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“Tashi! Lift your hooves!” The tigress called out as she was running around the apartment, pulling the big vacuum behind her. One pass at a time, she was taking care of her turn of cleaning their place and right at that moment, her boyfriend’s big hooves were blocking her path. “Uh-huh!” The stallion replied and did as he was told. His toned abs became even more pronounced as he lifted his knees up towards the ceiling, but that wonderful sight was hidden underneath the green T-shirt he wore.

As much eye candy as there was lying hidden underneath that pesky piece of clothing, Alex could catch a perfect view of her stallion’s manhood. His shaft might have been retreated all the way back into his sheath, but her favorite pair of balls was presented there on the armchair the stallion was sitting on. No pants were allowed in the Marx-Gibson household. Shamelessly, the lusty tigress cupped a feel of those two orbs. Tashi snorted excitedly and raised his legs up even higher. “And lift your tail up, too!” Alex said before he had any chance to get a word in. “Naughty!” He finally called her out and glared at her from behind the tablet he was staring at. It had been his fault to allow himself to be so distracted with his girlfriend around.

After sniffing her hand, the tigress gave him the sweetest look a girlfriend could put on. “Do you want your fur to get sucked into the vacuum?” She asked him with a sheepish grin on her lips. “Of course not…” Tashi mumbled and shifted around on the chair until his tail was neatly tucked up behind himself. Quickly, Alex passed the vacuum underneath the armchair and as soon as she was done, her boyfriend put his hooves back down onto the ground. Everything was as before, only that the floor was now clean, and the tip of the stallion’s cock was peeking from his sheath.

The diligent feline moved on before she could notice what her little teasing had done to the blushy horse. “What are you looking at anyways? It’s not like you to stare at the tablet so long.” Alex finally asked when her curiosity got the better of her. “Nothing special… I’m just browsing. Passing the time, I guess.” He replied as his fingers swiped across the display. “You always say you prefer to do that on your PC, though…” The tigress countered. She was just about to finish cleaning the room when she passed over a few stubborn spots that caused the vacuum to emit the satisfying rattling sound of picking up sand someone was careless enough to carry into the apartment.

“But then I couldn’t be close to my little tiger!” Tashi responded, sagely nodding, and continuing to tap around on the tablet. Finally, Alex turned off the annoyingly loud vacuum and stepped on the pedal that made it pull in the cable, getting ready to bring it back to its ancestor’s home, the broom closet.

“Are you looking at girls in bikinis?!” Alex asked with an angry undertone in her voice. Her boyfriend nearly dropped the tablet, and his hooves were shuffling around on the floor. How had she managed to sneak up to the stallion so quietly again? Suddenly, she was peeking over Tashi’s shoulder and playfully biting his ear after scolding him. “Is that why your cock is slipping out, huh? Looking at other women? Just browsing?” If there hadn’t been such thick brown fur covering the stallion’s cheeks, they would have been positively glowing. “It’s not what it looks like!” He tried defending himself with the oldest excuse in the book.

“You’re allowed to look, horsey, don’t worry.” Alex said before he could dig his grave any further. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him from behind while he was still more than a little flustered. “But it’s really not that… I wanted to get some shopping done for our vacation. Maybe surprise you with a new bikini. See, it’s a shopping site!” He explained, pointing at his tablet. “But I guess that surprise is now spoiled…” The stallion scratched his neck and sighed softly.

“Ohh! I’m sorry.” The tigress replied and pushed herself away from the cushioned chair her boyfriend was sitting in. With her natural feline agility, she jumped and sat on his lap before he even knew it. After a second of surprise, he snorted softly. Alex made herself comfortable, wiggling her butt around, until her pussy was nestled right against his sheath, and she leaned back against him. “But we can still pick the perfect one together, can’t we? What else is in your shopping cart already? Show me!” The tigress cooed and kept bombarding Tashi with questions even as she felt his dick slipping further and further from his sheath, slithering around right underneath her pussy like a lewd not so tiny snake.

“Are you sure?” Tashi asked shyly, before getting a quick counter from the tigress. “It’s just an online shop for clothes… or is it, huh?” She asked, leaning her head to the side to grin at the shy stallion. “Well…” He began stuttering, then cleared his throat before he went on. “Not only for clothes… or well not for normal clothes. I mean… we shouldn’t just come in normal beachwear if there’s that clothing optional beach nearby, should we?” He asked and Alex was sure she could feel the heat radiating from the tips of his ears as he did.

“Uh-huh…” The tigress just nodded, and her grin widened. “Would be a shame to hide all this, wouldn’t it be?” She asked in turn and then her hands moved down until they landed on exactly those bits of her man’s body that the blood was flowing to even more than to keep that blush on his cheeks. Only a few inches of his cock had spilled forth from his sheath so far, but she could feel the stallion’s heart beating with every vein pulsing inside that heavy thick meat. It began growing faster now that not only her damp pussy lips were pushing against that length. She loved it when even her gentle touches got her boyfriend so riled up.

When she took her hands off his cock and stopped fanning the flames, the fire she had started didn’t stop burning, her boyfriend’s boner was here to stay. “You just want to show off that you can handle a horse, don’t you, Alex?” Tashi finally asked with a sly grin on his lips. The tigress had gotten him where she liked him most, horny enough to break out of his shell. She chuckled and then sniffed her cock-musky hands. “Never wrong to make the other girls a little jealous, right? Do you already have a bikini in your shopping cart?” Alex asked him while sliding back and forth on his length ever so slowly. The stallion tried to remain calm, but she could feel it, that shiver through his lower body, the waves of his feral lust held down by a thin layer of self-control.

“Errm… yes… Two even… I peeked at the size of those you already have.” He said with a shy chuckle and his finger hovered above the button to go to the shopping cart. Quickly, the tigress grabbed his hand and pulled it away. “Don’t show me. Then it’s still a surprise.” Her man’s strong big hand in her own, she smiled and licked her lips. “But… how about I get to pick two sexy things for you to wear as well?” She asked him before she began sucking on his index and middle finger without any advance warning. They fit so perfectly between her two sabre teeth and her rough feline tongue swirled around underneath them.

“That sounds like it would only be… fair.” Was all Tashi could say, and before he could get out that last word, he sighed in pleasure. Holding the tablet still showing those lingerie-style bikinis, his girlfriend’s pussy grinding against his cock, and her sucking on his digits was more than enough to overload his senses. “Fffought… fo…” Alex mumbled with her boyfriend’s fingers still in her mouth. All that the stallion could do was hold the tablet for her and be a chair for her as she toyed with him and went on her own little shopping spree, and he wouldn’t have wanted to change it for anything in the world.


It would have been a lie to say that the tigress didn’t get her fair share of pleasure from this, though. Her pussy lips were moving over the thick stallion cock between her legs with less and less friction as she was leaking her own nectar to lubricate it all. On top of that, she wasn’t even trying to hide how she made her clit bounce over her boyfriend’s thick medial ring. From time to time, the veiny soft leathery texture of that horse prick was even enough to make her moan softly through those fingers she was sucking on so lewdly.

Swipe, swipe, tap, tap, and swipe. “Huff... of course a jock strap… you’ll tease me every time I bend over, huh?” Tashi asked her when that was the item shown on screen and the tigress was just about to tap the button to put it into the shopping cart. She kept her finger hovering over that button, but she also stopped her pussy grinding. No word came over her finger-stuffed lips. But she slowly raised one of her paws until it was touching the stallion’s balls that were now damp with sweat and the tigress’ juices dripping down from the top.

Her eyes were wide open, and she was looking right at him, a silent challenge. “Wait… that one even has a zipper in the front?” The stallion asked before loudly gulping and then nodding at her. “Naughty little tiger…. Go ahead.” He finally conceded and gently kissed the tigress’ neck. How convenient it was that he was able to bury his muzzle in her fur when she started gyrating her hips and grinding against his cock again. It almost completely muffled the sound of his horny moan when he began leaking precum.

A victorious grin on her lips, the tigress continued her part of their little virtual shopping trip. Sexy studs on screen were showing off bathing shorts and speedos, some of them semi-transparent, others wouldn’t have been looking out of place on a family beach. While Alex was surfing the web, the stallion whose lap she was sitting on was riding on the wave of his building arousal. His eyes were closed, he wanted to try to make the second piece a surprise for himself, too. The warmth of his girlfriend’s thighs, her hot wet pussy on top of his shaft, slow and steady, it was both good enough to make him want for more and for this to never stop.

Some time passed and he didn’t hear any more tapping, didn’t feel her finger swiping across the display anymore. Instead, the tigress was grinding against his cock faster and sucking on his fingers harder. Tashi moaned and opened his eyes. “Unf… Alex… what are you doing?” He asked. His eyes were too slow to focus to see what she had been looking at. Too quickly did she mash down on the buy button. If anything, he was sure that he saw some black and white stripes, but it could have just been the display flickering.

For a short moment, Alex released his fingers from her lips and kissed the tips of them. “Don’t worry… those will look even better on you.” She whispered. “What other things did you put in the cart already? It says we have 8 items in total now.” Her question quickly distracted from any the stallion himself might have had and the way she returned to sucking his fingers made it clear she wasn’t going to answer them anyways. Not until she was done.


She squeezed her thighs together around the massive stallion cock that was throbbing in response to each of her movements. With one hand, she held onto her boyfriend’s arm and the other onto his third leg as she jerked and danced on that meaty pole underneath her. She was only half listening when her boyfriend actually replied to her last question, or at least tried to between his muffled moans and excited snorting.

“A bullet vibrator… extra strong… travel sized magic wand… big bottle of lube… and extra batteries…” With each item he rattled off, he moved his head back further and lowered the tablet. He instinctively wanted to buck his hips, to thrust forward into that warm sticky pleasure he was feeling on his cock. It was the tigress on top who was in control, though, she was letting him grind against her heavenly folds and warm thighs. She disarmed him just by sucking his fingers, all he could do was to let it happen and enjoy.

The floor that had been cleaned by her just minutes ago was now flooded with a puddle of horse precum and tiger nectar, a cloudy sticky musky mess. Alex huffed and sighed, instead of letting out a loud moan, she just sucked on her boyfriend’s fingers harder. She squeezed his cock more tightly, pulled his hard length up against her wet cunt to use it as her very own perfectly textured grinding stick. They were both riding the highs of their ecstasy, but she didn’t fail to notice the signs of the stallion’s nearing orgasm. The tip of that meaty cock she was holding kept swelling more with every beat of his thumping heart.


Wet squelching sounds filled the air as if there was someone rudely enjoying a delicious meal while leaving all their manners at the door. It was not a race, and there was only one horse to bet on, but she still wanted to beat him to climax. She found her favorite patch on Tashi’s cock. A few thick veins close to each other, the skin slightly leathery, and the medial ring right at the end of it. She squeezed her pussy lips flat against that unrelentingly hard length, so much that she could feel that texture and those vibrations all throughout her pussy each time she moved back and forth.

It was good, so very good. She didn’t even notice the fingers slipping from her mouth and her head tilting back as she moaned in pure ecstasy. Her man noticed, just in time, and held her in his strong arms, right as her pleasure peaked, and control over her body was fading. She was safe in his embrace, safe to fly on the wings of her orgasm.


Feeling his girlfriend shaking in pure ecstasy was enough to push the stallion over the edge, too. The first load of his cum shot from his cock fast and far enough to hit the coffee table a few feet away from the chair they were sitting in. Many more, smaller blasts joined the mess they had already made on the floor, a big puddle of unadulterated lust, the most incriminating evidence passionate sex always left behind.

Their shared moans were silenced when their lips met for a deep kiss, their bodies limp after the intense orgasms they went through. Tashi didn’t even feel his legs down from the knee, but he didn’t care.

“Good thing I didn’t wipe the floor, yet…” Alex finally spoke up, making both her and her stallion laugh. “I’ll help you clean, don’t worry…” Tashi replied. “Just let me catch my breath first… you’re amazing in every single way, do you know that?” He continued before he showered her neck in tiny loving kisses.

“W-Wait!” The tigress threw in. “Don’t forget to submit the order first.” She said, pointing at the tablet the stallion was still holding and that miraculously survived their steamy outercourse without entering the splash zone. “Or no wait!” She said and pulled on his arm to take another look at the display.

“What is it?” Tashi asked.

Alex grinned, showing off her pointy teeth including the two wonderful long sabre fangs her boyfriend loved so much. “Let me add an extra-large box of condoms first.”


Art by Jailbird 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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