigress turned around so that her butt faced her boyfriend again, slipped her fingers in between the strings and waistband of her bikini bottoms, and pulled them down in one swift motion.

Her boyfriend’s eyes widened as her now bare ass was up in his sightline. His small blissful feeling in his pants was a little less small by this point.

The tiger then brought her hands to the string of her bikini top, and pulled on one of the ends all the way to let the swimwear fabric unravel.

‘Fwwwwp.’ The string made a noise as it unraveled and the fanged feline held the bikini top in her hand and reached towards a branch from the tree they were under to hang it on there. She glanced over her shoulder at her boyfriend who was now off his elbows and sitting up properly. Bare butt and a small amount of sideboob was a really good motivator, but what would get him onto his feet even faster was if the tigress turned around and showed him everything. But she wasn’t going to do that, that was too easy. She wanted him to be a little more… Eager.

“But you can only watch… Unless you come and join me in the river...” the tigress cooed. Her tail swished left and right and raised up slightly to show more of her ass to her man just to sweeten her invitation.

Her boyfriend’s swim trunks now had an obvious tent in them, right dead center. Alex’s eyes hovered down to look at it and she snickered. “And lose the pants, too, if you want to do more than touch.” She winked and started walking her way down to the riverbank.

Her boyfriend fumbled his hands frantically. He never found it harder to take off a pair of swim trunks in his life.


Art by Reaper3D

This piece is the result of this pinup vote!! If you would like to suggest ideas to be done, and/or vote for them, please consider joining my $5+ tiers! ($10+ enables suggesting ideas)



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