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Alex looked at her phone. Her boss still didn’t like seeing her being distracted from work. But she was only a few weeks away from her vacation and saying bye-bye to her job as a waitress in this café for good. It was her boyfriend sending her text messages that had made the device beep over and over. She opened the messenger and looked at the three dots hovering there next to a picture of the frazzle-maned stallion. “Is your shift almost over? Do you remember Declan?” Alex raised an eyebrow and shook her head. “I’m just finishing up, heading home in a bit. Who is Declan?”

Another pause, her boyfriend was typing. Alex’s boss was glaring at her angrily and pointing towards the guests, but she only lowered her phone for a short moment. “He’s got a Korean Barbecue Restaurant. An old friend of mine. I wanted to take you there for dinner. You remember? He needs a waitress this evening! They all called in sick. Could you help him? There would be free dinner in it for us!” The tigress blinked a few times after reading that message.

She already felt so tired, working another shift as the sole waitress at another restaurant was the last thing that she wanted to do. While she still thought of the best way to decline, her boyfriend texted again. “Do it for me? I’ll throw in a paw massage when you are done. You’ve got tomorrow off so we can relax!” After that text message, he also shared the location of the restaurant over the app. 

“But I don’t even know the menu or how they handle things!” Alex texted back and turned her head to look at some guests that were waiting for her to come bring the bill. “Better than nothing, Alex.” Tashi replied. “Please.” The tigress was visibly tense. She dragged the claws on her right paw over the ground and sighed. Her fingers were dancing on the screen as she wrote her reply. “Fine. But if that free dinner isn’t the best that they ever served they’ll regret it.” After that, she put her phone back into her pocket and returned to serving the guests.


 “She actually said ‘yes’? You really bet everything on one card there, buddy.” The smooth-scaled crocodile sitting across the table from Tashi asked. He had quite the rounded figure, another contrast from the well-trained stallion. It seemed like he enjoyed having the food his restaurant served a little too much. “She doesn’t seem too thrilled, but yes, I think she will come by soon.” The studly equine replied. The pudgy reptile named Declan grinned, showing off many of his sharp teeth. Then he spoke with his deep voice. “Darn. She really is a keeper. Too bad you already got that bakery gig lined up. Otherwise I would have loved to hire her.” 

Tashi sighed and nodded. He put his phone down and tugged on his bowtie. He was wearing a waiter’s uniform, all dressed up for the occasion. His lower body was completely naked, though, sheath and balls fully exposed. “Yeah, she’s just the best. Now let’s hope she doesn’t check the place on Yelp or something. Would be a shame if she saw that it’s actually closed today.” The stallion said, worriedly brushing over his mane. 

“Well I guess if all else fails, then you’ll just have to tell her the truth.” Declan replied and patted his round belly. “Time for me to get into the kitchen and prepare everything. You made us a nice website, but after this, we’re even, stallion! This is the first and last time I let someone walk around my restaurant with no pants on.” The well-built equine had already gotten used to being bottomless around others but being called out like that still got to him and he rubbed his blushing cheeks. “I told you why it has to be this way.” He replied, got up, and picked up the little notepad and pen. The crocodile laughed. “Just teasing you! A tad jealous that I can neither have your sexy horse rump nor the great waitress. That is all” He teased before waddling off into the kitchen.

The stallion’s phone beeped once more, and he picked it up to look at the message he just received. “Coming over now. But I’ll need a horsey ride home after this.” He smiled and texted back. “You don’t even have to ask. Just get here quickly.”


Alex sighed when she stood in front of the door of the Korean restaurant her boyfriend asked her to help out at. Not only was she tired from a full shift at her own job, she also had to explain to her boss why she was taking some fresh work clothes home with her, the set she was holding right now. If she was going to earn her boyfriend and herself some free dinner, she was at least going to do it well. 

After pulling on the heavy door, she stepped into the restaurant. Her ears wiggled when she suddenly heard her boyfriend’s voice. “Hello, Miss Marx!” She chuckled when she saw the stallion standing there behind the small podium in the lobby. With how tall he was, it did a poor job at hiding that he wasn’t wearing any pants. The tigress raised an eyebrow in response to that formal greeting and the fact that her boyfriend was bottomless outside the district. She looked towards the guest area of the restaurant and when she saw that it was completely empty, she turned her head to her boyfriend. “Alright. What is going on here, Tashi?”

The stallion cleared his throat and shrugged. “I’m sorry. You’ve got a reservation for a table for one, don’t you?” He asked and winked at his girlfriend. “I heard one year ago a very confused stallion stumbled into a certain diner. He thought this was a good way to remember this day.” Tashi smiled at her until he started blushing and turned his head to the side. Once again, he had managed to catch his girlfriend completely off guard.

She sighed, shrugged, and then dropped her set of clothes onto the podium. After jumping into her boyfriend’s arms, she hugged him tightly and kissed his blushing cheek. “You’re crazy, horsey.” She whispered into his ear. “I’m not crazy. But you are overdressed.” The stallion replied and chuckled. “Come, take those pants off. I’ll keep your clothes safe. Can’t have you being uncomfortable.”

Alex landed back on her paws in front of her semi-nude boyfriend. “Alright…” It took her only a second to take off her pants and hand them to the flustered stallion. Now they were both walking around bottomless like they had grown used to at home. Tashi dapperly dressed in the upper part of a waiter’s uniform, Alex wearing one of her favorite red sweaters. He carried her pants, quickly picked up her waitress clothes, and put everything up on the clothes hangers in the lobby area. Then he went to the door to turn the sign back to ‘closed’ and locked it. 

“Now follow me to your table, please, Miss Marx.” Tashi said, falling back into his role as a waiter and waving his arm around to point towards the tables. “I’m following your hoofsteps, sir!” Alex replied, but not without a chuckle at the end. She was sure excited to have some good food, and more than happy that she passed on having a snack back at the café.

They arrived at a round table and the stallion pulled the chair out for her and smiled at his girlfriend. “There we go. I’ll bring you the menu so you can make your choice.” Alex sat down on the only chair next to the table that was laid out just for her. At that moment, a bell was ringing from the kitchen. The tigress’ ears wiggled around, and she looked up at her man. “We’re not alone?” Tashi shook his head and whispered in response. “No, Declan is in the kitchen. Called in a favor.” He winked and raised his voice again. “Oh, I hope it was okay. We selected a small portion of kimchi as an appetizer for you.” The tigress nodded eagerly and licked her lips. “Yes, of course!” She replied and watched her boyfriend strutting off towards the kitchen.

The table in front of her was spotless, a neatly folded napkin with a pair of chopsticks on top of it. There was a circular hole in the surface in front of her with the grill in the middle of it. A moment after Tashi had stepped away, she could feel the heat emanating from it, someone must have turned it on from inside the kitchen. She already made a list of things she wanted to order in her head.

She could hear her the sound of her boyfriend’s hooves clopping on the tiled floor in the kitchen getting louder before he came back into room. He carefully put the small plate with the kimchi down in front of her and handed her the menu as well. Then he scratched his chin and chuckled. “Now you’ve got to eat and look at the menu… I think I messed that up. Should have asked to be an apprentice with you first.” He winked at the tigress who was now holding the chopsticks and menu in one hand each, studying what was available for her to order and tasting the Korean specialty at the same time. 

The tigress chuckled. “Don’t worry, you’re doing okay. The kimchi tastes amazing, so spicy! Did you have some, too?” She asked him and looked up at the stallion who was already standing there holding his notepad and pen at the ready. “Well I wouldn’t have selected it if I didn’t know it was excellent!” The stallion scratched his chin. “So, what else can I get you?” He asked and looked down at his girlfriend that was chewing on her food and reading the menu.

She swallowed the bite she was chewing on and cleared her throat. “Well… let’s start with a plate of kimbabs!” The stallion’s tail flicked left and right excitedly as he wrote them down. “Oh, you’ll love these!” He teased her and nodded. 

His pen scratched over the paper as he wrote down the different meats and vegetables the tigress ordered after. He smiled happily at every choice she made, even though the tigress knew that he couldn’t have had a taste of any of the carnivorous options that she chose.

“Just a minute, my good lady.” The stallion finally said when Alex handed him the menu back. “Enjoy your kimchi in the meantime.” He nodded as he looked at his notepad and the menu. The tigress chuckled at him. “Relax, horsey, your hands are shaking!” The stallion snorted and shook his head. “How do you do this all day… you really are the best.” He whispered before walking off to the kitchen.


Alex looked around at the other elegantly decorated tables in the restaurant. She remembered that her boyfriend had mentioned the place, but somehow life always got in the way of them having dinner here together before. She had a dreamy smile on her face as she pushed around the empty plate in front of her.

Suddenly, a strange noise caught her attention. She looked over her shoulder and she saw Tashi taking the tiniest steps she’s ever seen any equine take. He was balancing all the plates with her food on the tray he was holding. She could also spot and hear a pudgy crocodile laughing at the poor stallion who was doing his best job playing the waiter. Her boyfriend breathed a sigh of relief when he put the tray down on her table. He unloaded all the plates with fresh vegetables and meats in front of the tigress. Her nose wiggled as she smelled the nice aromas of the different spices coming from the marinades and sauces.

“Enjoy, my little tiger, and thank you for an amazing year together.” The stallion waiter whispered after he was done and took the tray off the table again.

“This looks amazing.” The tigress praised her dinner that was waiting to be roasted on the hot grill in front of her. “I’ll forward your compliment to the kitchen.” Tashi replied as he turned to walk back to the cooking area. “Wait!” Alex called out to him. “You’ll leave me here alone to eat?” The stallion turned back around and pulled on his bowtie. “Well… isn’t that what a waiter does? But… since there aren’t any other guests here tonight. Would it be okay if this lowly stallion joins you for dinner at your table, Miss Marx?”

The tigress was holding one piece of the Korean sushi she ordered in her chopsticks and she laughed at him. “Of course, it would be okay.” She winked at him. “Then I shall be back with my own plate in just a minute.” Tashi replied.


The stallion kept his promise. A moment later, he joined the tigress, bringing along a chair and a plate full of vegetables for his own meal. Time flew by as they had dinner and talked about all time they spent together during the last year. So many amazing things they did, long nights gaming, days of going out on adventures. But also, the struggles they overcame, and the naughty things that happened between the sheets, on top of them, and in many other places. They didn’t even notice the crocodile coming back out of the kitchen after he was done cleaning up. He leaned on the counter and sipped on a drink as he listened in on the lovebirds sharing their tales.

One by one, the tigress emptied the plates in front of her, and soon, her man was called back to his duty as a waiter. He got up, picked up as many of the empty platters as he could, and walked off to the kitchen. Alex didn’t fail to notice that some of the things they talked about had gotten the stallion quite aroused. His heavy shaft was no longer hidden inside his sheath, but instead swinging freely with every step that he took.

There were only a few plates with some leftovers on the table when he came back. Once again, he pulled his pen and notepad out of his chest pocket. “Were you satisfied with your dinner, Miss Marx?” He asked her, back in the role of the waiter. “Yes, it was amazing. And such good company!” She excitedly praised the food and smiled at the stallion. “I think I’m done… I ordered a few bits too many.” She explained as she pointed at the leftovers and rubbed her belly. Her boyfriend pouted as he was so ready to take her order. “So, I assume you don’t want any dessert then?” The tigress looked up at him and grinned. “I did not say that.” She replied.

Tashi suspiciously raised one eyebrow. Before he could ask her to elaborate, he already got his answer. “I remember you had an avocado sandwich that day one year ago…” Alex explained as she moved her hand closer and closer to the stallion’s crotch. His cock was still hanging down completely unsheathed. She cupped his balls and lifted them up, pushing his shaft up along as well. “I think I’m in the mood for some avocado right now.” Her teasing words and her touch left her horse standing aroused and speechless.

Luckily, Declan came to the rescue. The thickset crocodile waddled towards the table to protest loudly. “I think this is a dessert best served to go!” He crossed his arms in front of his chest. “I’ve never seen such a clumsy waiter or a couple as kinky as you two… I’ll clean up here. Make sure you get home safely and … quickly.”

With the sexual tension broken for the moment, Alex slipped off her chair and sniffed her musky hand. She chuckled and then playfully spanked Tashi’s butt. “Thank you, Declan… We’ll come back for another dinner someday!” The stallion promised before they returned to the lobby to put on some pants. After all, they had to leave their little bottomless enclave for the evening.

They were holding hands as they stepped out into the streets. “Well, you didn’t have to work your extra shift. But do you still want the horsey ride home?” Tashi asked her. “Of course…” She replied and let go of his hand. One elegant jump later and she was on his back, her legs safely held by his strong hands. The stallion neighed softly as he marched on.

“I really hope this was just the first year of many more…” He mumbled to himself. The tigress nodded, kissed him between the ears, and curled her tail around his leg. “I hope so, too.” She replied, putting a happy smile on the stallion’s face.


Art by Jailbird 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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