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Tashi was incredibly nervous; his knees felt weak and his hands were shaky. He stood in front of the bedroom mirror and stared at his reflection. He wore a green V-neck shirt that clung tight to his torso, showing clear outlines of his muscular build and nothing else from the waist down. His hefty sheath and balls hung free of the usual constraints that boxers and pants came with.

Alex had convinced Tashi to go out and do something fun with her and while Tashi was hesitant, all he ever wanted was to see Alex happy. So, he set his weariness and discomfort with the idea aside and waited for Alex to be ready. He started to sweat a little, despite not wearing much clothing that would cause him to do so.

The horse sat on the edge of their bed, with both his hands on his thighs and his fingers idly tapping at them as he tried his best not to think about how bad of an idea what they were going to do was. Wiping his forehead free of his sweat, the Clydesdale let out a gentle sigh. It was right then and there that Alex came strutting through the doorway with nothing but her red sweater on. Her bottom half bare, like she always was back when she lived in the bottomless district. She had a brush in her hand and was going through her hair with it, making sure her hair looked presentable since they were going to be in public.

“Are you ready?” Alex smiled at the nervous horse. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, we can just stay in and lay around all day.” The tigress purred as her tail swished and swayed around behind her calmly.

Tashi shook his head, “Nu-uh, I promised you I would, besides, I think I could use the thrill,” he chuckled nervously, still. Alex walked over to the edge of the bed where Tashi was sitting and climbed her way onto his lap. Her legs straddled his sides and she wrapped her arms over his shoulders. “There’s a lot of trees, no one is going to see us!” Alex reassured him.

The equine still looked a tad nervous, concerned, too. His ears were drooping slightly, and he was giving her that smile that said, ‘I’m fine, but I’m also not sure if I am really fine, please help’. The tigress brought a hand to Tashi’s cheek and stared into his eyes. “It’ll be super fun; we’ll be there together!” Alex cooed happily.

Tashi nodded slowly as the nervous smile slowly began to fade. “Okay, okay, let’s go then, shall we?”

“Mhmm.” Alex nodded and purred. “Then c’mon, get your car keys,” she cooed her words into the horse’s ear. Tashi shivered, nodded, quickly lifted her off his lap, and set her back on her feet as he stood up. He then grabbed his car keys from the nightstand right by the bed. They jingled in his hand.

The two decided to spice up their fun times with a little sexcapade. Alex had found a big park with a lot of trees and ponds where she thought they could engage in outdoor sex in. The thought of having sex with her boyfriend out in the open where someone might see them excited her, more than she was willing to admit. That, and Alex was willing to do many, many things to get to see her horsey go bottomless again!

Alex stretched her arms up above her head and let out a soft yawn before she turned to face Tashi again. She took his hand in hers and tugged him on as she walked out of the bedroom and then out of their apartment.

They were able to get to Tashi’s car without raising any suspicion. It’s not like there’s always people out in the halls of the building. Plus, the apartment that they lived in had an underground parking garage! So, all they had to do to go by unnoticed, was get the elevator and take it down to the parking garage! As they approached the car, Tashi hurried a little and went over to the driver’s side of the car while Alex went to the passenger’s side. With bare butts, pussy, sheath, and balls, Alex and Tashi quickly got into the car, closed the doors and buckled up. Both of them let out a bit of laughter once they were ready to drive out.

“Haha, I didn’t realize the parking levels were this cold.” Alex shivered as she spoke.

“Yeah, me neither,” Tashi chuckled as he put his hands on the steering wheel. He curled his fingers around the leather of it, making it squeak just a little. The Clydesdale put his hoof on the brake and pressed the button to start the car. The car vibrated as the engine came to life, Tashi then put the car into drive and started slowly pulling out of their marked parking space. Alex watched Tashi as he drove for a bit before her eyes dropped down lower to his lap where his heavy sheath and balls rested nicely between his legs and in the car’s seat. The equine’s balls were tucked quite tightly up against his sheath due to the cold of the parking garage. Alex snorted softly and reached her hand down into Tashi’s lap to give her horsey a nice ball-warming session.

Her little hands cupped his balls and she smiled at him while he drove them out of their building and out onto the street. Tashi’s eyes remained focused on the road as Alex worked her warm hands on him to help him relax a little more as he drove.

The drive wasn’t a very long one, their destination was a large nearby park. It felt like a long drive for Tashi though, he was very anxious that they’d be stuck at a red light for too long and people would be able to look through the car’s windows to see that he and Alex weren’t wearing anything from the waist down.

Tashi drove them around the back of the park until he found a place they could leave the car. Once the car was in park, Tashi dropped his hands from the steering wheel and down to his bare thigh and Alex continued to cup his balls for a few more seconds before she pulled her hands away. She brought her hands to her nose and sniffed them a few times, chuckling as she did so. After she took in the scent of Tashi’s sheath and balls that had soaked into her hands, she turned to him, with her hands still over her snoot. “Are you ready?” she asked as she quietly sniffed at her fingers some more. That horse musk was something she found a hard time pulling herself away from.

Tashi took in a deep breath and let it all out in a heavy sigh. He then turned to his tigress girlfriend and smiled. “Yes,” he paused for a second, “I’m ready.”

Alex grinned wide and began to giggle. “Good!” She then opened her door and slipped out of the car. She closed the door after she left the car and ran around to the driver’s side door. Someone sure was excited about this. Tashi let out another sigh and got out of the car. Alex took his hand again and clung to his side. Tashi made sure to lock the car before he and Alex started walking into the park. Their fingers intertwined as Alex led them deeper into the woody area of the public park. It went from being bright out to being considerably dark quickly with all the trees that started to surround them and block out most of the sun. Tashi looked around wearily to make sure that they weren’t followed by other people who were at the park.

“Are you sure this is a good spot? What if someone sees us here?” Tashi said, worried.

Alex scoffed as they continued to walk through the forest area, “Relax, no one is going to come all the way in here, it’s shady and spooky!” She chuckled.

“Shady and spooky is right,” Tashi looked around at the trees that surrounded them, for some reason where they were walking reminded him of the scary forest from Snow White.

“Relaaaaaaax,” Alex said with a very chill and relaxed tone, “No one is going to see us! We’re deep in the woods.” She reassured her horse boyfriend again. Tashi was still a little bit weary and worried, he looked over his shoulder over and over.

After about five minutes of walking, they arrived at a large tree that you couldn’t even see the top of. The trunk was massive, it looked like it was as long as a small car on one of its sides. Alex squeezed Tashi’s hand when they got to the tree. “And here we are,” Alex looked up at the tree for a few seconds before she brought her gaze to Tashi. The horse looked up at the tree too but brought his gaze to meet with Alex’s after he realized the tree was way too tall for him to see the top of from where he stood.

Alex gestured towards the ground by the tree when Tashi’s eyes came back to meet hers. She had the biggest smile spread across her muzzle and her cute striped tiger tail waved behind her excitedly. “Here! Get comfy!”

Tashi’s eyes followed Alex’s hands as she gestured down to the ground. There was a nice picnic mat, some pillows, a blanket, and a picnic basket on the ground. It was as if Alex had prepared the area in advanced! Alex walked around behind the horse and lightly nudged him towards the area that she had set up. Tashi fumbled forward but managed to stop himself from falling down and slowly sat himself down with his back up against the tree’s bark. Tashi looked up at Alex and watched as she sat down too, right beside him with her back against the bark. She let out a relaxed sigh and turned to the side to look at him, knowing full well that he was probably confused.

Tashi stared at her and raised a brow.

“What?” Alex furrowed her brow, “I wasn’t going to let us have sex on the bare ground! What about bugs and worms?” She let out a soft chuckle.

Tashi then nodded, “Ah, I thought you got me all the way out here just to have a picnic with you, half-naked.” He chuckled and pointed to the picnic basket that was also on the picnic mat they sat on. “So, what’s in there?”

Alex’s ears perked up and she turned to look where he pointed to, “Oh! That!” she reached for the basket and tugged it over closer to them. “It’s my toys!” She said excitedly.

“Toys?” Tashi asked, confused. “Like, LEGO?”

Alex snorted and started laughing. “No! No! I’d never bring LEGO out here, those are expensive, and I’d lose all the blocks!” She teased and stuck her tongue out at him. Alex pulled the picnic basket even closer to her, put both her hands on the lid of the basket, and turned to look Tashi directly in the eye.

“They’re my sex toys,” she said without an ounce of joking in her tone, her playfulness was full throttle, however. Tashi’s eyes went wide and he froze for a good five or six seconds before he blinked rapidly. “When did you-?”

“Earrrrly this morning, I fingered it’d be a lot more interesting if we had some toys to play with, too,” the tigress giggled as she opened up the basket to reveal quite the number of toys stuffed into it. Dildos, anal beads, strap-ons, cock sleeves, bullet vibrators, and a pink and white Magic Wand. The Magic Wand caught Tashi’s attention.

“I didn’t know you had a Magic Wand,” he teased and waggled his eyebrows up and down at her.

“Well, I haven’t had to use it since I met you,” she chuckled, pulling the toy in question out from the basket and handing it to Tashi. He blushed red, took it, and inspected it. He then pulled it to his snoot and gave it a few sniffs. She really hadn’t used it in a while, otherwise, he would have been able to smell traces of her.

While Tashi inspected the Magic Wand, Alex set the picnic basket aside, and slowly slid her way down to lay her head in his lap. Her nose wiggled and danced, and she shifted and shuffled around a bit to get her head in between his legs. Leaning on her elbows with her head in between his legs, Alex leaned her head down to press her nose into his balls. Her wet nose pressed against his sack, and she let her cool white sabers press gently against his sensitive orbs.

‘Snnnff… Snf. Snf. Snf.’

She took in the scent of his balls, his musk, straight from the source. The fur on her back stood up as she purred and let herself enjoy her man’s scent. Tashi was caught slightly off-guard when Alex slid her way down and made herself comfy between his legs. He only realized she was down there when she pressed her face up against his balls and sniffed.

“Oh Alex, aah…” he moaned and gripped the Magic Wand in his hand tight.

Alex looked up at Tashi with her tantalizing green eyes and grinned when she saw the look on his face was nothing but pure bliss. She was only getting started! After a few moments of breathing in his scent, Alex pulled her nose out of his sack and used her hands to cup and play with his orbs. She then let her tongue slip free from her mouth and dragged it over from the underside of his sack, up to the front, and up to his sheath where the tip of his cock was already peeking out to greet her. Her rough tongue gently circled the opening of his sheath as she tried to coax his cock out of it. Her eyes never left his.

Tashi bit down on his lower lip as he watched Alex worship his sheath and balls, his green eyes watched her pink tongue swirl around his pink tip that slowly began to rise from his sheath. The roughness of her tongue left no cock sheathed; it was one of the things Alex had no trouble doing at all. Just a lick or two and kaboom, his horse cock was out and ready to play. To Tashi, it looked like Alex hadn’t blinked once since she started coaxing his cock out.

His cock slowly and steadily rose from his sheath, starting with his tip, then the rest of his shaft inch by inch until all 15 inches of his manhood was out and rested over Alex’s face. Alex purred and rubbed against it lovingly as she sat upright so that her face was more leveled with his tip. She planted kisses on his tip, going around in a circle. Her eyes still locked to his face, watching his every reaction.

Tashi let out huffs and puffs of hot air from his lips, “Haaahhh,” He set the Magic Wand aside and brought his hands up to rub gently at Alex’s waist, now that she was sitting up.

Alex pulled away after she did kisses all around his unflared tip, leaving a small string of saliva connecting her lips to his cock. She took her eyes off his face for a moment to admire her work of getting him rock hard. A proud look spread over her face.

“You never cease to amaze me with how fast you can do that,” Tashi let out a sigh as he wiped off some sweat from his forehead. He let his eyes wander over Alex and a happy smile spread all over his face. He felt like the luckiest stallion alive, never in a million years would he have guessed that a tiger girlfriend from the bottomless district would be his dream girl.

Alex continued to kiss his tip after her short break to look at his cock from tip to balls, after three kisses, she parted her lips and wrapped them around the entirety of his tip. She sucked on his cock like a popsicle and slowly bobbed her head up and down on the first few inches of his cock. Tashi leaned his head back and moaned.

‘Slurp… Ulgg.. Glugg… Mhm..’

Alex slurped and gulped down on his cock.

Tashi let out a pant and brought his gaze back down to watch Alex’s head bob up and down. Distracted by the tiger slobbing on his knob, he didn’t notice two figures that walked up to them and stood right by the edge of the picnic mat.

“Ahem.” One of them cleared their throats to try and get the two’s attention. Tashi heard it and looked up to see two uniformed police officers standing over them with their hands on their hips.

“Uh, Alex,” he called to Alex to try and get her attention.

Alex continued to suck his dick, head going up, then down, then up again.

“Alex, love,” Tashi began to panic a little bit. “The cops are here,” he put his hand on her cheeks and slowly pulled her up and off of his cock. She resisted a little, but eventually, her lips popped right off his cock with a loud and wet noise, her head back and a bunch of saliva flying into the air.


Alex looked at Tashi with her brows raised first, a saliva string connecting her lips to his cock. “What was that for?” She asked. Tashi sheepishly gestured his head in the direction of the two officers in blue. Alex turned around and saw them.

“Ahhhhhh hello officers… Nice day for a walk in the forest?” Alex smiled at them. They were not having it. One of them brought out their cuffs, then the other followed, and they both gestured for Alex and Tashi go get up on their feet.

‘Crrrrrt, click!’

‘Crrrrrt, click!’

In cuffs, they were escorted to a police car, which took them to the station.

At the local police station, Alex and Tashi were removed from their cuffs and placed into a room with a height chart of the wall. They were handed boards with their names, their crime, and their case number on them to hold.

‘Alex Marx and Tashi Gibson, case number 0709-43VR, PUBLIC INDECENCY’

“You two, walk up here and line up,” a voice spoke from speakers that were installed on the wall. Alex and Tashi walked up to the white wall with the bright lights and the height chart. Tashi looked nervous while Alex looked rather calm. Maybe she’d been arrested before? When they lined up in front of the camera, Alex held up her little board and nudged Tashi, “Hold up your board.”

Tashi almost jumped. He did not like the situation they were in. How was Alex so calm? He pulled up his board and held it against himself.

“Look into the camera,” said the voice over the speakers.

They both looked into the camera.

Then Alex’s tail slithered its way over to Tashi, crawled up his leg, and the tip flickered, brushed up against his heavy free-hanging balls, and pushed them up a bit. Tashi’s eyes went wide and he turned to look at Alex.

Head turned towards the camera, but her eyes looking to the side at her horsey, Alex had the biggest smirk spread on her face.


Art by Vallhund 

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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