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King Gutrek’s latest Wild Hunt had been going on for some time already. This was not unusual. Many would-be treasure hunters met their early demise when they encountered deadly traps or just their unscrupulous rivals. Yet, the promise of unspeakable riches from the king who possessed more wealth than the entire neighboring kingdoms combined lured in just as many new daredevils as it chewed out.

One of the poor souls that got dragged into the events that transpired was Rory, the rockling. He didn’t want to have anything to do with the Hunt, but the same couldn’t be said for his friends. They wanted to capitalize on the distraction such a big event caused and get their fair share of the king’s wealth. Sadly, even such promising plans don’t always go as planned and one of the clever young guy’s friends paid the ultimate price for it. Rory got away, but his life took another turn he had not planned for. Being trained to read and write, he was deemed useful enough to become the apprentice of Abdul, a powerful sorcerer. Though that turned out to be nothing but a euphemism for a servant who does all the dirty work for a lazy magician.

At least there was one constant in the rockling’s life. Even though most situations he found himself in were miserable, they never stayed the same for long. His life was about to take another drastic turn.

Abdul had left his wizard’s tower for some business he did not consider Rory worthy to know the details of. That was his chance, or so the young guy that was so down on his luck thought. The wizard had been collecting rare artifacts and trading them, amassing quite the fortune himself. This was the day he was going to get paid for his long time of servitude and then he was going to leave this place for good!

“Being a sorcerer’s apprentice sucks! I bet even a monk’s life is more fun.” He grumbled as he paced up the stairs in the tower. One of those many stones on the wall, one of those magical torches must have been the one that would unlock Abdul’s secret chamber! It was the only thing that made sense, why else would the crazy guy keep those instead of putting up light bulbs? His feet were dangling in the air as he hung from one of the torch holders, trying to pull it down with all his weight. “When I agreed to this, I thought I’d at least learn about the secret arts and become a sorcerer myself! Instead all I do is clean up this bastard’s shit and cook his meals for him!”

He sighed when he landed back on the ground. Then he tapped some of the stones in the wall, those that looked slightly out of place. Nothing happened. “If only there were at least some girls here! But no other soul comes into this place. Just that Abdul and me. I’ll go insane. Then there will be two crazy bastards living in this place!” He smashed his fists against the wall. But like so many times before, it did not budge, nothing happened. The only sounds he could hear were the wind blowing outside and the torches crackling inside.

“I’m done. I wish I could get the hell out of here; I don’t even care where I end up anymore. Anything is better than being locked up and serving this weird turban-wearing asshole for free!” He wandered through the hallway until he ended up in the sorcerer’s library. This was the only safe entrance and exit of this tower, one of these shelves could slide to the side and grant passage into the king’s palace. That was how the rockling had gotten into this place by accident on that fateful night a long time ago.

The rockling gazed on shelves upon shelves full of books. “Why does he even keep those here? He’s not smart enough to have read them all! He never invites anyone over, who is he trying to impress?” Most of the heavy tomes that were bending the shelves under their weight were gathering dust. Rory was sure that many of them would have crumbled to pieces had anyone just touched them. That was the only reason he didn’t try pulling them all out to find the secret mechanism that would set him free.

“I wonder where he hides the gold. I should take something valuable with me as a compensation for all this time serving him. It’s only fair!” The rockling nodded. Suddenly he looked at the big chest up against the back wall of the library. Usually there had been a heavy magical padlock keeping it safe from the scribe’s prying eyes. This day, the lock was on the ground next to the chest. “He must have left in a hurry! That is my chance, maybe there’s something in his trunk! Let’s see!”

The hinges that kept the chest together were creaking as the rockling opened the lid. He stared inside and noticed that it was almost empty. “Did he take all the goods with him? What even is this thing?” He picked a massive wooden rod out of the treasure box and turned it to look at it from all sides. “That’s all there is? What is this piece of crap? Is it at least a magical staff?!” After staring at the pitiful piece of loot that he had found for a while, Rory noticed a button on the back of the strange contraption. “Well… here goes nothing.” He whispered before pushing down on it.


The device swung open, one of the arms extending from it hitting the rockling’s face. He held his nose and looked at his hand. “Just great!” He bit his tongue as he wiped a few drops of blood off of his pants. Only then did he notice that he was holding a foldable kite made for flying in his hands! Cloth was spanning between the spread-out arms of the thing. The rod had folded out enough for a small being like himself to stand on. Jumping from one of the windows of the tower would have meant certain death! But not with this newfound treasure. “Well I’ll be damned!” Rory said, his mood visibly improving.

It was the rockling’s curse, though, that no lucky break could last for long. Even though he was breathing excitedly, he could hear footsteps coming from the other side of the shelves. “Damn, the bastard is coming back so soon today! I’ll have to make a run for it next time he’s gone. Hope he doesn’t notice his toy missing!” He quickly pushed the kite together, tried to get it back into the compacted form that would have been easier to hide. Just in time, he kicked against the chest to get it to close again and hid the kite under his clothes.

He wiped away the sweat on his forehead. That was close. The big shelf swung aside, and he expected his master to enter the library. Maybe he was drunk and tired and would leave him alone. That’s what Rory was hoping for. Instead, he gasped when it wasn’t the sorcerer that stepped into the library. The surprise visitor hissed when she spotted Rory.

They both came to their senses almost at the same time and spoke in unison. “Who are you? You are not supposed to be here!” Instead of the grumpy old sorcerer, there stood a scantily clad tigress. She was dressed like one of the many servants of Baelzed who were allowed to walk freely through the palace. She wore golden bracelets and anklets, a single strap of cloth covered her crotch, spanned over her back, passed between her breasts. Golden clasps kept her nipples covered, but there wasn’t much that was left to the imagination. Especially not the imagination of a lonely young guy’s mind.

The shelf swung back behind Xela, the intruding tigress, as she was stunned by the surprise of meeting someone when the princess had assured her that she would keep the sorcerer busy and make sure she could search the tower unhindered. Both Rory and she herself were now trapped in the tower together. “No! Shit!” She snarled angrily and pushed the rockling against one of the shelves, squeezing the poor guy’s face right into the tuft of fur on her chest. Her scent filled the apprentice’s nose. He had been without a female companion for far too long, and he quickly couldn’t think quite straight anymore.

“How did you get in here first?” She asked him before moving away enough to let him speak. Rory shook his head and tried to clear his mind. He was less than successful, there was a cute little bulge in his pants now. “Hold on, lady!” He replied. “I have been here this whole time! I’m the sorcerer’s apprentice.” He knew he was exaggerating by uttering that euphemistic title he had been given. But at least he thought there could be a chance to impress this surprise visitor! Maybe she would have been willing to serve him like she would have served the sorcerer. Yes, she must have been a concubine, he was certain!

Xela leaned her head to the side as she eyed that guy who just introduced himself to her. She scratched her chin. Slowly, she relaxed and adjusted her plan in her head. Her cover required her to wear this revealing clothing, she was not allowed to bring weapons into the palace but realizing that the rockling was mostly harmless and unarmed himself made her feel at ease. In the worst case, her claws would have still been superior to his bare hands.

Her claws and the sharp blades she usually carried with her were not the only weapons the tigress expertly knew how to wield. A few quick glances, and she noticed how Rory was looking at her. Other than most guards she had to seduce, he was very cute, she outright liked him. “Apprentice? When did he accept you?” Rory shrugged and gulped. His eyes had dropped down to the tigress’ crotch. That piece of cloth barely kept her modest. It seemed like a miracle to him that the scarf-like piece of clothing didn’t just slip into her pussy. The princess’ seamstresses were truly experts at their craft.

It cost him all the willpower he could muster to look back up into her eyes. “It’s so dark in this tower, days blur into each other! I don’t exactly know.” Xela looked back into his eyes for a while. She squinted and skeptically watched him. Normally, she could tell if someone was lying almost instantly. She was one of Baelzed’s most well-trained agents after all. It seemed like Rory was telling the truth, and that he was completely entranced by her.

She raised her arms to point at the massive shelves of books all around them, well knowing that this would lift her breasts enough to let some of the pink skin near her nipples slip out from under those golden clasps. Immediately, she noticed the rockling’s gaze dropping down to her chest. “Look at all these books. Surely, Abdul needs you to help him with his research, right?” Her voice was husky, seductive, calm. Rory just nodded, unwilling to take his eyes away from the seducing tigress in front of him. “And since you are so good at helping, you can certainly help me, too? I can make it worth your while.”

Hearing that offer got Rory to blink and look back up into Xela’s eyes once more. He jumped back against the bookcase behind him when he noticed that she was looking down at his crotch, and that he was sporting the biggest boner he had in a while. The tigress glanced at it just long enough to let him know that she saw it, too, but she didn’t comment on it. It was the apprentice himself who had to clear his throat before he could speak. “What… what do you need help with?”

“Oh, it should be an easy task for a smart apprentice like you.” Xela replied, praising him. “The princess is extremely interested in the ancient history of our realm. You wouldn’t believe it, but she has her pretty nose in her books almost the whole time!” Even though she kept talking, she noticed that Rory was barely using his large ears to listen to her. He was staring at her swaying breasts, entranced by her gorgeous form. “She wants me to bring her all the notes or books that Abdul has on this ancient tome, Danesh ax’Abizu!”

Rory blinked and for the first time it was easy for himself to tear his gaze away from the tigress’ seductive body. “The tome for the Wild Hunt?! Why would she want to know about that? She doesn’t need more gold!” He protested, getting a little wary of the surprise visitor. She was not a concubine at all! But maybe she could make it worth his while. Why should he be loyal to the grumpy sorcerer?

Xela playfully chuckled. She reached behind her, making the wary apprentice back away from her slowly. He froze in his steps, though, when he heard metal hitting the ground, and more importantly, the tigress suddenly standing in front of him topless. She had dropped those clasps holding her wonderful tits back. The sight of her perfect shapely breasts made his boner throb and ache in his pants. Before he could say another word, the tigress stood right in front of him once more. She took his hands and held them.

“I told you, it’s a historical interest! And you know the princess is very generous, she instructed me to be generous, too.” Her muzzle with those sharp saber teeth was so close to the rockling’s ear as she whispered to him. Then she guided his hands up to her exposed breasts, letting the apprentice feel her up. “Must have been a long time since you got some relief… I can help you with that.” Rory was shivering, he wanted to squeeze those soft mounds under his hands.

Screw this, he was never going to get any gold from the stringy sorcerer. He had his method of escape safely tucked away; he might as well get something good from being in this damned tower before he left it for good. As if he had needed any more encouragement, the tigress slipped her fingers underneath his belt, getting the poor rockling even more worked up. “Okay, okay!” He said and moved away from the tigress. He still felt the warmth and softness of her breasts on his hands. “I’ll give you the books.” Quickly, he climbed up the shelves to take out some of the tomes and hand them down to the waiting tigress. At least he had spent enough lonely hours in the tower to find his way around this crazy library. He wasn’t sure if all those books would have been useful, but one of them had to be.

He dropped the heavy tomes on the ground next to the tigress, then he nodded at her. “I’ll get his notes. You wait here, lady.” He said and Xela nodded eagerly. Rory wasn’t even sure if the sorcerer had taken any notes for the Wild Hunt. He was just going to grab any of the papers that looked like they were relevant and bring them to the tigress to see what she had to offer to him.

“Ugh… even with my help, his study is such a mess!” The apprentice complained as he entered the dimly lit study room. He coughed from all the dust being kicked up in the air when he grabbed the sorcerer’s journal and research notes. After he exited the study, he hid his folded-up kite near one of the windows. He was quite hopeful that his clothes would make for a poor hiding place in just a few more minutes.

“What took you so long?” The tigress asked when she turned around to face Rory as he came back to the library. The young apprentice dropped his jaw and stared at her. The seductive rogue had undressed even more. She had pulled aside the cloth covering her crotch, it was now loosely hanging over her shoulder. Immediately, he saw her inviting, slightly damp pussy. “Put those notes down… you are a good helper. You deserve a nice reward.” Rory nodded eagerly and put the parchments and books down with the other tomes. He also took off his clothes, dropping them right next to his master’s belongings he was about to give away.

Xela smiled at him. She could have just taken what she came here for and left the apprentice behind. But he was a witness, someone that would come back to bite her later. And she had to wipe away any traces of her having been here. “So so eager… But you don’t know how to treat a lady, do you?” She asked him as she slowly approached him, taking one deliberate step after another. She knew how to show off her body even while she was just walking. Her breasts were swaying from side to side, her pussy exposed to the cool air, her hips and tail pulling the rockling’s gaze to them, but ultimately guiding him back to her seductive assets.

He didn’t even notice that she was holding up a goblet full of wine in front of his face until he smelled the scent of alcohol creeping up his nose. “Let’s have a drink first.” She suggested and sipped on her own goblet. Rory drank some of the wine and then raised an eyebrow. His cheeks were flushed. Was the alcohol getting to his head so quickly? Or was he just that aroused? “Where did you find this wine? You didn’t bring it with you, did you?” He asked her. “I found Abdul’s secret stash!” She answered, proud of herself. “It’s good, isn’t it? I bet it’s the best you ever had; better than the cheap swill he usually lets you have.”

Rory nodded and closed his eyes. She really had given him some good stuff. After Xela tossed the empty goblet behind herself and it hit the carpet on the ground with a loud thud, the apprentice just kept drinking. He gasped as he took the last sip from his goblet. The tigress was on her knees in front of him. One of her soft hands cupped his balls, the other held his shaft. She looked up at him like few other women ever did in his life. He dropped the empty goblet next to himself. Before it hit the ground, Xela gave his shaft a playful lick with her rough tongue. The rockling’s cock was salty, he was pent up from such a long time without a partner.

“Oh… this is good…” He praised the skillful rogue. Carefully, he rubbed her ears and caressed her cheeks. “I didn’t even get started yet…” Xela teased before she pulled back his foreskin just enough to reveal the tip of his cock. She slipped her tongue underneath, right between his flesh and that tight tube of skin. Rory moaned loudly. He wasn’t sure if he was getting woozy from the alcohol or how good this felt or if he had just gone insane and was imagining this whole encounter. The tigress purred. Little squirts of precum hit her tongue, the rockling’s salty manly taste was even more intense underneath his foreskin. She definitely felt some remorse having to frame such a cute guy.


“I… I think I have to lie down…” Rory finally spoke up, just as Xela started bobbing her head back and forth, was giving him a blowjob unlike any he had gotten before in his life. The tigress chuckled and she pulled off his cock with a loud pop, leaving him almost dry before he continued dripping precum. “Am I this good? No worries… come, relax… you can get a little taste of me, too. If you want.” The apprentice nodded eagerly. He was feeling the buzz from the wine he had, his legs were getting weak. Xela got up and took him by the hand, guided him over to the carpet on the ground, and waited for him to lie down.

The pent-up horny apprentice felt such a heavy weight on his body when he lied down on the carpet. But before he could think more about it, the agile tigress was on top of him. She didn’t seem to be influenced by the wine they shared at all. He put his hands up in front of his face just in time for the tigress to lower her bubble butt into them. Before he could say how woozy he was, he felt the tigress soft nether lips against his mouth. Her enchanting scent flooded his mind, her amazing taste completely overwhelmed it.


Almost out of pure reflex, he began licking her sweet flower, tasting her nectar. His tongue slipped into her folds and his large hands caressed over her curves. He had a luscious buffet of pleasure right in front of his face and he dove in head-first. “Ah…. Ahn…” The tigress moaned softly. He did his job so well that he got her worked up. The fact that she herself had been without a companion for quite some time certainly added to it. Such a shame that she couldn’t take him with her.


Her soft huffing and moaning stopped, and suckling lewd wet noises echoed through the library instead. She was gripping his cock tightly, pulling his foreskin back, and sucking his cock without holding back. They didn’t even know each other’s name, they didn’t know who each other really was, but they were sharing lust and pleasure. Rory grabbed the tigress tail right at the base, stimulating her weak spot there as well, and his thumb pushed into her butt so very close to her backdoor. He felt like he was about to pass out, but the rush of finally being with a woman again kept him going. His saliva and the tigress’ juices were running down his cheeks and pooling on the ground as if he had been just recklessly munching on a delicious ripe juicy fruit. There was none sweeter in the world than the one he had right then.

Xela didn’t let a single drop of the delicious salty precum he was giving her go to waste. She gulped and sucked, bopped her head up and down. The cloth still hanging over her shoulder was getting in the way and she moved it aside, let it drop to the ground. Finally, her hands were freed, and then immediately filled by the apprentice’s cock and balls again. Her saber teeth kept his shaft aligned, her hands and lips were milking him, her tongue and tight throat were making his whole lower body shake and tremble. “Hnngh… hrr…” Rory moaned, and the tigress felt his hot breath brushing over her pussy. His fingers sank into her soft fur as he held onto her tightly.


The rockling’s shaft was throbbing in her mouth more and more. Just a moment later, she felt rope after rope of sticky rich cum squirting into her mouth. She purred when the delicious virile taste hit her tongue. Not a single drop went to waste, she swallowed it all, letting the apprentice hear her gulping. When he had nothing more to give, she sucked all that was left out of him, leaving him dry, leaving him ready to pass out on the ground.

Rory felt like he couldn’t move anymore at all, he was just spent. What a lucky break, he had never met a woman quite like this tigress before. She didn’t give him a chance to thank him and get her off, too, however. Just after she had gotten him to blow, she got up and put the modest amount of clothes she had been given back on. The last thing that the rockling saw was the tigress bending down over him to kiss his cheek. He passed out before he could hear her whisper. “I’m sorry.”

She also kissed the tip of his cock one last time, whispering. “One for the road… what a shame.” Swiftly, she got back up and grabbed the books and notes she had been here for in the first place. After looking around for a moment, she grabbed one of the torches from the wall and held it up against the books she had to leave behind. She could not let Abdul know which books were gone or that anyone even had been here. After setting some invaluable tomes ablaze, she tossed the torch on the ground and turned around to make her escape. She didn’t worry about those cliffs outside. She had climbed over many steeper and more dangerous obstacles before.

There was something stopping her in her tracks, though. Just as she was about to leave, she heard Rory groan. He had not been supposed to be here, he would have been just one more victim in the princess’ schemes. It was not the tigress’ fault. The wine she gave him was spiked; he would not feel a thing. “Damn it…” She whispered to herself before dropping the tomes to the ground. Smoke was already filling the library when she went back inside, and just a moment later, she dragged the rockling’s limb body out into the hallway.

“That’s a fighting chance… don’t make me regret it.” She whispered to the passed-out apprentice. Then she smashed a nearby window with her elbow, and jumped out with feline grace, disappearing out into the night.


“Ugh… my head… can’t feel my legs… balls sore…” Rory groaned when he finally came back to his senses. His nose wiggled around when he noticed the scent of smoke filling up the air around him. Immediately, he began coughing, a second later, he was wide awake. The rush of adrenaline from the looming danger of a burning building around him pushed aside any discomfort. He jumped back on his feet and held his head. “Oh shit… oh shit… what have I done now?” Carpets and curtains were burning, the wood above him was starting to crack.

“The kite!” he reminded himself. A deafening crack echoed through the hallway and he was able to dodge some of the falling debris just in time. “I better hurry!” All naked, his flaccid cock dangling, his tail flicking around nervously, he ran up the stairs. He could barely see through the smoke, but the fold-up kite he found earlier was still lying there on the ground, the flames had not touched it, yet.

He picked the massive rod up and swung it against the window to smash the glass to pieces. He breathed in deeply as fresh air from outside filled his lungs. He climbed up on the windowsill. Nothing but darkness. If the kite he found earlier did not work, he would have been doomed. Either to a fiery death or a deep fall. Once again, he pushed the button on that strange rod. Nothing happened. “Noo… work, you piece of shit!” He yelled, mashing that button again and again. Finally, the kite unfolded.

The rockling gulped as he looked out into the darkness. Holding onto the strange flying device, he jumped, put his feet onto the platform, and soared out into the night, leaving another miserable chapter of his life behind.


Art by Twinkle-Sez

Rory by Twinkle-Sez 



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