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It had been over a year since Alex had gone on a date. She’d gone out to eat and drink with friends, but those weren’t anything romantic. She had quite high hopes for her first date in such a long while, and boy, was she overwhelmed by how good it went. Alex met her date at work, she served his table during breakfast hours and things got a little bit flirty. It ended with him asking her out to dinner and a movie on the weekend. 

The horse who asked her out was from the upper district, the richer district, the district with the brighter lights and fancier cars, he came over to Alex’s diner for a bite to eat before a business presentation he had to give at one of the companies that were based out of the bottomless district. It seemed a bit odd that he would ask her out, but Alex liked him, he was nice to her when she served him at the diner and he showed a lot of genuine interest in her. That didn’t happen often with people who were from the other side of the city. 

“My name is Tashi, by the way,” the horse turned to her right before he pushed through the diner’s double door and left for his important business presentation. 

Alex was a little swooned, to say the least.

Tashi let Alex decide what they were going to eat and what they were going to see, she was a local of the bottomless district after all. There weren’t many fancy places to eat in the bottomless district, but there was a nice Italian place, which was where they went. The two shared a plate of vegetables, bread, and a bunch of other different Italian dishes. Alex laughed at his jokes, and he stared into her eyes, even saying that they were the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen.

Oh, and they shared a bottle of wine, the best wine in the district! It wasn’t anywhere near the best wine in the rich district, but it was passable. Alex couldn’t tell it wasn’t good, it was pretty good to her taste buds!

After their meal in Rome, the two stumbled out of the restaurant and headed north a few blocks to the nearby “Old Town Movie Theater”. Alex was visibly tipsy, Tashi less-so. It would take a lot more than sharing a bottle of wine to bring down a horse like him. They ended up picking a movie that they both wanted to watch at the ticketing booth, bought some popcorn to share (and to maybe soak up a little bit of that wine in their systems), and went in to watch their movie. They saw some horror movie that was packed to the brim with cheap jump scares and clichés. The jump scares still got Alex almost every time, though, causing her to jump in her seat and tuck her face away in Tashi’s shoulder. Tashi even brought his arm over her shoulder to hold her, Alex’s tail curled around Tashi’s leg. 

“That wasn’t very scary!” Alex shrugged her shoulders as they left the movie theater, Tashi pulling the door open and holding it for the tigress as she walked through it. “Those reviews said that it would be scary!” Alex scoffed, looking almost disappointed in the film as she turned around to face Tashi when he walked through the door and out and onto the street. The sun had long fallen beneath the horizon and the street lights lit up the streets with a soft yellow tint. Tashi began to chuckle as he walked to Alex’s side and stopped. 

“Says the one who was jumping out of her seat at every jump scare,” the horse stuck his tongue out at her and closed his eyes. 

Alex nudged him in the shoulder playfully, causing him to open his eyes and chuckle. 

“That’s why they’re called ‘jump scares’,” the tigress made air quotes with her fingers. “Doesn’t mean the movie is scary.” She shrugged her shoulders. 

Tashi chuckled again, “Okay, okay, tough kitty. I didn’t think it was scary either,” 

With the sun gone, the temperature outside was slightly chillier than usual, and with both of them being bottomless, they didn’t have anything to protect them from the chilly weather down below. Alex was used to being bottomless in the cold; however, Tashi wasn’t.

His balls clung close to his sheath, and he shivered slightly. 

“C’mon,” Tashi smiled at Alex, reaching a hand out towards her, “Let’s get you home, yeah?”

“Home?” Alex looked at him, slightly confused. She took his hand in hers and thought for a moment. Then, her eyes shot open when she realized that Tashi had to go home, too. “You came on the bus! What time is it? What time is it?”

Tashi raised his wrist to look at his watch, the always-on display on the watch said that the time was 12:22 AM. Tashi rubbed the back of his head and turned to look at Alex with a slightly embarrassed smile. “It’s uh… Almost half-past midnight.” The look on Alex’s face got slightly more panicky. Tashi gritted his teeth. “Is that bad?”

Alex nodded and let out a bit of a sigh, though she chuckled at the end. “Yeah, the last bus to the rich district left at midnight.”

“Ah, well…” Tashi continued rubbing the back of his head. “I can walk you home and then take a taxi back.” He smiled. 

Alex shook her head and tugged on the hand she was still holding. “No, no, there aren’t going to be any cabs for you this late, you can sleep on my couch.”

Tashi raised a brow at Alex, “Really? It’s only our first date, you sure you want me staying over?” He teased, his tail flickering left and right behind him. 

Alex chuckled and began walking in the direction of her place, tugging Tashi along with her, their arms swinging a little as they walked down the street. The dimly lit streets barely had cars, a stark contrast from the bustling streets of the rich district. That wasn’t to say that there weren’t any people. 

“Thank you, Alex, for tonight,” Tashi smiled at her as they continued to walk. He squeezed her hand and watched for her reaction and response. 

“Thank you for asking me out! I had a very nice time,” the tigress smiled at the horse and purred happily as they approached Alex’s building. 

Alex and Tashi stopped at the steps of her building and turned to one another. 

“Does this mean I’ll see you again?” Tashi grinned, slipping his other down to hold Alex’s, now holding both of her hands in between them. 

Alex raised her brow at him and let out a soft laugh. “Well, unless you leave before morning, we might have to schedule a second date, but if you stay for breakfast, you’ll get to see me tomorrow, yes.” She chuckled and blushed, her cheeks going red and her cute smile radiating a lot of warmth around them. 

“Heh, that’s right,” Tashi looked down at his hooves for a bit and chuckled. “Silly me, but what I meant to ask was if you’d like a second date.” 

Alex did not hesitate to nod. “Yes, of course. I’d love another date.” Alex purred louder. The tiger’s tail curled around Tashi’s leg. 

Tashi looked down when he felt the tiger’s tail curl around him and looked up to return his gaze to Alex again. His eyes and hers locked together and they admired each other for a moment. They got lost in each other’s eyes.

Tashi then let go of both of Alex’s hands and brought them up to cup her cheeks. He then pulled her in for a kiss. He tilted his head to the side, closed his eyes, parted his lips, and pushed his tongue out. Alex did the same, tilting her head the other way just slightly, closing her eyes, parting her lips, and pushing her tongue out to touch his. His lips tasted sweet, her lips tasted savory, her tongue was rough, and his tongue was smooth. Tashi brought his thumbs to rub along Alex’s two big overbite fangs, and they held the kiss for a good moment. 

When the kiss broke, Alex panted a little. She and Tashi then started to chuckle. 

“Well,” she smiled wide, “Do you want to come inside now?” 

“Yes, I would love to,” that horse from the other district nodded and smiled. 


Art by Omesore 

Tashi/That Horse from the Other District is by TashiGibson 



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