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“Alex! I really have to finish this!” Tashi, the tall stallion called out as he turned his head away from the computer screen in front of him. “Just checking if you need another coffee!” The tigress standing in the doorframe replied, giving her boyfriend the most innocent smile that could have melted anyone’s heart. Her tail was swishing around in the air. She was showing herself off in all her usual bottomless glory. “But you just brought me a fresh one ten minutes ago.” Tashi replied and picked up his mug to swirl around the rest of the caffeinated beverage that was still warm. “See?” He tilted the cup towards her to show his girlfriend and hopefully ease her worries.

“I’ll make some more fresh for you, just in case.” She replied and ran off towards the kitchen, leaving only a wave of mango shampoo scent to wash over the confused stallion. “What’s up with her today?” He mumbled to himself as he returned to typing on his keyboard. It was just one of those days when his boss made him work overtime as usual to have something finished that he wanted to be done yesterday. Just when he had gotten back into the complicated code filling his screen like the ones in some cliché hacker movie, he got torn away again.

It was the sound of a fresh hot cup of coffee being put on his desk that pulled him out of his thoughts. Unintentionally, the tigress had snuck up on her boyfriend once more, barely making a sound as she brought him another hot beverage. “Wah, Alex!” Tashi said, stroking his temples. Before he could speak any further, the tigress was already rubbing her cheek against his shoulder. The sound of her purring making its way to his ears quickly alleviated his minor shock and he grabbed the fresh cup of coffee to take a sip. “Thank you, my little tiger.” He whispered. The tigress nodded eagerly. “You’re welcome, horsey! So, are you done soon?”

Tashi put the cup down and turned his head to look at her as she was trying to make sense of the walls of code displayed on the screen. She was huddled up close to her boyfriend when he replied. “You really spooked me. Well… I’m one step closer. Please just give me a bit of time. I’ll be with you very soon, then we can game some. Or watch some series.” Alex grinned. “Or fuck?” She asked with her signature teasing grin. Tashi’s jaw dropped for a second, and the tigress didn’t let that go to waste. She grabbed his cheeks and quickly turned his head to make him face her.

A soft smack echoed through the room as she kissed him right between his nostrils, her sabre teeth pushing into his upper lip. She let him go and chuckled. “Or fuck…” Tashi replied with a shy nod. Just her suggestion had been enough to get his equine cock to peek from the stallion’s sheath. A sight that was clearly visible, the stallion not wearing any pants, either. “Good...” The tigress said contently, keeping her perfect grin on her lips. Before she turned around to walk away, she groped the stallion’s hefty balls, leaving him behind with his cock fully dropping from his sheath, a meaty semi-boner swinging between his legs. She sniffed her hand that was now musky and laden with the stallion’s pheromones as she walked away.

Once she arrived at the door, she turned around to look towards her boyfriend. “Feels and smells like you would like that a lot, Tashi.” She teased him, making the stallion snort shyly. “I’ll never get done this way!” Tashi protested and shook his head. He didn’t want to let her know just how right she was. Alex in turn didn’t let him see how wet his musky scent had made her. She was annoyed because her stallion had to work overtime. It was that time of the month, and she really wanted it, too, the real thing, a man pinning her down, not just the cheap thrill of a toy.

Luckily, there were a few chores left to do for her to kill the time. She walked over to the laundry room. After a few minutes she was done taking out the freshly washed clothes from the machine and hanging them up to dry. There were more dirty clothes to be washed, a pile of red sweaters and shirts was building. She sighed as she gathered them and stuffed them into the big hole in the front of the bulky machine. After picking up some red socks and throwing them in as well, she sniffed the sweater she was wearing. “Mhm… why not?” She asked herself innocently, then took it off and threw it into the machine along with the other things, leaving her standing there naked.

Absent-mindedly, she scratched her chin, bringing more of her boyfriend’s ball musk into sniffing range. “Stupid hacker man business….” She groaned and hopped onto the washing machine as it began spinning their clothes around. She leaned back until her shoulders were against the wall and her tail was swishing around behind her excitedly, struggling to move around in what little space was behind her. Just the vibrations of the whirring machine under her were enough to get her mind to wander again. Alex spread her legs, exposing her glistening folds to the air. Her pussy lips were lightly swollen, covered in her honey, but no bee nearby to profit from her delicious offering.

“Ahn…” With her mind wandering, the tigress barely noticed how her hand had made its way down to her crotch. She was idly rubbing her pussy, spreading her juices around. Biting a finger to keep herself quiet, she kept going for a while. It felt so good, and the musky scent from the sweaty clothes nearby made her want to continue. But this wasn’t enough. The predator had to go hunt for her prey, the carnivore wanted her meat. She licked her fingers clean, jumped off the washing machine, and walked away from the spinning clothes.

Even as she passed through the hallway, she could still hear her diligent boyfriend typing away, feeding more commands into his computer. She chuckled to herself as she walked past the door and headed for the bedroom. After dropping onto her knees in front of the bed, she raised her tail. Strings of her sticky juices were connecting her exposed pussy lips. Her snatch was absolutely begging for a stuffing. “Hm….” She hummed, then pulled the toy drawer out from under the bed. There was a whole arrangement of toys, so many that could have scratched her itch. But there was something else the tigress chose. The big bell on her broad collar jingled as she picked it up. “Not going to spook you again, coding horse…” She mumbled to herself, then put it around her neck, making sure it was sitting tightly.

She flicked the bell once and then pushed the toy drawer back underneath the bed, putting the treasure chest she was sharing with her boyfriend back into its hiding spot. With a joyful grin on her lips, she strutted out of the bedroom and walked right back into Tashi’s office.

Immediately when the stallion heard that bell jingling, he turned his head to look towards the door. “Almost done, Alex, just a…” Before he could finish his sentence, he saw his girlfriend standing there in the door wearing nothing but her collar. “It’s okay” She said before he could even get back to his senses. “I’ll just sit on your lap and watch! I’m lonely!” Not waiting for a reply, she walked towards her boyfriend. At that point in time, her thighs were already glistening slightly from the steady trickling of delicious juices coming from her needy slit. “Uhh…” Tashi scratched his neck, but he was unable to protest. He just rolled his chair back to make room for the tigress. Without another word, she hopped onto his lap. Her tail swished around, swiping some papers off the stallion’s desk, and then tightly wrapped around his leg.

She kissed him, leaving some of her taste behind on his lips. Then she rubbed her cheek against his and looked at the computer. More code and many blinking red error messages filled the screen. “This isn’t going to make it faster, Alex…” Tashi protested quietly. But he put his arms around the tigress and continued to code with her gorgeous green eyes following the mouse pointer and looking at the newly appearing code. The scent of her need was strong in the air, the familiar taste of her pussy was on the stallion’s lips. He must have really been focused on the task at hand. It was a miracle that he didn’t immediately get a boner with enough force to launch his horny girlfriend off his lap again. “It’s okay.” Alex just said and smiled.

A few minutes passed; a few error messages disappeared. Not enough for the tigress not to grow impatient, though. She shifted around on her boyfriend’s lap, pushed her head under his arm until he had to take his hand off the mouse. The stallion snorted softly and began petting her gently, right between the ears. Alex purred in return, and the stallion kept typing with just one hand. She looked down and slightly spread her legs. There, she could see her prey, her boyfriend’s soft cock peeking from his sheath, those heavy balls underneath. She sighed in anticipation and then just swatted at the computer mouse. “Alex… you sure you don’t want to wait in the living room?” Tashi asked her and smooched her shoulder. “No, just passing the time.” She replied innocently. The stallion sighed and kept typing.

After a few more minutes, Alex moved her head around to shake her boyfriend’s hand off. He put it back on the mouse and typed away at a few more lines of code. He was so distracted that he didn’t notice what the tigress was doing until she had both her hands on his balls and squeezed them together like the tempting cat toys they were to her at that moment. From the whole day of sitting and coding, they had become quite sweaty, the thin smooth skin almost slipped away from her hands. That’s why she pushed her claws out and kept them right where they were supposed to be, in her grasp. Tashi neighed and lightly pushed Alex away until she let go. “Alex! Stop!” Was what the voice coming from his muzzle said. But the tigress knew that the whispers in his head must have wished for something else. She just chuckled innocently and sniffed her hands that were covered in a fresh dose of boyfriend musk. She was satisfied. For a short while.

That last step was one too far, though. The stallion’s length that had only been peeking from the sheath had awoken from its slumber. Those little embers of lust sparked a smoldering fire of arousal inside the stallion. The harder a certain part of his body became, the harder he tried to focus on his work. But eventually, his massive length was pushing against the tigress’ thighs from below and she was all too eager to spread them to let that equine member continue on its path. She could feel how Tashi was getting tense underneath her. A few moments later, and his cock was pushing right up against her pussy. The moment those hungering lips had waited for was so much closer. The pulsing veins underneath the stallion’s skin gave it a nice texture for the tigress to grind her little flower against.

Tashi was breathing faster, yet he kept his eyes on the screen. Instead of making error messages disappear, more and more kept popping up. Even the most basic coding problems became impossible when his girlfriend was grinding against his cock and her juices were pooling in the crevices of his sack. His instincts urged him to just pin his horny girlfriend down and breed her like there was no tomorrow. But he had a job that needed doing. His will was harder than his throbbing cock, keystroke after keystroke, he fixed the errors that were plaguing his code and submitted the finished work quickly. His chair was stained, precum was pooling in a puddle on the ground, and the tigress was purring on his lap. After she watched him send off his results, Alex chuckled. She didn’t say a word, but she playfully bit the stallion’s neck, letting her sabre teeth sink into his fur just enough for them to poke against the skin.

The stallion neighed and quickly hammered a “Done, got to go” into his work chat, then he pushed two more keys to lock the PC. “No! No biting! You’re really a bad girl today, Alex!” He snorted softly as he pulled the tigress off his neck and looked into her horny, hungry eyes. His cock was drenched in her juices, they were already half the way there. “Am I?” The tigress playfully asked. Tashi just nodded. He picked her up from his lap and then laid her across his thighs. His pulsating aroused length was pushing against her belly and he could feel her juices oozing down onto his lap as he had her bent over. He groped her perfect buttle butt and then spanked her ass cheeks twice. Both times just hard enough to make her flesh jiggle slightly and the bell on her collar jingle. The tigress cooed as her boyfriend kept massaging her ass cheeks afterwards. “Not bad… just horny…” She finally replied.

“Horny?” Tashi asked curiously. Now that his hands were free, he was all too eager to pay back all the teasing she had done to him before. First, he pulled off his shirt and threw it off into a corner. Then, he grabbed her by her chin on one side while his other hand inched closer and closer to her pussy. At the same time, he pulled her up into a kiss, and let two fingers slip deep into her pussy. She moaned against his lips as her boyfriend curled those two digits inside of her and stroked her clit with the two that had to stay outside.


His tongue slipped deeper into her mouth, his fingers pushed deeper and faster into her folds. Their chins were dripping with their shared spit and the stallion’s fingers were soaked in the tigress’ juices when he stopped. None of that went by without leaving a mark on the stallion. Alex could feel his cock pushing against her belly. He was almost hard enough to lift her off his lap with that massive tool. At least that’s what she caught herself fantasizing about for a moment she was lost in her horny thoughts that were only spurred on when the scent of sex in the air around them was getting more intense. “You want my cock bad, don’t you, my little tiger?”

Alex nodded at him and didn’t say another word. “Then be a good girl and clean up your mess… and then we’ll see about that…” Her boyfriend teased her before bringing the hand that was wet with her juices up to her mouth. Eagerly, the tigress began to lick and suckle his fingers one by one until his hand was only slightly wet from her spit. The stallion’s nostrils were flaring. The sight and feeling of her tongue, the soft suckling noises, it was all getting to him as well. When she was done, she innocently smiled at him. A smile that would have let anyone believe that she really was a good girl. It projected a picture that was only ruined by the fact that she was bent over her boyfriend’s lap, and they were both ready to fuck the brains out of each other.

Tashi resisted the urge to do that just a little longer. “Now my cock… good girls don’t play with dirty toys, do they?” He slid forward on his chair and carefully set Alex down onto her knees in front of him. “Sometimes they do…” She replied, making Tashi glare at her. “…but not today.” She finished her sentence and leaned forward.


Her eyes closed, her lips sealed, and her nose wiggling, she took one deep sniff of one of her favorite scents. Unadulterated, pure, virile musk right from her boyfriend’s crotch. “You’re such a good girl, my little musk slut…” The stallion praised her and caressed her shoulders. Alex purred as her tongue slipped from her mouth and right between the stallion’s sheath and throbbing cock. She sighed and breathed excitedly, her boyfriend moaned as she licked his cock from base to tip and back, over and over. His balls were cleaned by her as well, she didn’t stop until that massive set of cock and balls in front of her was completely spit-shined. Then she grabbed his length with both hands and sucked the precum from his cock, leaving him all dry, and wanting for so much more.

“What a good girl… and the very best cat…” Tashi whispered, breaking the lingering silence between them. He grabbed her collar and pulled her up onto her paws, then up onto his lap. They shared another deep, passionate kiss. The stallion so loved it to taste himself on her lips. Before their kiss broke, Alex was already gyrating her hips again, grinding her pussy against the cock she had so dutifully cleaned only moments ago. Her boyfriend pulled away from the kiss and moaned before hiding his muzzle in the tuft of fur on her chest. He grabbed his cock and lifted the tigress up into the air and off his lap. A heartbeat later the flat blunt tip of his cock and her drenched pussy lips met.


There was no force necessary, they were both prepared, wet, and ready. With the help of their shared passion and gravity, it took only a second before Alex took him balls deep, her crotch met his, and his balls were pushing against her bubble butt. Their cheeks were flushed as they looked into each other’s eyes. Tashi’s hands caressed over her breasts and to her belly where he felt the bulge his cock made in her smooth fur. The tigress slowly gyrated her hips, moving around on her boyfriend’s cock and making it move inside of her like her personal joystick. “Unf… I really needed that, Tashi.” She said before she began slowly bouncing on her man’s lap. Tashi shook his head and then smiled at her. He rubbed her cheeks and looked into her eyes. Even with her gorgeous chest and sexy body right in front of him, they were still the most enchanting sight for him to look at. “Is that so? I think I know what you really need… Hold on.” He kissed her chin and then put both arms around her to hug her against his chest tightly. Alex in turn put her legs around him to do her part.

Her hot wet pussy squeezing his cock tightly and the stallion’s knees feeling slightly weak and soft, he managed to make his way back over to the bedroom. Once they arrived and he put Alex down on the bed, his cock almost slipped out of her. It was only his broad, semi-flared tip and the tigress applying her gorilla grip through her tight love tunnel that kept the two connected. Tashi moaned and he kneeled on the bed, getting in a good position to make proper love to his girlfriend. He lowered his head until his lips were close to her ear. “I love it so much when you do that… feels so good.” He whispered and kissed her nose. “Do what?” The tigress asked in return. She had a cheeky grin on her face when she relaxed her inner muscles only to tighten them again after Tashi put his throbbing cock a few inches deeper into her. She knew exactly what she was doing. The stallion was moaning softly, his cock almost locked in place.

Almost. Tashi managed to pull his length back out of the tigress’ tight embrace just a little. Then he pushed back in. With every back and forth, she relaxed more and completely gave in when Tashi began caressing her head. “Relax, my good girl. Let me do the work…” He whispered to her. Alex closed her eyes and she sighed in bliss. Her hands went up and held onto the stallion’s strong neck. She raised her legs, tried to put them around her horse. The way he had pinned her down, though, her legs were simply not long enough. She settled for curling her tail around his leg.

The bell on her collar jingled lightly with every thrust of Tashi’s rock hard cock that went deep into her pussy. She was soaking that length with her hot juices and the stallion was adding his own steadily dripping precum to the secret sauce they were concocting together. With every push, Alex sank into the mattress, feeling the strength of her man as his length plowed her fields of lust. He spread her open all the way to her womb, leaving her feel slightly empty every time he pulled out, until he cured that longing with the next powerful push. His strong arms held her in place and showed her tender love and affection at the same time. He fucked her slowly and steadily, making her moan every time her clit had to hop over the speedbump his medial ring posed as on his cock.

Even not counting the strong virile musk emanating from his sweating body, especially his swinging heavy balls, this was way better than any of her toys could do for her. He leaned down and gently nipped at her neck with his lips and teeth. “I… I thought you said no biting, Tashi…” She playfully protested. Her boyfriend chuckled and bit her neck just a little harder before letting go and kissing the spot to make it all better. With a cheeky grin, he craned his neck to nuzzle her chest tuft and kiss both her perfect breasts.

When he felt the tigress’ inner walls shaking around his cock, he picked up the pace. The hand that had been busy holding up her leg slowly caressed further up her thigh until four fingers pushed into her soft butt. His thumb found a perfect angle to rub the tigress’ clit. Small gentle motions that added to the pleasure his veiny throbbing cock gave right beneath.


His hot breath was washing over her as he kept humping away. He was far away from the jackhammer-like rutting he was able to give when the two of them were desperately horny. Yet their mixed love cocktail had soaked the fur on Alex’s butt enough to make those wet slapping noises echo through the room every time his balls met the tigress’ dream ass.

With every thrust, the tip of his cock was swelling more, growing closer and closer to the typical flared shape during orgasm. It was a telltale sign for the tigress who was giving off her own signs as well. Her pussy was shaking more and more each time that flaring horse cock stretched her open. She tugged on her boyfriend’s neck, pulled him down until he followed along and closed the gap between them. Her breasts were squished against his strong chest, his meat pumping and throbbing deep inside of her.

He squeezed harder, rubbed her clit faster, trying to stimulate that little bean as much as he could. He felt he was getting close, and with how Alex had behaved so far that day, he was sure she needed to get off more than he did. He did the best he could to make sure his medial ring was hitting her two sweet spots every time he moved in and out, sending her on wave after wave of pleasure with no chance to come down.

The shaking he felt on her inner walls started to spread down her legs and up her arms. He knew he had done a good job when his girlfriend’s whole lower body was almost vibrating with orgasmic bliss and her hands were shaking on his neck. “Ahnn… yes… Tashi…” She moaned into his ear. It was so tempting for him to just give in to the tight love tunnel contracting around his length. He wanted to just blow his load deep into her. But he resisted and tried to pull out, to pull away from the tigress. She was hanging onto him with all her might, and when he tried to get up, she was holding onto him with her arms and legs.

Only at the last second did he reach down to bend his cock and pull it out of her. The second his massive length smacked down onto her belly, the first thick rope of cum shot forth from the flared tip of his equine member.


It was hot and thick enough to leave a streak all the way up to her breasts. Many more followed that first one, painting the tigress’ chest and belly a creamy white on top of her natural fur color. They were both catching their breath after the intense orgasm they just shared. Every time Alex’s chest was rising, the sticky cum from her belly was flowing down to her crotch and began pooling underneath her on the sheets.

“Mhm… that was good…” She whispered. “But why did you pull out? I think it’s a safe day!” She asked the stallion, looking up at him with her pretty green eyes. “It’s never a safe day when you are like this…” Tashi replied and winked at her. He dipped two fingers into the creamy load on his girlfriend’s belly and brought them up to her mouth. Before he could touch her lips, she already opened her mouth and began licking his seed off his digits. She licked her lips after she was done cleaning them. “You’re probably right…” She replied, a playful pout on her lips.

Tashi smiled at her and he got up from the bed. His cock was still dripping, still semi-erect, his balls seemed like they had not lost any weight or volume after the load they had just churned up. “Now come… be a good girl and come shower with me. Then we can talk about round two if your itch still needs scratching.” He turned around to walk off to the shower. When he didn’t hear the bell on Alex’s collar jingling, he turned back. The tigress was still lying on the bed, her arms raised up into the air. “Carry meeee!” She demanded excitedly.

The stallion smirked, shook his head, and walked back to the bed. He picked her up from the mattress, the strong muscles on his arms showing even through his smooth fur, and carried his cum-drenched, pussy juice leaking tigress girlfriend with him to the shower.

Some things never changed.

Cats will be cats.

There was one horse that was incredibly happy about just that.


Art by Fumiko 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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