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The zebra prince was no stranger to what being the next in line for the throne entailed. Being a prince meant that he could get whatever he wanted from whomever he wanted. To say that he was spoiled would have been an understatement. However, his father, the King, did his best to keep the young steed and future king hardened and fit to rule the kingdom when his time to sit on the throne came. He trained him in battle, taught him all there was to know about ruling over the largest kingdom on the continent, and gave him a few tips and tricks when it came to choosing his wife and concubines. His father said that he could have fun with any woman or man he wanted, but he had to choose a female zebra to wed to keep the bloodline of the dynasty pure. The King provided some tough love for his son, but his mother, (the queen who named him Ashley), on the other hand, spoiled her son to the fullest extent that she could. She gave Ashley affection, talked about boys with him, and ensured him that his father loved him no matter what, even if the King had more conservative views and did not understand his son’s interest in the same sex.

However, the young zebra prince wasn’t only interested in men, he was into women, too. He found that out when he saw one of the new servants that had been brought in from one of the faraway lands that his father’s army had just conquered. The servant he saw was a species called a “tiger”, like a lion with black stripes, unlike any species he had ever seen before. The first time she walked by was when she was headed to his father’s bedroom with a tray of exotic tropical fruits. The see-through silk pants made sure that every single stripe on that exotic feline was visible and the gold servant’s jewelry jingled around as she walked by the young prince and vanished behind the door of his father’s quarters. He found it hard to take his eyes off that tiger, and he had never found it an issue to ignore his father’s female equine servants. But this particular servant… She was exotic, the way she swayed her hips as she walked with that tray of fruit was erotic. Her long and stripy tail, her pink soft paw pads, and her sharp teeth had him hooked, constantly looking for her to catch a glimpse of whenever she came around the palace with the usual fruits for his father. He saw her with her tray of fruits every day, and a few times, she saw him, too, and even smiled at him. He later learned that her name was “Alex”.

It was then when he realized he wanted her. And being a prince, he wasn’t going to not get what he wanted.


The zebra prince leaned back in the throne in his private spa. “Hmm…. Now tell me again, where are you from, tigress?” Nude, except for his royal jewelry that adorned his neck, arms, and wrists, the young prince was relaxing on a hot day with his new favorite exotic striped-cat servant. He opened up his eyes and laid them upon her as she walked towards him. The tigress wore her see-through silk pants, a silk sash draped over her chest, and her golden servant’s decorative jewelry. He had finally gotten some time alone with the tigress servant he had seen bring fruits for his father time and time again. Content on getting her away from him and instead to serve him for the day. Much to his surprise, all it took was him asking his father if he could have her for the day, and he told him he could have her for as long as he wanted. Surely, the King was happy to see his son requesting the company of a female companion. But alas, he did have his way regardless.

“I’m from a land far east, my prince,” the tigress smiled as she placed the tray of fresh mango, watermelon, and guava on the armrest of the zebra prince’s spa relaxation throne. She plucked one slice of mango from the fancy golden tray and hovered the juicy yellow fruit in front of the herbivore’s lips. “Mango, my prince?”

The zebra prince bit the mango and chewed. “Lovely, nothing better than cold and juicy mango on a hot day,” he murmured, his voice slightly muffled from the fruit in his mouth. As the zebra swallowed, the tigress plucked up a second slice and held it in front of him. He took the second slice, chewed, swallowed, and let out a refreshed sigh. He brought a hand up to gesture that he had enough of the fruit for now and the tigress placed the tray of fruits on a small table off to the side. She then watched him as he looked over the massive oasis of water in the spa in front of him.

“And is it the same over there as it is here? Is it a desert where you are from too, Alex?” Ashley seemed to be incredibly interested in where his servant came from. The prince started to sweat as he sat outside in the heat. Sweat beads appeared on his forehead and began running down his face, while his chest, legs, and uncovered crotch started their own beads, puddles, and pools of sweat as well. It didn’t take very long for the smell of his sweat to spread into the air around him as he sat on his throne.

Alex shook her head as she looked at the zebra, “No, my prince. Where I come from, the lands are covered in green, not gold,” she let out a soft chuckle but stopped herself as to not come across as if she was mocking the prince’s lands. Upon hearing her mention how her home was green and not gold like the sands of the desert they were in, Ashley took his eyes off the spa oasis in front of him and looked up at his tigress servant. “How was it? The only green I really see is here in the palace, and it doesn’t feel very natural.” The equine lifted his right hoof and kicked at the green plants that decorated his smooth sandstone throne.

The tiger’s nose started to wiggle as she picked up the scent of her prince’s sweat. “It was much cooler than here, but it could also get hot. It just wasn’t a dry hot like it is here, much more humid, my prince.” The zebra’s scent was rather intoxicating to the tigress, she could smell that he was hot and bothered and the scent that was coming from his flaccid cock and balls in between his thighs was pretty good. She tried to hide her sniffing and kept it quiet so that her prince wouldn’t notice that she was indulging a little. Her green eyes did peek down at what the striped horse was packing down below, though.

The heir to the throne nodded slowly as he listened to his exotic servant talk about her homeland. He felt a little bad that his father had his men ship her and others back out here to the desert where she wasn’t quite fit to live… His lips formed a frown for a second as he imagined what the green and humid lands she talked about looked like, but his frown disappeared when he saw her smiling at him.

“Don’t feel bad, your highness,” the big cat with big teeth smiled wider at the equine as she noticed his momentary frown. “My life is quite a bit better here in your kingdom,” she chuckled. “I was free back at home, yes, but my tribe would have had me married off to some rival tribe to ease the tension between us, that would not have been a fun life for me.” The tigress took a few steps and walked over to stand in front of the throne the royal sat on. The Prince’s eyes followed his tigress servant, watching her breasts, her ass, and her pussy through her see-through clothing. When she stopped in front of him, his eyes lingered at her breasts for a while before they returned back up to her face and eyes.

“Feeling warm, my prince? You’re sweating a lot.” Alex raised her brow at him before she turned left and right to try and find one of those overly large feathered fans she saw earlier.

Ashley was quick to nod as he was feeling the heat and was sweating into the throne he sat on. If he stood up, there would be a sweat outline of his ass and balls on it. He could even begin to smell himself as sweat poured from his pores from the scorching heat of the desert. Even though they were under a roof and in the shade, he still felt very, very hot. He looked to his servant and saw that she was barely sweating at all. A confused look on his face, he tilted his head to the side, “Yes, the air is like a furnace today, how are you not sweating, too?”

“I am, it’s just underneath all of my fur,” she responded, turning to look at him as she did, before turning back to look around for the fan some more.

As the tigress twisted and turned looking for the fan, her breasts jiggled and her butt came into view for the zebra. Suddenly, the heat he was feeling increased by around two-fold, although the new heat he was feeling was more internal as his blood pumped through his veins and down to his Johnson. His eyes darted between her breasts, butt, pussy, and all of those stripes that had allured him to “borrowing” her from his father in the first place. His flaccid equine member twitched and throbbed as blood began pumping through it.

Twitch. Twitch.


His black meat flopped forward as it grew inch by inch and hung over the edge of his throne seat as it grew longer and longer, and it started to point upward as it got harder and harder. It only took 20 or so seconds for his equine member to become fully erect, all while the tigress was faced away looking for something to cool down her prince with. Still, after his cock became fully erect, he sat there, enjoying the view of Alex’s many assets that made her his favorite servant.

Having no luck spotting the fan anywhere, Alex turned on her heels and was just about to ask if she may go get him a fan from storage. “May I go and grab you a fan from- Oh…” Her eyes fell from his face in a heartbeat and were locked to the big black stripe in between his legs that was throbbing in front of her, for her.

The smell that had her nose wiggling earlier was suddenly a lot stronger and assaulted the nerve endings in her nose without a shrivel of mercy. Had she not prepared for this, she would have already pounced the prince and pinned him down on his throne, something she probably shouldn’t ever do if she wanted to continue living her rather happy life in the kingdom. Instead, her nose wiggled and danced more evidently as she happily took in the musk that filled the air, however, she maintained her posture and brought her eyes back up to the zebra’s right as he opened his lips to speak.

“There’s no need for that, Alex… I have something much better in mind,” he paused, took in a deep breath, and let out a breathy sigh. “Something that will help me feel a little better, help me deal with the heat.” He chuckled, “Or at least deal with my arousal down there like you’ve done for my father,”

The tigress’s expression shifted from just a soft smile into a slightly surprised expression, then back to a smile again, although this time the smile was much, much wider. “You know I’ve never done anything like that with your father,” Alex walked forward a few steps until she was right in front of the Prince. She looked down at him with a smug smile that somehow looked innocent at the same time.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to confront my father about it, I think my mother already knows, it’s why she was chipper when she heard I wanted to borrow you from him,” a smile grew on his long muzzle. “As long as you help me deal with my dick right here, I keep looking at those fangs of yours, and for some reason want to stick my dick in your mouth…”

The tigress servant dropped to her knees slowly and placed her hands on the zebra’s legs, giving his thighs a good rub up and down, even putting in her claws to comb through his short fur and tease the skin underneath. The zebra’s cock was a mere inch from the tiger’s nose now, and this allowed her to press her cold nose into it and take a good whiff of the Royal Rod. His musk hit her nose like a sledgehammer and she took in breath after breath through her big cat nose, savoring every little scent she could. Stinky, musky, sweaty, she took all of it in. It helped get her engine going and when she was done sniffing his cock, she brought one of her hands down to cup his hefty sack and brought it up to her nose for a huff.

Ashley let out a soft moan when he felt the carnivore’s claws scrape up and down his thigh, and he let out an even louder moan when he felt her nose press into his black equinehood. “Mhmm… That’s it, good girl… Take a whiff of the royal scent, not everyone gets it while it’s fresh…” He closed his eyes as his cock throbbed more and more in response to Alex’s breath pulling in his skin slightly and blowing over it as she exhaled.

The tigress enjoyed the smell of the prince, and with each breath of the intoxicating fumes, her pussy, underneath those see-through silk pants, started dripping juices. It seemed that the little prince had just discovered a kink that his servant enjoyed. It didn’t take long for the tigress to start slipping her tongue out of her mouth and let it lather over the zcock balls she had her face buried in. The rough feline tongue covered the prince’s cock in saliva and made him let out even louder moans. She grabbed his cock with both hands and went to town, making out with it as if it were a lover she hadn’t seen in the longest time.

‘Slrp, Schlrp, Schlk…’

Saliva dripped from her chin as the tigress sloppily lapped over Ashley’s cock and tasted the handsome prince on her tastebuds. She had been very eager to give him a taste ever since she first smelled him when he started sweating. He was young, handsome, and although slightly feminine in appearance, he made up for it with his girth and length. She whirled and twirled her tongue over his blunt tip, dragged it along his medial ring over and over, and made sure his heavy and leathery balls were as wet as she could get them. The zebra’s cock twitched and throbbed constantly as she pampered it with attention. After a good moment of slobbing on the young prince’s knob, the tigress pulled away to check how the royal was faring with her rough tongue.

When he felt her pull her tongue away and leave nothing but a string of saliva connecting his pecker to her lips, he opened his eyes.

“W-Why did you stop? I didn’t tell you to stop, tigress…” he protested through heavy pants. His cock continued to throb hard, even without stimulation. He was close to orgasm. With only a second of hesitation, the zebra grabbed the tigress’s head and pushed her down onto his dick. He pushed his cock straight down into her throat and let out an elongated moan that started at a high pitch and slowly went lower before it faded away entirely.

His cock throbbed as it lodged in between Alex’s guardrail fangs and bulged out her throat. The tigress squinted her eyes shut and held her breath as she felt his cock throb harder and harder as his moans reached their peak. Spray after spray of his cum shot out from the tip of his cock, down into Alex’s throat, depositing directly into her belly. She gulped, and gulped, and gulped until she couldn’t keep up with his volume. Cum spilled from her mouth, onto the floor beneath her, and puddled up around her and the throne she knelt in front of. She pulled his cock out of her mouth after he had shot his last rope and took in a deep breath.

The zebra leaned back in his throne with his tongue lolled from his open mouth as he panted for air.

“Hhahaahhh…. Hhaaahhhaaa….”

The servant licked her cum soaked face as much as she could before she looked up at her prince and rubbed at his thighs again.

“We need to work on your stamina, my prince… You cum way too quickly, I barely got to enjoy myself.” The tigress said with a chirp and a cum-covered smile. A big glob of the prince’s spunk dripped off her chin and onto the floor.


And the obedient servant girl scooped it up with a finger and sucked it off, smacking her lips happily.

Ashley the Prince looked down from his exhausted head-leaned-back pose and grumbled.

“Yeahhhh…. I guess I do,tigress, I guess I do…”


Art by Poof-Poof 

Ashley by AshleyOnce 



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