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Tashi slumped his shoulders as he stood in front of the mirror in the bedroom. The tall stallion looked at himself from all sides. He was wearing a light blue shirt along with black dress pants. He didn’t like those constricting clothes very much. The long white feathering on his arms and legs was bound to his body. It felt warm, cramped and uncomfortable as he moved around. He brushed over his mane and sighed. That hair on top of his head was as messy as always. The poor horse seemed anything but relaxed. His eyes focused on the top right corner of the mirror. There, he could look over his own shoulder, look at the bed behind him. On top of the sheets, his girlfriend was sitting. The hot orange tigress was wearing the red sweater he loved seeing so much on her. Nothing was covering her lower half for the moment. He could even get a peek of her nether folds and see a hint of the paw print tattoo near her crotch. She was just sitting there filing her nails and claws, part of making herself pretty for the occasion. It was certainly a view that made him forget his discomfort for a moment. He cleared his throat and tried to fix his posture. Shoulders back, chest out. Ugh… He hated how the cloth didn’t stretch at all, how his shirt was wrinkling near the buttons as his muscles made it bulge in places. But he bit his tongue and adjusted his tie to make sure his outfit was as immaculate as it could be. 

“Thank you so much that you’re coming to this stupid annual meeting with me, Alex.” He turned around and looked at her, adjusting his sleeves. “You’re making it my least dreaded one by far. And the first time I get to bring a plus one.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Colleagues were already spreading some rumors.” A shy chuckle interrupted his flow. “Now we can show them!” The tigress put her file down and scooted over to the edge of the bed. Her wonderful soft paws touched the floor again and her perfectly sharpened claws scratched over the tiles without leaving a mark. She smiled at him. “But of course! I’m excited to see your office. And your presentation!” The tigress chuckled as well and licked her lips. “Last but not least… You kept praising their buffet every day. Now you better hope the sushi is as good as you kept telling me.” She got up from the bed and walked over to her boyfriend, giving him a gentle hug. “You look good, my coding horsey.” Her words made the uncomfortable stallion shiver, smile, and slightly relax. “Well… I can’t promise anything. The caterer might mess it up. But they usually want to look their best in front of the investors. So… expect something… lavish, I guess.” Tashi explained and tried to downplay his promises somewhat to avoid a potential disaster.

The tigress took a step back to look at her stallion once more. She chuckled and pulled on his tie, brushed over his collar to make sure it was folded down correctly, tugged his shirt out of his pants a little, smoothing the wrinkles out of it, and even got him to bow down to fix his mane as best as she could. “There… better.” She whispered and reached up to brush over his cheek. “Thank you for helping me, my little tiger.” He snorted softly and looked at her. She looked into his eyes and smiled before she replied. “Got to make sure my stallion looks his best.” Tashi craned his neck down and she got on the tips of her toes so they could kiss. “Alright.” The stallion said and snorted excitedly. He playfully spanked her butt and grinned at her. “I love seeing your sexy ass. But put on your pants now. I’ll go brush my teeth. Can’t wait to get this presentation behind me.” With a grin on his face and a happy sigh, he took his hands off his girlfriend and moved aside. “The dreaded pants!” The tigress huffed. “But it’s good to see you relaxing.” Alex said and winked at him. Tashi turned around and leaned against the doorframe. “All thanks to you. Been looking better at presentations ever since you helped me when we first met.” He winked back at her and then walked off to the bathroom. The tigress smiled at him and then walked over to the wardrobe to pick one of the few pants she owned to wear.


A few hours later, surrounded by a few hundred other people, the couple found themselves somewhere in the center of the crowded meeting hall. Everyone was wearing fancy clothes, looking professional, while they were sitting on their chairs with folded hands. It was easy to distinguish the employees from the investors. Tired, bored faces on those that were only present because they had to be. Politeness and the fear of losing their job kept them from falling asleep. On the other hand, investors were taking notes, raising their hands to ask questions or to criticize the CEO standing up on the stage. Tashi was leaning back in his chair and just phasing out. He had a secret weapon that helped him relax, after all. Close to the floor, hidden from the crowd that was looking up to the stage, Alex had her tail around his leg. She reached over and caressed his arm, they turned towards each other, and just winked and smiled for a moment. He could have had a blast watching the grass grow with that tigress. 

Profits were up, the number of clients was rising, every normal person would have been ecstatic about the graphs and charts shown on stage. But of course, the investors were harsh, pinning the sweaty CEO down for every lost client, every failed venture. Tashi sometimes chuckled softly. Even for the yacht and the fat bonus check, he wouldn’t have wanted to switch places. The presentation he had prepared was just purely technical, which meant the investors would most likely go on their coffee breaks. He nudged the briefcase on the floor with his hoof. It contained a backup laptop to be prepared for any inevitable technical problems. Sometimes he wondered if electronics could get stage fright, too. Alex nudged him with her elbow, and he turned his head to her. She held her phone up for him and showed him a funny video. It showed the weatherman on TV, a well-dressed Golden Retriever. Even with the sound turned off it was easy to see how he got more and more excited about the good weather he was announcing. His tail was wagging faster and faster, his tongue hanging from his mouth more and more. Finally, the camera turned to black when he started chasing his own tail on live TV and the main news anchor appeared. Tashi snorted joyfully and grabbed and squeezed her hand. “So much better with you here.” He whispered into her ear and kissed her cheek.

With their attention diverted from the presentation and the crowd, they both didn’t notice someone walking towards them in their row of seats. The stallion was caught by surprise when someone tapped his shoulder and he quickly turned his head around. He was looking into the eyes of his department manager, a burly lion. It was hard to tell what was more oversized, his mane or his stomach. No matter which of the two, he clearly enjoyed taking up a lot of room. “Having fun, Gibson?” He asked the stallion with a strict tone. “Mister Byrd… eh. Just watching the presentation!” Tashi replied and raised an eyebrow. “What can I do for you?” He started flicking his tail around nervously, swiping the floor behind his seat and giving a coworker an unintentional sloppy hoof polish. “You finished that presentation, right?” – “Yes, sir. It’s on the network and on my laptop here.” The stallion’s manager snatched up Tashi’s briefcase. “Sorry to poop on your parade. I’m taking over. They’re tearing our department a new one.” Byrd kept talking and annoying the others around them. “But…“ Tashi wanted to interject. “No buts. We need some good PR. You can thank me later when I saved our yearly bonuses.” The lion turned around and walked away as carelessly as he had arrived. Only that his time around, a few unlucky ones got the briefcase slammed against their legs if they had not taken their chance to get out of the way fast enough. “Ugh…” The coding horse leaned back against his chair angrily snorting. “Thanks… I only stayed late at work for about three weeks to get that presentation done. Corporate BS.” He mumbled. “It’s okay.” A soft voice came from his side. The orange fingers caressing over his arm got him to calm down like a magic spell. “I know you wanted me to see it. You can still show me at home, Tashi.” Alex smiled at him and leaned her head against his shoulder. 

Tashi turned his head and whispered to her. “I think I’d bore you to tears, it’s about the architecture of our new software. I was just looking forward to seeing you from stage hehe… And you could be proud of me.” The tigress grabbed and squeezed his hand. “Silly horsey, I’m always proud of you.” Once again, the brown fur on the stallion’s cheeks saved him from having to show how her words made his cheeks flush. “Still, they better come through with that bonus. And that buffet better be something spectacular, or this evening is a bust.” Tashi kept grumbling, but when his girlfriend turned her head to look at him, she could see that he was grinning already, just pretending to be grumpy.


“No more questions, please. We are out of time.” Those were the magic words that woke them up from being half asleep. Finally, there were no more PowerPoint slides for the CEO to click through. Tashi stretched his arms and legs and cracked his neck. “This would have been my spot. But I guess now we can take a break. I know what’s going on in my own department. Don’t feel like listening to the presentation I was about to give. Should I get us a drink?” The stallion asked his girlfriend. “I could use a drink. But you wanted to show me your office, too, didn’t you?” She leaned in close and raised her voice to be heard over the rising noise in the background. Tashi shrugged and pondered for a moment, but then he replied. “Huh… might not be a bad moment. It should be empty now. Everyone being a good corporate drone and staying here. But I don’t feel like sticking around for questions if I don’t get to take the praise, too. Yes, let’s go!” They got up from their seats and squeezed themselves past the others sitting in the same row. It was a struggle to leave the room amidst all the commotion. Eventually, a little tiger and a tall horse slipped away from the meeting room and the crowds around it.

They arrived at the front desk of the building and all the hallways and office floors were deserted. There were only a few lights on in the other high rise across the street of the building they were in. It was really outside the usual business hours. The security guard Rottweiler just looked up from his tablet for a brief moment. When he saw the company ID attached to the stallion’s chest pocket, he nodded and continued his reading. “Have a good day, Mister Gibson.” He mumbled with practiced routine. “Thank you.” Tashi replied and walked towards the lifts, shaking his head and with his girlfriend in tow. 

When the sliding doors closed behind them, the stallion breathed a sigh of relief. Alex chuckled and rubbed his belly. “Better without all the people, mhm?” She asked him and he pushed the button of the floor where his office was at and then caressed her cheek. “Yeah... horses aren’t made for such tall herds.” The tigress laughed and poked his toned belly. “They’re also not supposed to have a tiger girlfriend yet look how far you’ve come.” Her boyfriend chuckled with her. “Well, some challenges are more worthy to be overcome than others!” He argued back and her response was to playfully rub the tip of her tail against his crotch. After a short while, the lift came to a halt and the doors opened to an empty floor. Only the emergency exit signs were glowing until the motion sensors kicked in and all the fluorescent lights turned on. The flickering stopped after they walked a few steps down the hallway. There were doors leading to offices on the left and right, and massive printers and filing cabinets were placed along the wall down the corridor. As claustrophobic as the hallway felt, once the couple stepped into the office of the stallion’s day job, things immediately felt a lot more open. Glass windows allowed them to see the surrounding buildings and look down at the street. It was not one of the prestigious corner offices, he had to share it with quite a few colleagues, but they were even afforded the corporate luxury of an armchair, some plants, and their own water cooler. Whiteboards covered the solid walls and they had cryptic graphs and technical terms scribbled all over them. 

“Well here we are!” Tashi said as he raised his arms as if there was something exciting to show off. He walked over to the desk located near the glass front facing the street. “This is my…” He interrupted himself and quickly picked something up from the desk and hid it behind his back. “This is my desk!” He kept his hands behind his back and nodded towards it. The desk was tidy. An empty tea pot next to the keyboard, some sheets of paper stacked up on the other side. The small computer tower was stowed away under the stand of one of the two screens he had on his desk. “So, this is where all the hacker man business happens?” The tigress playfully asked as she closed the gap between the two of them. “Yep! Unless we do have meetings. And as you know, we have a lot of those.” Alex tried to step behind his back to get a peek at what the stallion was hiding, but he kept turning away from her as if he could keep it a secret for much longer. “What are you hiding, Tashi?” She asked him with a big grin on her lips. The stallion sighed and brought his hands back to his front. He was holding a small tiger plushie. The color of its fur didn’t really match that of Alex’s, but it did have brown hair just like hers. “My little tiger for when I miss her at work.” The stallion explained. “And when I need to talk about some coding problem with someone.” His girlfriend chuckled, picked the plushie out of his hands, and put it back on the desk. “That’s cute! You don’t have to hide it from me. But now… you do have the real me around.”

Tashi nodded and shyly scratched his neck. “I do!” He said and looked at her. “And her fur is much softer than that plushie.” Alex smiled at him. “It better be, takes a lot of effort!” She replied and walked towards the armchair that seemed to have caught her attention. There was a certain glint in her eyes when she stood next to it. “How often do you sit in this chair?” She asked him and Tashi came over to her. He snorted and looked at her. “Not very often! It’s sometimes good to think through a difficult problem, but it’s definitely frowned upon.” The tigress laughed and her grin widened. “Do you think Mister Byrd ever got a blowjob on that chair?” She asked him. “It’s not really his office.” He replied. “Or anyone else?” Alex countered. “Probably not!” Tashi said and snorted once more. He was feeling somewhat warmer under his business clothes. “Any cameras here?” The tigress asked as she walked towards the office door. Before the stallion could even recover from the surprise he should have gotten used to by then, the door was closed, and Alex was on her way back. “Only on the hallway… it’s a long way down from the windows, no need to record what’s happening in here. Wait… you mean I can have a blowy?” He looked at her and she just grinned at him in return, and finally nodded playfully.

The stallion huffed. His pants were already tenting when he sat down. Who didn’t have the dream of having a naughty office affair? The thought of it got his blood pumping. He was just about to unzip his pants when Alex got on her knees in front of him and gently slapped his hands. “But Mister Gibson! What is this? First you unzip your pants yourself and then you outsource my job to some offshore location?” The tigress teased him as she unbuckled his belt and pulled down the zipper. “Is this some weird kind of roleplay?” Tashi asked in return. “I have no clue what you are talking about, sir!” She replied and grinned at him. His pants were gently pulled down to his knees and Alex leaned forward to push her nose against his bulging shorts.

‘Sniff… sniff… sniiifff’

Alex sniffed his scent once, twice, then she inhaled deeply once more. Those pants had been keeping her stallion’s junk a little too warm. She had been around to witness him showering earlier that day, and she knew he had been squeaky clean. But that very moment, she was getting a big hit of unfiltered, pure virile boyfriend musk right from the shorts-bulging throbbing source. She forgot her little play for a moment and just muffled herself by hooking her sabre teeth into Tashi’s shorts. Inch by inch, she pulled them down, and after a short distance, the floppy stallion cock sprung free. It quickly succumbed to gravity again and drooped over her face, leaving cock and ball sweat behind right on her nose. Her boyfriend was sighing and breathing excitedly as she started to work her magic. As soon as she had his pants pulled down to his ankles, his cock gained the upper hand in the battle against the force pulling it down, and his length was pointing up to the ceiling, right at one of the flickering lights that needed replacement. “I’m just doing my job, making sure my boss is relaxed.” She finally picked up from where she stopped. “I… I see.” The stallion replied. “I will make sure to put a positive remark in your file, Miss…”

‘Smooch… sniiifff… smooch… snifff’

He didn’t even get to finish his part of the play. There was not even a layer of cloth between the tigress’ nose and the source of that virile scent she was so attracted to. She just had to feed her addiction. She pulled his balls down with one hand and pushed his sheath back with the other. The soft tigress lips covered the base of his cock with kisses, at times he got to feel her rough tongue. She absolutely just huffed his scent and got drunk on his musk. “O…Okay, Alex. I can’t keep this up, this is hot as fuck, though.” Tashi said and held onto the armrests. His girlfriend laughed and she leaned back. “Don’t worry, horsey, just enjoy.” She whispered and then wiggled around. She had to take her hands off his junk and felt how they were slightly damp from his sweat, and further spreading his scent. Making sure her man could see, she sniffed them, with her chest heaving from the deep breath she took. A moment later, she took off her pants and kicked them aside. “Can’t let those get wet.” She explained as she looked up at Tashi in all her bottomless glory. “Huff…” was his only reply. She was pushing so many of his buttons with the precision of a surgical strike. Even for that brief moment where she kept her hands to herself, his cock, that massive pile of meat, was throbbing in front of her face, and starting to drip with precum. “We better make sure that we don’t get anything on mine.” He finally whispered.

“As if I was going to waste any of this.” The tigress whispered and playfully pouted at him. He didn’t even have to ask what she meant. A second later, those nimble hands were both on his shaft, making it pulse with desire for the pleasure his horny girlfriend was able to give. She opened her mouth and took the tip of his cock inside, just deep enough to be past her sabre teeth, those wonderful guardrails that kept his cock right on track towards her throat. Her right hand squeezed his cock at the base, her thumb pushed right against his cum vein. She stroked and pushed straight up to the tip, milking out a long string of that sticky salty-sweet precum onto her tongue. The stallion wasn’t even sure what got to him more: The debauchery of doing it in the office with everyone else at a meeting, but the risk of being caught by a guard, the pure physical pleasure of his girlfriend sucking him off, or how his taste and scent made her not only purr but also drip her juices onto the spotless floor. 


While he was still trying to figure that out, and how he could lay his hands on Alex’s head without ruining her perfect hairdo, the tigress started to bop back and forth. After hovering his hands just an inch over the armrests, he held back onto them. This time around, his fingers were pushing into that leather, making it wrinkle with how deep they were sinking in. The tigress’ right hand held his shaft in place, he could feel those soft pads on her fingertips pushing against his skin. The left one went further down to try to hold those massive stallion balls. They were too big to be fully contained in the palm of her hand, those heavy orbs slightly hung to the left and the right, the skin of his sack stretched over the tigress’ gentle hand and held them up. Her cheeks were bulging when she took him into her mouth more deeply. As the tip of his cock pushed against the back of her throat, she gagged softly, but kept going. Those wet slurping sounds of her giving him head made him shiver, and his ears wiggle around. “D-Damn, Alex…” The stallion stammered. “I mean… Miss Marx…” He moaned. Alex was looking up at him with that innocent but horny look in her eyes. It invoked those feelings of wanting to protect her like a precious princess at the same time as fucking her brains out like mindless sex-driven beasts. His cock slipped down into the tightness of her throat, making her neck invisibly bulge underneath that turtleneck sweater. “I… I can’t.” He kept stammering. “Fuck me, please, Alex. Ride my cock… I need your pussy.”


The tigress knew she had her boyfriend right where she wanted when she heard those words coming from him. It always took some time to stoke the flames of his desire to the point where he was ready to take charge. Yet, she kept teasing him as she let his cock glide out of her lips so very slowly. She made sure to let him listen as she swallowed what little precum he had given her up to that point. Still, some of her spit was dripping off her chin and she wiped it clean on her wrist. “You want to do it right in your office? Sure…” She replied and still let him roast a moment longer. His cock was covered in her spit, his sweat, and precum, the whole length glistening with the sticky mixture. Her eyes were on his as she grabbed his length once more. One hand above the medial ring, the other below. She slowly jerked his meat until he neighed softly, and his hooves were scratching on the ground. He couldn’t spread his legs. His hooves were bound together by the pants she had not fully taken off him. “Ah-Ahn.” He moaned. “Please, Alex, come on.” He urged her once more, and the tigress finally obliged. She wiped her sticky hands on his thighs, then gave them another sniff.

Just one finger on the tip of his cock, she pushed his massive length down, and then elegantly climbed onto his thighs. For a split-second, the stallion got a peek at her dripping pussy and the paw print tattoo. Then he had his girlfriend kneeling on his lap. He could smell himself on her breath, and he wasn’t shy to kiss her and put his hands onto her waist to hold onto her and do his part. She in turn held onto his shoulders and pushed her ass out until her soft cheeks were hotdogging the stallion’s throbbing prick. The tip of his cock touched the base of her tail and pushed it up and out of the way. They both shivered when the tigress leaned forward until her pussy was pushing against the stallion’s length. Her cunt was grinding against his cock. “Mhm… yes…” Tashi sighed softly when she started bouncing lightly, grinding her sex against his, letting her lower lips cover that shaft in one messy slobbery series of kisses of the most intimate kind. His medial ring was like a speed bump each way that the tigress made sure to fully enjoy.

Finally, they just needed one look at each other, and not a single word. The tigress moved her ass all the way up until she could look down at her boyfriend’s cock twitching and pointing right up at the entrance to her love tunnel. Tashi took one hand off her waist and steadied his cock for Alex to lower herself onto it. Blunt horse cock tip and tight tigress folds met in an encounter made extremely slippery by the lust juices from two intimately bonded lovers. Once more, his massive length spread her open, and the stallion huffed and moaned from the tightness, warmth, and pleasure, only those silken inner walls could give. Once more, Alex felt him stretching her pussy, pushing into her, and claiming her with his thick shaft. Primal, base urge, or not. That first penetration was always a moment that made them both hold their breath for a second after they got back to their senses.

As Alex moved forward to get to a more comfortable angle, she suddenly noticed her paw pads touching something soft. She raised her paws and squeezed that soft object between them. She knew exactly what she had caught between her mitts. She was squeezing those two hefty massive stallion balls between them. “Oh… I like this…” She whispered once she started toying with those nuts, squeezing and fondling them between paw pads and beans. In turn, she could feel her boyfriend’s cock getting rock hard inside of her until the tip was flaring before the stallion was even anywhere near an orgasm. He moaned and held onto her waist tightly. “I like this a lot.” She repeated herself and looked right into her boyfriend’s eyes. The poor stallion was just stunned by the overwhelming pleasure he felt. He was sure her belly must have been bulging slightly with his length so deep inside of her, and she just toyed with him for both their pleasure. She gyrated her hips, fondled his balls, and ever so slightly bounced on his length. “It’s good… really, really good.” He said and huffed. It was only because he was still aware that hey were in the office that he held back from moaning and neighing, and showing his girlfriend just exactly how amazing it felt. 


He wanted to thrust up, fuck his girlfriend more deeply. He heard a soft crack coming from his pants with some of the threads of the fabric ripping. That’s when he became painfully aware that what was binding his legs together were bonds he was not supposed to break. It was left to the tigress to keep working her magic. She was doing it so well she might as well have been wearing a wizard’s robe instead of the red sweater. Alex leaned forward until her breasts were pushing against her boyfriend’s strong chest. The freshly ironed shirt was getting wrinkly, but neither of them could waste a single thought on that. She looked over her shoulder and just barely saw the tips of her toes and the bulging heavy sack of her boyfriend. It made her wish there was a security tape they could steal to look at later. She slowly bounced on her boyfriend’s lap. Each time, she went just a bit further down, until her butt was pressed against her ankles and her pussy lips almost touched the stallion’s sheath that was dripping with their wet messy lust. Then she lifted herself back up until the medial ring on that hefty horse donger slipped out of her and flicked her little bean. She loved how that felt. It made her shiver and moan softly, and she knew how good it felt for her boyfriend as well. His hands squeezed her extra tightly, then they trembled lightly, silently begging for her to slip down his throbbing cock once more. Between all of that, she still managed to squeeze her stallion’s nuts like a stress ball between her paws. She could feel them move around in his sack, slip down, until they were caught against her beans. Then she pushed them back up once more. Luckily, this was just one more opportunity for the tigress to show her stallion a tigress’ superior multi-tasking abilities.


Tashi could barely see straight. The only reason he even struggled to keep an eye open was so he could make sure he wasn’t dreaming and wasn’t missing out on the pleasured expression on his girlfriend’s face. Alex was picking up the pace, bouncing on his cock faster and faster, and he knew the fuse that would start the chain reaction to an explosive orgasm had been lit. He felt his flaring tip stretching her tight inner walls more and more. All that was left for him to do was lean back, enjoy, and moan to let her know how great she was doing. With the tigress’ mind so distracted, she didn’t even notice her own climax creeping up on her. As biology inevitably dictated, her body wasn’t going to let her forget, though. Her coordinated efforts were given up when she suddenly felt that burning desire for relief. She just wanted to cum as much as her boyfriend did. Her fingers pushed into his shoulders, her nails almost ripping some holes into the stallion’s shirt. She pushed her face against Tashi’s neck, muffling her own moans, and making herself inhale his concentrated scent. The last remainders of clear thought in her mind made her hope that he had stashed some deodorant in his drawers so they could cover up the concentrated smell of sex that clung to their bodies.

Those concerns were totally flushed away once her orgasm crashed down on her like a massive wave hitting the shore. She couldn’t lift herself off her boyfriend’s cock even one last time. She just sank down on his length as her whole lower body and legs started shaking. Luckily, Tashi was holding onto her, and kept her from slipping off his lap. She was riding out her orgasm on her stallion. Before any worries about not having gotten her boyfriend off could ruin the moment for her, she could feel his balls pumping between her paws. They were trying to slip out of her grasp as they churned up that load for her. Her muscles were not under her control in that orgasmic bliss, though, and those balls were squeezed tightly between her paw pads, there was no escape for them.

Nevertheless, a moment later, she felt her boyfriend blowing his seed into her, load after load shooting deep into her tunnel. Her pussy was squeezing him so tightly that she could feel it travel through his cock up to the tip before it erupted and coated her inner walls. Time stood still as they enjoyed their moment of bliss together, and Alex leaned against his chest as they came down from the rush. She would have enjoyed staying on his cock for so much longer, but once she noticed his cum slowly oozing from her pussy, her sense of duty urged her to jump off his lap. She managed to land on her paws in front of him. With feline grace, she caught the cum dripping off his cock in her hand just in time. Only a single drop of the sticky mess dripped onto the floor, narrowly avoiding the stallion’s black pants. She didn’t seem to mind herself leaking sticky cum onto the laminated flooring, though. Instead, she got on her knees, and licked the creamy seed off her boyfriend’s cock. She left it clean and almost dry, and even made him neigh when she sucked the rest of what he had to give out from his flared tip. His cock was only semi-hard when she let go and licked her fingers.

“I’ll make sure… you are earmarked for a promotion, Miss Marx.” Tashi finally said and winked at her. “Does that mean I get to have a tissue to clean myself?” She asked him in return. The stallion nodded. “But of course.” He took a deep breath, then put his pants back on, and got up from the office armchair. He opened one of the drawers below his desk and took out a roll of paper towels, then handed it over to his girlfriend. As she cleaned herself up, he wiped the floor clean as much as he could with a dry tissue. Once the evidence for their naughty doings had found its way into the trash bin and Alex had her pants back on, they were in the clear. Their office sexcapade had become a little secret only they knew about.

There was one last thing, though. The distinct scent of sex clung to their bodies. There was that certain smell that no rigorous workout could reproduce, an aroma that was frowned upon at business gatherings. After the stallion stowed the roll of paper towels away, he took out his deodorant spray. Lucky for them, it had a neutral scent, and so he could pass it on to Alex for her to freshen up a bit as well. Only when this last piece of evidence was destroyed, did they hug and smile at each other.

“Still think this evening is a bust?” The tigress cheerfully asked. “Nope. Best annual meeting ever. Fuck Mister Byrd.” Tashi replied and kissed his girlfriend’s cheek. She poked his belly and grinned at him. “Nope… I just fucked you.” She teased him and got the tall stallion to laugh. “Silly tigress…” Tashi said, shaking his head. “Let’s go check what’s left of the buffet. I bet you’re as hungry as I am.” Alex nodded and smiled as he took her hand. She followed along as they left the office with a cheeky grin on their faces that told everyone they had been up to no good. “Yess… Let’s go have some food.” The tigress said and licked her lips. She had already gotten the best entrée she could have wished for.


Art by LotusGarden 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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