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Alex sighed as she dropped her bag into her locker after changing out of her casual clothing and into her work clothes. Being an essential worker was already a lot of hard work, and it was extra hard when it was during a global pandemic that introduced a new normal into the world. Her bag landed in her locker with a loud metallic thud and the tiger swung her locker door shut. Once she was changed into her white nurse’s uniform, she made her way over to the vaccination clinic where she would be stationed for the day. 

The pandemic had people worried about other viruses they could get, so there was a bit of an influx of people who decided that now was the time to get up to date on their shots. Not that it was a bad thing, people should do their best to keep up with their vaccinations, but that meant that social distancing measures were a little harder to put in place with the extra people who wouldn’t otherwise be there, sitting, waiting, and walking around the clinic. At least everyone had masks on to protect themselves and the people around them. 

The nurse uniform that Alex wore was considered a little bit revealing, even Alex, someone who usually never wore pants thought it was risqué for what it was supposed to be. But it was a private hospital, private ownership, and definitely mostly run by men who didn’t mind seeing their employees in sexy clothing. Alex wasn’t going to complain, though, the job paid really, really well. White button-up dress with red accents going down just barely past her upper thighs, an open chest design, and slightly see-through here and there. Alex’s black bra was visible through the wide-open chest area of her uniform, which normally would not be appropriate, but the higher-ups argued that a lot of their patients would find it relaxing and maybe it would take their mind off of certain things like risky surgeries, or how shitty they feel with whatever illness they have. It made some sense, even if it was maybe a little bit wrong. 

Alex was on needle duty today, which she thought was a blessing. Receptionist duty was the worst out of everything available for a nurse to do in the vaccine clinic. People were whiny, impatient, and had a sense of self-entitlement. “Karens” would even sometimes say they were either dying or fake an injury to skip ahead in the queue. Alex had none of that when she was at the desk, if you were really dying or had an injury, you’d certainly go and get that sorted before worrying about a flu shot. She was just better at handling the needle than handling people with a customer service attitude. 

Alex was in one of the smaller rooms within the clinic that had a bed for the patient to sit on, an IV for some reason, and a small little vaccine station on wheels that she could roll in and out of the room to get more doses of the vaccine, new needles, and sanitation supplies whenever she needed them. She grabbed her turquoise rubber gloves and slipped them on, snapping them at her wrists to make sure they were on tight and had no punctures or holes in them, she then looped her face mask around the back of her head, adjusted it up and down to ensure that her entire muzzle was covered. Her saber fangs stuck out at the bottom of her mask slightly, as the mask wasn’t specifically designed to cover them, but that was a non-issue. As long as she had her nose and mouth safely covered, she was good to go. She looked at the list of names as it was updated on one of the computer screens in the corner of the room and picked up the phone to let the receptionist know she was ready for the first patient to be sent in. “Send in the first patient, please, Jenna.” She smiled behind her mask as she spoke and put the phone back down after the receptionist called the name of the patient out on the PA system. Alex could hear the muffled announcement calling the first patient in. 

“Mister Cooper, please head over to room 1, please, thank you.” 

The tigress glanced over at the computer screen again to make sure she had the correct vaccines prepared on her little tray. “Mister Cooper…” she said to herself as her eyes scanned over the screen. “Tetanus shot, okay. That’s the correct one.” She nodded to herself and waited for her patient to walk in through the door. 

Mister Cooper was a golden retriever and as he walked in through the door, his sensitive canine nose wiggled as he picked up the scent of a feline and all the sanitizing equipment and chemicals. Everything seemed to have a hint of Dettol added to it. Dressed in a tight-fitting muscle t-shirt and some jeans, the golden retriever stood out from the people who were all in that waiting room. He looked too casual, whereas the rest of the folk in there looked nervous or scared. This dog was so calm and it looked like he was smiling through the white face mask he was wearing. 

“Hello, Mister Cooper! Tetanus booster shot today?” Alex asked him again to make sure that what she had prepped was what he wanted to be injected into his body. 

The golden retriever nodded rapidly and looked around the room as his nose picked up the unmistakable hospital cleanliness smell... “Yes, ma’am, tetanus booster today.”

Alex was standing behind a desk at the computer in the room and stayed there for a few more seconds as she keyed in some information and marked that the patient was in the room with her. She hit the enter key, walked out from behind the desk, and headed over to her little rolling table with all the tools she needed. The canine stopped his curious glances around the room and turned his head to look at the nurse as she walked out from behind her desk and to the rolling table. His eyes widened and he stared at the orange and black striped pantherine as she picked up the needle and poked it into the small vile with the tetanus booster shot in it. She pulled the syringe to suck out the shot before she pulled the needle out of the vile and set the empty glass container down on the metal tray. 

Cooper’s eyes couldn’t leave the tigress, it must have been her uniform or something. But that wasn’t a very good explanation because Alex’s nurse coworkers all wore the same uniform. Was it her black bra that stood out? No, it couldn’t have been that. The golden retriever’s eyes were staring far too low for it to be that. He stood by the closed door, frozen, not even his tail was wagging. 

Alex held the syringe up with the needle pointed upward and flicked at It a few times before she brought her eyes back down to her patient. She walked over towards the bed in the room and patted on the mattress a few times before she put a hand on the bed frame at the foot of the bed and leaned on it slightly. “Have a seat, sir, I can’t give you your shot by the door.” She chuckled. The tigress’ tail swished and swayed behind her as she waited for her patient to get on over to the bed, but he wasn’t moving and was still stood there with his enlarged eyes staring at her. She held the syringe in her hand up and turned her head to the side slightly, keeping her green eyes locked to the golden retriever. 

“Is someone scared of needles?” she asked. 

Her question managed to get the golden retriever to stop staring and shake his head. “N-No, sorry, I just blanked out a bit there, heh…” He rubbed the back of his head before he slowly started to walk towards the nurse and the bed she leaned against. 

“Good! It’ll only take a few seconds; I promise you it won’t hurt.” The tiger reassured him with a warm smile underneath her face mask. 

The canine hopped onto the bed and sat with his legs hanging over the side. Alex turned around and rolled up his sleeve to expose his shoulder and rubbed a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol around in circles. The golden retriever had lost the calm look that he had when he first walked in, almost shaking as Alex brought the cool rubbing alcohol onto his fur and the skin underneath. “Relax, take a deep breath, you can close your eyes, too, if you’d like.” Alex cooed at him to comfort him. She removed the cotton ball and tossed it into one of the disposable paper cups she had on her wheeled table and brought the needle up to the canine’s shoulder, lining the sharp and tiny metal tube with his deltoid muscle. Without any hesitation, she pressed the needle into his shoulder, piercing his skin and poking into his muscle, she then pressed the back of the syringe and injected the shot into him. Once the syringe was empty, she pulled the needle out, applied a cotton ball to his shoulder, and put a plaster over it to apply pressure to stop the tiny puncture from bleeding. 

The golden retriever would have whined as Alex stuck the needle in, but he barely felt it at all, he had something else on his mind. Normally, he’d have felt the needle go in, he always did, but this time, he felt nothing. 

“There we go! All done.” Alex said with a smile as she pulled her hands away from his shoulder once the Band-Aid was applied. She put the syringe down in her tray on the table and took a step back so that the canine could hop off the bed and be on his way. Cooper rubbed his shoulder a little bit and felt the little band-aid she had put on as he slid off the side of the bed. 

“Thank you,” he said as he landed on his feet, his eyes were avoiding Alex’s, which was a little peculiar, and as he left, he turned around to close the door and stared at Alex for a good two seconds before he closed the door completely and was out of sight. 

“Odd,” Alex said to herself before she grabbed the tray on the rolling table, took it, and put it on the lower level of the table, bringing the tray with new needles and syringes from the lower level and putting that on top instead. She then walked over to the computer to see the details of her next patient. As she approached the computer, she saw her reflection in one of the medicine cabinets. She stopped in her tracks and looked at herself. Everything seemed normal, her hair was long but neat, and she had her headdress on. It didn’t look like she forgot to put anything on. 

But, she did.

Alex had forgotten to put on panties before she headed in for work today. Her nurse uniform was slightly see-through, so her patient, the golden retriever, could see a faint image of that pawprint tattoo at her hip, and some of her pussy through the button-up part of her dress. Not that Alex really noticed after looking at her reflection in the glass. She shrugged her shoulders and continued walking to the computer to get the right vaccines and shots prepped. 



Art by Reaper3D 

I would like to take this moment to thank the nurses and doctors who are working their asses off to help people during this global pandemic. They are risking their lives to keep us all safe from this and other dangerous diseases. 

Thank you, so much, and please keep doing what you are doing. <3

This piece is the result of the May Pinup Vote! If you would like to suggest ideas to be done, and/or vote for them, please consider joining my $5+ tiers! ($10+ enables suggesting ideas)



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