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(Watersports version of story linked is below!)

There were very few things as pleasant as the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. Instant coffee was cool and all, with how quick and convenient it was. But a fresh brew? That was what real coffee was all about. For years, Alex had been drinking instant coffee at home, and only enjoying freshly brewed coffee once she was doing her shifts at the café, but now that she had moved in with her horse boyfriend, she had been spoiled on his coffee machine. Fresh beans grounded up into a powder, nice hot water dripped through a filter, resulting in a dark, rich, and aromatic caffeine juice that she can use to jumpstart the day.

The aroma of java quickly spread throughout the apartment and lingered in the air as a fresh pot finished brewing around ten minutes after the tigress had set it all up. Alex was getting ready for an early shift at the café and wanted to be energized by the time she arrived to relieve the folk on the prior shift. She got up in the early hours of the morning and left the machine to do its thing before heading into the shower to freshen up. Once she was out and half-dressed in her red turtleneck sweater and some underwear, she made her way into the kitchen to pour herself a mug.

The hot and steamy black liquid filled her bean patterned mug dangerously close to the brim and she brought the mug over to the dining table where she had her quick breakfast waiting; two slices of toast, some butter, and a sunny-side-up egg with a smile drawn into the yolk with ketchup. She smiled when she saw the egg she prepared; it was the best smiley face she had drawn so far! Curling her tail around the chair’s leg, she pulled it out and sat down in front of her food. She cupped her hands around the hot mug of coffee and looked down into the dark liquid. She watched the steam float out from it and slowly fade into the air. Her nose wiggled as she took in the aroma. She sighed happily, tried to shake off her tiredness with a few shakes to her head, and looked down at the coffee again.

“Ah, fuck, I forgot the milk,” she grumbled to herself before pushing herself out of her chair and walking her way back to the kitchen. She then pulled open the fridge doors.

There wasn’t any milk in the fridge, Alex grumbled disappointedly before she closed the fridge door and headed back to the coffee machine to look for any milk alternatives, maybe some artificial or non-dairy creamer. She sifted through the various cans of beans and other coffee-related things like sugar and filters, but she found no cream for her coffee. Frustrated, the tigress let out another sigh and frowned.

“Looks like I’ll have to end your little punishment a little sooner than I had planned, Tashi,” she said with a smirk and a shake of her head as she slowly turned around from the kitchen island where the coffee machine was, to face her horse boyfriend who had been standing there in the kitchen with her the entire time. However, he was silent and remained very still as per her demands. He was being punished for something after all. The big Clydesdale had his arms bound behind his back with thick ropes, too, and he had his bridle on, yes, the one he and Alex used for very sexual occasions. When Alex turned around to address him, he let out a little snort, but not a single word came out of his mouth. “You forgot to buy milk when you went to the grocery store, and you know very well that cats really need to have their milk,” she cooed. Tashi had been stripped of all his clothing, too, so his sheathed equine meat and heavy balls dangled freely in the open. His eyes were half-open and half-closed, had he been tied up and standing in the kitchen all night long? Who knew? But what was abundantly clear was that the horse had been naughty, and naughty horses had been known to get to spend the night in the stables.

Alex leaned against the kitchen island and let her eyes linger on her naked boyfriend’s figure. Looking at his naked body never got old, he was so much to look at, so much to touch, cup, and feel, too. It took all the strength in her not to just pounce him and ride him until it was time for her to leave for work, but that wouldn’t have been much of a punishment. Tashi’s eyes did the same, but he mostly kept his green eyes locked to hers, as sleep-deprived as he was, he was curious to see what the tigress was going to do with him in the time she had before she had to leave for work.

“Did you forget it on purpose?” Alex tilted her head slowly and started to take steps towards the towering horse. Her hips swayed left to right and her tail whipped around in the air as it followed her. The Clydesdale’s eyes followed her hips as they went side to side, he couldn’t help it, he never was able to keep his eyes from looking at the tigress’s hips when they swayed like that. Even though her red sweater was something she often wore without anything else covering her bottom half, seeing her with pink underwear on was a nice change and really tickled the horse’s fancy. I guess seeing your girlfriend bottomless all the time made seeing her in something as simple as panties a little taboo, and a lot of sexy. He couldn’t stop staring.

“I don’t remember part of the punishment saying you couldn’t speak,” Alex chuckled before she stopped just a foot or so away from the horse. She put her hands at her hips and tilted her chin up to look up at him. She noticed his reins dangling free in front of him, grabbed them with her right hand, and gave those red ropes a firm tug to get his eyes to come up from her panties he was staring at.

The tug on his reins got him to snort a little, “No, Alex, I didn’t forget it on purpose,” the horse responded softly. His nostrils flared as he took in deep breaths through his nose and a soft smile spread across his thick lips as he looked down at the tigress. “I can go get some milk today,” he added.

Looping the horse’s reins over her wrist and tugging on them a little more, Alex shook her head. “But I need some for my coffee!” she furrowed her brows and put on an exaggerated frown alongside her best puppy-dog eyes. “I guess I have to find an alternative until then, right?” she continued, her eyes still locked to the Clydesdale’s. She went silent for a few moments and it seemed like she was expecting an answer from the equine, but before he could say anything, the tigress moved her right hand over to gently cup his hefty balls that hung free in between his legs. Her soft fingers curled around his warm and leathery orbs and she rubbed her thumb around in a circular motion, all while maintaining eye contact with the horse as if nothing was happening; she always knew how to be sly like that.

“You and I both know there’s no milk in there,” Tashi let out a chuckle as he watched her thumb draw circles on his sack. He was getting goosebumps already, but he tried to not let it show.

Alex rolled her eyes and gently pushed the claw on her thumb down into the thick skin of his ball sack before she shook her head. “There’s horse milk in there, though,” she smiled at him sweetly, so sweet that her eyes squinted shut for a few seconds.

Tashi would have snorted had he not felt the tigress’s claw gently press against the skin on his ball sack. His efforts to try and hide the goosebumps he was getting earlier all came crashing down and he trembled visibly. The fur on his back and shoulders stood up and his stallion-strength knees went visibly wobbly for a second or two. He also tilted his head up slightly and took his eyes off of Alex. This was quickly corrected with a gentle tug to his reins, however.

“Are you going to tell me I can’t have any horse milk for my coffee?” the tigress put on another frown, this time swapping the exaggerated on for a more believable one. She pressed her clawed thumb deeper into Tashi’s balls, dangerously close to breaking skin, but still not quite there yet. The look she had on her face was quite the stark contrast to what her hand was doing. Tashi didn’t know what to feel; he was aroused by the sharp claw and the hand at his balls, but also a little sad that he made her frown, even if it was just a playful frown.

“N-No….” Tashi muttered as his knees buckled from her cat-handling of his balls. Her sharp claws felt so damn good, no regrets on his mind about telling her he was into a bit of rough handling, that was for sure.

The big cat’s frown faded away into a soft smile that showed off her sharp carnivorous teeth and she tugged on her boyfriend’s red reins again, this time a lot harder to bring him within earshot of what she was going to whisper to him.

“Good,” she let out a low yet soft growl right after whispering into the stallion’s ear. “Then get pouring, stud, I have to leave for work in about,” Alex brought her wrist up to look at it as if she was wearing a watch, she wasn’t. “30 minutes….” She then tugged the stallion’s balls firmly and waggled her eyebrows at him. She slowly pulled the hand she had cupping his balls away and slid it up towards the wrinkly folds of skin that made up his sheath. The claw on her thumb still scraped along the entire way. Again, she never broke eye contact with the equine, not even for a split second. She needed to drink in his reaction to her using her claws on him and learn a little more so she could incorporate it into their sex more and more in the future. Testing the waters, as one would. She pushed all five claws on her five fingers against his skin as she began to toy around with his sheath.

The stallion reacted to Alex’s every touch, especially after she pushed all her claws into his soft and squishy sheath flesh. He gritted his teeth and snorted so hard that his lips flapped a little. His knees went weak again and his cock began to grow and slither its way out of that sheath. Like an extra-long stick of lipstick slowly being pushed out. Her soft hand slid all over his sheath and her razor-sharp claws that she had surprising control over lightly scraped his thick skin and the blunt tip as it peeked and extended out from its cave to say hello.

“Hnnnf… Ah…” Tashi let out soft moans as his arousal grew, and with each sound he made, Alex made sure to do more with her hand and claws to get him to make the same or similar sounds again. His nostrils flared and he snorted more as his cock continued to shift closer to being fully out and erect and a nice musky scent quickly filled the room. Alex’s nostrils flared, took in as much of the horse’s dick scent as it could, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

“Someone hasn’t showered…” the feline’s nose wiggled and danced and she tightened her grip around his shaft as it grew out from his sheath more; it was about 8 inches out now, he had about 7 inches left to go before his cock was fully erect. His manhood closed the gap that was between him and his girlfriend with each passing second.

Pulse, pulse, twitch, and bounce went his dick. It was fun to coax the horse’s cock out of his sheath, it never got old, and probably never would. Horsecock sure was one hell of a natural marvel. How could it look so squishy and soft, yet be so hard and sturdy? One might never know the answer.

“Hnnnnh…” Tashi found it challenging not to make any noise when Alex squeezed and poked his cock with her claws. It grew until it was almost fully erect; the blunt tip of his cock brushed up against the front of Alex’s panties and from the side, you could see the blood pulsing through the veins on his shaft. As he inched closer to sporting a full-on hard-on, his cock pushed against Alex’s covered crotch until it slipped underneath and slid in between her thighs. The friction from his meaty shaft sliding against her silky pair of underwear made a high-pitched sound and caused the horse to squint his eyes shut for a few seconds as his sensitive bits were overloaded with even more pleasure.


“Ah, fuck…” the horse mumbled and kept his eyes closed for a few seconds before he slowly reopened them.

“That was a lot quicker than I expected it to be,” the tigress looked down at the thick and hard rod of horsemeat that had nestled comfortably in between her legs. His dick was warm, but so were her thighs, and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t at least a little bit wet underneath her panties. She didn’t have to tell Tashi that though since he surely would have felt that dampness his cock was throbbing against. Plus, the womanly scent that quickly filled the kitchen would have been very hard to ignore. Despite not saying anything about it, his rapidly flaring nostrils and downward dipping eyes told Alex all she needed to know.

“How’s that smell?” she asked with a coy smile.

“Pretty…” he took in a deep breath through his nose, “Good…” he continued and quickly exhaled just to inhale deeply again.

“You want to press your nose up against it?” she cooed.

Tashi’s eyes darted up from staring at the spot where her crotch met his cock and he looked straight into her eyes. He knew better than to believe that she was just going to give him what he wanted, especially since she had him all tied up. He narrowed his eyes slightly and just stared at her. “I thought I’m supposed to be punished?”

“Oh, you are,” the striped cat chuckled. “It was just a question. I can’t have you having too much fun while you are being punished.” She smiled and tightened her grip around his cock again, digging her sharp claws a little more against his dick as a result. She stared into his pretty green eyes with her own and went silent for around half a minute before her eyes lit up.

To Tashi, it looked as if a little lightbulb had lit up in her head. He knew she had just figured out a plan, whether that plan was going to be good for him or not, he did not know, but judging from how she continued to play into his kinks with her claws, her scent, and the occasional firm tug on his reins, it was probably something he was going to enjoy. The equine was never shy to admit that he enjoyed his girlfriend being dominant, hell, he even encouraged it from time to time. Maybe he even got himself into trouble just to get punished on purpose… Alex could never know.

The equine gritted his teeth again and shuddered as Alex’s sharp claws got increasingly close to piercing his skin. He hated that it so easily made his knees weak, but also loved every second of it. He felt his reins being tugged on hard and blinked a few times before he refocused his eyes on his dominant little tiger again.

“I have a really nice idea that I think you’ll like,” she purred, “I’ll get my horse milk, you’ll get something you really enjoy, how does that sound?” The tigress rolled her hips and moved back and forth on the cock between her legs slowly. If the horse didn’t get the message, Alex wouldn’t know what to do.

Tashi heard the message loud and clear or at least felt it. The friction of her damp underwear against his cock made him let out a loud snort as his breath became shaky and his balls jerked up against his now mostly hidden sheath. Curious to know what the idea was, but a little too snorty-moany to say anything, he just watched the tigress closely to see what she was going to do next.

Alex wasn’t going to waste any more time, she did have to leave for work in less than half-an-hour, so she really needed to get a move on and acquire what she sought out for when she came over to her tied up boyfriend. She continued to gyrate her hips; moving them back and forth along that hardened horsecock between her warm thighs. She left a streak of dampness over his blunt tip and the various bulging veins that decorated his manhood and shortly after the dampness became more of wetness as she too got a little bit aroused by her shenanigans. She bit her lower lip and let out a soft and continuous purr. The hand around his cock that had claws digging into his skin loosened from his thick circumference. Tashi let out a soft sigh when she did this but still hadn’t stopped moaning from her dragging her cunt juice-soaked underwear along his shaft. The tigress then brought her newly unoccupied hand down to her crotch, slipped her fingers under the thin waistband of her underwear, and reached into her honeypot for some, well, y’know, honey. She slid her fingers over her dripping wet cuntlips and smeared her pussy juice all into the fur on her fingers. She bit her lower lip a tad more as her digits glided over and in between the slit between her legs collecting her taste and scent. After a good ten seconds or so, she pulled her fingers out and they were soaked, dripping a little even.

Tashi could see the thick and sticky juices on her fingers and how some of it even slowly ran down and seeped into the fur on her wrist. The short fur on her fingers was incredibly wet, and that was putting it lightly. The tigress brought her hand up and held it just a few inches away from the horse’s big snoot. His nostrils flared big and his breathing went from being rather lengthy and deep breaths to quick and more rapid breathing. He couldn’t help it, the smell of her pussy was so close, so intense, right in front of his sniffy snoot, he needed the scent to brush by the receptors in his nose as quickly and as rapidly as possible. When her scent hit him in full, his eyes nearly rolled up into his head and he let out a shuddery moan.


‘Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff’.


Alex watched her boyfriend with an amused smile on her face as she held her drip coated hand in front of his nose. She was going to move her hand closer but got distracted by his eagerness and the sounds he was making. Her lips shaped into a very smug smile and she chuckled. “I haven’t even done what I was going to do yet,” she then smeared her wet hand right underneath his nose. She left visible streaks of transparent liquid on his fleshy snoot, but one smear wasn’t enough, she went back and did a few more just to make sure enough of her scent was rubbed there above his upper lip for it to linger for a while. “There… Try not to lick it off so it lasts a little bit longer.” She grinned.

The Clydesdale’s nostrils flared again and again as he took in the tiger’s pussy musk. It was as if he had his nose right up against her snatch and was sniffing her fragrance directly from the source. Good lord did she smell good. His horsedick throbbed visibly and wobbled up and down, brushing against Alex’s inner thigh. By now, Alex had stopped moving her hips back and forth on Tashi’s cock and was just standing there with it up in between her thighs as she watched him do his best not to lick the pussy juice she just smeared all over his snout. When it looked like his tongue was about to slip out and lick at his lips, Alex tugged on his reins hard to help stop him. “No, no, no…” she purred, “No licking it off, c’mon, let me distract you… Just keep taking deep breaths, nice and slow…” The big cat purred and put on a caring tone, a stark contrast to the teasing and dominant thing she was pulling earlier. She reached up to rub his right cheek with the hand she held his reins in, while her pussy juice hand went back down to her crotch to pull on the waistband of her underwear.

Tashi closed his eyes when Alex began to rub his cheek with her hand and let out soft and happy murmurs as he continued to huff the scent she left all over his senses. With the equine distracted, Alex took a few steps back, continued to rub at his cheek, and pulled her panties down just enough for her to reclaim her steps and let his horsecock slide right into her underwear. The sudden change in the feeling of what his dick was sliding up against caused him to open his eyes and look down.

“Surprise,” said Alex with a smile as she began to slide herself back and forth a few inches on his cock. Her pussy lips hotdogged part of the top side of his cock nicely and her wetness provided lubricant that allowed her to slide herself over his cock with ease. Tashi’s cock jolted upward suddenly causing Alex to slightly lose her balance, but she regained it shortly after and started to run her hand along his shaft as she moved up and down. She stopped rubbing his cheek and dropped her hand back down to pull on his reins again. Tashi said zero words, but he did watch the tigress move up his dick further and further and use her hand to get to the places her cunt couldn’t reach. He shifted his weight from hoof to hoof and kept his breathing consistent with deep breaths. His dick twitched and bounced violently a few times but the firm pull Alex had on his reins kept him quite in check.

“I guess it’s your lucky day, getting a pussy job and everything,” she chuckled.

‘Schlk, schlk, schlk..’ the sound her wet pussy made when she ground against his cock was a little bit harder to ignore than the sound her underwear made. Alex wasn’t able to slide all the way on her horse boyfriend’s cock, however, because his blunt tip would be stopped by her underwear, acting as a sort of safety net that limited her to reach just shy of his speedbump. What a shame. Her pussy lips barely kissed the edge of his medial ring before she pulled back and slid her cunt all the way until she bumped into his blunt and semi-flared tip. Her pussy lips squished around and smooshed against his bumpy tip and she wiggled her butt a little to rub cunt all over his sensitive tip to push the horse closer to the main goal.

“Hhhnnnrrrhhh….” The horse moaned as his cock continued to twitch, pulse, and bounce in between Alex’s legs as she gave him the best pussy job in his life. Alex dug her claws into his cock again and made it even harder for the equine to keep his moans under wraps.

‘Schlk, schlk, schlk..’ The wet noises that Alex’s pussy made as it kissed Tashi’s meat and painted her scent all over and marked her territory continued.

Alex slid back and forth along his rod as if she was a fireman sliding down a firepole after hearing the alarm indicating there was a fire out somewhere. Tashi’s speckled cock now had a shine to it from the tiger’s cuntjuice.

The horse’s scent was still as potent as it was when his cock first started sliding out of his sheath, but now Alex’s scent was mixed in too. The smell of freshly brewed coffee in the kitchen was long gone, now the kitchen just smelled like sweat and sex. Which wasn’t at all a bad thing.

“A-Alex…. My balls, I think I am close, already…” Tashi said softly as his balls retracted upward against his sheath and remained tucked tight up there for a few seconds before they relaxed and sagged down again. He was getting close. Tashi could feel everything through his dick, the entire length from base to tip was a bundle of nerves, so when Little Miss Marx’s pussy dragged all over it, he could feel her lips gliding over his ridges, bumps, and veins.

The reins connected to his bridle squeaked as Alex pulled on them and Tashi’s head tilted downward following it.

“You cum when I tell you to, Tashi…” she purred her words and slid herself back until her pussy sat right on top of his cockhead. She pulled her palm up from his cock but left her fingertips and claws still lightly touching his medial ring. She shook her butt slowly and rolled her pussy lips over the sides of his a little as she stared up at him, still keeping the reins in her grip nice and taut. She pressed her claws in a little more and raised her brows at him, a non-verbal way of asking if he understood what she just said.

“Y-Yes, Alex…” Tashi gritted his teeth and nodded. His balls hugged his sheath again and his knees went wobbly; he wasn’t going to be able to hold it for very long. He could only hope that Alex wanted him to cum sooner rather than later, didn’t she need his cum for something? Didn’t she need to leave for work soon?

“Lucky for you,” Alex chuckled, “I really need coffee creamer if I’m going to drink my coffee and not fall asleep on the way to work,” she shook her head, seemingly disappointed that she had to work today.

Tashi continued to huff, moan, and snort. He was resisting the pulls and tugs on his reins somewhat, but that was because he was trying to focus on not ejaculating until he heard those words come out of the dominant tigress’s mouth. Any second now.

Alex rubbed her pussy on Tashi’s flaring cockhead and smiled up at him. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

Tashi let out a soft snort. “For you to say it,”

“Say what?” Alex tilted her head to the side, puzzled. Her puzzled expression didn’t last long as she continued to rub her pussy lips against the horse’s primed-and-loaded cum cannon. The Clydesdale felt his balls ache and he let out a soft whine, something he rarely did.

The tigress’s eyes lit up as she realized what he was talking about. “Oh! Right… Sorry about that, I got a little distracted with all these noises you are making… Big fan of those…” She cooed. She stopped rubbing her pussy on his tip and just looked up at him with her soft and warm sunset smile. She dug her claws into the skin on his cock and spoke.

“Go ahead, cum.”

Tashi’s ears flickered as they picked up the words that came out of his girlfriend’s mouth. He heard those words come out of her mouth in slow motion and afterward, it echoed in his head. Coinciding with each time he heard her words repeat in his head, his cock throbbed, bobbing up and down and increasing the strength at which it did so each time. His balls were retracted up as high as they could go. Behind his thick lips, he gritted his teeth as he felt his spunk flow through the length of his cock and spray out from his tip like a freshly uncorked bottle of champagne.

With his tip partially covered by Alex’s underwear, what would usually be strong ropes of thick horse ejaculate was reduced to a thick and globby mess that puddled up as much as it could in the tiger’s panties before it dripped and flowed down to the floor; easily making a huge mess, as horses always do.

‘Splat, splort,’

Alex purred and chuffed as her horse released and finished in her panties. His ropes of cum were warm and felt good splashing around on her pussy and inner thighs. She held his reins firm and kept the leather taut as he shot rope after rope out of his mighty massive meat.

“Hnnnhff….” The tall draft horse snorted so hard that his lips flapped around. He tensed up everywhere as he emptied his balls into his girlfriend’s pastel pink panties. His balls remained clenched tightly up against his sheath and made subtle movements each time his cock poured out some more of his seed. As his orgasm reached its halfway mark and moved closer towards its end, his balls began to relax and return to hanging more freely between his legs. With his last rope shooting from his cock at a softer velocity, it just pushed the cum that pooled in her panties out down her leg and to the floor.

‘Splat, splat, splat,’

“That’s it, good horsey…” she cooed, relaxed her claws that were digging into his cock a little, and brought her hand to rub his cheek encouragingly. “That’s plenty of creamer for my coffee.” She let go of his reins and took a few steps back to pull herself away from his cock and release it from panties. Once his cock was free, it bounced up and down a little and shook the remaining cum and pussy juice that was on it onto the floor. Alex quickly turned to grab a small plastic cup from the kitchen island behind her and held it right between her legs. She wiggled her hips and got some of Tashi’s cum to fall free from her panties and into the cup.


She then set the cup back down on the kitchen island and brought her hands to the waistband of her panties to adjust them, she pulled it right back where they were before and left the cum against her pussy and on her leg in the same place. With her panties back on, she grabbed her cup-o-cum, and walked back to the little breakfast she had set up at the table. Luckily, her coffee still had some steam rising from it when she got back there. She proceeded to pour the creamer from the cup into it and gave it a little stir. Once stirred, the black coffee turned to a lighter brown color.

“Perfect,” she said to herself before she brought the mug to her lips for a little sip. The tigress then sat down in front of the rest of her breakfast and dug in.

Tashi stood in place watching his girlfriend mix his cum into her coffee. How was he supposed to get his dick back into his sheath after seeing that? It throbbed, stood up tall, and he whined.

Alex heard his whine, shook her head, and with a mouthful of eggs and toast, said, “You’re still being punished, Tashi… I wasn’t just going to let you cum and leave for work. I had to make sure you have the image of me drinking your cum in my coffee in your head all… Day… Long…”

Alex finished up her breakfast and left for work.

Tashi whined again as his cock couldn’t help but throb as he caught a glimpse of Alex’s horsecum soaked panties as she got up to leave.

It was going to be a long day for him.


Watersports version of story "Apple Juice"  

Art by Chewycuticle

Tashi by TashiGibson



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