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“So, you want me to fuck your personal assistant, Mistress?” The tall blue-haired tiger asked. He stood still as Alex, his mistress, adjusted his leather harness over his chest. The tigress had to stand on a stool to properly reach the leather straps on her boytoy’s shoulders. Ty’s blue eyes locked to Alex as she moved her hands around his torso to make his harness fit perfectly. 

“Mhnm,” Alex murmured as she pulled on the harness and collar a few times to make sure that they were on properly and well-adjusted to fit him. The last tug was a hard one to pull the handsome saber-toothed tiger’s face down closer to hers. With her muzzle hovering mere inches from his circular ears, her lips pursed up into a smile. “Consider this a New Year’s gift for being such a good boy for No-Nut November,” Alex resisted the urge to give Ty’s ears a gentle bite and instead bit down on her lower lip.

“Thank you, Mistress…” Ty felt a bit fuzzy inside and the fur on his back and shoulders stood up a bit. Goosebumps! 

Alex held onto Ty’s collar for a moment before she let go, nudged him away, and hopped off the stool. She took a few steps away from Ty and turned back around and put her hands on her hips. “Perfect,” she cooed as her green eyes took in the eye candy that was her boytoy all dolled up in his harness and collar. Ty stood up straight and puffed his chest with a coy grin spread across his face. 

“Do I get to take the cage off?” Ty asked and gestured his hands down towards his pelvic region, where his cock was locked up in its cage. It was a different cage to what he had on back when Alex was getting him to complete No-Nut November; this time his cock cage was curved downward so that he wouldn’t be able to cheat and still stick his dick into things while it was caged. It was a lot tighter, too! The metallic cock cage locked to Ty’s large cockring that looped around his dick and under his large balls with a shiny gold industrial-grade padlock Alex had bought at a hardware store. She was taking every precaution, there was no way Ty was getting out of this cage without Alex doing so for him. 

Not that Ty was ever going to complain about that. 

“Yes, Ty, you’ve been a good boy, you’ll be getting the cage off and your dick wet,” Alex chuckled, her eyes fell to his caged cock right as it became the topic of conversation. His cock twitched in the cage and was even leaking some pre. Alex had kept him locked up in this new cage for two weeks now, so he was feeling pent up almost all the time. Ty’s face lit up like a light bulb and his tail wiggled around behind him with pure excitement. 

“Not right now, though, I’ll take it off right when I want you to stick your dick into her. I still intend to tease you, make you squirm, and make you work for it a little,” she brought her gaze up to meet Ty’s and smiled innocently at him. One would never be able to tell that the tigress spoke of such sin by looking at her smile. Pure innocence on the outside, an absolute sex demon on the inside. 

Not that Ty was ever going to complain about that, either.

He did let out a mrowl though. 


Alex chuckled, walked up to put her hand on his cheek, and pat him on his soft cheeks three times. “That’s my boytoy, don’t worry, she’ll be here soon.” 


It didn’t take Sky long to travel from her place to Alex’s, even on the bus it only took a few minutes. Hopping off the bus and walking up Alex’s street, she was greeted by the guard at the gate and let onto the property without any issue. He did ask her why she was dressed so casually, since she usually wore more formal clothing to come to work, though. 

“Oh, the boss told me to wear something casual, yoga day, I think,” she replied. 

With her hands in the front pocket of her hoodie, Sky walked up the gravel pathway to Alex’s front porch and stood in front of the large double-door entrance to her boss’ home, shifting from foot to foot nervously. She didn’t understand why she was nervous; she’d been to the house plenty of times. Heck, she even had her own bedroom that she slept in sometimes when the job required it. Maybe it was because Alex set up a playdate of sorts between her and Alex’s boytoy. Sky shivered at the thought as she reached an arm out to press the doorbell. The pictures of that tiger Alex showed her, couldn’t leave her mind. He was big, muscular, and he looked like he could fuck for hours on end. That last part scared her somewhat, but not enough to overpower the arousal she also felt around the idea. 

Not to mention that this “Ty” guy had big saber teeth like Alex, and dreads for days. The thought of those alone made Skylar drool. 

The poor wolf’s hands were trembling as she reached for the doorbell, but she finally pressed it and waited. 



Alex and Ty waited for the red wolf to arrive in Alex’s bedroom. The tigress sat on the edge of the bed while her boytoy sat on his knees and attended to Alex’s legs. Ty pulled on Alex’s latex stockings over each of her legs and massaged her paws while Alex pulled her lengthy latex gloves on and made sure her fingers were in the right slots. After pulling them on and letting them go with loud slaps, both of the toofcats’ ears flickered to the familiar sound of Alex’s doorbell. 


Ty got visibly excited and gritted his teeth as his cock grew and pressed against the cool metal bars of his curved cage. He gently set Alex’s paws down, stood up, and held his hand out to Alex to pull her up from the bed and onto her feet. 

“She’s here,” Alex said with a soft smile. She squeezed Ty’s hand gently before she pushed him down onto the bed. Ty landed butt-first on the bed and looked up at his mistress with a confused look. “You’re going to wait for her here,” she said as she placed her hands on her hips and looked down at him. 

“Yes, mistress,” Ty murmured and leaned back on his hands. 

“Good! I won’t be long, I promise,” Alex blew Ty a little kiss before she slipped out of the bedroom and ran downstairs to go get her assistant.

The tigress zoomed out of the bedroom and down the spiral staircase of her home down to the front door. She grabbed the handle on one of the doors, pushed it down and pulled the door open inward. The tigress stood nude in front of the door as it opened, leaned forward with one arm against the doorframe, and put the coyest of smirks on her face. “Hello, Skylar,” she said in a growly tone. “Come on in.” 

Sky’s eyes went wide as the door swung open in front of her and she was met with a naked tiger wearing latex stockings, latex gloves, and a leather collar around her neck. Her eyes darted down to Alex’s pussy and lingered there for a moment before they darted back up to her eyes. She shook her shock and awe at her boss not wearing anything to come get her at the front door and followed her inside when the tigress turned around and walked inside. The red wolf closed the door behind them and quickly ran a few steps up the stairs to catch up with Alex. 

As they walked side-by-side up the staircase, Alex turned to look at the wolf and smiled. 

“Now, you’re still up for this, right?” Alex looked Sky up and down to check out what she was wearing. “Did you bring what I told you to?” 

Skylar nodded quickly as a red blush formed at her cheeks. “Y-Yes, boss, I’m still up for it, and I’m wearing the harness underneath, just like you asked,” the wolf’s tail wagged behind her.

‘Swish, swish,’

She was excited. 

“Good,” Alex cooed as they reached the second floor of the house. Alex led her assistant to her bedroom door and stood in front of it. She put one hand on the door handle and brought the other to drag her fingers under the wolf’s chin. “He’s in here. Ready?” 

Alex curled her fingers around the door handle, ready to open the door and head inside. 

The red wolf paused for a moment and bit down on her lower lip. She nodded after a few seconds and smiled, “Yes, ma’am.” 

Alex grinned, opened the door, and they both went inside. 

Ty was still sitting on the bed when the door to the room swung open and the two ladies walked in. His ears perked up and he turned his head to the door excitedly. His long and striped tail flickered and wiggled behind him. 

“There he is,” Alex cooed, she then stepped aside and gestured her hands in the direction of the bed. Ty still was still leaning back on his arms, his entire build up on display, with his leather harness and curved cock cage adding a bit of kinky flair to it all. Ty let out a soft mewl from the bed as his cock twitched and pressed more against his cage.

Sky stepped into the room and held her hands together shyly as she was introduced to Alex’s naked boy toy. He was big and buff, just how Sky liked her men. She and Alex had a lot in common when it came to their tastes in men. She couldn’t stop looking at that hunk of a feline Alex had wrapped around her finger. The harness he wore, that cock cage, and his build… If she stared at Ty for much longer she would have been drooling all over the place.

Alex turned to face Sky, placed one hand on the wolf’s shoulder, the other under her chin to hold it up, and leaned in to whisper into her ear. 

“Now, remember, I’m the boss and he’s my boytoy,” she put clear emphasis in her tone to make sure Skylar understood what this arrangement was all about. “You’re my assistant and I’m giving you to him for today as a bit of a reward, so the hierarchy is me, him, and then you, understood? Whatever he says, goes, and whatever I say, is final.” 

Alex’s whisper lingered in Sky’s ears for a few seconds and caused her to shiver. She loved it when her boss spoke to her like that. “Y-Yes, boss. Understood.” The tigress grinned as she heard Sky’s response, “Good!” Alex spun on her heels to turn to Ty and gestured her hands in a motion that made the male stand up from the bed. Once he was on his feet, Alex barked out an order to him. 

“Back against the wall, please,” she smiled. 

Ty backed up against the wall and stood there silently. His eyes watched his mistress and her assistant, eager to see what would happen next. 

The tigress then took steps towards the bed. She threw out an order for Sky as she closed in on the bed. “Take off your clothes, show Ty what I told you to wear for him,” 

The red wolf blushed pink at the cheeks upon hearing the order. However, she did not hesitate to pull the hoodie she had on over her head and tossed it aside. Underneath that hoodie she got rid of, was a green harness, a matching green collar, and a shiny pendant that dangled from in that resembled a particular kind of sharp teeth; a golden saber-teeth amulet, matching the overbite that Alex and Ty had in common. The red wolf had a flat chest, which had Ty tilting his head for a moment, but when he saw the pendant and the harness his head went back straight, and his tail began swishing uncontrollably behind him. One look at him and one would be able to tell how much he wanted to pounce his reward and rip the jeans right off of her. After she removed her hoodie, she brought her hands down to the buttons on her jeans and began to undo them, slowly, just like Alex had suggested she do. 

“Tease him, make him want you, he’s pent up as fuck. I haven’t let him cum in two weeks. Make him want to unload in you,” Alex said as she continued her slow walk towards the bed. Her eyes were locked to Ty’s and her grin remained permanently plastered across her muzzle. 

With her buttons undone, her bottoms dropped to her ankles and she kicked them to the side. Ty’s eyes went even wider when he saw what the wolf was hiding underneath those blue jeans. Sky’s cute little pussy stood out from the green harness that wrapped around her torso and thighs. Green leather contrasted really well with the mixed shades of light and deep red that Sky’s fur was. The boytoy’s eyes went straight for the pussy and stared at it for the longest time, long enough to make Alex chuckle and mock him for it. 

“You realllllly wanna stick your dick in there, don’t you?” Alex asked as she climbed onto the bed and got comfortable. She laid on her back on the side of the bed that Ty was standing near, spread her legs apart and ran her hands up and down her figure teasingly, all while looking at Ty. 

Ty struggled to keep a straight face as he watched Sky strip down to her nothing but her harness and fur. He struggled more when he saw Alex on the bed spreading herself for him out of the corner of his eye. He let out a mewl and a whine as he stood there helpless against the wall. Despite not being physically restrained with ropes or chains, he couldn’t leave that wall, not without his mistress’ orders. Ty didn’t want to disobey her orders, not when he was this close to getting his reward for being such a good boy.

With both Sky and Alex now nude, the tigress turned her attention to the wolf and waved her to come to her. “Join me on the bed, Sky,” she cooed. Sky skipped her way across the room to the side of the bed Alex was on. Alex scooted just a little bit and pat the space next to her. “Here,” she purred, “Right here in front of the good boy.” 

Alex’s assistant hopped onto the bed and laid partially on top of her. Alex helped pull her closer to her by placing her hand on the wolf’s thigh, this caused the wolf’s legs to spread apart, her pussy now fully on display for the tiger standing up against the wall a few feet away from her. 


Ty bit his lip and whined more. His blue eyes darted in between his mistress’ and her wolf assistant’s pussies. He let go of his lip and then licked his lips. He was eager to get his dick went, hungry for all that pussy that was laid out in front of him. 

“Psst,” Alex called for her boytoy’s attention, but his eyes weren’t moving from the two pussies he was presented with. 

“Pssst. Hey, eyes up here, sweetie,” Alex tried again, this time she was successful, and Ty’s eyes came to meet with her gaze. Alex brought her hand up and pointed a finger out at Ty, then she used that finger to gesture for him to walk over to the bed. Seeing Alex wiggle her finger, Ty almost sprinted from the wall to the bed, had there been more distance in between, he could have beaten the world record for the fastest 100-meter sprint. Within a split second, he was beside the bed, his cock hovered over Sky’s thigh and twitched visibly in its cage. 

“Mrowl…” Ty let out a sound that he only did when he was feeling eager. He stepped in closer to the two ladies and quickly grabbed hold of Sky’s left leg that stuck up in the air. His knees pressed up against the soft mattress of the bed and his caged cock hovered directly over the red wolf’s pussy, the cool metallic cage barely missing the small wolf’s cunt. Ty leaned forward slightly and brought himself into a position where he would have been easily able to slide his cock into Sky’s cunt had he not been locked up in a curved cage. 

Sky stared at Ty’s musculature and shivered. 

“Do you want to breed her, Ty?” Alex asked with a smile as she watched her eager boytoy hold Sky’s leg and whine. 

“Y-Yes, mistress, I would like to breed h-her..” Ty whined again and curled his tail around his leg. He stuttered a little when he spoke as his carnal urges took over and disrupted his speech a little bit. He was visibly excited, and who wouldn’t be? 

Alex grinned wide and kept her wolf assistant close. “Sky,” she whispered in the wolf’s ear. The wolf turned her head slightly and brought her muzzle in towards Alex’s neck in the process. “He hasn’t cum in two weeks, do you want him to cum inside you?” The tigress’ tone was slightly growly and had a hint of sultry in it. Sky shivered more and nodded slowly as a red blush concentrated at her cheeks. “Yes, please, I want him to cum inside me.” Alex trailed the fingers down Sky’s sides, latex-clad fingers through her soft fur and stopping way down low at the wolf’s cunt. She rested her hand up against her mound and gently rubbed her fingers into her lips. This caused Sky to gasp softly for air as she felt her sensitive flesh against her boss’ digits. Alex rubbed Sky’s cuntlips and clit up and down before she dug her fingers in between her lips slightly and spread them apart. 

‘Schlick.’ Her pink flesh exposed. 

“Yeah?” Alex asked with a raised brow, “Let me hear you beg him to cum inside you,” she cooed and pressed her nose into the top of Sky’s muzzle. “Beg,” she whispered into Sky’s ear, again. 

“P-Please, f-fuck me…” 

That was exactly what Alex wanted to hear from her assistant. Happy with her cute little beg, Alex fumbled around awkwardly for a few seconds as she reached her hand under the pillow on the other side of the bed to grab what looked like a small, yet complicated gold key. She then quickly tossed said key towards Ty, who despite his eagerness and excitement to stick his dick into his reward, was still able to raise his left hand up to grab the key from mid-air. He quickly opened his fist to find that the key was for his cock cage and he went wide-eyed. 

“Mhnm, time for you to enjoy your reward,” Alex cooed and nodded to Ty as he brought his wide-eyed look of awe to her. Ty hesitated and just held the key in his hand for a moment, but then took a step back and brought the key down to unlock his cage. His hands fumbled around his groin area a bit and he made a few clinking noises with the key before there was a satisfying click. 

‘Click’, his cage was now free. It slipped off his cock and fell down onto the floor where Ty then gently kicked it to the side. Once his cage was far away, he stepped back up to the edge of the bed and used his hip to push Sky’s thigh, his now semi-erect cock slid over the wolf’s spread pussy. Ty’s foreskin glided over his reward’s wet cunt and pulled back to reveal his pinkish-purple cock head underneath that hood. A few pulses later, the big male boytoy was already rock hard. 

Alex and Sky watched Ty’s cock harden as it glided over Sky’s pussy. Sky moaned, and Alex giggled. The tigress stopped spreading Sky’s pussy with her hand and used that hand to hold Ty’s dick instead. Ty let out a little mewl as he felt the latex of Alex’s gloves wrap firmly around his shaft. Ty took in a deep breath as his cock pulsed and twitched in Alex’s grasp, the underside of his cock still rubbed against Sky’s properly wet cunt. 

Sky still had her head turned and her muzzle against Alex. Her eyes, however, were fixated on the action going on right at her pussy. That big and meaty cock, that latex-gloved hand, it all made her wonder whether Alex had been able to see her internet browsing history, there were so many kinks that she was into being incorporated into this little playdate.

The tigress began to rub her cheek along her assistant’s muzzle, she then turned the muzzle rubbing into a kiss, parting her lips and pressing them into the wolf’s. Sky pressed into the kiss, too. They both closed their eyes and let their tongues touch and swap some saliva. Ty grinned from his top-down view of the two girls making out and gently began to rock his hips back and forth, dragging his cock and Alex’s hand that gripped it over Sky’s pussy some more. This was already proving to be one of the best rewards his mistress has even given him. 

Sky allowed her boss’ tongue to lap over hers and glide into her mouth, and Alex allowing the same. The feeling of Alex’s rough tongue against Sky’s soft one was oddly satisfying, which lead to the two girls to kiss even sloppier. Ty continued to watch until he couldn’t take the teasing anymore. 

“Can I stick my dick in now, mistress?” Ty asked as he stopped moving his cock along Sky’s cunt. He could feel Sky’s wetness and warmth on the underside of his cock, he knew she was ready, but needed to ask permission from his mistress, first. 

Alex didn’t pull away from the make-out session with her assistant to answer Ty’s request to get his dick wet, instead she gave him a slow nod, “Mhnm.” Her grip on his cock loosened just enough to allow him to move his dick around freely and aim it at Sky’s entrance. Ty moved his tip and pressed it right up against the wolf’s cunt. He stopped, left his cock kissed to Sky’s pink lips for a moment, and watched the two girls wrestle tongues. He smiled, pressed one hand down onto the mattress for support, and gently pushed his hips forward. The pink tip of his cock spread Sky’s cunt open slowly, being significantly smaller than Ty, her pussy provided a little pushback and required Ty to push in extra hard to make sure his cock went in. His eyes never left the two kissing girls, and the grin on his face was permanent. He huffed and puffed as his dick slowly and steadily sunk inside his warm reward. 

Sky let out moans as Ty’s cock slid into her and spread her warm pussy walls open. She could feel the sheer size of him pushing in and his veiny dick pulsing against her rigid walls. The wet sound of him sinking in all the way until his balls lightly rested against her ass was the most satisfying sound in the entire world. Despite moaning quite heavily, she still kissed and made out with her tigress boss.

“Aaah,” her moans were slightly muffled by Alex’s tongue and lips pressing against hers. 

Ty, balls deep inside his reward wolf, kept his dick completely hidden (save for the slight outlining bulge along Sky’s stomach) inside the canine for a few seconds. He panted, bit his lower lip, and let out mewls of pleasure as he basked in her warmth. 

Alex, on the other hand, reached for her handy-dandy horse dildo she kept at the side of her bed just for this occasion and brought it onto the bed to align it with her pussy. The pink and brown speckled toy was one of her favorites. She pressed the flared tip up against her cunt and began to grind against it to get herself a little more wet before she was to push the toy deep inside her. 

The boytoy pulled his hips back after a while of leaving his cock resting and pulsing inside. Pulling back caused Sky’s pussy to grip on his cock and tug his foreskin over his tip. Ty shivered, and pulled his cock almost all the way out, leaving just his hooded tip inside. Then, he pushed his cock all the way in again and slowly began to thrust his cock in and out. His balls slowly picked up the pace of slapping against the red wolf’s rear. 




“Haaaaah, fuccck…” Ty moaned, picking up the pace as his cock slammed in and out of the flat-chested girl’s cunt. 

Sky felt his cock fill her up and leave her, then fill her up again. The balls slapping against her ass gave her that extra little kick as she and Alex continued to make out. 




‘Schlck,’ Ty’s cock made wet and sloppy noises as it pumped in and out. His cock shot out some pre and a mixture of his pre and Sky’s juices splashed out from between both of their legs and soaked Ty’s pubic tuft on both his pelvis and his balls.

Alex pushed her horsecock dildo into her pussy and let out soft moans as it spread her pussy wide open. Large horsecock was good like that. She downed the 12-inch toy to the medial ring easily, and more, even. She pushed that toy up inside her all the way until she felt it bump into her cervix, then she pulled it out, and pushed it back in. Repeat. 




Ty grit his teeth and squinted his eyes shut as he felt himself creeping closer and closer to orgasm. Sky and Alex moaned and panted as they too closed in on their climax. Alex pushed and pulled the horse dildo in and out of her cunt at high speed, while Sky got her cunt thoroughly bred by the world’s 'goodest' boy. This whole time, neither of them pulled their lips apart. 

They just continued passionately kissing. 

Letting out a grunt and gripping the sheets with his hand, Ty thrust his cock into Sky one last time and shot out load after load of sticky, hot, and white cum. The first few ropes were contained inside Sky, but after about three, his cum began to squirt out of her and make a mess all over Sky, Alex, and Ty. Alex reached to grab one of Sky’s hands in hers and their fingers intertwined right as the tigress felt herself reaching her tipping point. 

The kiss between the two girls finally broke when they both began to cum and squirt. A string of saliva connected their lips and their tongues hung out of their mouth.

“Hnnnng…” Ty moaned. 

“Aaaah,” Sky moaned. 

“Hnnaaahh,” Alex moaned. 

The three rode out their climax together, as Ty’s cum oozed out of Sky’s cunt and flowed down onto all of them. Alex squeezed Sky’s hand and Ty’s balls pulsed as he ejaculated his last rope of cum into Sky.

Ty pulled his cock out of Sky after he had emptied his balls into her. His cum spilled out of her more and continued to pour from her slightly gaped cuntlips; his cock still hard and pulsing. 

Alex panted and looked at Ty with a smile. “Did you let it all out?” she asked, smiling even with her tongue out. 

Ty nodded. 

Alex raised her brow at him and chuckled, “I think you haven’t…” The tigress reached her hand out to grab Ty's cock just like she did earlier. She aimed his cock towards her and Sky’s face. 

“C’mon, let it all out.” She purred happily. 

Ty whined and his cock wobbled up and down. Sky brought her gaze to Ty’s cock and watched as it bounced up and down. Then, a golden stream of piss shot out from Ty’s tip and landed right on Alex’s tongue. It splashed over to Sky’s tongue, too. Alex lapped at the musky piss and leaned her head in closer to Sky’s to continue their kissing, which they did. The two kissed in the middle of the piss shower for a few seconds before pulling back to stick their tongues out for the continuous stream of toof tiger pee. 

The gold stream of liquid soaked into Sky and Alex’s fur and the bed, thoroughly covering the girls in his scent. His stream slowed and turned into a drip. Ty let out a hefty sigh and grinned menacingly at his mistress and his new plaything. 

A reward thoroughly enjoyed.


Art by Jailbird 

Ty by TygerDenoir 



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