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Alex and Tashi had been in the bottomless district for around two months and three weeks now. What began as just a week there for the tigress to catch up with old friends and get her fill of hometown nostalgia had stretched out to nearly three months.

“The entire city will be under lockdown; all non-essential businesses must close and travel in and out of the city and between districts is prohibited. Please stay home and only leave when it is absolutely necessary.” The lion mayor of the city pleaded during the broadcast of his press conference regarding what actions he would take to combat the pandemic that was spreading rapidly around the world.

“Tashi!” Alex shouted to her boyfriend as he danced around the kitchen preparing dinner for them, “We’re going to have to stay here for a while. There’s a lockdown, we aren’t allowed to leave unless it’s for essential reasons like work, or grocery shopping.”

“Borders between the districts will also be temporarily closed for civilian travel until further notice,” the mayor continued. 

Alex had her eyes glued to the television and relayed the information to her boyfriend so that he wouldn’t end up all confused just because he wasn’t watching the TV with her. But before she could relay the information about the border between districts being closed, Tashi had paused his cooking and walked over to the living room to watch the rest of the press conference for himself. Alex scooted over on the couch and let Tashi sit beside her. The mayor went on and on about how crucial it was for him to do this and for everyone to stay home when it was possible. The press conference ended with him walking away after taking a few questions from reporters, and the TV returned back to the channel it was previously on. 

“That’s a good move for him to make, will help slow the spread if not stop it entirely,” Tashi nodded and smiled. He wiped his hands on the apron he was wearing before he got up off the couch and ran frantically back to the kitchen, “The potatoes are going to burn!” Alex was just about to ask him if they were going to be alright staying in the bottomless district until they lifted the lockdown but seeing that Tashi was a lot more worried about the potatoes in the oven than about what was going on, Alex felt assured that they would come out of it all right. 


“Haaaah…. Keep going…… I’m close…” Alex let out heavy pants as she bounced up and down on Tashi’s cock while sitting in front of the computer. Tashi had his hands at her hips and used his grip on her to help push her up and pull her down on his lengthy equine dong. 

‘Plap, plap, plap’ the sound of Tashi’s balls slapping gently against the tigress’ thighs as she clicked and browsed the web echoed throughout their little home office they had set up for Tashi to work from. 

The horse gritted his teeth, leaned his head back, and let out soft noises of pleasure as he pumped his cock in and out of Alex’s tight cunt. He could sit in this computer chair and fuck like this all day long. 

And that’s exactly what they did. 

From the morning, all the way until the late afternoon, Alex and Tashi fucked. They went everywhere, from the usual bedroom to the living room couch, to the kitchen counter, to the bathroom floor, they fucked each other all over the place. Even on the stairs of all places, but that one proved to be a lot more pain than pleasure, for both parties. Quarantine life had left them with not much else to do other than to work from home, watch a lot of streaming video, play video games, and fuck. 

“I’m going to cum soon,” Tashi warned Alex as he continued to pump his cock in and out of her. 

“M-Me too,” Alex replied back, her tongue rolled from her mouth as she hovered her mouse over something that she wanted to buy. 

‘XXL Equine Condoms [COLLEGE PACK 500 CONDOMS + LUBE]’

She added the item to her cart and clicked checkout just before Tashi began to thrust himself into her so hard that she lost the mouse somewhere and found herself moaning and panting louder than ever before. 

‘Ding’ a notification sound came from the PC, Alex had received an email. 

‘Your order has been confirmed and will ship in a few hours’

Alex glanced at the notification and grinned. 

“Aaannhhhhggghhh…” Tashi gritted his teeth and gripped Alex’s hips tight. With a few final thrusts, his tip flared and cum shot out from the hole at the end of his dick. 

Alex clenched her pussy tight as she felt Tashi nutting inside her. She was trembling with pleasure and shot out a few ropes of her own, although mostly clear, unlike Tashi’s. She squirted back onto him and soaked his fur in her juices. Tashi didn’t come as much as he usually would this time, as it wasn’t the first round of rutting they had gotten into today. After around four ropes, he was done. His balls couldn’t produce jizz fast enough. If someone familiar with the usual size and shape of Tashi balls saw his balls now, they would know that he was being emptied every day, multiple times a day. 

Alex leaned back against Tashi after they both finished and nuzzled against his cheek happily. Tashi’s cock was still inside her, just pulsing and twitching and soaking in his own cum that was deposited inside. After a few seconds of relative silence, the Clydesdale let out a soft little whine. “My balls ache…” Tashi groaned as Alex continued to nuzzle his cheek and plant kisses all along his broad equine snoot. He tried his best to nuzzle her back, but the aching in his overworked balls was a little too much for him to bear. 

He squinted his eyes shut and winced a little, causing a look of concern to come from the tigress sitting on his dick. She furrowed her brows and leaned in closer to his cheek to plant even more kisses. “Now we know how many orgasms it takes to tire a horse,” she chuckled, causing Tashi to chuckle a little bit through his ache, too. 

“I think I might need an ice pack.” He murmured.

“I’ll go get you one, you go relax on the couch, and we can play some games after?” Alex raised her brows at him and purred. She then leaned forward a little bit and stretched her arms out in front of her, towards the PC. She reached and grabbed the mouse she had thrown over the side of the table and used it to close all the open application windows and shutdown the computer. In leaning forward, Alex pulled herself off of Tashi’s cock a little bit, causing him to wince and whine just a little more as he felt her tight walls squeeze as they pulled away. The cum that he had put inside her came out with his cock too, coating his long equine meat in a thin layer of his creamy seed. 

“Hhaahhnn…” the Clydesdale moaned and tightened his hands’ grips at Alex’s hips. His fingers doing their best to hold on to her and the red sweater she had on before she would pull away from him entirely. “Careful, still sensitive,” he said softly. 

Alex chuckled and nodded. “Don’t worry, I know you’re still sensitive, I’ll…” she started to pull herself off his length slowly. “Go…” she pushed herself upward to get his cock halfway out to his medial ring, “Slow…” 

‘Plop!’ his flared cock tip popped free from her wet cunt and caused the mixture of his cum and her pussy juices to drip and ooze out from the tigress’ coochie. Once Alex was off Tashi’s cock, she pushed against the computer desk and caused the computer chair that they were both seated in to roll backward slightly. Once there was enough room between Alex and the desk, she hopped off Tashi’s lap and walked out of the room to go get Tashi an icepack from the freezer in the kitchen downstairs. Tashi let out a heavy sigh as he watched his girlfriend hop off his lap and walk out of the room. Once she was out of sight, he looked at his semi-erect cock as it pulsed, twitched, and slowly started to soften and retract back into his sheath. He stood up from his chair and walked to the bathroom to wash up a little. 

Once he was washed up, he wiped his wet hands on his green t-shirt as he slowly clomped his way out of the bedroom and to the living room to go relax on the couch. He plopped his rear down onto the couch and looked up at the ceiling as he let out another heavy sigh. He rubbed his balls with one hand and waited for his icepack. He closed his eyes for a moment. 

“Here ya go,” Alex smiled at the horsey on the couch and handed the blue ice pack to him. It took Tashi a bit before he opened his eyes to meet with Alex’s, and when he did, he tried lifting his hand up to take the icepack but winced and whined again as his balls suddenly had an ache spike. Alex’s eyes widened and she quickly sat down on the couch next to him and gently moved the hand with the icepack in it to place the icepack against his balls. Tashi gritted his teeth and shivered as the cold icepack touch the leathery skin of his crown jewels. Alex pulled her hand away just a little when she heard him shiver and waited a few seconds before she put the icepack against his balls again. It took the Clydesdale a few minutes to get used to the super cool temperature being right up against his balls. 

His ball ache calmed down as Alex held the icepack against his balls and he looped his arm behind the couch and over Alex’s shoulder to hold her against him. 

“Is that better?” Alex asked with a large smile spread across her face. 

“Yes,” he smiled at Alex and pulled her in against his side some more to plant a kiss at the top of her head, in between her two fuzzy ears. “Let’s watch something, I don’t think we can play games with you holding that against my balls,” he chuckled. 

The two sat there on the couch, snuggled against each other, Alex’s hand holding the icepack to Tashi aching balls for a few hours before the icepack lost its cool temperature after being pressed up against Tashi’s warmth for so long. Alex peeled her eyes from the TV and squeezed the icepack a few times to check and see if it was still cold or if her hands had gone numb from holding it for so long. It was room temperature now. Alex paused the show they were watching on the TV and turned to Tashi. 

“Do your balls still hurt?” she tilted her head to the side slightly. 

“Yeah, a little bit,” the equine replied and nodded his head.

The tiger leaned over and smooched the horse on his cheek before she pulled the icepack away from his balls. “Okay, I’ll go get you a cold one.” She hopped off the couch and ran off towards the kitchen. Tashi watched her run away, his green eyes focused on her tail as it flew behind her like a kite. He smiled and watched her heart-patterned butt as she disappeared behind a corner. 

He put one hand down to touch his balls again and they still ached, but a lot less than earlier. He waited on the couch for Alex like a good horse boy. He began to gently massage his aching balls, and unknowingly, he coaxed his own cock out of its sheath into a semi-erect state in a matter of a few minutes. 

Then, he heard the doorbell ring. 

‘Ding-dong!’ the doorbell to their house rang. Tashi turned his head to look behind him towards the door before he slowly stood up from the couch. As he stood up, his balls ached a little harder and his knees wobbled a little bit. “I’ll get it!” he shouted towards the kitchen and wobbled his way towards the front door. He looked down at his semi-erect cock and looked around to see if he had anything that he could use to cover himself up with. He then realized that they were in the bottomless district and had been for a few months now. He chuckled and started to walk his way over to the front door. 

“Ah,” he winced and whined as he made his way towards the door. With just a few steps left before he reached the door, he saw an orange, black, and white blur fly by him and beat him to the door. Tashi stopped in his tracks and caught his breath for a few seconds as Alex answered the door. 

“Heya Alex!” greeted a familiar voice as the door swung inward. Alex smiled wide and greeted the Saint Bernard in a brown polo shirt with a big brown box in his arms and a little barrel on the collar around his neck. 

“Hey, Jonah! Wow, that was quick!” Alex smiled at him. Tashi took the last few steps that would take him to the door and joined Alex’s side with a smile of his own at the large canine delivery man. “Hey, Jonah, what are you doing here?” Tashi asked with a friendly smile directed towards him. 

“Oh, I have a same-day delivery package for an Alex Marx!” He shook the box he was holding and caused some of the contents inside the box to slip from the not-so-secure top of the box and drape over the side. A long line of condom wrappers with a horsed symbol on them. The barrel that was connected to his collar also had the word “LUBE” written on it with a Sharpie in all caps. Tashi looked at the condoms that peeked out of the giant box and the barrel of lube and turned to Alex with a raised brow and a blush forming at his cheeks. “Is that so? Are you ordering condoms in bulk now?” he asked his girlfriend teasingly. He reached his hand down to gently place it over her rear and grabbed it. A soft red blush formed at her cheeks too, and she placed the icepack that she just grabbed from their freezer right up against Tashi’s balls. 

“Sorry, he has a ball ache,” Alex said and looked down at the horse’s crown jewels before she looked back at Jonah. “Could you bring it inside for us? It’s probably too heavy for me, and Tashi is in no condition to be handling heavy things,” Alex chuckled and continued to hold the icepack against Tashi’s balls. She and Tashi stepped away from the door to allow the Saint Bernard into their home. 

“Sure thing!” Jonah said with a cheerful smile as he took steps and walked into the house. 

“How’s the husband, by the way?” Alex asked the large and fluffy canine with a smile, to which he smiled back even wider and blushed. “Ah, well, today’s our anniversary, and I have a nice home-cooked meal surprised for him, I made it before I came in for work today.” The Saint Bernard’s tail began to wag behind him, showing that he was super-duper happy. He put the box down inside the house and unclipped the barrel of lube on his collar and set it right next to the unmarked brown box. He then walked over closer to Alex and Tashi and handed a little electronic device to her with a pen attached to it by a string. “And I’ll need your signature!” 

Alex signed for the delivery and the large canine turned on his heels and was on his way. “Have a good day, you two!” He took off his hat and waved to them as he walked through the door. 

“Do you need an icepack for you and your husband tonight?” Alex asked him teasingly as she and Tashi stood by the door and watched him skip his way back to his delivery truck. The Saint Bernard turned around laughing. “Good one! Maybe! We’ll see!” and he got into his truck and began driving away to make his other deliveries around the neighborhood. 

Tashi reached for the door and closed it in one swift push and turned to look at Alex, who was still holding that icepack firmly against his leathery sack. 

“He’s the best delivery man, I wish we got him back in the upper district,” Tashi said with a soft smile. 

“I know right? I really like him.” She cooed. 

“Do your balls feel better yet?” Alex asked again as she looked down at his balls once more. 

“They still ache a little bit… Why? Do you want to have sex again?” Tashi asked with a raised brow. 

“I’m just worried, I feel kind of bad making your balls ache.” She chuckled softly. 

“Well, I want to have sex again,” Tashi said with an adorably goofy smile with his tongue stuck out of his mouth. 

“Wait, really?” Alex squinted at him. “You just said your balls still ache.”

“Are you going to give me the quarantine blues?” Tashi frowned and pouted a bit, but used the hand placed on Alex’s rear to squeeze it firmly. 

Alex stared at Tashi in silence for a few seconds. 

“D-Did you just make a pun?”

“Yes, I did.” Tashi smiled at her, this time not goofily, but seductively. 

“Take me to the bedroom and ravage me.” Alex replied. 


Art by Jailbird 

Tashi by TashiGibson 

Jonah by AlextheCatte and  TashiGibson  



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