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Working at a diner during the late-night to early-morning shift was exhausting. Not only did you have to deal with the worst type of customers, but you also had to sleep throughout most of the day and miss out on activities that people did during that time. It wasn’t that bad for Alex, though, since that meant she would sleep for most of the day and wake up just in time for her boyfriend to be home. She’d spend the late afternoon/early evenings with him until it was time for her to go back to work around midnight-ish, again.

Alex and Tashi had recently moved in together, with Alex moving into Tashi’s much larger apartment in the rich district. She hadn’t been able to find work in the district yet, so she still had to travel to and from her old job. It wasn’t bad, but it certainly wasn’t ideal having to spend close to an hour in transit to work.

Today was one of her off-days however, so she woke up late and lazed around at home as she waited for Tashi to get home. She spent a part of the day doing small errands around the apartment; cleaning, some laundry, and unloading the dishwasher of the dishes from the day before. The majority of the day was spent watching Netflix or playing some computer games on her computer. After having enough video games and TV, Alex decided to spend the rest of the time before Tashi got home in the kitchen cooking up a nice dinner for them to both enjoy once her man walked through the door.

Alex decided to prepare some Thai food for Tashi since it was her specialty when it came to cuisine. Plus, Tashi was a big fan of Thai food. She pulled out all the ingredients she needed to make a vegetarian Tom Yum, Masaman curry, and deep-fried spring rolls. She also put some rice in the rice cooker, filled up the water to the first joint of her finger, and pressed cook. She turned on some music to cook to and began dancing around as she stirred the soup, the curry, and prepared the spring rolls for frying. As usual, Alex was bottomless, wearing nothing but her red sweater as the weather outside was quite cold, being winter and all. She did have an apron on too, though, to prevent any oil from splashing onto her and hurting her when she puts the spring rolls in. It took Alex a few hours to get all the food ready, and once she was done, the clock was just about approaching 4 PM. She set the table with plates, bowls, spoons, forks, knives, napkins, and glasses for both wine and other drinks. She even put some candles in the center of the table so that there could be some mood lighting during their dinner.

She was a romantic like that.

Once everything was set and done, Alex took off her apron and hung it up in the kitchen. She put the dirty pots and pans in the dishwasher and looked at the time before she quickly ran to the bathroom to get herself freshened up.

Tashi usually got home around 3 PM, but he was running a little bit late as one of his colleagues at work asked him to help him with a few bugs in some code. He texted Alex to tell her that he would be late but didn’t get a text message back from her. He was worried that she was upset. He knew it was her day off, and that she was spending the majority of it without him. He texted her once more when he was about to leave work and headed home.

Alex didn’t read his texts because she left her phone on the couch where she was lazily watching Netflix, and the music blasted as she was cooking drowned out any sound the text notification would have made. His second text announcing he was leaving work also went unread because she was in the shower.

Alex got out of the shower, dried herself off with a towel and hairdryer, and got into one of Tashi’s big hoodies. Nothing else underneath, as one should go about wearing your partner’s clothing. She went out to the kitchen and dining room to check and see if Tashi had found his way home yet, she frowned a little when she saw that he wasn’t there.

Tashi made his way out of his car and into the elevator of the apartment complex as fast as he could. He almost dropped his access card when he rushed to tap it on the doors. While Tashi was far from religious, he prayed to every god in existence that his girlfriend wouldn’t be mad at him. He got up to their floor and ran as quickly as his hooves would allow, to their door, tapped the keycard on the door to unlock it and went inside. He closed the door behind him quickly and pulled off his jacket. He hung the jacket on the coat hanger by the door and stepped into the apartment, calling out to Alex.

“Alex? I’m home. Sorry, I’m late, a friend asked me to help him with his code. I texted you but you didn’t read it.” He poked his head into the living room and spotted a striped tail flickering about on the couch’s armrest while the rest of the tigress was laid out on the couch and playing with her phone. “I just saw your text,” the tigress stretched her arms over her head as she yawned. Tashi could smell a hint of something in the air, pleasant, but also slightly irritating to the nose, a classic characteristic of Thai food. He walked over to his tigress girlfriend, knelt by the couch, and placed his chin on her belly. His green eyes locked to hers. “Is my little tiger mad at me?” he asked as he pursed his lips into a playful frown. Alex chuckled and shook her head, “Nah, I just really missed you,” she cooed and brought a hand up to place right on top of his long horse snoot. She stroked his muzzle up and down slowly. Tashi neighed happily, he was relieved that his girlfriend wasn’t upset with him. He closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy the snoot strokes she gave him, opening his eyes when he wanted to say something, “You look good in my hoodie,” he stuck his tongue out at her. “Laundry day, and I had to throw my sweater in the hamper,” the tigress gave a silly excuse that they both knew wasn’t true. Tashi lifted his face and chin up off her belly and brought his face mere inches from Alex’s. His chin brushed up against her big saber fangs that stuck out from her mouth. Alex chuffed and purred happily and Tashi pressed his face in to smoosh their lips together in a passionate kiss. He tilted his head to the side slightly and let their lips seal together. They both closed their eyes, and Alex parted her lips just enough to let her tongue slip into Tashi's mouth and glide over his.

The kiss lasted for a minute or two, with both of them passionately allowing their tongues to explore. When they pulled away, a single thick string of saliva connected their lips. Tashi used his wrist to wipe away the saliva on his lips and broke the string, and Alex licks her lips doing the same. A soft blush formed at Tashi’s cheeks and he looked away from Alex a little bit. Alex sat up and brought a hand to Tashi’s cheek to turn his gaze back to her. “You’re blushing like you did when we first kissed again, we’re already dating, you shouldn’t be too shy to look at me.” She chuckled. Tashi nodded slowly, “I know, I know, and you’ve even moved in with me already, haha.”

“It’s cute, though,” Alex added, “Very cute,” she gave his cheek a soft rub with her padded digits. Tashi stayed quiet and enjoyed his cheek rubbing for a moment before his nostrils flared as his nose picked up that soft hint of Thai food again.

“Is that dinner I smell?” Tashi asked. He brought his hand to cup over Alex’s as she cupped his cheek.

Alex played the innocent card. “What dinner?”

Tashi chuckled. “I can smell something spicy, somewhere…” He sniffed the air a bit before he pressed his nose down into Alex’s belly and sniffed. Alex let out a soft giggle as she was slightly ticklish there. “I have no idea what you’re talking about…” Alex continued with her innocence play. Tashi couldn’t smell any hint of food on Alex, his nose only picked up soap and shampoo as she had just showered before he arrived. “I am very, very thirsty though, aren’t you?” Alex raised a brow at her boyfriend before she pushed herself up off the couch completely and onto her feet. Shen then quickly tugged Tashi up onto his feet and dragged him over towards the kitchen, only to quickly turn the other way and go towards the bedroom instead. Tashi was confused as to where Alex was going. “I thought you said you were thirsty. The water’s in the kitchen.” Alex hummed some sort of tune as she quickly skipped towards their bedroom, “Oh, uh, I have a nice bottle of tea in our bedroom, I left it in there!” Tashi didn’t know exactly what Alex was planning, but he knew that there wasn’t going to be any tea to drink in the bedroom. Cats and their ulterior motives!

Once they were in the bedroom, Alex didn’t bother closing the door behind them and just quickly shoved Tashi towards their bed. Tashi chuckled as he stumbled slightly towards the bed. He turned around and put his hands at his hips. “Alright, where’s that tea?”

“There is no tea,” Alex said with a chuff and a purr. “I just wanted to bring you here so I could suck your dick!” Cheerful, she was. Tashi wasn’t exactly caught off-guard, he was expecting Alex to not have tea in the bedroom as she first claimed, but he wasn’t expecting her to be so direct about wanting to suck his cock. Tashi rubbed the back of his head a little and smiled bashfully at Alex. “Uh, what?”

Alex chuckled, pulled Tashi’s oversized sweater off, tossed it to the side, and slowly made her way to Tashi and the bed; one foot in front of the other, like a tiger stalking its prey. Her retractable claws poking out with each step she took as she was pressing her paws down considerably hard with each step. Five steps and she was right in front of Tashi, looking up at him with the biggest of grins spread across her face. She brought her hand, pressed it into his chest, and nudged him down to sit on the side edge of the bed. His rear landed on the mattress and he looked up at her. Alex then reached down to grab the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head and off him. Tashi lifted his arms to make it easier. The horse’s chest rose and fell with his breath, once his shirt was pulled off Alex could see her lover’s firm and muscular build in all its glory. She licked her lips and then gestured for him to stand up as she slowly lowered herself down to a kneeling position. Tashi stood up slowly to not knock Alex over as she sat down and he put his hands at his waistband, unbuckled his belt, undid his button and zipper, and pulled his pants down to his ankles. He lifted one hoof at a time as Alex tugged his pants free from him and tossed them to the side. Now in nothing but his bright green boxer briefs with a dark green waistband Alex brought her gaze to his crotch. “Cute,” she chuckled, pressing her nose up against his bulging green fabric. 

‘Sniff... Sniffsniff.. Snifffff.’ Alex sniffed at his bulge and took in his scent. His musk that came directly from his sheath and balls. After a long day of work, the freshness from his shower this morning was barely there anymore. Instead, replaced with sweat, pheromones, and a hint of piss. Just how Alex liked it. She couldn’t wait to get her tongue in there, and of course, she didn’t have to. Her green eyes shot up to Tashi, who was looking down at her. Tashi shuddered and smiled at her as she took in his scent. “I thought you said, y-you were thirsty?” Tashi let out a soft moan as he felt Alex’s nose press against his bulge. Alex pulled away from his bulge just to respond. “If this isn’t me being thirsty, I don’t know what is.” She chuckled and pressed her nose right back into his concentrated musk for another huff or two. Tashi’s cock slowly inched out of its sheath, pink tip gradually emerging, followed by the rest of his speckled cock. It began to push against the fabric of his boxers and created a bit of a tent. His tip pressed back firmly against Alex’s nose and she slowly pulled away. She bit her lower lip and looked up at him with a look he knew very, very well. 

Tashi raised a brow at her and tilted his head slightly. His rear was cushioned right against the edge of the bed and his tail swished and swept across the bed from left to right as he kept his eyes on his beautiful tigress, who was nude and knelt down in front of him. His eyes couldn’t leave her, not even for a second. He was mesmerized by her piercing green eyes and hypnotized by those beautifully sharp and curvy stripes that covered her body. His gaze locked with hers for a moment as his cock continued to grow and push his boxers to its limit. The tigress brought one of her hands up to tug playfully at the dark green waistband, tempting his cock with freedom, causing it to bounce up and down slightly. Tashi continued to watch Alex, as degrading as he sometimes thought blowjobs could be, he’d be lying if he said that he did not enjoy seeing such a dangerous predator on her knees. 

Alex slipped her fingers underneath his boxer’s waistband and hooked her claws into them. She kept eye contact with the horse and slowly started pulling her hands down and the waistband of his boxers down with. It glided over his continuously growing cock and stopped right as his meat sprung free from its restrictive covering. His cock shot forward toward Alex’s face, his tip smacked her right on the muzzle and laid draped over her face. She squinted her eyes shut when she saw the horse’s cock launch towards her face. 

‘Plap!’ hard meat against soft fur. 

The tigress’ nostrils flared as her nose was now in direct contact with his cock. 

‘Sniff.. Sniffsniff.. Snifffff...’ She sniffed again and opened her eyes back up to look at Tashi once more. Tashi had gone into slight panic mode when he heard his cock smack against Alex’s muzzle. He was worried that he might have hurt her. But Alex was still giving him that look, so he let out a relieved sigh. “S-Sorry, he’s a little excited to see you,” Tashi chuckled and rubbed the back of his head shyly again. Alex chuffed and let out various other happy feline noises as she nuzzled and rubbed her nose into his cock, which was evidently, still growing. When his cock was fully erect and had stopped growing, it pulsed and twitched against Alex’s head. Alex chuckled and moved her head to the side to let the horse cock fall from her head and into her hands that she had out waiting to catch it. 

‘Flp.’ His heavy cock landed in her soft hands and Alex caressed it with her padded digits. She ran her fingers up and down his shaft, traced his medial ring, and rubbed gently around the slit at his tip. Tashi moaned softly and smiled bashfully at the feline as she toyed around with his cock. His cock twitched and pulsed in response to her touching his medial ring and his tip. His cock was rock hard and pointing out at an almost 90-degree angle to the ground. Alex took her eyes off his for a moment to admire his manhood. She licked her lips after just a few seconds of looking at his cock and brought her gaze back to his.

She licked her lips again. 

She let her tongue slip free from her lips and gently lapped at his blunt tip first. Her rough feline tongue gliding over his unflared tip and lathering his slit with her saliva. This got Tashi to squint his eyes shut and bite down on his lower lip. The first lick was always the most sensitive. Alex smacked her lips a few times and let out a satisfied sigh. Tashi always tasted extra good after work. Horse cock with a hint of salt, just how Alex liked it. She let her tongue lap over his tip again and again before she pulled away from his cock just a little bit and dropped both her hands from his cock. Her right hand fell to hold onto Tashi’s lower thigh, and her left hand fell to the bulge that remained in his boxers; his balls. Tashi chewed on his lower lip and let out a soft moan as her fingers curled around his balls possessively. It was here when Tashi’s cock started to leak clear and sticky precum. It started as a bead at the tip of his cock, but then grew bigger and started to ooze downward to the effects of gravity. 

“Ahh…” the horse moaned, putting one hand down on the bed to grip onto the sheets. 

Alex gave Tashi one last look, that same look that he knew very, very well. The look she gave when she wanted him in her mouth. He nodded when he opened his eyes and mouthed the words ‘Go ahead’. With the go-ahead, Alex was ready to give Tashi the blowjob of his life. The tigress opened up her mouth nice and wide and aligned her mouth up to his tip. She stuck her tongue out first and used it to scoop up the clear pre-ejaculate that flowed from his slit. The clear liquid puddled in the curve of her tongue and soaked into Alex's taste buds. Salty, again, just how Alex liked it. She then pushed her head forward slowly and took his cock into her mouth. His cock glided over her tongue and squeezed passed her two sabers and deeper into her mouth, slowly inching closer and closer to her throat. 

‘Glk, glk… Schhlpp..’ soft wet noises came from Alex as she swallowed more and more of Tashi’s spectacular speckled specimen. Her fangs acted as guardrails for his cock and prevented it from slipping out of her mouth. Tashi moaned and moaned, arching his back a little and tilting his head back here and there. He huffed, puffed, and sighed, too. Alex’s lips around his meat drove him wild every time without fail. His tail flickered and swept the bed as Alex pushed his cock more and more until it started inching down her throat. 

Tashi could feel when his cock was beginning to slip into Alex’s throat. Her mouth and throat felt drastically different. Her mouth was warm, extremely wet, and had that rough tongue added in, but her throat was almost hot, and a lot tighter than her mouth was. So, when his cock slipped into her throat, he leaned his head back again and let out a moan. 

“Fuuucckk…..” Tashi’s cock had gone down in her throat and Alex’s lips were just about running over his medial ring. Her grip on his boxer-clad balls tightened and she gave them a gentle, but noticeable tug. 

‘Glk, glk, glk,’ 

Alex was a champ at sucking dick. Tashi could never get over how well she was able to get his cock down her throat. With her eyes closed as she made her first trip to kiss his medial ring, she stopped, and let his cock sit in her throat for a few seconds as she opened her eyes and looked up at him. Tashi looked back down at her and stopped chewing his lip to smile at her lovingly. His girl’s bright green eyes, big button nose, and sharp sabers looked cute as she slobbered all over his cock. Unsure of what to do next, Tashi rubbed the back of his head again, “Tasty?” he asked as he blushed tomato red. Alex furrowed her brow at his question. She couldn’t answer with her mouth full of cock. Instead, she used her free hand to grab Tashi’s hand that was only idling at his side, curled her fingers around his, and pulled his hand up to the top of her head. She dropped his hand right between her ears and closed her eyes again. She then pulled her head back and his cock started to retreat from the back of her throat, slowly slipping free of the tighter and warmer hole and out into the looser and wetter one. She pulled her head off his cock, revealing one that was now saliva-polished. 

‘Slrp, slrp, slrrrrp.’ She pulled her head back until the only thing left in her mouth was his blunt and unflared tip. She gently chewed on his tip, saliva dripping off her chin, and pushed her head forward again, sinking his cock into her mouth and down her throat all over again. Tashi’s hand in her hair gripped a little and gently helped push her head down on his cock. Alex purred and chuffed with eyes closed, her head pulled back again, then pushed forward, her lips bumping against his medial ring over and over again as the tip of his cock scratched the back of Alex’s throat. 

Tashi’s hand got heavier as they went on, pushing for Alex to increase the pace of her sucking. 

‘Fwwp, glk, glk, slrrp.’

“Gaaah... Haaaahhnnn…” Tashi moaned, his cock pulsing as it glided over Alex’s teeth, tongue, cheeks, and throat. Alex could feel it, too. She took in and let out heavy breaths through her nose, her hand cupping his balls massaging and tugging them even more frequently. 

‘Slllrrpp… Slrrrp, Slrrrp, Slrrrp, Slrrrp,’ Alex continued to suck his cock, faster and faster with the aid of Tashi’s hand on the top of the tiger’s head. 

“Fuuuuccck…” Tashi neighed and snorted, his tail thumped wildly against the bed and his hand that gripped the sheets gripped even tighter. He squinted his eyes shut as his cock pulsed. He pushed Alex’s head down as far as he could on his cock, her nose pressed up against his fur and her chin against those balls she was holding. 

‘Glk, glk, glk.’ Alex gagged visibly a few times before she was able to control her gag reflexes. His cock tip flared in her throat and his balls pulled themselves up to tuck against the base of his cock. 

Pulse, pulse, pulse, and splort. 

He shot his cum directly down Alex’s throat, skipping her mouth entirely and directly depositing his thick, white, and creamy seed into her stomach. Alex let out muffled moans and continued to chuff and purr. She rolled his balls in between her fingers, making sure that every single drop that was made in there came out. 

‘Glk, glk, glk,’ Alex swallowed his cum as it sprayed down her throat. She opened her eyes and watched Tashi’s face change expressions as he climaxed. She managed to keep from blinking the entire time he emptied himself inside her. Green hues watching cutely and innocently as she swallowed his seed.

It took a good minute or two for Tashi to empty his balls into Alex’s throat completely. Once the last rope of cum shot out from his tip, his cock continued to pulse in Alex’s throat, causing a visible bulge. When he pulled his cock out of Alex, he held her head firmly with his hand. His cock slipped out from her through and mouth with an audible ‘plop!’ and flopped around freely before slowly retracting back into his sheath. Saliva and cum flung around when his cock slipped free from the tiger’s lips. A string of saliva connected Alex’s lips to her boyfriend’s cock for a few seconds before gravity ran its course and caused it to snap and disappear. Alex opened her eyes, licked her lips a few times to clean them of the cum and spit remnants before she stood up. She stretched her arms over her head in a yawn and walked over to the discarded hoodie. She bent over to pick up the hoodie and slipped into it. 

Thirst quenched. 

Tashi panted, sat down on the bed and fell back to lay on it. “Whoa…” he panted, “That was insane…” he stared up at the ceiling and began chuckling. He pushed himself up onto his elbows and watched as his tigress girlfriend slipped back into his hoodie. When she was done, she turned around to face him and smiled before putting both hands at her hips. 

“Dinner’s ready,” Alex said with a soft purr. A bit of sultry in her tone. 

Tashi furrowed his brow and gave Alex a confused look from the bed, “Wait, what? I thought you said you didn’t make anything.”

Alex laughed and walked over to the side of the room to grab Tashi’s shirt and tossed it to him. Tashi caught the shirt and started to put it on. 

“I was bluffing, I made Thai food. C’mon, I’m hungry,” Alex gestured for Tashi to come with her. Although she did not wait for him and quickly turned on her heels and headed out of the bedroom. Tashi fumbled around to try and quickly put his pants on. He gave up halfway and kicked them off entirely before he dashed out of the bedroom. 

Tashi really liked his tiger.

He also really liked Thai food.


Art by Smileeeeeee 

tashi by TashiGibson 



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